(2012/11) Nov 2012

Wendy - Me too. I couldn't take water initially too, must have flavour like ribena or sweetness. But I am taking water slowly. I actually drink warm to hot water in the office to keep myself from drinking water constantly.

I did eat watermelon & drink chrysantheum tea.. Chk e gynae & she say is ok but not too much as she is more concern over sugar level.. She say can eat anything as lOng as in moderation & from good sources (refer to sashimi)..

Anw.. Juz came bk from gynae..had an accident last nite & today went to gynae to check on bb.. Gynae chk & say bb is ok & cfm is gal.. Hahah..
My chinese sinseh told me not to drink barley as its very cooling (liang) even when im ttcing only...so i long time nvr drink barley..my sinseh say crysanthemum is ok to drink in moderation...
laruru, my gynae say no pineapple before 1st trim ! haha..so now 2nd trim alrdy i still havent ask him yet..

oh i still drink barley and chestnut from zheng zhong ping medical shop
Yanyan: take care!
) and congrats Your girl!! Hw many weeks Liao? Your gynae so sure it's girl!!
thanks for assuring us! I wanted to Drink watermelon so much!! But mil keep saying very cooling cannot. Diao...

Laruru: I'm so getting watermelon for lunch drink Tmr hahaha!

Porky: hahaha! Indeed the parking. Still just take a
Small feeder bus to Carpark. Tian ah.
I drank barley water since 1st tri, coz i feel myself very heaty! I am those type can have sore throat even though i din eat heaty stuff!
But. I mostly drink holland barley, mix a bit China barley

Cindy, watermelon sounds good!
Stretchmark cream : I bought elancyl stretch mark cream. Haven use it but tried it was not oily based.

BB carrier: I used ergo baby for #1 since she was 4 mths till ard 14 mths when we travelled overseas. But carried 14mths bb ard was really quite taxing n tiring.
wah, not in here for one week so many posts!

pinkie - normally i go to those small shopping centres in yokohama with my fren..there'e baby'r'us there..not sure if u can find it in tokyo...but i love their 'gauze' towel and hankie, beri soft and absorbent!

stretchmarks - nv had it when i had my #1, heard its hereitary from our mummies! but anyway i used cocoa butter cream, clarins too ex! for mummies who find ur tummy itchy, i recommend shower oil with almond oil from loccitane..it works for me during my first pregancy..

baby slings - was using bjorn previously, jus switched to manduca now...according to my hubby who carries my 10 kg boy, its beyyer back support for him... i have two pupsik which i never used already, anyone interested???

just a suggestion, will a facebook group be more convenient to keep all the mummies in the loop? no one initating gatherings??
Jo's mummy: take care. I had cough in my 1st trimester, took some time to recover. GP couldn't prescribe cough syrup and I din take logenzes. Took plenty of natural vitamin C, water and avoid cold drinks and chicken.
Hi piggiedearz
Yup my gynae prescribed Zofran for me n that was the only medicine that stopped my extensive vomiting. To be safe, he prescribed it for me only after week 10 cos the medicine is quite strong. Since Zofran is very expensive, after 2 weeks I switched to Ondaestron.. By then my vomiting was not so extensive, so it worked.
Now only on days I vomit n feel very nauseous, I take the tablet.
Your gynae prescribed it for u too?

After 2 months of hospitalization leave I just went back to work today. Threw up breakfast n lunch.. Super exhausted n sian!
At week 15 already, was hoping for nausea to totally disappear, wonder how long more must wait to get back my appetite
So many posts these few days..#1 fell sick..super sticky..buay tahan..kip whinning over lil thgs..plus d weather so hot..makes me so irritated..

Jo's mummy: I had a very bad cough during week 5, there is cough syrup suitable for preggy wan..very mild..supposed to be even ok for kids..but it takes longer to recover but at least u wun cough like mad..u can ask GP or gynae..

Re: stretchmark
Tink i'm very lazy dis time round..I used the clarins oil very religiously wen i had #1 but stil kena so dis time just use my normal vaseline moisturizer..i oso read it's heredity..my mum and sis both got too..

Re: carrier
I find carrier better than slings, beta position for the bb..i used the beco butterfly wen bb 2 mths til she was ard 22 mths..she wil slp in it for hrs! but quite ex though..it's similar to manduca..u mite wana wait til u give birth den reali try it out b4 buying cos at first I oso bought a sling but I reali cant use it well..takes so long to position bb inside..

Yan: congrats on knowing gender! so nice to have a girl..I already have a girl but Im hoping #2 wil be a ger too so that they can play together..but most important is bb healthy =)

Pinkie: If yr scan results ok and gt nasal bone, shd be ok.I tink most mummies opt for amino though..stay postive..i have sm frens and my sis oso din get gd results for OSCAR but was cleared with amino test..my blood test result oso nt good but cos scan and background risk very low, so overall just cleared..
Thanks all mummies.. Yea.. My #1 also gal.. So now glad is another gal.. Can play together..

I am in my 17 wks le.. Today when gynae scan, bb sleeping.. So she kp pushing my tummy..And scan and saw 3 lines in bet the legs..Then say is a gal!
morning mummies !

cool weather to nua in bed but got to work and send #1 to cc...

cindy, we ever took the feeder bus to carpark before ! waited v long and v ma fun..aiyo..so now hb prefer to park opp tmc and walk a bit

charmaine, what size is ur pupsik ? i may need to go and try out first before deciding on the size

yanyan, wow u are 17w alrdy ! hb hoping for a bb girl too
Thanks mummies. Doc recommended I take the amniocentesis, coz he says chances are my bb is fine according to the rpt.. but I have to wait to be 16 weeks before I can do it. Now I'm 13 weeks.. Used to have the misconception that only mothers abv 35 have to do it. We tried to beat the clock but ended up still have to do. Scary lor.. I just pray bb is fine.

Porky: you parked behind the tau sar piah shop? So turn in from balestier road? I wanna try that the next time too. The carpark system and charges in TMC is really cut throat. Yesterday we waited 20min for them to retrieve our car. :/
Hui: so nice... Fri is your checkup... I have to wait till 2nd week June. Neck like giraffe. Haha!!!

Pinkie: jia you. 3 more weeks ! V fast de.
indeed the parking at Tmc is omg. Cannot imagine if wanna go home after giving birth hahaha!!

Porky/ indeed! Super nice weather!!
))) but I bet it's still gg to be hot hot hot in the noon time.
Cindy, June is reaching! Haha
Actually my appt is 21st, i deliberately change so that hopefully a few more days, doctor can see more clearly boy or gal !
Anyone know where can buy those cute cute window sun shade for cars? Think need to put for back seat, if not so hot for baby next time!
pinkie, yes turn in fr balestier road. jus tear coupon. cheaper than park inside tmc ! btw, is this ur first baby ?

cindy, during my 1st baby gg home time, i waited 45mins for my hb to get his car..cos he say nd to wait for the stupid feeder bus..end up bb was hungry and crying badly..i hv to walk back slowly to nursery to ask the nurse get me a bottle of milk to feed him first..aiyo i scolded my hb upside down for making us wait...hahaha

i still prefer to chat in this thread..fb sometimes messy i cant read some of the statues leh
i aso trying to look for day time CL, any idea wat is the rate now? as i dun have spare room at home and ask a few full time CL they not willing to share room wif me of coz diff bed, they tell me need privacy + not used to slp wif someone else + i no maid at home so rejected me
wendy, yes hv day time CL..last time my fren engage one before. they work fr 8-5pm only then go home. no need to stay over

dotty, i also no room for her to stay..so day time CL is easier..as long someone look aft bb and cook for me..i read thru the forum PEM confinement hv but i not yet call them to ask..dunno is good or not
Porky: oh i call PEM yesterday leh they nv mention they have daytime oni tell me full time n assure me tat cfm can get one CL willing to share room wif me.

but i haven cfm wif them juz kiv loh so any idea for day time CL 8-5 wat is the rate?
hi mummies,
i just called PEM, they do provide day care CL, working from 8-6, rate is 2450
if stay in will be cheaper, rate is 2050, because according to the agent, they need to provide accomodation for the CL who mainly comes from Msia.
n we still got to pay gov levy 160 bux
wahhhh so ex leh....really need to think twice getting a day one...
any other recommendation for day care CL??
i wan to get day time CL sporean one..cos msian they no place to stay so will be exp. last time my fren got one but dont do alrdy..

hi snowberries, my package is $550 can sign from 6weeks onwards
mine is dr adrian woodworth. his package is budget but see u only 3-5mins every visit..hahaha. but i like his stitching skills so i go back to him again
mine Dr Mary Yang @ gleangles, is $600 starting from 12wks, include routine urine dipstix, screening fetal abnormality at 22wks, growth scan at 32wks, and a 3D scan in 2nd trim. additional ultrasound scan $300.

so i paid $900 in total
porky: then same lo hehe but i seeing at cck :D i tot u no gst coz last time my cousin see him no gst de. ya i aso see him a few mins coz i always no qn to ask him leh as i duno wat to ask aso hahaha thou he always ask me anyting to ask
Hi kye.. Yup I had been taking ondansetron since week 7+ but few days ago I wanna repurchase it thru a Neighbour who works at nuh, the pharmacists told her tt this med is very very strong, why gynae give it to me when I'm not on bed rest. Scare d hell outta me

Hi lalaa.. Did ur doc tell u ondansetron is ok to tk b4 week 10 or not huh, and wads the diff btw zofran n this? I think first day back to work is very stressful so it aggravated the nausea. Hope u're feeling better now!
hey mummies ! i found a day time sporean CL. her name is Liming contact 83181949. she is trained in TMC experience with lactation. currently she is still available for Nov. pls call her ASAP if u need a day time nanny. i cant cfm w her yet cos still nd to discuss some issue w my family. her charges is $2.2K no stay in
dotty, 3yrs ago for my #1 no need to pay GST leh...then aft i delivered i heard must pay GST liao...haha..i also nothing to ask him as long he say baby is well and active im happy
he always ask me need mc anot
eee y he nv ask me wan mc or not one hahaha so sad... ya usually he told me dun worry bb doing fine etc so any qn, i always shake my head haha then he will say ok i see u in x wks time...
Re: Day time CL
Tink if u al wan day time CL, can only look for SG wan, TMC has trained CL but they are slightly more ex than the usual but they are supposed to encourage bf..can go TMC website under parentcraft if I'm not wrong cos I read the brochure just nt too long ago..they even have just nite time service or ad-hoc if I din rem wrongly..

Hui: my hb put small black curtains at the bk of the car so that I can bf in peace and block out sun fr bb..but Im nt sure if it's illegal to put curtains or nt..just nid to buy fr those car shop and very ez to stick it on.

Porky: Ya, nw nid GST and I realised nw is limited visits..cos for my #1, i had severe MS and see him very frequent for MC..I oso noticed nw if u nid extra med for flu or those nt inclusive anymore. last time no nid to pay wan..maybe too many ppl abused the package.ha..
dotty, mayb u look v strong to him lol ! he always ask me tk mc if i dont feel like working hahaha. during my 1st preg, last 2 weeks to edd he gv me mc ask me to rest and relax at home. overall he is quite nice lah..but some ppl preferred those long consultation 20-25mins one so they pay more also
rin, yes ! now hv to pay for flu n cough med ! i rem last time he gv free de..ya mayb too many mummies go to him for free med thats why now he calculative liao...haha. during 1st trim i did not wait till appt date jus walk in to see him if i worried..

Hi rin,
im also seeing dr adrian but no limited # of visits leh..i visit him quite frequent during my 1st tri n he didnt say anything

dotty, maybe you really look strong to him.he also keep asking me to take mc...normally i told him i only need 1day, but he will give me till the end of the week n say just take first, if dont wanna work then rest at home..
whahaha..everytime after i see him i feel very happy cos got lotsa mc..
