(2012/12) Dec 2012

This morning tried to puke.. but nothing.. T.T

Yar.. i have headaches nowadays.. keep on sleep and sleep.........

Hoepfully tonight i will be ok. Need to study for exams!
hello, those mommies with a girl and a boy, do u feel any difference for the pregnancy symptoms?
i'm expecting my 2nd child. feels there is difference when i had my first baby boy. this pregnancy i feel more tired and sometimes so weak that i have to lie on bed whole day. couldnt eat normal meals too. and having sore breasts and bloating which i didnt experience for my 1st pregnancy. and prefer sweet stuff too. wondering am i expecting a girl?
ya me too have headache...at nite cant sleep properly...

im having gastric from all this nonsence...cant eat cant drink.... i really dont know what to do....
omg, i've been having tension headaches for almost a week.. and i thot i was the only one.. in fact, it was so bad i took a day off from work yesterday..
My tastebuds are off..

My mac Fries tastes bland
Need alot of chilli to go with it.

Today ate Bakuteh for lunch. Colleagues say salty, but i find it alright. Gosh -.-
yup... never thought of having another kid till we felt Rishi might be lonely... and of cos thanks to encouragement from our Aug 07 mummies...
In my 8 weeks only. I'm getting a hang what makes my MS bad and what will not. oily food, rice, too hungry, too full will make me feel terrible.

I like soupy stuff now. will quickly stuff a biscuit into my mouth once I feel hungry. it helps!

mi_baby - my gynae said if having a boy, generally the mummy won't feel too bad. Cos the male hormone from the baby will balance the high level of estrogen or progesterone in our body.

so in contrast, having a girl will make the mummy feel much worse. cos too much female hormones.

Haha... but after saying so much, he ended with "is not scientifically proven" so... just take it as entertainment ;p
yup, there was a time when i asked if its too late to have a second kid as Rishi was already 4 yrs old. and all of them said nooooooo... hehehe... so here I am lah...
My #1 also makes me vomit like nobody business, everyone guess it's a girl but in the end its a boy! LOL...

So I dun believe in all these gender guessing liao...

This one also makes me vomit..And I feel full after abit of food..MS is bad especially in the late afternoon onwards...And constantly tired...think age is catching up! LOL
Pommes, m also 8 weeks and 1 day if i calculate correctly... my EDD is 31.12.12.. so far far

MS seems hard to handle since morning, feeling like puking but nothing comes out..

Dun remember #1 being in this state!
Yep yep agree. I think can't really base on ms or no ms for gender. My ex-colleague had no ms for both her sons and her daugther! Lucky woman!

My ms is very mild this time but I'm not sure if it's bcos the pregnancy might not viable this time round. Previously I threw up 5-6 times a day. Everyday was like a counting down. And i cldn't stand the smell of chicken/pork soup & coffee.
Anyway, my ms only got real bad the previous two times after gynae made me take hormone pills.
hmmm guess we got to wait for another 2 months to know the gender -_-
btw my top half of the belly button has start to pop out. so fast compared to 1st pregnancy..
Joanne, ur settings of fb is private ? cos cant find u when search ur email.

Sasayeo, u nid to add her as ur friend then can invite her to the fb group.
Hi mummies..
My edd actually is 5 jan but it can move to end dec..be it naturally or by c sect.. My #1 is c sect..and for the 2nd one i havent decide whether i want normal or csect..
Anyway i wish to join this thread

Oh..my gynae is dr adrian woodworth too..i see that some of the mummies here are actually seeing him too..glad to know..
Mi_baby.. My 1st pregnancy n this one are different too. Last time my ms n heartburn vr vr bad...this time so far no ms, only sometimes just no appetite to eat n feel bloated..but not everyday feel like this..so still bearable. Dunno what it means if the symptoms we experience are different, does it mean we'll get diff gender too? My no 1 is a boy..

Haha! Now still early to say "dun want anymore!" I used to say that all the time until my #1 starts to ask for a sibling..Once he was telling me he will be all alone in this world when we died...I tell u, tears welled up after I heard that.

That's why I am going for #2 .All because of his request...
MummyKoh, ur #1 so sweet! i see liao, heart also melt!

ask my #1 if he wants to be korkor, he shake his head "no"... then again he is only 17mths prob still doesnt know...

MS started to get really bad yesterday.. cried myself to sleep last nite. so unbearable.. does ms start so late? m now 8th weeks... OR just beginning of the "nightmare" ......

Ya, My #1 quite mature and sensible for his age. So very blessed to have him, that sometimes I am worried whether I am able to share my love equally for this #2. Cos both hubby and I are very close to #1.

I also having bad MS for this week. (I am 8 weeks plus). Mine normally start around 3 to 4pm and goes all the way into the night. Feel bloated after small meals, but gets hungry again..Everyday eat, vomit, eat again...Vicious cycle..My back also aches terribly...Bear with it, cos MS shows the pregnancy is progressing towards the right direction (I had a miscarriage last year, and there's no MS. So I am in fact grateful that I am having MS now even though it feels terrible!)...For the sake of our BB, we must press on! Jia you!
Hi all mummies, I am new here :) my Edd is 2nd Dec and this is my #1... hope to learn and share with all mummies here :)

JLJ I like to join the Facebook too, sent u a private msg, pls add me. thanks :)

MS normally peak ard 9weeks so that is why we 8weeks mummies might feel the MS is getting unbearable.

I really hope tt this pregnancy progress well cos I really dun want to thru it again. I'm having #2 because my hubby & I r both only child. So other than being lonely while growing up, my #1 also doesn't have any immediate cousins.
why must we go thru all this ms thing...its just so uncomfortable...

its really suffering mode...pregnancy is no fun at all...

when 3rd tri comes will be another torturing moment... sometimes envy those who keep getting pregnant and enjoying it....
Hi mummies, I am on Mc today. Coming down with flu.. Kenah from my #1... Juz saw my gynae to get some medicine and also have a peep on baby
. Now in my 12th week..

Was asking gynae where baby is now coz sometime when I lie down, I can't feel the bump.. He says baby is the right size now so no need to worry and we don't need to get too big this trimester.. Haha.
Flu bugs are everywhere these days..i also got the virus from my boy..
Tmrw going to see gynae..supposedly will be 7 weeks 6 days tmrw..really hope to see the baby..
As for heartburn..this morning i feel a little.. And not so much appetite also.. Cant wait to pass the 1st trimester
Oh gynae says no need to take folic acid oredi.. Just continue the multivitamin and start taking fish oil tablets.
Hormones pills also can stop oredi
I am praying hard that the OSCAR test next week goes well and bb is well too. Cant wait to stop the pills and injections. Both my butt now stiff like rocks from all the injections.
Welcome all new Mummies-to-be!

Do you want to leave down your details so that I can help update the table?

Child #? #1 or #2
