(2012/12) Dec 2012

Thank you everyone
Really appreciate ur words
Will try again soon

chu chu:

Ya ya correct. cold water & warm water is easy to swallow. if room temp i find it difficult to gulp down my throat..

Can rest awhile closing eyes in office?


Jia You!! *hug*
Cherry83, take care and build up your health during these 3 months.

Chu_chu,same here. I cannot drink room temp water too, only warm water. I love warm stuff !
cherry, hugz. Take care ya.

Rgd skin fair anot, i think most depends on the parents. Me and hubby are the "bai di" type, ie fair type. So my boy also quite fair. He will get tan easily after a swim, but a few days later he will turn back to fair. Last time when i was younger, it took me a very long time to get myself tan. Almost went tanning every weekend (thus my nick :p)cos i dun like to be too fair. Fair makes me look fat whahahhaa...i used to swim and dive but have stopped for almost 2 yrs le. Seems like its gg to be another 2 more yrs before i can go back to diving! Sob sob..missed the sea sooo much. Now i am becoming "yellow"..hai, not tan, not fair..so ugly.
For girls, most people would prefer her to be fair. But for boys, does it matter? Do I sound very bias? Oops...

I agree with sun tan. Fairness depends on the parents. I listened to a friend that his MIL drank a lot of soya bean drink when she was expecting his SIL and the SIL is very fair. As for his wife, his MIL did not drink so she is tanned. After hearing that, I drank at least a glass a day during my #1, but she still turns out tan. Hee...
sun_tan ~ envy u can go diving T_T sad i cant overcome my fear in water cos i happen to drown b4. Tried scuba diving in sea oso cant, i cried out when the water touch my ears.

my hb is tanned tanned but i'm scared to be tanned. Haha. can u imagine my daily routine applying of whitening lotion on body and legs >< Scared to be tanned and yet luv the sun ~ lols.
Snowen, it's normal to have more discharge during 2nd/3rd trimester if I didn't remember wrongly. For what reason I can't remember. can try google it.
ya, a lot of stories about fair and dark..i am very fair but my brother is dark..my mum says she drank a lot of coffee when she was expecting him..haha..
snowen, nope, dun think to have anything to do with soya bean cos i drink n eat alot of it and dun really have an increase in discharge.
Just got my Oscar results.. 1:14000
Phew... Can start to buy some baby stuffs

Any reviews on Philips Avent Steriliser / warmer / bottles / breast pump?
Snowen: if possible try to avoid soya beancurd. Cos the ingredient of forming it is not good for us. Hmm but I think Lao ban beancurb should be okay cos it's pudding type.
Chu Chu : I find her very caring too. My husband gets along with her and the good thing is that she gets him to get involved in everything. Very encouraging and understanding, knowing that we are first time parents to be.
Xta : Is that 14,000 or 1,400? Never seen a ratio that high before? Nevertheless, Congrats! You can now heave a sigh of relief.
My gynae called me and tell me in Chinese 一万四千。unless her cheena salah. Anyway she say very low, don't worry,.

I think she look at my name and think I am prc -.- cos my surname is Chen! Lol!

I am already 29 this year, not young la! Going to be high risk for my next kid maybe!
Today... i realise i can't zip up my usual work pants liao.. >.<
Belly Band to the rescue.. but hub complain that i am squeezing bb.. cos it look tight!

@kidomum: Yah.. i have shortness of breathe too.. even from walking briskly to Gynae office when my name was called, i was panting and i had HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE lol! Gynae ask me to calm down hahaha
Kidomum: I do! The other day I moved some big bags of things, just dragging on the floor about half a metre, also panted. Probably due to our increased blood volume and increased heart rate. Even mild exertions will make us feel as if we've been exercising.
Xta: What belly band are you using? Got pic? I'm quite noob, the other day I used hair elastic band to hook the buttons... :S

Ya I do. Sometimes when waking up in the morning i aso will feel breathless &amp; panting.

But everyday I will aso climb the overhead bridge to work, so can train my 'stamina'
haha Xta, now then u cant zip up? I cant zip up long long ago le!

Tonight gg for my gynae visit. Will try to eat lesser today :p hopefully the scale doesnt show me horrible results!
I'm going for my scan today. But would not know the results till I see my gynae next week.

These few days have been having insomnia again. Kept getting hungry in the middle of the night and so got very anxious of whether I'm hungry or not, thus affecting my sleep. Don't know how to break out of this.
Yes I am easily breathless. My #1 is walking faster than me.

I dont have heart palpitations but I get breathless.

DL - are you able to take milk? Milk will help you to sleep.
++First Gathering for Dec 2012 Mummies++

To celebrate our 2nd Trimester!

Date: 14th July 2012

Those who are keen to join, please join our fb group and reply to the event invite (details in there *secret secret*)

Hope we have a good response!!
I usually have milk and wakes up for bread. But these make me wake up every two hours or even more frequently. And I'm worried if I don't eat in time, my puking will start (which usually happens). So I think I'm very worried about that and so my mind kept thinking about my stomach and so couldn't sleep. I'm so so frustrated over it.
Hi mummies, I just gave birth on 5th May 2012, and had tried to use Medela Freestlyle to pump, but well… first, my supply is not perfect, and I feel that Freestyle is not suitable for me.. Thus, im selling it away. I’ve used a couple of times since I gave birth… Can email me at [email protected] if interested.

2nd hand set selling for $450 includes:
• 1 - Freestyle pump
• 1 - Lithium ion battery
• 1 - AC adaptor/charger
• 2 - Medium (24 mm) PersonalFit™ breastshields
• 2 - Large (27 mm) PersonalFit breastshields
• 2 - Freestyle breastshield connector bodies
• 1 - Set of tubing
• 2 - Membranes
• 1 - Hands-free accessory kit
• Instructions for use
Breastfeeding Information Guide
• 1 - Insulated cooler bag and ice pack (UNUSED)
• 1 - Black microfiber tote bag (UNUSED)
• 4 - 5 oz/150 mL BPA-free breastmilk bottles and lids (I’ve used the one from the box but will include 6 brand new medela bottles that I’ve gotten extra instead)

DL, maybe you can try having a heavier supper before gg to bed. With full stomach, should be able to last you till morning? I think its all in your mind. Tell yourself that you are already full, not hungry, wont puke then go to sleep.
hi ladies m new in this tread.. M EDD is 2/1/13 but doc said will early like dec coz m having twins.. M in my week10 le.. juz wana noe anyone expereience diarrhoea during first trimester?? Coz whenever i drink milk or vitagen or soya bean milk i will diarrhoea.. Is it normal??
hi blur_xuan,
congrats on your twins!
i get more constipation than diarrhoea. So far only one time after I had egg mayo sandwich.. I think that day the egg wasn't very fresh..

DL, my hubby bought it for me from Spring Maternity. I think it can only last until end of 2nd trimester.. when our belly gets bigger, I think it can't be used oredi..
Joyce: Belly band just look like a piece of tube.. u wear it over your belly + pants to conceal the zip + button u left open.

I find the belly band looks better than the belly belt. Belly belt ppl can see that u never zip haha..

I buy M size.. i think too small.. think can't wear for long.. ...
