(2012/11) Nov 2012

sigh.. i m trying to "force" myself to drink as much fluid as possible.. ribena syrup mix with water.. so that i drink "water" and get hydrated.. and not drink less water and have water retention.. i dun wan water retention la...........

elated, coz 1st tri not stable so advise not to travel. perhaps May is ok, u check wif ur gynae coz i suppose to have biz trip this wk but advise not to go.
yjzllilone, ya last week i still got appetite to eat n always hungry but this wk dun seems to feel like eating at all neither do i feel like drinking water but i still force myself to eat & drink more water
Hi Linda I also went to Dr Poon and also had spotting, got a jab and duphaston pills, but that's it, for me not necessarily to take jab for whole of first trimester unless it worsen ..I was given 6 days bed rest though lol
Till now sometimes i still have a bit spotting here n there but so far only taking duphaston pills.
how much is it to do oscar scan at Dr Poon? dont know to do the scan anot eh.

im forcing myself to be more diligent to put the oil so hopefully my stretchmarks can be all gone after this round of stretching.lol!

for mummies with no appetite,do u have special craving?
I haven ask Dr Poon lol can do at his clinic?

Stretch mark oil -is Clarins the best? Heard my sis say her pregnant colleagues all use Clarins

Anyone heard of baby plus? Sounds interesting , prenatal education! According to the website, music-is useless as prenatal education!
Which week is the Oscar scan? I remember something about it being before week 12 or something like that, after that it's harder to measure the neck fold.

Stretch mark oil-
I used Clarins when pregnant with #1, seemed ok and absorbed quickly. No stretch marks. I've also heard Bio Oil is good, anyone tried that?
amanpp.. hmm i haven decide yet. liked mt a all d way but now considering his clinic is at tmc and feel that its more convenient for him to pop up to check on me more, so maybe tmc haha. mt a also hv need to pay extra charges wor.

dotty and yjzllilone.. u can try ginger tea? just boil ginger and add some brown sugar to taste. its quite gd for me. my doc also gave me gaviscon for the bloating..
Thks everyone for sharing ur deal of bad bosses n the encouragement! I m sending out resume n see how it goes . For now, just lun.
Foxinthesnow, yup Oscar is normally ard week 12-13.

I also haven go for my first apptm. Simply no time to go. Might try to arrange for this sat.
Getting insomnia, so reading the forum at this hour =P

Just a question, when do you schedule the 1st appt to see gynae ? Mine said best time to visit is at 7 weeks, but I'm going holiday when I'm about 6 weeks. Should I see her before my trip ?

Regarding babyplus, I used it with my #1 too. Expensive but bought it. Same as suntan, my boy had quite good motorskill, could also crawl by 6 mths and walk before 1st bday. Speech is slightly ahead of peers. However, not sure if its the benefit of babyplus, cus we also expose him to classical music when in tummy.
<font color="aa00aa">yjzlilone, i try to sleep at 10pm so if i wake up in the middle of night and could'nt get back to sleep, at least i have a good 2-3 hours sleep. That keeps me going..... icic, by may i will be in 2nd trimester liao la, so should be fine to go.. can't wait for my holidays! otherwise #2 pops, dun think can go holiday as and when liao.

Re: Stretch Marks
I tried palmers , boots and clarins (both cream and oil) before but still end up with nasty ugly stretch marks! ML tell me it boils down to genes so use stretch mark also no point :p Personally i prefer clarins stretch mark cream better.

Sasha: i think it would be wiser to schedule a gynae visit first because not advisable to travel during 1st trimester....</font>
I'm gg to see my gynae later today!!!

Feeling so nervous.
elated: thanks, been feeling better and monitoring if there's any spotting. Feel bloated last week but this week kinda ok, not much of the bloatness. Oh, btw I intend to travel after 2nd trimester too. Brought the air tickets before knowing I'm preggie, looking forward for the trip and pray bb is stable.

Hui: the jab was administered by a nurse at Dr Ho clinic, is it normal to jab? We starts to question as the frequency is too high, going to see Dr Poon later. Excited and hoping no more jab!

Ooh, babyplus seems interesting, where can we get it locally? Or gonna order from their website?
I also used clarins and no stretch marks too. But i hate the smell of the oil.

Can go to this website for more information:

Normally taka bb fair will sell. But you can try looking for preloved ones. Much cheaper. I got my set for $100 only.
Hi Linda , Dr Poon did the jab for me himself , he still say scared painful can choose to do on thigh or bum, but I choose thigh, not much feeling when being jabbed lol but i feel he is very caring la

Hope you have a fruitful visit later ! Keep us posted!

There is a website that sells, cost are 300 plus but like sun tan says, preloved ones are much value for money!
Hi all mummies, i am a newbie here!

EDD is on 17 Nov..

Would like to check if any experienced mummy has gone for any short trip during 14 weeks? I might be gg BKK in May as i have booked the package in Feb..still thinking if i wana go or not..Gynae says can go..many pple tell me dont go...

Any mummy can advice on it?
<font color="aa00aa">Linda: glad to hear you are feeling better. Yes no harm getting 2nd opinion, take care

Jace: when i was preggy with #1, i went on a trip when i was about 13 weeks plus - also to BKK. I had fun! As long as gynae give clearance, will be ok ba. Have fun buying baby stuffs in BKK. Carters rompers very cheap there
Elated, thanks for your sharing!! At least i am glad to know that
so when u go there, u are able to bear with the hot weather (as no cold drinks allowed) and also you ate most of the food there? :D
Ya I Also think its ok to travel as long as u r feeling ok. Ie no MS or discomfort. As for cold drinks, I m still drinking :p
Hello all mummies,

I am new here, just went to see gyne yday and did a scan, only saw the sac, dr say now only 5 wks, gg to see her again 2 weeks later. She recommended me on the oscar scan which can be done on the 12 - 14 week, anyone of you decided to go for the scan?
Btw, nice knowing all of you
sun_tan: i dont dare to drink cold drinks during my first trimester..but will drink it during 2nd Trimester!! hahahaa..

Okie, i will seek my gynae approval before flying...if he gives green light, happie! haha..will bring the emergency medicines over too..just that i dunno if my PIL will approves or not...i am supposed to go Genting end next month..they tell me better dont go..which i did coz its still within 1st trimester lo..
Hi Felicia

Btw, i went for my first scan and gynae saw an ovarian cyst in the womb..he says could be due to pregnancy..so gota monitor..anyone has encounter the same as me?

Just want to pour out my feeling now.
My boy was sick for the past two days and today i have some spotting. Just told boss that i want to leave at 3plus to see doc. and boss start to say 'bird' words. haiz... why all boss are the same? Some more i tot he should be different because he a family orient man. and yet haiz... really feel like quitting. but becos of the new child coming, i have to tahan....
Hi Jace,

i have two cysts at both sides and one of them is getting bigger.. Been monitoring for over a year now. The doctor just keeps in view.. am not sure whether it will affect the growth of the womb. I had this cyst all the while, even before pregnancy and the doctor was confident that it will not affect my chances to get pregnant. And she was right. To know the exact impact of the growing cyst, might take up to 5 months, as according to the doc.
Poor thing.especially when u meet those not understanding bosss during pregnancy...feel so weiqu.lucky i dont have to face that now but i have my fair share of disadvantage...no Paid ML.lol.

I used palmer m clarins oil for my no.1 but still ended up with alot of stretchmark.i think prolly cos i used palmer and my skin was sensitive so i kept scratching.now i jus be more hardworking with clarins.hopefully i can get rid of those ugly stretchmarks.
Yesterday went to see gynea, as my menses not accurate, so gynea base on size to determine baby, from last Wednesday of 6weeks, yesterday jump to 8-9 weeks.

Gynea ask whether I am interested to take the medicine or Anti - nausea, itchy backside , take and realize I am not suitable, vomit , diarrhea , heart thumping , now lack of energy , decide to give myself one more day of rest since side effect never wears off yet.

Priya, I also like you. I can vomit till too dry and the food stuck at my throat. No choice , force myself to drink some water to vomit out everything. Off and on I drink coke or other soft drink to keep myself hydrated . Gynea says, drink something rather than not drinking
im still thinking if i want to go see doc. But on the other hand, my tummy seem to be tight and crampy. haiz..........................
Good afternoon ladies..

Is it normal to feel abit strained on the bottom of tummy when sneeze / cough? first trimester only.

Btw, my doc advised to cut down on Milo consumption. My guess its linked to cocoa coz im also advised not to take too much chocolates by gynae.

Priya, try juices?

Juliana, I would go see doc immediately to play safe!
everything's ok... Doc says only about 6 weeks old, can see a tiny dot about 2mm in the sac and it's flickering!! So excited so excited!!!
Jce: I had it too during my first pregnancy and later in the pregnancy, it disappeared. So I feel don't worry too much, your gynae would definitely monitor for you.

Juliana: take care! Quickly go see doc and don't feel upset and agitated. Bb will feel it.
Ladies: what did I have for lunch or going to have for dinner? No appetite ... Feel nauseatic thinking about food, but at the same time... Feel hungry. Hahaha!
welcom felicia!!

cindy: so happy for you.. see beanie
ya.. me having problem with dinner food.. dun eat then go hungry, go hungry then will vomit out acid.. sigh..

priya: yes, pls try to drink some water.. if plain water is just too yikes, add abit of ribena/honey for taste.. if not soya milk can be a good choice too.. must drink some fluid la.. as for milo, i think can drink.. but not too much/often.. last couple weeks i drink almost everyday.. but now cut off liao.. cos too much milo will cause "heaty".. i tend to have dry throat (like sore throat kind)..

jace: hmm.. i still drink cold drinks sometimes..
"everything can eat, can drink as long as it is moderate even sashimi" <- my gynae said one.. hehe..

juliana: well done! nothing is more impt than the health of our bb! if i were u, i will do the same.. so no worries..

shirlynn: did the dr explain on the jump of the week? is it normal? im curious to know..
HI amanpp: i having the same problem with u! now whenever came to dinner time, i will start to have no appettite and will only eat a mouthful and within half an hr i will vomit all the food!
hi sharon: i only have problem for dinner.. u also? my bfast and lunch are ok.. duno why esp at nite.. the stomach will bloated even more jaliat.. u feel like exploding after eating..

i wont vomit out the food thou, after dinner i mean.. but i can not pass the hunger time (dinner time), if so, that's it.. i will be vomitting out acid + air and will have no appetite to take in anything at all.. cos the throat is just too painful? dry? acidic? i duno how to describe.. just sucky!
If ever tummies feel bloated, rub on yu yee oil (ru2 yi4 you2)!! it works very effectively for me. But i only apply at night before bed, i don't think the public will be able to accept the smell.
Hi amanpp: ya, same with u! i also only have problem for dinner.. my bfast and lunch are also ok! but when it come to dinner time i only eat a mouthful and will vomit all the food and water..

now my dinner time equal to vomit time!! haiz..
Ya! lets jiao you together!!

Hi Olivia, that great!! my gynae app will be next wed.. i so eager to know my bb condition too..

hi mummies, i very cham today, feel headache lucky i take half day leave go back rest. Whole afternoon giddy spells till i cannot get out of bed! Now still cant really walk. Is this normal? Or is it i ate a few chocolates or ate something wrong? Me should be in 8 weeks. Help me?
