(2012/10) Oct 2012

Thanks all mummies for such exhaustive list of items to buy;)
Very informative for first timers.

Beside the coming motherhood fair, will there be any other fairs for this year? Is taka baby fair held only once a year? Have missed the one in march as it was way too early

Sha85, Skinny: I have low-lying placenta for this pregnancy and also for my no. 1. For no. 1 the placenta didn't move out of the way till 37 plus weeks which was lucky 'cos I was scheduled for a c-sect at 38 weeks. This time round the placenta is even lower, sigh. Am hoping I can talk baby into moving it again. Wish me luck

Quinny:I think the suction for the freestyle is better than the mini electric. The freestyle is Medela's newest pump although I personally prefer the pump in style advanced as I feel that has the best suction for me.
Skinney: I guess the gynae was very concerned abt the placenta bleeding for my case hence the advice. Let's keep talking to our babies and hope all goes well this time! ;)

Ming: seems like low lying placenta is quite common eh? And I'm amazed that your placenta cld still move at 37 wks! I'm already talking to baby hoping that it will move up soon. Really hope I can avoid a c sec. Hehe
Good morning!

Any mummies taking concentrated bottle bird nest?
I took Lo Hang Ka for #1. Now thinking if shld continue and buy Lo Hang Ka or Eu Yan Sang?
Idealistic: There'll be another Taka Baby Fair ard Aug period. I'm waiting for that fair to buy baby stuff too

Baby: Perhaps can buy at least 1 nursing bra first cos need to wear when staying in hospital. Easier to bf baby when wearing nursing bra rather than normal bra

Ming: My fren oso told me Pump in Style is the best. But it's quite costly, right? Is it easy to assemble for use? Cos I've ready from forums that Medela pumps are quite confusing to assemble.
Thanks all for the info on maternity pads. I didn't realise Guardian and Watsons sell these!

I'm looking forward to Motherhood fair this week, most likely going down on Sat morning. There's a breastfeeding talk by TMC on Sun though, I'm interested but will likely give it a miss.

<font color="0077aa">Baby_jo</font>: I take the ZTP one too. 1 tbsp every morning. But My mum got me those pieces of birds nests, so I double boil them once every week.
<font color="0000ff">elizabeth:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya.. can save alot.. So I nvr complain.. haha..</font>

<font color="0000ff">summer:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My EDD is on 15th Oct..</font>
Have any mummies went for the 20 weeks detail scan yet? How long does it takes?
Can share which hospital and price?
hello everyone!

I'm back from my babymooning... and just in time for all the sales! Hearing that you all have purchased so many things, makes me very excited indeed. I'm so prepped up, the hubby is very afraid.

It's really quite exciting to be able to feel the kid's movement. One night, I felt a hard kick on the lower abdomen and when my kid finally settled into his favourite curled position, I could feel his arm/leg protruding out!

You know how one week ago I was so commenting on how I was afraid that the pain I felt was something unwarranted. Appears that the kid just likes to snuggle and stretch near the lower abdomen. So it was his doing. Sometimes we expectant mothers worry so much. =P

@serenelm &amp; baby jo: how does laughing gas work? is it more painful or less painful than epidural?

@agaga: mine took less than 30 minutes. It depends on whether your baby is compliant. My hubby's cousin did hers for 1.5 hours. Sometimes it's dependent on the mummy's age, if you're older the sonographer will want to spend more time to ensure that your baby is a-okay.
hello mummies! anyone has experience with Philips AVENT Twin Electronic Breast Pump? Heard it is quite a popular choice among BF-ing mummies too. I am deciding between that or the Medela Freestyle.

For those who are interested in breastpumps, can consider to get it from megababystore (http://megababystore.wordpress.com/), their prices are significantly lower than retail.
Ccharis: i have e same fate as u, wish for a baby boy but get a baby girl.. However I'm happy with princess also as long as she is healthy.. Was so worried for today detailed scan that didt sleep well yesterday. I stayed at central.

Agaga: I went to camden medical centre for my scan. Cost $380 and get back a cd with baby scan n video clip of his heart beat. Dr Anakumar is very friendly, very detailed as he explained to you n joke with you. The whole process take arnd 1hr n very enjoyable. First time to see my baby for so long n able to see her fingers n feet... ;D
Hi Joanna, my friend advised me to get dual pump cos you do not want to be pumping one side and then the other side is leaking. :p also, she said its less time consuming..
Joanne: im considering swing and PISA. Unless u really wanna bf for long then can make PISA worthwhile cuz its cost 700+++$.

Elizabeth: i used manual avent pump for #1 for the first few days and gave up. Very tiring. End up getting medela swing to pump. kekeee..
im lazy mum.
Oekmer, your scan was so ex, is it only the FA scan or $380 includes other test?

Val, where did your scan is conducted and how much did you pay?

Any other mummy did their scan at Tmc, Mt.a , Mt.E or KKH ? Need to find out the price. Thanks
then i can forget about the mini E as I really don't want a noisy pump cos it'll be quite embarrassing when pumping in public/office.. heehee

Also, what is the diff between Freestyle and PISA other than the hands-free? I read that even with hands-free (which involve a few steps to strap onto bra) you have to be seated, not too much movement and no bending over (like pick up baby etc) otherwise milk will all spill out fr the container.

Other than that any other diff? Otherwise I think PISA worth getting cos cheaper than Freestyle. And 3 types of bags to choose from
nana_ananas: hahaha is true lah the other side will leak.. but i am getting swing leh.. because the other side leak can use milk bags to save the milk whahaha..

sharonk: hahahah i am buying swing but i think i get it after my confinement because duno gt milk anot.. wait till when the time comes then buy then warranty also starts when u make purchase of the item.. now buy too early le..

Just curious why no one consider swing whahaha..
Elizabeth: my fren told mi go for swimming is gd too.but nt normal free style swimming maybe jus walk ard in the pool. Easier to giv birth.
<font color="0077aa">agaga</font>

I did at Mt E, about 15 mins only. But my scan costs was included in my gynae's package, so not sure how much it costs.
Can anyone explain to me what's the difference between unpaid infant care leave and childcare leave other than the age difference of the kid?

For Paid Childcare leave, I notice that the govt subsidised the employer for the 1st 3 days.

So, for unpaid infant care leave, does it mean that it's not subsidised by govt or that if I utilise that leave, I'm not paid for that 6 days?

Sorry ah! Cos my HR not based in SG. Headache!
sharonk: hahaha nvm bec the other alternative damm exp.. i dun wanna invest so much on breast pump though it takes another 15 mins but okay lah.. i think the company will understand.
If you apply for unpaid infant care leave, it means you wont be paid for the 6 days. If you apply for childcare leave, you will be paid for all 6 days. Your employer can claim for the last 3 days of your childcare leave from the govt (provided you satisfy the criteria)
mimi: yes walk around in e pool is good. In fact my pushing was fast not sure because of this and my baby preterm head smaller so easier also.

Joanna: ya lor. haha i will b getting swing then.

now i dunno shld use which brand of milk bottles? nuk, avent or tommie tippie.
for my #1 i used medela when she is a newborn, till she few mths old i changed to avent. i find that avent teat abit too big for newborn leh.
but medela neck very small difficult to wash. haha lazy me.
i wun be getting any milk bottles cuz will use all my old bottles. #1 only used the bottles on off till 5m so they are still good. will use the glass ones more
personal preference
maybe jus standby some teats.. what i did last time to avoid #1 preferring teats to latching is to use teats tt are younger than his age. i think he's stuck on 3m teat even till older than that age..

then when we tried to give him the bottle when he was 10m, complete reject. i was sick that time, couldnt latch him. in the end have to spoonfeed him... and discovered he rejected fbm for the first time!!! aiyoh...
Skinney: can use back old bottles meh? i mean for hygience purpose?

i have narrowed down with 2 names. but i like both. haha. ur #2 same gender as #1?
sharon, why not? bottles can be sterilised.. somemore #1 healthy
and i intend to use the glass ones.. maybe will throw all the plastic away.

ya, #2 same gender as #1.. i actually had a very nice girl name in mind, have to throw it out the window. was gonna call my daughter "Norah Cassidy *surname*" but dun have

girl names can be very colorful.. boy names i dun like too colorful.. haha.. agreed with hubby he will think of the middle name and i will find the first name for #2.

my mum a bit siao. trying to get me to let #2 use my surname only because my brother has 2 girls no sons. crazy. imagine 2 brothers (my #1 and #2) different surname. how can?! what will my PIL say?!

i jus think its a super presposterous idea!
Sharon: All along been thinking about names for girls.. haha we actually both agreed in both chinese and english...then the truth was out.. now having a headache thinking about boys' names...
sharonk: hahaha high 5.. eh.. i getting avent leh.. somehow the brand already in my mind when i am not pregnant perhaps it is quite popular.. consider avent then? as for the teats there is different kinds de..
i just went to google the chinese character i want for #2. i think i have to change it else he will hate me next time, a lot of strokes!!! haha..

i din register chinese name for #1, thinking whether to register for #2.. headache!
oh elizabeth, thanks.. mine a lot of strokes.. well, not a lot la. a bit above avg only.. cuz got this word: 龄

actually i'm v lame. i cant even write my #1's chiense name if i dun google it. i only came up with one for him when he went to school this yr. his also a lot of strokes.
Skinney: wah so chim ar Norah cassidy.
haha i dun think ur pil will allow man.. impossible.

Elizabeth: haha. yeah lor. i tot im having a boy this round cuz the symptoms is different. So i tot of naming him Kayden or Raphael.But im having a girl leh. hehe..
thank god too! I can reuse back my #1 stuffs. Now im so nua to shop for nb things. hehe..

ccharis: maybe you can start a column on baby name soon. hehee
sharon, my symptoms are quite similar to #1. dun like sweet things, prefer saltish foods. not too bad nausea but more compared to #1 but no vomitting of food (#1 exp vomitting of food 2x). i also thot maybe different gender tho cuz no linea nigra yet while for #1, it came out at end of 1st trimester..
Val: Laughing gas looks similar to an oxygen mask. But u need to breathe it in really hard for it to take effect. When u do so, u might feel a little groggy and will not feel the contraction pains. When ppl talk to u, it seems as though they're talking to u from afar. But I've oso heard ppl say that the laughing gas didn't really work for them, they still felt the pain.
I used Medela Swing Pump for my #1 and I liked it. It usually takes me half hour to pump both boobs. I am still thinking of getting a dual pump but the prices are so high. Not sure whether I want to bf after maternity leave.

I am using Nuk teats because the bottles can be used on other brands of teats, eg Medela, Pigeon, etc. except for Avent. Besides, Medela pump fits Medela and Nuk bottles. I used Tommie's tippee before when I started introducing bottles to #1. That period when #1 was missing my latch on was quite scary.

Serene: PISA is a good investment I feel but if this is your last kid and you are a SAHM, may want to get a single side pump instead?

Quinny: I love the PISA but of course it is not as portable as the Freestyle. Freestyle allows you to pump handsfree if you want so I sometimes used it and surfed the net at the same time. Grin.

Joanna: If you plan to pump at work, dual pump is better so you spend less time away from your desk. I used to pump in the meeting rooms so it was quite important to get in and out quickly. Thank goodness we are moving and the new office will have a mothers' room.

Pumping tip: My gf told me this (but I didn't manage to try with no. 1). When she latches baby on one side, she uses her pump in tandem on the other side. Saves time.

Names for baby: Yah, chinese names can be tricky. My no. 1 has a single word for her chinese name but that word contains 20 strokes. My brother was teasing us that during Chinese exams in future she will still be writing her name when her classmates have started working on the test paper. But too bad, we liked the meaning and sound of the name so she just has to learn to write faster. Evil mummy here.
