(2012/11) Nov 2012

TGIF mummies!

I had tom yam beehoon for lunch today. I can't live without spicy food! I guess spicy food should be ok if taken moderately (although i dun think mine is moderate enough)

Can't wait for my gynae visit next mon! Will be 16 wks 4 days then. Hope bb doing well and able to check out its gender.

Can experienced mums share the feeling of first movements inside their tummies? I think I felt it since last week but am not very sure. It felt like fingers thumping lightly inside my tummy but its not ticklish and happens very randomly when im still. Since it always happens nearer to the left of my tummy, i guess thats where the bb is implanted.

TGIF Queen kay!

I can't live without spicy food too!
Hi mummies..

Actually we need to wait for how long for the Oscar result to be out??
I took my Oscar scan n blood test on 15th may..
But my next gynae appointment is on 6 July..
Cuz Dr Lawrence ang going holiday in June..
Should I call them to find out my result?
Wendy: High 5!!

Candymama: Perhaps you may want to call up the clinic to check if they can call you once results are out. Understand the anxiety to wait till 6th July.
High 5!

I am going to meet with my gynae today for the OSCAR result. It takes less than 1 week as I called earlier on Tuesday (mine was done last Sat) and the result was already out but he didn't want to disclose till we meet.

I agree that you can call and check
Queenkay: I've been craving for Tom yam too!! Thai express I went twice in 5 days. Today I decided to cook Tom yam maggi mee!!!

Folic acid: I stopped mine. Sigh there's too much to take. Only 2.. 1 for vit and 1 for fish oil and both tablets are super huge, i wanna pukr when I swallow them. Eeee!

Yay!! Friday!!
Surprised to see so many craving for Tom yam soup!
I had huge craving for tom yam soup earlier today & made hubby go buy.. Yum! Tummy burning now though.. Cos eat spicy after very long!

After 1st trimester, once start taking the multivits & calcium tablets, can stop the folic acid.. That's what I was told by my gynae's nurse..
Hi Hi here,

Been quite some time I have not drop by here. Just done OSCAR test on Monday @ TMC, package price are $457. Wed I called the clinic for the result and everything is ok. So glad.

Wuhu, just had tom yam soup this afternoon. Clear soup based, but asked for less spicy, hahaha. Think many of us entering 2nd trimester, yeah! and hopefully MS is slowly lessen.

Elated, not sure u have updated my info, pls include me in:

EDD: 20 Nov
Baby: #2
Age: 32
Gyane: Dr SF Loh/Marianne Hendricks
Hospital: TMC
Just went for Oscar test this morning at gynae's clinic. Baby was really co-operative, posted nice nice for gynae to take measurement.. took less than 10mins for scanning.

Nurse said the result be out within 1 week, I can call to check for result.
Been craving for spicy & sour food ever since tested positive. Recently crave for tom yam bee hoon, bought the myojo instant tom yam bee hoon & ate twice last week, shiok!!

by the way, gynae did comment my baby seem like a girl
Hi elated, hope your boy n yourself are getting better.

Pls add me in your list:

Edd: 29 nov 2012
Baby: #1
Age: 33
Gynae: Dr Y.C. Goh
Hospital: Mt Alvernia
Hi elated, pls add me in the list too
any mummies staying in the west? today is the start of my 15weeks. I do indeed feel better, have not vomitted in 3days! so happy for everyone here who can finally enjoy our pregnancy now!

Edd:11 nov 2012
Age: 33
Gynea:dr yvonne chan
Hi ahko80, I staying in Clementi. The week after next starts the month long sch holidays, dunno what to do to entertain my #1. I cannot rest when his home all day.
Do you think the edd is accurate? My #1 was early by 3 weeks as that time had to early induced due to complications.

Hi Joden, we having the same gynae. When is your next appt? Mine 2 June. U know, Dr Chan nearly didn't want to accept me as her schedule for this year is nearly booked. Was your #1 induced at that time? My girl fren just gave birth in Feb and Dr Chan also induced her. Was wondering if its also a coincidence.

Hey all mums to be, this weekend Kiddy Palace having store wide 20% sales for all members and 15% for non members. Best time to do some shopping!
Hi beloved gal,
She delivered my #1 via ceaserean and this #2 will be
Ceaserean too. My next appt is 11 June. She say shld b able to tell gender then. I m in my 14 wks now but still feeling nausea...
( and appetite not so good.
Yes when I was at the clinic I did overheard the nurses told some who called that Dr chan is fully booked for Nov and will not accept anymore patients.
Hi Elated, oh dear, what happened? Hope u r well now!
Pls add mE
Edd: 16Nov2012
Age 34
Gyne: Dr Fong Yang
Hospital: TBC

Yay we should arranged a mummies outing soon!

Anyone here encounter when in wee morning you went to toilet pass urine then when you wipe with tissue there a blood? Is it ok? There no cramp. I monitor from morning till now there no more blood coming out. My appt with gynae is on 24 may.
Brand new baby sling bought from The Birth Shop. Willing to sell at $25. Original price $48. See below website for product details.

Preloved BabyBjorn Carrier Air used less than 3 times. Willing to sell at $60. See below website for product details.

Preloved MyBrestfriend Breastfeeding pillow used less than 10 times. Very well-kept in original packaging. Original price $81. Willing to sell at $55.

Please see below link for pictures of the items. Kindly PM for deal. Price negotiable.
Beloved, planing to do any holiday program with #1 during June holidays? there are many enrichment centre/schools providing such programs. Edd is agar agar, depends on the size on the foetus. My gynae was deciding between 18-20th Nov actually. My #1 was delivered on 36th weeks due to complications too. Shall c how this pregnancy goes. I'm staying in Bukit Merah area.
Hi ahko80, not planning any enrichment classes as my #1 has his own 'pattern' he can be quite stubborn. Hard to get him to attend. Planning to bring him to the playground in the morn, then buy lunch. Afternoon will be too warm to go out, so probably do reading at hm. He dun take naps and this is the problem.

Great next time we can get the 'west' mummies to meet at Tiong Bahru etc.

Those who are 2nd time mums, how are your #1 reacting to the news of the new baby? My boy sometimes will be very sweet say wanna buy an extra snacks/toy for the baby.When I vomited he will ask am I ok? Baby made me vomit? However on a bad day, he will comment he dun not want the baby, and will hit my tummy. Sigh...kids not very predictable.
hi beloved!
yay! can meet tiongbahru! I stay tanjong pagar area. Any mommies teaching here? I am!
holidays coming up! anyone free for high tea or la kopi, let me know!! my #1 and #2 so far, okay, they are looking fwd to the baby, they each insist that the baby is a boy (for #1) and that baby is a girl (For #2), i guess either way there will be disappointment... ahahah.

swan: are u hoping for a boy? u put a
when u mentioned that gynae says yours might be a girl. can always try for another, don't worry! besides still early, my colleague always thought hers was a girl until detailed scan when she saw the peepee. and another colleague only saw that the bb was a boy at 33 weeks! so don't worry.

yanyan: i wonder if slings or carriers are better? i used baby bjorn for both my kids.. but for this one, i am also considering sling, seems like more comfy.. and easier? hahaha
Morning mummies!

Hi elated

Pls add me in your list:

Edd: 14 Nov 2012
Baby: #1
Age: 26
Gynae: Dr PK Tan
Hospital: TBC but most likely Mt A
Junaine: Maybe you like to try calling your gynae's office and ask about it. The last time I had blood in my pee was when I had UTI, and the experience is really scary.

Swan: My sonographer pointed out the sex organ during my oscar test.. and it looked like a pee-pee. She says, ya looks like a boy. For me, I would prefer a girl. And Cindy is right, it's still so early, and the sonographer also told us that it's not confirmed. But after the test, I decided that I'll be okay with whatever gender, so long as the baby is healthy. That's most impt.

I'm almost 16weeks and my EDD is 7th Nov 2012. Has been a silent reader all these while bcos do not want to disclose so early until 16weeks.

Hello to Swan, my gynae is also Dr. Wendy Teo of TMC.

Pls add me to the list :

EDD: 7 nov 2012
Baby: #2
Age: 30
Gynae: Dr Wendy Teo
Hospital: Mt A/Thomson (Prefers Mt. A but heard their reno till next yr. Any advise?)

By the way Swan, I did my Oscar test at Dr. Wendy's clinic at AMK Hub last month. She didnt tell me the gender of bb leh...y ah..heheh
hello jo's mommy!

pinkie: hahaha!!! when i went i was only just like 11.5 weeks so i guess sonographer didnt bother to try looking for anything. hahahah!!
but like swan i also looking fwd to a boy, but like what u said, any is okay, AS Long as healthy and strong! and since i already have a boy and a girl, so really, anyone is fine, though deep down, i prefer another boy hahaha!

hey babes, anyone of u started using anti stretch mark stuffs arleady? any good and cheap ones to recommend?

For #1 i used clarins, #2 i used another - cannot rememeber name.. but still have stretchmarks!! grrrr.
Hi! how is everyone doing?

today I called gynae clinic and say about the result..
they say haven't receive yet.. I'm so worried..
how come mine so long..
today is 12wks5days already..
Hi candymama,
I just did my test today. Dr said result will be out only two weeks later :s
How's the neck thickness that day?
If less than 2.5 mm should be fine
Hi Cindy,

I've started using stretch mark cream since 8weeks. This #2 my stomach shows earlier as compared to #1. Im using bodyshop cocoa butter stick and also Bio Oil. I also used Clarins for #1 and I don't have any stretchmarks.

I also havnt know abt the result of my Oscar test. Will be going for monthly check up this Thurs then only ask. Hopefully result is normal.

Regarding spicy food, yes I'm craving for spicy food all the time..even if i eat noodle soup, i will put a lot of chili padi..if i don eat spicy food, i don hav appetite and the food doesn't hav any taste to me...
Hi mummies, this website has quite a number of slings and carriers. U can take a look:

For my #1 I have a Moms-in-Mind sling, however it was a waste of $ as I didn't know how to tie or use it even after watching the VDC provided in the package. I find the sling also very warm to use leh.

Cindy: stretch mark cream I used Palmer Cocoa butter for #1, it did not work too.

For mummies who alr have boy and girl, is it true that girls are easier to take care?
thanks jo's mummy and beloved. sigh. already have stretch marks.. don't know still wanna invest in cream or not ahhahaha!!

beloved: i got a boy and a girl and actually i find my boy easier to take care!!
very independent and never give me problems when baby, no bad habits like sucking thumb or pacifier, no probs drinking from bottle, very easy. my girl... aiyo horrible, terrorise me in the first few months by not sleeping at night, very fussy over bottles and milk powder (when stopping bfing) and have to suck thumb and now have to carry a smelly pillow ard to sleep. so my boy is like an angel.
Jo's mummy: For Clarins which product did you use? Actually i got a lot of stretchmarks for my #1 so not sure whether it will help to prevent from more this time.
hi mummies , i am also a Nov-EDD mum

this is my #2 as well. i see there are alot of mummy with #2 coming up this Nov

we are reaching the end of 1st trim...but i still feel very very tired everyday esp at night...not sure is it due to preg or cos now with #1 kid our stamina not so good already...
pink (magtay): i started using Clarins stretch mark cream (white) ...previously i only used mothercare stretch mark cream but seem not effective...this time i invest bit more. but my friend told me i should use the yellow oil...i had that too but don't dare to use..looks very oily and sticky...
dear mummies,

i am so happy, MS getting better. done my OSCAR last friday. NT is safe. Now waiting for nurse to call for blood test result (by this week)

finaly able to eat better these days. but still feel as tired. i agree with wendy, with #1 kid now so feel tried out easily.
mummies with #1, do u still carry them? Mine is 2yr old shes extremely sticky to me. feeling bad to reject her all the time.

with #, i used pure olive oil religiously. still have stretch marks.
now i try clarins oil. hope it helps.
Wendy, pink, I think I know which one Wendy's talking about, is it a super small bottle? Yes the oil is yellow, it's really oil oil.
mrs teo, my #1 very sticky to me too. he's 3 and i still have to carry him at times. luckily he is light for a 3 yr old...barely 12 kg....also, he comes over every night to sleep with us and always kicks me in his sleep or likes to jump on me so have to constantly prevent him from kicking my stomach.

for stretchmarks i've too many from #1 so have given up on it....read its genetic so if your mom has it then stretchmark creams won't help much.
Mrs teo : I am interested in pre-natal yoga. Any suggestion where to go?

I think I would only want to sooth the skin so that it will not get itchy and red.

my #1 also kicks me sometimes. last sat i was carrying her and my bag (maybe a tad too long) at night i felt some pain. dare not carry her now.

have all mummies informed your immediate superior and colleagues abt pregnancy yet?
i've only told a few closer ones during my 8th week. I am thinking of telling my immediate sup soon. at least prepare her first.
