(2012/11) Nov 2012

mrs teo: yea i think u are right ley.. more comps follow MOM rule..

porky: YAY! good for u!

wendy: hmmm. i think it various from comp to comp! you shoul check with your HR! dont get too excited yet! I know for mine is 10 days for 2 kids, but seems like what mrs teo says, it depends on comp...
go double check with HR first!
tks cindy !

mrs teo, yeah ! u did ur NT last tues too ?

btw, did u all book for DS already ? mine is 12th July seems v late....
Hi jo's mummy, check with u... When ur appetite is so low that even 2 spoonful of food also vomit, how u survive huh? Did u get gastric problems?
QP, i dun like the food leh. i mean generally i dun like hospital / airplane food. hehehe

environment ok but still abit old. i've seen Thomson looks nice.

Nurses are very nice though.
I got a call from my doc's office this morning and the nurse said my results aren't good.

Going in to see doc later.
jia you pinkie! hope all goes well.

porky: my DS is 2july, just 10 days earlier from you..

mrsteo: congrats on your good results too! ;)

craving: not really... but i don't think i'm eating healthily hahaha! are all of you?
Piggiedearz, your appetite haven come back? Maybe takes a bit more time,hang in there!
I am in my 15 week but still have slight nausea and vomit occasionally! And appetite is not very good! Depends on baby mood Haha

porky, i only have craving for fruits!
Hi hui

My appetite is better but only for certain foods. Still can't eat more n still Hv some taste and smell aversions. Tink tts y my gastric is not very gd. Extra suffering
do u Hv gastric problems? I'm 14wk+ n nausea improved a lot but still Hv prob with food
I took ondansetron when I was in my 7 week - that time vomiting and nausea very bad. it works wonders. try it! it's safe. my gyne gave me too
cindy - Me neither but I will try to take in as much fruits cos I m worry I will get constipation hahaha.

hui - that's healthy! so do you eat watermelon?

pinkie - all will be fine. Jiayou!
pinkie, dun worry see what doc says. jia you jia you.

i can only eat fast food... (burgers) and fruits. nothing else.
in 1st tri lost like 5.5kg. now hope will gain abit back.
i still vomit on on and off also.

i am hoping for a boy coz #1 is a gal. think my in-law all want this to be a boy. pressure pressue. hubby says as long healthy is ok. but pressure is there.. ;(
hi wendy, i do hv some cravings this time..previous preg i dont hv ! lol

hi pinkie, hope all goes well for u

cindy, wah ur DS so early ! i ask for earlier dates but the tmc nurse say v full..aiyo even wan to chg timing only gv me 30mins earlier loh.
im not eating v healthy for this preg too..and tends to drink a lot of cold drinks..weather is too hot !

hui, im 14w now and still having ms...but i got cravings leh..so weird lol
Mummies, so busy with work and also feeling very sick..blocked nose, keep sneezing and sore throat...sianz...

Swan, yes I also stay at AMK. my #1 also with this clinic but previously is Dr. Michelle.

Piggiedearz, I take bread and buns for dinner when i feel bloated and nausea. then i drink milo and add 1tbs of anmum. i cant take like rice or bee hoon or noodles..
Pinkie: don't worry too much.. Nurses sometimes aren't the best conveyers of news.. Make u think n worry too much. Think positive.. Based on stats, most of the time these are false positives.. So just go in to listen n see what ur gynae advises..
mrs teo, yes is ard 20w. but now my appt is on 21w..so late !

jo's mummy, are u ok ? can tk mc to rest ?
whn i hv no appetite, i took milo w ping pong brand square biscuits quite nice leh. u can try

any mummies gg to JL expo sales starting this thurs ?
Mrsteo: yes that's the detailed scan! Hahah!! And don't worry! Can always try for #3!!! But I hope u get what u want. I know the pressure is great.

Porky: I'm also in my 14 week!! So we are the same and then nw yes u are 10 days later than me for ds.. I think I managed to get the 2 July slot cause I went for the oscars v early, at 11 weeks!! Hahaha. I also drink a lot Of cold drinks and gassy drinks!! My fav! Coke yummy...

Hui: long time no see!!
) yup. Can we take watermelon? That day I was cutting papaya for my son.. Omg.. Couldn't take the smell. Hahaha.

Jo mommy: take care! Me also having flu now. So Sian. Everyday don't feel like gg to work. Hahaha.
Hi piggiedearz, maybe you want try smaller meals 6 times a day? I find that smaller meals works better,if i eat a full meal ,i get nauseous! Can only eat 70% full!

Wendy, i eat watermelon too, just a slice each time,so far only ate 2 or 3 times! Mostly i drink juices,apple or carrot ,with cut papaya , kiwis,strawberries etc lol

But. I tend to drink cold drinks! Coz weather so hot ! Not so good right! Trying to cut down!
cindy, oh so ur oscar is at 11w no wonder u get an earlier DS date ! hahaha..good for u lah.

my fav drink now is minute maid mango..everytime lunch will wish to buy this drink but i try to control cannot drink everyday..same, everyday thinking to tk mc lol !
Oh Porky, milo/3in1coffee with pingpong biscuits is my all time favourite!!! i used to eat like this for my breakfast since young till now..my husband say im like old ppl..hahah...

I can't take mc leh..just now went to see company doc, the doc wan issue me mc i say don need..bcos my colleague on leave till thurs and another colleague is 2nd day of work. so i gotta stay to assist her.

Cindy, now still ok..just worry the sore throat will get worse especially at night..only can take lozenges cant take antibiotic..so gotta take longer to recover i think..no choice have to drink tons of water!!!
jo, yes is v nice right !!! if no appetite to eat i will only think of this..haha

oh dear...then bo bian u hv to stay in office..i got v bad cough tt time and gp give me lozenges only cos 1st trim cant tk other med..but my gynae gv me antibiotic and i recover in 3days ! mayb u wan to ask ur gynae for some med ?
Porky, ya just called up gynae to check if i can take the lozenges tat GP gave. but gynae ask me to buy lozenges from her tonight. actually wanted to change my monthly checking to tonight instead of thurs but nurse say very full cannot take in anymore..

my sore throat also induce cough..cos its very itchy and dry...dunno later gynae will give me antibiotic or not bcos i only buy and didnt go in for consultation..
Hi Cindy! *wave*;)

I eat all fruits! Haha like avocado milk shake! Papaya is ok for me ! That's why i say mine May be a gal, ai mei, like fruits! My sis say maybe is mei nan zi ! Haha
jo, the lozenges fr GP shd be quite safe to suck..but antibiotic better buy fr gynae loh..i went for checkup and told him abt my sore throat + cough so he suggest i tk antibiotic to recover faster
Hui - I feel like eating watermelon too and dare not cos they say it is too "liang" but given the weather, it is cooling to have watermelon once a while lor.

And yes I tend to want to drink cold drinks also! Really buay tahan of weather

I feel like drinking avocado milk shake now lol!
just back from lunch super hot outside !

wendy, avocado milk shake my fav last time ! this preg i dont hv craving for tt yet..haha
Mummies, is it true that Mt A hospital reno will be until next year? Anyway has friend who just delivered at Mt. A ? Did they comment that its very noisy or etc? Was still considering TMC and Mt A.
Hui, ya i also love avocado milk shake! just had 1glass yesterday..ya cannot drink too much as its very fattening althou the fats are good fats..maybe limit to 1week or 2week for a glass .
Hui: haha. Either way it will be a mei mei baby!!! N only 1kg gained!! Never mind de la!!

Jo's mommy: I also still considering Tmc or mta. But might still stick to mt a.. The parking at Tmc is horribleeeeee.
Cindy: I just got back from TMC, and the parking was $6.90 for 2 hrs. Anyway, that's the least of my concerns.

The odds of my oscar results is 1:131. Doc says based on the scan, I am low risk.. but my blood test score is bad and pulled the combined odds down.

Thanks Darienna and other mummies for praying and comforting.. you're right that the nurse made it sound really bad. She says I fall in the high risk category over the phone. I was scared stiff till I cried at work. Realised that it's really not as bad. Doc says my bb has an evident nasal bridge, which would not be there if bb is really abnormal.

Doc gave me options to either go for CVS (test placenta cells) or the amniocentesis. Both have its risks.. so hubby and I are still deciding which to do.. really worried.
Pinkie: is it possible to repeat the scan n blood test, than to do the above 2 tests? Doc says there's an evident nose bridge, so should be okay? Whatever it is, stay positive! Will keep u in my prayers!!
Hi all Nov mummies

I am new here, please add me to the table

Nick: Niko_niko
Age: 29
Baby: #1
EDD: 20 Nov 12
Gynae: Dr Christopher Chen
Hospital: Gleneagles Hospital
i will choose TMC again this time. love the food there !

anyone tried the mac smoothie mango pineapple before ? can we tk this now since is 2nd trim alrdy..
cindy, my hb park opp TMC when we go for checks...the carpark is just behind long fa tau sah piah. the parking at TMC is crazy lah always long Q
Pinkie hope it turns out fine for your baby!

Porky, my gynae mentioned that pineapple has been proven to contain some substance that could harm the baby. Though she didn't mention whether it's only during first trim. Perhaps can just call up your gynae to ask? I saw the ad, the drink looks so tempting. Maybe you can try the strawberry flavour instead.

I ate quite a bit of watermelon last week. I read that it relieves MS and heartburn. I really do feel better after eating it. Could be just a craving too.

As I was feeling heaty and developing a sore throat, I also drank a bit of chrysanthemum tea once a day. My mother and my in law feel it's ok to drink in moderation, as we can't be taking heaty stuff constantly. Anyone still drinks cooling drinks like barley and chrysanthemum? Or abstain totally? I think my cravings are watermelon and chrysanthemum tea.
i drank red date longan tea in my initial MS, it helps. but after some time lose the effect. last sun i accidentally drank the chrysanthemum tea at chinese restaurant, it tastes so good..i drank almost one whole pot seem it helps MS alot...

but i can't take plain water still, after drinking i feel like puking..must drink bit of ribena or eat sweet


I also hear for my mummy that we can drink barley water (but hear cant drink china barley) after we in our 2nd tri. You can also try to drink honey water, i did confirm with my gynae, he say we can take honey. I also drink honey water when i have sore throat.
