(2012/11) Nov 2012

i used to go to wasabi yoga for #1. but the climbing of the steep stairs (shophouse) seems too dangerous (abt 3 flights up and down every lesson)

i am working ard raffles mrt, there is afew wellness centre there. will check out and let u know if you are interested. update u again.

Pink, the Clarins im using yes, its the yellow oil and it has a smell which not everyone can accept it..

Cindy, should invest!! should invest!!! maybe this time after u apply, some of the old stretchmark will disappear..thou the clarins is small bottle but the oil can last longer at least 3-4months. so u only need 2bottles. also must very hardworking applying the oil..every morning and night must apply...

Wendy, yes i still feel very tired at night. Sometimes i can sleep at 8.30pm till the next morning..sometimes i can still "dong" till 10pm..
appetite is better now..can eat more..last 2mths cant eat dinner...very nausea and will vomit when just had 2spoonful of food...

Mummies, do u have headache very often? thou reaching tri 2, im still having headache on and off...thou i sleep very early i will still have headache..
jo's mummy
i do not have headache but i get giddy easily nowadays. and leg cramps. i do not know why i am having leg cramps so early. for #1, i only experienced it after the 5-6th mth.
What's the Clarins yellow oil called? My stomach hasn't really show much yet (except when it's bloated with wind) but my friends are telling me to start applying already.

jo's mummy: I'm still having my headaches and dizzyness.. on weekends, I can sleep and sleep. I just started my 13th week but still so tired all the time.

mrs teo: I'm also looking ard for a prenatal yoga studio.. preferably one that has schedules that correspond with normal yoga classes that my hb can attend so that he needn't wait ard for me.
Hi jo mummy, I have headaches too on and off, more regular now.. I wonder why. I am in fact having one now!
I also no mood to work today. So tired this morning.
Mrs teo: I told my boss pretty early, he thought I was overworked when I got so sick in my 2nd mth.. so I decided to just tell him the truth. Some of my closer colleagues know already, as for the rest, I will wait for my stomach to show and for them to notice themselves.
Mrs Teo, i also feel giddy especially in the mrt which has no air-con..feel like breathless and gonna collapsed soon..very scary...

I also no mood to work..i also wan to go taka bb fair!!!

Pinkie, yes yes i can sleep and sleep in the weekends..my boy will tell me "mummy wake up, its sunny day u know?", then after taking short nap, my boy will tell me "mummy u wake up already ah"..i feel so bad to leave him with my hb in the weekends..

Wendy, ya im also having headache now...keep applying the White Flower Oil...like old ppl..hopefully my colleagues don mind :p
pinkie (petalss); yup yup this is the oil we are talking..

it is still lying intact on my shelf, i don't dare to use lei...also dunno if should i use before bath or after bath

mrs teo : me too ! i also no mood to work...very sleepy...

my #1 also very sticky to me. she is 1.5 yrs old now, weigh 12 kg ! keep insisting me to carry her. if i dont she will throw her temper and cried out her lungs

yup i am interested in pre-natal yoga, but no one helping me with #1 and working full time, wonder if i am able to go for it...

jo's mummy : me too...i thought i am the only one having headaches...my hubby thought i was faking it, cos i don't want to bath my girl at night..haha
I am self-empolyed so is easy for me to rest when ever I need to. But I do work on weekdays. My boss, which is my hubby knew on the very first second when the doctor told us the news.

I will go get the 'oil' soon cos my belly is showing
i apply only at night. mornign usually rush for work no time apply. at night i apply after shower. i use alot. coz skin starting to itch.
i like the smell leh. i think its nice. hahahha
now have promotion i think $78 for full size oil + scrub + lotion or something.

pre-natal yogo : i plan to go after work lor. weekend too busy and wanna just nua at home... or just chill.

no mood work... i ren... for 4mth maternity..
pink (magtay) lucky you. i can only drag myself to work and look forward to knock off.

i think my superior also suspected. ask me to cc my colleague in my emails... hehehe
just need to inform her officially soon.
Mrs Teo: my 16 mth old is also very very sticky to me.. I still carry him, but lesser.. He is quite happy to walk but will want to b carried if tired.. He's heavy at 10.9kg.. My gynae say can still carry, but take care not to over exert.

I told my boss quite early on, since it was ard goal setting period, so he needed to know.. Told a few colleagues early on, but started showing early, so a few colleagues suspected and asked. The rest will tell if they ask..

Re cream for stretch marks: #1 used toning cream from bodyshop, but they discontinued the range. Thereafter used body butter from bodyshop. No stretch marks for me.. Now using bodyshop body butter again.. Hopefully no stretch marks..
very lucky u no stretchmarks. my tummy is so messy with all the lines...
i cannot carry #1. shes 12kg. i feel pain in my womb at night if i carry her too much.

how i wish we only need to work 4days a week... weekend is over just like that.
I find it very hard to tell my bosses, especially since they are all males hahaha. But guess it had to be done one way or another..
Wendy.. my boss also male. But bo bian, have to tell sooner or later. Tell your boss he needs to get temp girl for 4 mths in Nov. hehe

I am wondering about our childcare leave entitlement for this year? Can we loop it in together with our maternity leave?
Hi cindy.. I use mim sling for my #1.. But dun like it coz the cloth kp slipping.. So thinking of getting a pouch this round.

i bot the bio-oil stretchmark oil... haven use yet...
Thanks pinkie - that's one way. But for my office, my other colls will cover which was what's done when the other coll of mine went on maternity leave end last year. Only my colls know..

I just need to wait till my tummy is super obvious I guess hahaha.

I don't think so we can.. I do know that we can choose not to take full 4 months of maternity leave. Able to keep the remaining and use them during a 12 mth period. Why would you want to loop the childcare leave together?
Wendy: We are entitled to 6 days childcare leave every 12 mths(usually based on calendar year) if we have children under 7 years old. Our babies will be born in Nov, so by the time we come back from our maternity leave, our childcare leave for 2012 would have been forfeited since we can't carry it forward to the new year. So just wondering.. :/
haha for me, after my #1, actually my belly still shows abit, those kpo relatives still asking whether i am preg...now i am really preg..haha...i just hope the #2 after birth my belly will go away . this time i definitely must preserve and go for post natal massage.

pinkie - the childcare leave cannot be carried over.
so you must use them up before going on maternity leave.

i am sending my girl to playgroup soon in july, so i reckon i will use them up...

actually with 2 kids, 6 days of childcare leave simply not enough !

my boss is also a male. but lady boss is always kpo-ing in office. so i am sure she will ask my coll soon, i think i will also tell my boss personally very soon too...belly shall be showing very soon in 2nd trim.
haiz. don't know what will happen after the news is revealed.
hi yanyan
for #1 i bot pupsik. i quite like it.

same as you, i'll prob use up my current childcare leave before i go on maternity.

But if you are expecting #1 now, then no choice. can only use the 6days after you come back from maternity leave.
Hi.. Ya for me too.. I juz utilise all my childcare leave and not touch my AL as it can be carried forward.. My boss dun allow me to tk 4mths straight.. Ask me take 3 mths.. I super sian coz i got no intention to go hols next yr.. Coz for my #1.. I took 3mths & i clear 1 mth when she turn 6mths old.. Brought her to korea for hols.. This round no intention to go hols..

Mrs teo..hw much u pay for the pupsik pouch? Where u buy?
hi mummies, i dint log in over the weekend..was busy attending bday parties ! phew finally its all over now haha

laruru, the nurse say can stop folic aft 1st trim but i still tk since got many left

lola83, i got no appt too
hv to walk in..but i was there early and the Q wasnt long..so aft register we went for bfast and short walk..total wait abt 2hrs for our turn only. hope u dont wait too long today !

lizliz, yes this gynae v funny de..whn near to CNY he say can eat anything but no pineapple tarts ! lol

oreodinary, my #1 is 3 this month and super sticky to me too...whn fetch him fr childcare till home, he is like superglue alrdy..mummy here mummy there..aiyo sometimes really bth him. yes he likes to climb all over me too, but aft warn him afew times now he seldom do it anymore haha

anyone using bio-oil ? im using it and find it quite good for my skin
hi yanyan
i bot it last time from mothercare. cannot recall how much.
i'll be taking 4mth straight or ML. i have colleagues took 3.5mth, then due to workload etc cannot clear by the time the ML expire... so lugi leh.

I prefer to take all in one go so can spend time with baby. after that can always use childcare, AL and MC ;)
i will tk 3mths and the balance will be added on to my AL..last time my company did this also and i can work like 4 days a week
I told my boss when im 8weeks bcos change of new boss and new boss wants to assign new task for me which needs to travel. so bobian i hav to tell him and can only start my new task next yr Jan 2013..provided im still with the company..lol

Porky, im using bio-oil, i also find it good as its not oily and it doesnt hav strong smell..

My boy is 3yrs old and he is also very sticky to me..if im at home, anything also wants mummy do it for him, bath for him, clean for him after pass motion, play with him, eat with him, watch youtube with him..etc etc...but he is really a sweet boy..

actually now my biggest concern is how to bf for as long as i can. for #1 i stop after bf for 2mths bcos i need to go back to work. my office don hav any rooms which is suitable for pumping as all the meeting rooms comes with glass doors..then all the Managers/GM are Japanese Male. So kinda paiseh to pump in the office..also feel shy to tell my boss that i wan to pump...i hav a lot of supply, can have 120ml for just 1side each pump. so i wan to bf longer this time...
jo's mummy: 1st tri i dun have headache.. my headache only kick in now.. (2nd tri now)

I m using Galenic Elancyl Stretch Mark Cream.. i like the light fragrance smell.. bot palmer's but cant stand coco butter smell, so my fren recommend me this.. u gals can try out too..
jo3309, i used bio oil during my previous preg and find it not oily so use it again this time
so good tt u hv lots of supply..i stop bf on 4th mth..v tough to continue when back to work
Cindy, i bought it from my friend last time in SMH bp, but now u can get it from watson or guardian..its only $15.50 but very small bottle..can try 1 bot 1st...
for me i used pupsik as well. was a gift from friends. LOVE it! I bought the mim sling but found it difficult to use cos it had too much extra cloth hanging around so didn't use it in the end. Used the pupsik till my boy was 9 mths then upgraded to a baby carrier. their webiste is http://www.pupsikstudio.com/
the only con is that it has sizing so my hubby couldn't use the pupsik to carry #1 and i had to do all the carrying.

for stretchmark, i'm using bio-oil as well
Jos mommy: okay!
I will buy one to try heheheh!!! Thank u v v much! And jia you on bf!!! I getting lazy.. Think I won't insist on bf.. With 2 monsters running ard.. I don't think I can find the energy to bf the third one hahahhaz

Wendy: I thought w 2 kids the no of days is increased to 10? That said, still not enough!!! Ahaha.
cindy, i got it fr bp too..its big bottle can use for v long

im using MIM previously...find it too warm and messy to handle so i sold it away..haha..now considering to get pupsik..saw my fren use it like v neat
Wah.. So many using pupsik.. Ok i shall buy at a later stage.. Can only buy online? Wanna feel the material b4 getting.. Any dept stores carry this?

U all start using bio-oil le? I haven start. Tot can only use in tri 2? I 4mth liao but still haven start.. Been very lazy.. Hehe
yanyan, i start to apply ard 9weeks...v KS this time cos last round i started late and got lots of ugly stretch marks..lol..now skin is better so hope can keep it tt way till deliver
Thanks for the replies. I'll continue with my folic acid since I still have some left.

I'm using the clarins oil now. Only started from week 11 onwards as previously, the smell was a bit too strong for me. I usually apply it when my skin is still damp after the shower. After applying I'll rinse with water. Otherwise, it feels sticky if I don't do the rinse. I suppose it'll still work as I can still feel some oiliness on my skin when it's dry and it feels comfortable, instead of sticky.

Anyone knows what type of lotion is in the clarins promotion pack?
By the way, there's a Philips sale at Toa Payoh this weekend. I intend to go down and check out potential baby products to buy.
i am fine with girl since i already have a 3.5 yrs old boy.

My boy says he wants mei mei but hubby prefers a boy. haiz

hi jo's mummy, you stay at amk too?
i brought my son for the oscar test, Dr Wendy kept talking to him, explaining the baby to him and asked he wants di di or mei mei... i told her he wants a mei mei... then she tried to check, although she can't confirm, but pointing at the screen and some dots, she was telling my son that :"ya, most likely you will have mei mei..."
Jo mummy: can try to pump during lunchtime? Or else the meeting room use something to block the glass? This time round will hv headache too... Company took away the room cos needed to Reno and make way for more mtg rooms.. So will need to find another empty room to pump.. Haiz.. Sianz..

Re slings: I started out with the MIM sling but found it pulled much on one side till my shoulder ache badly.. Later went to buy the manduca carrier.. Was very happy with it and no more shoulder aches.. After a while, my boy just refuses to be slung anymore.. So hv kept that away.. Will moz prob use that for my #2.. Good thing abt manduca is that there is a insert so can use for infants as well.. But its pricey.. $250plus if i remember correctly.. Bot mine from baby slings and carriers at square 2..

Re childcare leave: unfortunately for those having #1, childcare leave for the year is likely to be forfeited, since maternity leave will kick in on the day u deliver or earlier if u so choose.. Unless can plan until so zhun that u take the first 8 wks of maternity leave, then jus nice still in dec to clear childcare leave (likely pro rated), then continue with balance of 8 wks maternity leave (since its flexible n meant to be taken anytime within 12 months of ur child's birth).. But then, also dun think company HR so nice to let us do something like that... But then again, no harm trying... Hehe.. Me so bad.. Plotting how to circumvent the system... :p. but guess I can't try since I've already used up all my childcare leave this year.. Hehe..

And oh btw childcare leave is 6 days regardless of how many kids below 7 u have as required by the law.... Any extra means ur company is very nice n give extra days off.. Haha..
darienna:eek:h my! I didn't know about the cc leave!! I thought there would be more for more children! cause i've 2 currently and i remember it was upped from 6days to 10! and i just checked, for 3rd child... it's a max of 15 days.
wow actually your company very good. darienna is right, regardless how many children you have, most company follow MOM rule and is entitled 6days per calendar year.

morning mummies !

jus got a call from gynae's clinic tt my oscar result is v good ! waiting time is exactly 1 week ! hope u all get ur result soon
