(2012/11) Nov 2012

i cannot take dry stuff...i will feel nausea..

wat kind of crackers r u taking, heartbeats?
Any crackers or biscuits. So far i have tried Jacobs high iron vegetable crackers and Crabtree Evelyn cranberry cookies. I broke them into tiny pieces and put in small container, then pop 1 piece into mouth everytime feel queasy.
ok maybe i try that too. thank you!
can we eat cookies? i read from somewhere cannot eat food that are made of raw eggs, but not sure true anot...:/
Any ladies taking blackmore (BM) folic acid? Did your gynae advise you what is d max dosage to take? I rem 10mg but after reading up in a forum, it seems 10mg is overdose. They mentioned 5mg is enuff.
Currently 1 tablet of BM folic acid is 500mcg.
I would be opting for the oscar test. Whatever the results is, at least give me "xin an".And if results is not good, i can make preparation for it so that i would not be caught off guard once bb is born.
the eggs in cookies and cakes, etc are considered cooked after the baking process. I think we just need to avoid raw eggs in certain dishes like caesar salad (depends on whether restaurant uses premade dressing which will be pasteurised or makes its own with raw eggs) or sukiyaki where you dip cooked beef slices into a raw egg mixture.
amanpp.. haha cos i wanna find ways to make myself better. things i 'cant' take (as in eat le feel nauseatic) i will skip n avoid during this period. Things that im ok with i will continue to take lor. Like that can help me feel better for the better part of the first trim! hopefully! hahaha...

shirlynn.. yup its gd to rest if u're not feeling up to it to work. at times like this, bb is more impt. must tk gd care!
Hi, for those who r preggie w #2 & above, hw does ur older kids take to ur pregnancy? My gal, 27mths, has 'welcome' the idea of having a younger sibling..she would kiss & sayang my tummy but she recently also displayed weird behaviours.. She has not been wanting the pram & yaolan aftee she turn 1 but recently she ask for both! & also super clingy to me (she always cling to me but recently turn worst)
Housewife, yes, for #1, I lost weight till 43kg during the 1st tri. 2nd tri onwards my morning sickness gone. I eat and eat. Especially chocolates . Keke. Before delivery I am 65kg. After delivering I am around 56kg. But within baby's full month I dropped to 45kg
Piggiedearz, I think pregnancy is teaching us to slow down our pace in life. Yesterday after vomiting for whole day. I was sitting at home with iPad on hand lying on bed. Touch wood, all ok. Evening time went for hor fun. Take less than half and felt not so good. Hubby ask me to stop. Say if hungry eat later again . And whole evening I never vomit . I lie on bed through the night.

But bad point, I feel lazy
E-tan, my appetite at 5 week+ is also very good. I only found out I was pregnant after eating Chinese medicine for two weeks to make menses come. The tcm urge me to o back and test.

My appetite was always good before menses, that's why never in my mind that I think I am pregnant.
Shirlynn luckily your tcm medicine didnt affect your pregnancy! For me my appetite before menses also very good but I controlled. Now that I am pregnant I am like letting loose a little. Oh no!....
morning mummies!

@foxinthesnow: oh! thanks for your info! will avoid them!

@e_tan: u are so lucky!! i have totally no appetite! and feel super bloated all day!

any mummies get tummyache in the middle of the nights? i was awoken by stomachache for 5 days in a week and have to get up and go toilet. but when i go toilet its nothing but gas...
@twinkle: I have no MS dont know is it not enough hormones which cause the MS. worried. First consultation in 2nd week of april still so long.

Last night I have ache at the side. cramp for quite long
E-tan, after knowing I am pregnant , my appetite got from bad to worse . Now I am at the stage where hungry also dun dare to eat.

I think I belong to the minority who have problem of excessive salivation during early stage of pregnany. Same for my #1.

I keep having the yucky taste and smell. Even my hubby complaining, ask me to vomit properly and to open the to open the windows for ventilation . Yucks , when will I be better ????
E-tan, are you having low blood ? If yes, try to take some beef .

I am not really a ginger person. Now drinking 100 plus to replenish . A few sips at each time
E_tan, same as me! my next appt with my gynae is 2nd week of april...still so long...dono how to tahan if i wake up every night due to stomachache...

don worry, i have friends who do not have much MS too, and everything was fine for them...they are such a lucky bunch!
@shirlynn - yah I have low blood but I dont eat beef. Trying to eat more chicken etc. haha

@twinkle - mine is first consultation haha so nervous. Hope it turns out well. Who is your gynae?
e_tan, mine is dr chua ying! its my second appt cos first time i went to see her was to confirm my pregnancy. hee. whos ur gynae?

hmm is liver gd for nourishing blood?
Mine is Dr Benjamin Tham. I don't think liver that good. Cos it is rich in Vitamin A and Vit A I heard like not good for baby
Just wondering, anyone taking bee pollen? My MIL bought bee pollen for me, not sure if it's safe to eat? There seems to be conflicting views on the Internet.
Pandager, i ever ask doctor before if we overdose folic acid how? He say safe. Body will just absorb what is needed and pass the rest so no need worry. I am now on 10 mg daily though required is only 5 mg.

Shirlynn, i also got yucky taste in my mouth! Really yucky! Sometimes no choice, i suck sweets and felt better for a while.
E-tan, dun think chicken is good for blood lei. Try to talk to your Gynea . I always had low blood count also. My Gynea ask me to take beef. My hubby stop taking beef a few years back . But he will accompany me a few times each week for my steak. He will go for fish / chicken . That is for my first pregnancy . I think I will wait till 2nd tri before going for my steak, now everything goes in also feel wasted. Moreover each time only can take 1/3 to 1/2 portion.
Heartbeats, too much sweets are no good. Especially for me. Will have more saliva swollowing and later will vomit out again
Hi nov mummies, I'm new here. This is my 1st pregnancy and I'm just 6 weeks and EDD late Nov. Looking forward to our bb journey together。 

I read on website crabs and liver are not so good for 1st trimester. Like u all, i got no appetite but since I am slight overweight, happy to lose some weight before gaining all back.
For myself during the first pregnancy , the Chinese tcm from marine parade ask me to double boil the chicken and drink the essence itself. It may looks a bit oily. My mil also prepare for me off and on.
Had a bit of nausea over the weekend but no vomiting. I realised that the nausea felt worse when I lay down to rest and it occurred to me that maybe it's mild heartburn I'm feeling that causes the sense of nausea. Ate one antacid and felt a lot better. Worth a try if any of you ladies feel uncomfortably bloated and slightly nauseous because of that.

Also went to the library today and borrowed 2 magazines - Fit Pregnancy. Very informative as it focuses on the health aspects of pregnancy and the newborn days. I recommend it!
I haven't told #1 about my pregnancy yet. He's 32 months old and extremely attached to me. We used to ask him jokingly if he would like a baby to play with and he would always angrily reply 'no'. I'm not planning to tell him much until the pregnancy is more advanced, like maybe when the bump appears, because I think it's too hard for them to understand that there's a baby inside Mummy's tummy when they can't see anything. I also think that maybe he can't retain the concept for so many months, if I tell him when I'm 5mths pregnant there's still some time for him to get used to the idea.

Mums with 2 or more, any recommendations for preparing older siblings for the new arrival?
Hi everyone,

My LMP is 22nd Feb, my menses is not here, n I have yet to buy a pregnancy kit.
Should I wait for a few days more then test?
We didn't plan to have anymore baby.. If really have it will be my number 5th liao.. Headache....
Foxinthesnow, my boy coming 5 yrs old this July always say he do not want any siblings. But recently after my sil gave birth to twin gals. He start to accept. He will say he want a "didi" who can play with him.

Recently I always feel so sick , he ask me what happened? I tell him I was like this when he was in my stomach. I tell him there is a baby inside now. I also show him the pregnancy stages from baby centre. He tell me he also seen something similar in school.

Ending, he asked me, "mummy, when will you be better?". I was thinking and thinking.... "till you are out of my stomach"
morning ladies.. over the weekend was bad for me.. need to bed rest.. was feeling restless and tired.. this morning is even worst..

right after i wake up, i vomitted the "yellow juices" (huang dan shui) out, then later i vomitted the bfast (ie. bread) and when i reached the office, another run of vomitting.. today is really bad for me.. feel so sian.. moody..

how i wish this phrase faster pass..
Amanpp, I was like this when I have my #1, it's my morning process to go to work. I am not sure if it's bcos of movements which aggravate the morning sickness. Sitting at one place after a meal will reduce .

If you feeling bad, maybe you can tell your gynea . My gynea give me one week rest this week bcos of excessive vomiting.
shirlynn: ya, i also suspect certain movements aggrravate the morning sickness badly.. like in the morning, i was sitting down in the train lor not even standing up, but the nausea is equally bad if i need to stand up throughout the journey.. i can even feel i m a bit shaking, cold sweat(maybe weak) and jelly legs lor.. i thot i will faint in anytime.. but still, i manage to tahan till i reached my station..

i m seeing him this thur, will highlight this issue to him..
hi mommies gd morning! hope u all had a gd wkend and this is a short week!

hi shirlynn.. yup after i know im pregnant, my pace slowed down a lot (though not i want de la haha) and i smtimes feel bored n useless too. but i guess we just have to adapt to it and try to make ourselves feel better.

hi amanpp.. sad to hear u ur bad wkend.. yup i think mornngs are generally worse compared to other times of the day. plus u have to squeeze bus/train with so many people, definately not a good experience esp when u're hving ms. i think the duphaston is making us feel worse. it caused restlessness in me. im seeing doc tmr to change it , hope another type will make me feel better..

hi etan.. we have the same gynae!
how many appts u had with him so far? how do u find him?
hi mommies.. i keep feeling cold and get cold bumps once in a while.. does any of u get this too? ytd i went to west coast park to have a walk and get some sun.. felt much better but still feel the cold bumps once in a while
piggiedearz: yup.. i think so too.. will check with him if there is other med to make me feel better.. sigh.. sad to say this, i haven been feeling really happy since i m preg.. cos i was always feeling moody and restless..
hi amanpp.. me too actually. sad n guilty to say this. actually last wk been quite depressed, cry a few times a day too. even thot of giving up. but many frens keep encouraging me and giving me advise. so i try to hang on. my family and hb has been sweet n supportive too.

i've gd n bad days. on days tt i skip duphaston, i feel quite gd. i can cope w the nausea by taking the primperan though very drowsy. and i try to eat whenever i feel the hunger pangs come on, this reduced the nausea quite a bit. my fren also recommended me to suck on sweets after meals. i bought the fisherman's fren lemon n lime flavour sweet and it helped my nausea a lot but i juz realised it has artificial sweeteners which may not be gd so im gg to ask the doc tmr too. see wad he says. hopefully small doses still ok then i can continue to take. i went to buy a few other kinds of sweets without artificial sweeteners, slowly trying them out see which is as gd as the 1 i have now. u can try some sweets to see if they help?
Amanpp, slow down your walking pace in the meantime, it helps also. I often take deep breathes whenever I feel unwell.

Me too, only the positive make me happy, after that nothing seems to go well

Piggiedearz , me too. Either feel cold for no reason or sometime my body so hot , my hubby ask if I am having fever.

Good morning all mommies,

I am new to this forum, just tested positive last Friday. The clear blue digital kit shows 2-3 weeks pregnant. When I called to make appt with gynae, the assistant told me I only need to go for doc appt on 26th April... That's like abt mth later... Is it normal?? Or am I being too anxious??
