(2012/12) Dec 2012

Just wondering do all nb diapers now have the cut out portion at where the umbilical cord shld be? Cos I used many poko for #1 & it has the cut out portion. This is quite impt to me cos my #1's umbilical cord dropped a bit too early, a few days after discharged & then got infection & pus.

So this lil window is good to prevent constant friction agst the umbilical cord(wound).
the other day we bought 6 packs of pampers newborn for our fren when she came home from hospital..i think it was all used up before 3rd week...
Gals, I actually told my boss and colleagues about my pregnancy when I found out at 5 weeks. Reason is hubby wants then to be able to understand when I'm not well. Generally, most are ok and a bit concerned but my partner at work immediately resigned and said she does not want to have to deal with the shit at work when I goon maternity leave. So my dept is now struggling cos she's already gone and I'm still on hospitalization leave.
So u will see e genuinely good and bad in people once they all know you are pregnant lot. Sad but I guess life is like this. And the worst thing is my colleague that resigned, we used to be so close and I actually supported her throughout her two pregnancies. So sad the friendship had to end like this but at least now I know. You don't always get friendship when you give it. Sorry for ranting ah. I saw the discussion on work and just had to let it out.
Joyce: tks for checking... Will check with mr joker when I next visit him.. Btw, next wk he still on leave leh.. I think so.. U call up clinic n check with the nurse.. I koe one of the nurse is on leave this wk too..
U muz b thinking too much.. Baby E is fine.. Sleeping lah.. By another 2 wk my bb wil b 12 wks.. Wonder can see wat aldy.. Haha.. Like forgot the process Liao.. As in which wk will hve develop wat function.. Hehe
You dun worry too much ya..
dear mummies,
I am new here. My EDD is 10 Jan but would like to join this thread. This is my 3rd pregencies..#1 and #2 edd were Jan but end up Dec babies. I assume this one will also be another Dec baby.
Hi mommies,

im new here. im 13 weeks now and yesterday just found out we are having a prince. EDD is 9 dec. happy to join this thread. this is no2. waited 4 and half years for no2. finally.
Daph, don't be upset. At least your pregnancy can show you who is true and untrue to you. Cheer up, bad friends go, good friends will come.

Why is it only June.........?? Can Dec comes fast? hahaha....
you're the first to see baby's gender in our thread..congrats!!

i gotta wait till end of month for my next checkup... long wait...
asamgelugor: so soon can find out the baby gender? i wish its my turn soon... if its a gal,she's going to be chilli padi! so fussy.. only like sour, hot and spicy food... hehe
Asamgelugor: your nick is super long! Hmm you are fast! 13 weeks able to know the gender Alrdy! Think you are first one among the dec mums here detect baby gender!
my#1 and #2 are boys. We are hoping for a girl but we are fine with another boy as long bb is healthy.

Any mummies her above age of 35?

Gynea : Dr Lisa Chin
Hospital : Glen
Been having very bad MS over the weekends. Vomitted until my blood came out. Feeling very miserable. Aren't we suppose to get better already?
snowing: It's an SG mother, nice to get to get some local perspective for once. The entry kinda gave KKH a bad name though. Regardless, last week I met up with my bestie who's in the medical profession, she mentioned that KKH holds the world record for the fastest delivery-to-C-sect (I forgot what term she used, basically means to convert to emergency C-sect midway through normal delivery procedure), at 7-8mins. Incredible.
DL, I also puked out blood yesterday. till now my throat still feel sore.

Yesterday was just horrible, almost black out while driving. puked lunch and dinner out, then puked blood too.

i think for boy easier to see, and my gynae say confirm very boy haha. girl is shy so not obvious.

DL: hope you feel better soon. do take MC and rest if not well.
DL: OK good that your care provider knows... let's hope the sickness ends soon for you. Must be very tough and worrying puking blood :S
Yes. I feel so awful puking so much. Want to check the mummies here who are due earlier, if their MS already subside?
Haven't had time to read for a while. Just popped and was shocked to see DL and Fluffy puking blood, blacking out. Hope you have consulted your gynaes on your condition? Hope both of you get well soon.
asamgelugor, Congrats! yup, u r the 1st to know gender among us.

Do you guys have prob when brushing teeth? I always feel like vomit when brushing teeth in the nite, thus making me sick to brush teeth every nite. This consider worst case?

I hoping Sat to come. Having appt with gyne check up again.
Sometimes is the mind playing tricks to make u puke..

Like i just drank milk and it went down well.. but when i think about puking, it refluxed ... zzz.. must faster pop a mentos to keep things down...

Hmm try changing toothpaste brand/flavour? then the brain wont associate the taste to puke?
Joyce: I think its individual experience on the hospital. Maybe this mum happen to have bad experience which maybe others dont.

Anyway this is to share and encourage all mummies here that even the blogger can survive the triplets pregnancy, we all can too!

Fluffy: Could it be u hurt ur throat during puking thus the blood? Its better to inform ur gynae abt it.

asamgelugor: Congrats! So excited that u manage to see the gender at wk 13!
Littleantz: you can try changing your toothbrush to a smaller one. Or what I also do is that I will brush without toothpaste first, then after that do another quick brush with some toothpaste.
Good morning all! And big welcome to all the new mummies!

Wanna leave your details here so I can update the table?

Child no #?
Gender (if you know already)

sasayeo - I won't recommend Drypers for newborn. The sticker part (if you know what I mean) makes a loud "zap zap" sound when you remove it. It startled my baby a lot. I used huggies instead.

But my #1 upgrade to S size within the 1st month. So I think we only used about 3 packs of NB size.
Asam: woww so fast can see the gender.....
happy for u

Xta: i also really don't like milk make me want to puke but nothing come out
san: If i drink my cold HL milk i am ok.. but my MIL HEATED MY MILK and put in thermal flask...

then the more i think the more gross it felt.. LOL!
thanks pommes for updating the table,

Nickname asamgelugor
EDD 9 dec
Gynae Dr Vincent Lee
Hospital MtA / TMC
Child no # 02
Gender boy
hi mummies,

how is everyone doing? I see a lot of MS talks going on. As for my MS, I get it on and off. same as i had for my #1. but this time i feel more tired... i wonder if its bec of the weather.
sure is boy if can know the gender now. Coz boy very fast can know le as the bird is obvious! I knew my #1's gender at 3 months also.
Xta: heated the milk!! Hahas omg~ anyway if you don't like powder milk can just drink fresh milk. In fact fresh milk had lower fat content when compare to powder milk. And powder milk will increase mummy weight alot if drink regularly.
As for toothpaste! I encounter too will puke after brushing teeth. I think it's the smell of the toothpaste. Maybe can rinse mouth with water first before brushing and do a quick brush to avoid puke!
Jellow: Yeah.. precisely.. heated my HL milk
Usually she will make hot milo and put in thermal flask for me. Today when i pour out is white... -.-" i was thinking was this powdered? then i realised is my fresh milk! ewwww.....

My Mil dun let me drink/eat cold stuffs... and ytd i have to sneak an ice cream in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.. lol! My hub was sniggering when he saw me digging the freezer for ice cream when my MIL is asleep.
Xta: think you better pour away the heated milk as in the first place it should serve n drink cold! Hahas ur mil so strict. Mine say cold drink can drink de lah cos my mil is a coke lover! -_-|||
