(2012/11) Nov 2012

piggiedearz: i shared your sentiment.. i think we are almost the same.. it is very tiring process.. frens and hubby are very sweet and supportive.. they have been ecouraging that after 1st tri, everything will be much more better.. i m praying hard on this to happen to us soon..

i will try to take the duphaston on alternate day.. it is making me feel lousy.. yup, i did try on some sweets..

you add oil too! jia you!! u have fb?

shirlynn: yes, i notice that deep breathe make me feel better.. that is how i endure till i reach my station this morning.. hehe.. i think we are all almost the same.. about the mood..

chevelle: welcome to the group.. it is ok to have ur 1st appt, a month later. cos you are only 2-3 weeks, so with a month in time, you will be about 6-7 weeks.. by then, u go for ur 1st appt, then will be able to detect the bb.. too early cant see anythings.. meanwhile, try taking folic acid (5mg) every morning first..
Amanpp, thanks for ur advice... I am so excited now and keep going to the toilet to ensure that everything is okay... Am so worried too.. Haven encounter ms but keep having slight headache and is extremely sleepy..
shirlynn.. tmr i ask my gynae abt it then tell u more
meanwhile i can only bring a cardi along whereever i go so that i can wear it when my cold bumps occurs

amanpp.. did the sweets work for u? did u buy any pregnancy books? i have a few passed down from sil and lent by frens, so am checking it out. quite useful
i haven't found the inbox for pm yet.. can u let me know where issit?

hi chevelle.. congrats! yup 5-7 weeks is normal for the first appt, if not, cant see anything then will be more worried. u can take folic acid first while waiting to see gynae. i've been taking obimin (a prenatal multi vit) which u can get from pharmacies. it will provide most of the necessary stuff we need. this is gd when ur ms acts up and u can't eat much.
piggiedearz: nope.. its not working for me..
puked out the sweets.. i din buy any pregnancy books, my fren loan me one of hers.. yes, its quite informative.. i thot the inbox is on the top left hand corner.. u try to send me a PM.. see if i can rec'd it..
hi amanpp.. i sent u a pm. can send but duno where to check incoming. the check new messages on the top left doesn't work. hmmm....
Hi all mOmmies

I tested positive...this's gg to my #3

Do u mommies experience diaherra?? For the past 1 week I LS everyday. I do not experience this during my last 2 preggy.
Hi piggydearz.. Thanks... Taking folic acid now.. So far no ms but feel very sleepy n keep having slight headache. Dun feel like doing anything except to sleep.. Wahahahaha.. Sounds like a pig... I m also excited to know when will my EDD be..
amanpp ..ok drop u a mail
how's ur lunch? managed to eat smting?

chevelle..u can try using one of the online due date calculators... its pretty accurate hehe. i also use that for info and its similar to wad doc tells me. yup i hear that fatigue is common during first trim. try to get more rest after work

finally.. i took the anti-vomit med before lunch.. had some soupy noodle for lunch.. hopefully will not vomit out later.. how about u? ok?
hi all

same as Chevelle,
i also test 2-3 weeks pregnant on the clearblue digital pregancy test last week.

I managed to see my gynae and he prescribed me with folic acid, multi-vitamins + duphaston for now coz still can't see anything yet.

Will go back for my check again next week.
Candymama: wow!
will u be keeping this one then?

Hello to all new mommies and jiayou to those mommies suffering!! Me also suffering but with piles!!! Sians.
piggiesdearz: yup.. no choice leh.. if i dun take that, i cant eat/drink anything.. can not tahan also must tahan.. now in zombie mode..
omg ok. tmr im gg to ask the doc if got other type non drowsy de but dowan so ex de or not. if tmc doesn hv then i go else where get la. he give me d prescription. lol.
Hi Cindy,

I'm keeping this one.. cuz I don't want to kill my own blood.
That time I ask my hubby say if got one more then how, he say take it out.
my heart really sad to hear that lo.. but now he is ok with it already.
he say keep it n let him/her to come out to see this world.

I don't know which week i am in right now. maybe going to my gynae on 22nd april.
candymama: wah... how can you manage 4 kids?
Me intend to stop at number 2. As im so tired. My number 1 is only 18months and i didnt have a good night sleep since then.
Some more he seem to be falling sick every month. making my bosses "marking' me. My Childcare leave only left with 2days for the rest of the year.
Shirlynn, yup.. I'm working from home.. My two elder one schooling.. N all my kids seem to be easy to take care.. I just leave them there n they will sleep by themselve..

Juliana, my last one is 13 month.. Maybe u can give ur #01 eat some vit c to build up the body..
amanpp.. no tmr is not 2nd appt. 2 more wks then 2nd appt. this is to go change medicine lor. yup i will update u after seeing him
Thanks Shirlynn, ya too much sweets also worry about GD hor?

This morning my mood as bad as the weather! Spotting and cramps and took 2 hours to get to KKH A&E cos no cabs! Walao!!!

By the way, anyone with twins here?
candymama,salute u!#5!!lol.i dont know how to manage so many kids.i have one already driving me up e wall.lol.
my appetite is so much better but always have cravings and MUST eat what i craved for.if not cant sleep.lol...
Candymana, envy you lei. One already make me scare. Some children are easy to look after. You so blessed.

Heartbeats, are you ok now?

This week I am on medical leave. Only feel unwell when I went downstairs to buy breakfast and snacks. So far so good at home until the moment I tell my hubby that I going shower to fetch my son from child care, I retched out everything right from morning. Complain to my hb that his second baby is like his first son. All do not like to go out
he laugh and say next time will be three against one
Hi kidomum..

I tried calling my gynae for an appt... The clinic asst told me that I should only go in at the end of the month cos now is still too early to see anything... So I am just waiting for end of the month now.... Hopefully everything is okay when I go see the gynae.
Hi Mommies,
Sorry to interrupt….I have some brand new BUMWEAR prefolds for sale. Never used before.

5 white prefolds (premium)
5 unbleached prefold (newborn)
2 Snappies

Willing to sell them in a bundle at $30 (exclude postage charges).

Individual item purchase is welcome as well.

Please pm or email me at [email protected] if you are keen to purchase them.
Hey ladies, how often you all go for check up to scan your babies? So far i going at fortnightly. Wonder if too much scans is bad?
Heartbeats: take care take care. My first appt was at 6 weeks, next one is 3 wks later at 9 weeks!

Mummies with #1 and #2, did you ask them if they want a boy or girl? My elder boy (5yrs) kept asking me today if my baby is boy or girl... And he says he wants it to be a boy v v v v much. He says if it's a girl he will be very sad as he already has a meimei #2.. Hahaha. Find it so hard to convince him that boy or girl, we must love cause we are a family. Then he said if it is a girl again then I must have #4 to have a boy!!!! Omg.
hi chevelle,
it depends on gynae,
some are hard to book.
if you go at end of the month, definitely can even see heartbeat =)

i think when i go see mine next week, can probably see the sac.

Meanwhile, you can go pharmacy to get folic acid.
It is important to take now.
Heartbeats , I scan every week. No problem one, no worries. I did that for my #1 too. Is good as first tri is critical , anything can know fast.

Btw, anyone knows what we can take to soothe the throat after retching out the acidic stuffs? My throat always burn for hours after that. Hard to swallow anything
hungry right now but throat so painful to eat things
I'm also feeling cold quite often, didn't use to be this way. Wondering if it's because blood is low iron or anything like that...
Sleepless nite for me again
today got some bleeding & reli make me so worry, lucky my Coll send me to my Gynae ASAP. Heng manage to see bb hb & was given a week mc to rest & a hormone injection, super painful too. Now my left eye is red & swollen & I got a painful lump growing bigger on my shlder. Guess tml hv to see Gynae again.
Good morning all mommies..

It's another day.. Hope it's a blessed day that all mommies are blessed with good appetite n a smooth sailing day...
Dotty... Good to go see a gynae and find out what's wrong..
Have a good rest and Dun worry too much.. Be positive..
Thanks Cindy, Shirlynn, i still thot i kiasu to scan every 2-3 weeks. But dont see them often i dont fang xin. Sometimes wish my hb is gynae then can anytime anyhow scan! haha

Ya Dotty, cos its oil based injection. On your bum or thigh? I am doing mine daily on the bum leh, pain till i cannot sit but what to do, i prone to low progesterone so can only grit my teeth and tahan. Good that can see hb, as long as can see hb, safer liao, now just have to ensure enough supports thru out 1st tri.
housewife,If the cost is not a problem to you, just go for oscar ba. me also going for oscar test on 18 Apr. some more appointment all full have to go there early early to queue.

Touch wood, if anything happen, can plan the next step.

What your concern?
hi do you feel tired at times where you got a toddler and expecting no. 2? My hub work late and i need to pick up my son from childcare. He is very active and i only pray hard that he will behave himself when i pick him up after work and pray that it will not rain. I love children so i have no regrets
the most i feel tired, after dinner, go for a short nap and throw my son to my hub after he came back hahahahahha
Juliana, which week will you be on 18th April to do your oscar? I thought oscar is done at 12th week?
This is my 2nd pregnancy. 1st one was 6years ago when I was 29 so only needed to go the NT scan. I think this time I may need to do Oscar coz 35 oredi..

kidomum, me in week 12 when 18th apr.
According to the nurse if over certain week do will not be acurate le.

Tot over age 35, have to do other tests? Have you check with your doc. what are the additional test that u need to do? As you above 35, better to do ba.

For my case, i have history of medicial. therefore i bit kiasu. i do whatever test to make sure my bb is healthy.
