(2012/11) Nov 2012

Hi Cindy,
My gynae package is 700 started from week 12 until delivery. This would include multivitamins, calcium, scanning and urine test.
If I come earlier than the appointed date, I need to pay $60 for the consultation fee.
Delivery charge is 1,500 for normal delivery

Feeling extremely lethargic today at work. It's quite horrible and feeling slightly nauseous.

Hi sweetycute, im 12 weeks tmr. it seems ur EDD is 1 week late? maybe you would like to check with your gynae if you should be 2 Nov? When's ur LMP? mine was 23 Jan.

yanyan, i also experienced little sharp pains but its like for a second or 2 at the sides, i think should be fine as long as its not constant.
<font color="0000ff">YJZL: Hmm strange leh....I also dunnoe leh. The edd on the scan showed as 9 Nov and I'm gg for my OSCAR tml leh. Usually OSCAR need to be at least 12 weeks is it?

Queen: Hmm my first visit showed that my edd is 1 nov then 2nd visit changed to 9 nov *faintz* Errmm I'm not sure what is LMP hahahaha :p

Cindy: My pkg is the same as Happygal. Tink she's from PEH too
Tink it's more worthwhile to take pkg ba. At least covered quite a fair bit of items :p

Oreodinary: Hengz u can still have fall back plan i.e. deliver in Spore. Poor HK-ies, they gotta fight with the mainlanders siaz!</font>
Hi Sweetycute.. sorry. LMP (Last menstrual period) hahaha. I think the scan date shown seems to based on the size of ur little one.
<font color="0000ff">Queen: hee no worries. I tink i sua gu lah. A lot of other mummies know this term cos I kept seeing them posting this short form. But I just dunnoe what it means :p Tks for enlighting me. My LMP was in Jan leh. Early jan in fact. I thot my edd gonna b in Oct leh but it's nt. Yah probably they base on the size to reestimate? Hmm so which is more accurate?</font>
sweetycute, i think maybe in due time ur date will change again. and oops i think i made an error in my earlier comment, i should be 12 weeks today, not tmr. if early jan, yah i thot so that ur edd would be in oct too. Nothing should be accurate as of now, expect ur date to be changed again from ur gynae and im going for my oscar tmr too! oscar can be conducted when u are around 11 weeks + till 14 weeks i think.
<font color="0000ff">Queen: oh okie....as long as my oscar test is within that period then it's okie. Still worried if I take the test too early :p

YJZL: Hmm mayb you are right leh....actually I have been trying for quite some time. Almost at the verge of giving up, when this little gift appeared as a surprise....</font>
Hi all mummies here,

I'm new in this thread. Currently, I'm a sahm with 18 mths tod and expecting for 9 wks. My edd should be 20 Nov. Doing Oscars test on 14 may @ TMC.

My gynae is Dr loh &amp; Dr Marianne. My first child was seen by Dr Loh @ KKh but when he was super packed, Dr Marianne will take over. I think this pregnancy will continue to stick with them but seeing Dr Marianne more.
hi all mummies/MTB,do you know that if my working contract until June and EDD is on NOV,will we entitle the paid maternity leave?
<font color="0000ff">ahko80: So shiok to be SAHM :p Congrats on your 2nd pregnancy :p

Jess: Hmm not very sure but if your contract is ending in June, would the employer be so nice to give u the paid maternity leave if your edd is in Nov?</font>
wow! SAHM! I think being a SAHM is tough. It takes a lot of patience. I tried that for a month (when my parents were not available to take of my gal) and nearly went mad... :p
still prefer to work though. But I do find that kids seem to be more well behave when one of the parents is the main care giver....

Anyone going for Oscar next tuesday at TMC?
<font color="0000ff">piangz: hahaa true that SAHM is tough but at least, can get to be with the kid throughout their growing stage. Think this part is blissful. But hahaha same as u, I think I cant tahan be a SAHM for long. Dunnoe is it becos now that P, will make me easily agitated or my girl is too powerful in talking back!</font>
I'm also a SAHM and have been for the last 32mths, haha. Well I did do some freelance work here and there but it's not really counted as those were v short-term project basis. Now that #2 is on its way, I have to think abt half-day school for my son. Didn't want to start him too early in sch as he is quite the sensitive type and also felt tt we were doing fine at home; we do go to playgrp and other activities for socialisation. But I think it's impt for him to have some activity to go to so tt I will have time for the new baby and for him to grow up a bit, hehe.
Ahko, Dr Marianne also very nice and good! I am with DR Loh so we are both from same O&amp;G clinic. Btw, Dr Marianne seems preggy too? Then later how she deliver for you?
Mummies, ask you all hor, should i worry if found abit of pale lime green discharge? Will harm the pregnancy if it means some form of infection?
Thank u yanyan, sweetycute and Happygal;
I also feel more worthwhile to take package but hubby say if take package must go for the thomson one where the waiting time
Is horrendously long. About 1.5-2 hours from appt time. So he say what for waste the time. Sigh. So I guess I have no choice but to go back to the expensive ex gynae hahah!!

Heartbeats: actually I also notice I have more discharge lately. Any other of u too? But more of pale yellow to creamy.
Ok, just got back from KKH A&amp;E. Doc sent some scrappings for lab test but preliminarily, she say should be fine.

I asked if its really infection, should i worry or will it be harmful? She say yes, if severe can cause preterm.

Cindy, pale yellow/creamy/milky - i read is normal. Mine was green thats why panicked.
i am considering transferring from TMC to KKH, since KKH is nearer to my home. initially went to TMC cos i was seeking advice for infertility for some time. In particular, i am thinking of going to DR goh shen li at KKH. Anyone who has experience with her?
Mummies, i suppose some of us here are reaching 2nd tri soon, how will we know placenta is ready and can stop supports ah? Scan can tell?
Good morning mummies...

Pardon my ignorance but i thought that placenta supports baby all the way till delivery? what effects will there be?

Btw, mummies who are having alot of discharges, at what week are you at now? I only have very very slight discharge like transparent/cream, is it normal? sorry coz first timer really greenhorn about all these.
Hi queenkay: i'm only at 9 weeks ++. will be 10 weeks this coming sun.

heartbeats: take lots of care! and yup.. qn same with queenkay, what support are u using? i'm not using any support, just wear clothes as per normal. hahaa.
<font color="0000ff">charmaine: gynae nowadays really knw hw to make $$!

Cindy: Hmm expensive gynae have lesser queue is it hee....sometimes those expensive ones also need to queue like mad!

Same as u, I also not using any support :p

Heartbeats: woo....first time I heard got green discharge leh! And I also not using any kind of support now. Probably will be using in 3rd trimester where the stomach becomes bigger?

Queen: My discharge getting lesser. Tink as we progress, discharge will reduce leh. In my earlier stage of pregnancy, discharge was more. So I supposed it's normal :p</font>
Heartbeats, tell your gynea and they can do clinic tests and give you the medicine accordingly.

What support are you all talking about? I never use any support through out my first pregnancy, even bra also never bother to change, only get those breast feeding bra.

Ask you all hor, do you have the throat burning sensation after vomitting, how you all deal with it?
Oops, i m sorry, i mean pregnancy supplements. In 1st tri, i am now given duphaston, projesterone injections, estrogen pills ... i know all these can stop after the placenta is developed to take over. Just that dont know how to tell placenta is ready.
soooo annoyed with the hk hospitals! spent the whole morning trying to call and make an appt and keep getting voicemail...finally once the phone was picked up and then slammed down without a hello!
Hi mummies!

May I know if anyone here has cyst during their first trimester? My scans showed that I have a cyst which could seemingly seen to be growing and that worries me..

I would like to hear from you all please.

I feel that I'm getting from bad to worse.. starting to puke now and keeps having no appetite.
wendy: i have two cysts (both of each side) before i got pregnant and one of them is growing bigger now. When i ask the gynae, she told me that cyst will grow bigger during pregnancy, it may or may not be a threat. Only time will tell. Depends on the size of cyst also.
Thanks Priya.

Mine is on the left side and after two scans, it did showed a slight increase in size. Doc probably didn't want to scare me so said that it should be fine but got to monitor over time..

I will be meeting doc next week and hopefully the cyst stays at the same or gets smaller size or even better, disappear!

It is worrying.
Hi Mummies,

i aso got some pale yellow discharge or rather stains, v minor. i hope i am doing fine
nxt gynae appt is on nxt mon.
Heartbeats, I also got very yellowish discharge then did a swap test then it's yeast infection. As it is 1st trimester, I was given cream to apply. My gynae say won't harm bb if it's yeast infection but must get it treated

My 1st pregnancy I got the same yeast infection during 2nd trimester n was given a pill to insert into my vaginal.

U can check with Ur gynae.
sweetcute, u bet!no wonder my gynae's watch only get more expensive each time i go visit him!

heartbeats, normally the placenta will developed about 11-12 weeks, once out can stop all the pills and injections..but will have to start with the other supplments like calcium, iron and fish oil...but i only take the iorn pills and drink fresh milk instead...
Amanpp: thank u!

Btw MTBs, Confinement lady must book this early aso? I have the dilemma now ... My mother in law said its expensive to get a CL, she will do for me. As in me, baby and maid will stay at her Hse once I discharge from hospital. Den after confinement, when i go bk to work after 3rd mth, I go bk my own place, baby and maid will be w mom in law,  mon to Fri, she and my maid will look after my baby, den weekend I bring bk baby n maid. Does it sounds good to u? I really hard to say no to her, since she offer. But I don know if I can get used to stay at her place. if I engaged a CL, I Worried an unhappiness will arise  
how ..what shd I do?? 
Dear Mummies, I am Enid here. This is my second child.. My first girl is 15.5 months. I joined the Jan 2011 forum previously so now for my 2nd one, I will joining this ;) how is everyone?

I am on jabs, twice weekly and also on pills.. unfortunately for my first kid, I was also on this..

Wishing my 1st trimester will pass by smoothly.. I am seeing Dr Fong at Paragon. Delivered my first girl in Mt A and really like the environment plus price is really enrichment.. u can order longan tea as we were not supposed to touch water at all the moment you deliver your child.

If you have any questions, do feel free to ask, I will try to and with my limited one experience ;)

Ok thanks ladies, thanks ShirleyChu, thanks Charmaine.

I am in week 11 already, think next week need have a very thorough discussion with gynae. I have massive pregnancy supports, think more than most mummies so i very paranoid if all stopped cold turkey, the sharp drop can trigger something bad lor.
Hmm Liangmin, you are in a tough situation. What your hb say? Can your mum help with confinement instead? I also trying to do without a CL.

Personally, i wouldnt want to do confinement at my ILs place. I feel confinement can be stressful if stay at unfamiliar place and then under MIL sure kenna imposed alot of rules. I am not sure if i can take it. If have to do confinement with parents, i rather it be my own mum. At least she knows me better, my habits and such and if mum naggy or have differing views, i dare to voice out but to MIL how to voice out. Hb agrees with me (luckily) as he also dont want to be snap in between.

I still thinking about my confinement though, most likely my mum do for me but i will just let her take care of babies. All housework will let maid do. Then for meals, i intend to order tingkat. At least less stressful for mum and me if we only need to concentrate on babies.
liangmin, if u wan to hire CL better do it now..cos this year alot of mummies giving birth...discuss with ur hubby cos MIL are unlike our own moms..they say anything even if not happy also have to keep quiet..im lucky my mum does my confinement previously for me..its pretty ez actually, jus boil soup for me, wash my clothes and bathe my baby..the rest i do myself...

hi enid! im also seeing dr fong but at tiong bharu, no GST..keke..my first one is born in feb 2011..is ur first boy or girl?
I'm finally past 1st tri! No more folic acid &amp; vit b! Move on to iron, fish oil &amp; calcium pills!

I can only sign up package w my gynae next month.. She had revised the package fees.. Is $800 instead of $600..
Put it this way - even if you don't get along with your CL, at least after 1 mth she will be gone. Furthermore, she is your employee, if you feel she is not good you can always dismiss her early or at least tell her off. It's not so easy to do with one's MIL.

I also think that even if a CL is costly, you don't feel so bad about making her stay up at night tending to the baby, etc since after all you are paying her to do it. If it is MIL doing a lot of extra work, your dependence on her and what you 'owe' her may put a strain on your relationship. You will also feel like you should go along with her suggestions on how to take care of baby even if you don't agree with her, out of respect. Guess it depends on how well you get along with her.

I agree about not wanting to do confinement at ILs place, it's more about the comfort and privacy. 3mths is a long time to spend there. Also, have you already decided that MIL and maid will be primary caretakers of your baby after you go back to work? There's nothing wrong with the arrangement, except maybe to consider that after the baby arrives, your feelings about this arrangement may change, but by that time it's hard to 'reverse' the decision and tell MIL that you rather have the baby stay at your place, etc.
Hi liangmin, actually I'm in a fairly similar situation. This is my #3. For my #1 and #2, i had my mil to do the confinement for me, at her house as I was staying with them then and house wasnt ready. Day time they are home w her while I
Work and when it's night we all huddle in a bedroom. Time was tough, really a lot of one ear in one ear out. In a way, I planned for #1 and #2 fairly close as I wanted them to be able to attend cc when my home is ready. And of course now, they attend cc in the day time. Then it comes to this #3, which is purely totally and accident, where do I do my confinement and what happens after maternity? I seriously don't know and my hubby is the kind that says leave it .. When the time comes we will have a solution.

I hate to leave to when the time comes. Mil did suggest to me that she can come over to do the confinement but when maternity leave is over, I put bb at her plc mon to fri ... Which to me, is an absolute no no. So nw... I'm fretting over the childcare arrangements after maternity leave.. Infant care is ex, hubby doesn't want my mom to take care (mainly cause of diff beliefs, plus he thinks his mom is forever the best) and trpt is gg to be from one end of sg to the other if we were to send and pick up #3 to and fro. Sigh. Really wonder at times, why did the accident happen.
