(2012/10) Oct 2012

Droppin of hair:
no leh taurus76, tot our hair dropping only starts after birth...ard the 4mth, 5mth onwards...mine hairdropping was massive n terrible...
n then BF also cannot take any medication or so to prevent hairdropping/hairlost..haiz...

Btil - When you mentioned Week 8 Day 2 then I just realised that our EDD is the same day! See lah, the dilemma woman surface again - your MS becoming worse, mine is stabilising & wonder if peanut if fine boh, sigh!

Lil'K's - Ya, I wanna opt for the fully awake C-sect. (1) I very scared to deliver naturally somehow (2) My BFF also kenna Em. C-sect & paid x2 costs loh.

I've no plans for CL (will have my Mum) and yaloh, since the demand is so great this year, better to be kiasu and KPKB later, hahahah! These days those malay massage ladies also quite popular leh, hahaha!
Ccharis: Thks for sharing. My first gal is delivered by Joycelyn, that's y hoping to go back to the same gynae. Funny thg is that during my first preg, I switch over to JW only in my 32 weeks and still can get her to deliver. anyway, I quite like Caroline also, I dun mind switching to her also.
Ccharis - I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!

Yes, I remember that after epi-c-section, I was shivering so much that the nurse covered me with thick blankets but I was still shivering. But if I have to do c-section again, I'd opt for epi, not GA. I've heard some worse side effects of GA.

I think facials are fine but I'd forewarn the masseuse to avoid any electrical treatment. When I told my masseuse I was pregnant with #1, she did not do some of the facial procedures.

I also do not intend to hire a CL. I think it's not worth the money either. I stayed at my mom's place during #1. She cooked simple confinement food, which my parents could eat too. Anyway, I avoided some food since I had c-section. I latched on the baby but didn't express. My mom bathed the baby. I even had time to watch TV in between baby naps.
Meredith - I know it sounds so cliche, dragon year loh, hahahahah! Honestly I wondered if there would be enough beds for all of us to deliver boh, lol! I've been thinking about that leh.

Kanelmo - Thank you, thank you! Kudos to you guys for supporting & talking to me here too lah. It's the positive vibes of all you MTB that's giving me the courage to stay on track.

May I ask the reason behind it, how come I heard of many people shivering after the epidural? I vividly recalled I may have the same symptoms but not sure as once I broke my rib cage & couldnt sleep for weeks, needed epidural & morphine too (cause they made my HB sign for the disclaimers) and I know that kind of in hospital & shivering & even warm blankets cannot help is kinda, torturous!

I think I am 90% on the track of epi-c-section.

I agree with you on the CL part, these days they just 'carrot' you with expertise, as well as this year's high in demand excuse. Moreover, alot of popular ones are becoming tad arrogant (hearsay). Anyway because of my Mum's health, I may not have her full assistance, even so, I am planning to venture this out on my own since when my sister had both her kids, I was the part-time nanny after my school days, hehehe!

I think still can remember abit lah, at least, I still remember how to diaper change & apply nappy rash creams, hahahahah!
Question: Is there any way you can experience a miscarriage even without spotting of blood/bleeding?
Late night, just being paranoid, cause suddenly like dont feel pregnant.
Meredith- I booked my Disneyland tickets through Disneyland hotel. Therefore I did not have to queue up. When I went over, the queue at Disneyland is not very long but just a hassle. Will u be staying at the Disneyland hotel? Quite a different experience for the child, esp with the character breakfast.
anyway I'm also with dr joycelyn Wong...

Ccharis - I did think of the same scenario. Not enough delivery suites or hospital beds. Haha! Luckily my confinement lady managed to rearrange her time to accommodate mine.

Any recommendations for jamu massage? I searched the topics in forum and realized a lot of self advertising. Rather unreliable..
Ccharis - Try not to think of something that you can't control. Happy thoughts. I know how you feel. Just restrict from strenuous activities, which is something you can control. You'll be in good hands. OK?
Yanyan - 30th March @ 12 weeks.
I just went for my 1st visit on 24th Feb, but it feels so long already leh... How to tahan 1 more month?

Caitlin - I think we can all share bed/wards, lol! All overlapping mah...
Btw. Ashton your #1 right? He's soooo handsome! I saw from your FB.

Jamu is the post-natal massage right? I have 2 contacts from my friend, havent compare which had better experience, also, 1st time engaging so dunno what to look out for also.

Kanelmo - Ya, I felt I had to voiced out rather then pent it up cause I'm going kuku - been thinking of it for a couple of days already even contemplated to make an appt just to see ultrasound, geez!
Hi all, I am expecting my baby #1, now 9 weeks into pregnancy. Should be due early oct. I feel so lost and nervous...is there anything I need to prepare?
Joanna: My previous CL was Indonesian and she charged 1.8k a month. The new CL is from Malaysia and she worked for my friend twice previously. She comes across as quite pleasant and experienced. More importantly she is neat and clean. She charges 2.2k a month. There are agencies who help source for CLs. Check those out.

Rainbowpooh: We like Dr Khi and are comfortable with her having had #1 with her. I did hear from the nurses at ACJ that Dr J Wong wants to limit the number of babies she delivers this year to ensure that she has sufficient time for her patients.
Ms Lala, welcome to the birth club and very soon motherhood. Just stay tuned to this forum n u won't feel so lost n lonely. You may also want to consider downloading an app titled 'my pregnancy' by BabyCenter. It has a day by day calendar on what's happening to u n your little one n some tips n advice.

Hello all Oct mummies, I'm expecting #2 and having quite bad MS. Nauseous all the time. Always tired. Hate plain water now too. Now cannot sleep after I woke up at 2am to pee.
ccharis - ya, a bit early, but here's where to check out and compare prices, actual purchase can be done later. Don't leave it till last min though, very difficult to move ard when you feel like a whale. Lol.
Charris - ur first appt 24 feb n 2nd is 30 mar - so long .... If worried, call up d nurse n check if can slot one appt in bêtw.. Which doc u seeing ? My first visit was 15 feb n then they scheduled next on 7 mar .. But last week I feel v worried from d vomitting so I slotted in an additional on 24feb... I know this drives my cost up but I cudnt cope with d worry alone (Hubby was out stationed last month) and with work ... So, if paying some money within our limit can calm us down, u might want to consider.
Anyone lose appetite ? Some say first trimester d food is mainly going to d mummy but I also read dat d impt devt of Bb is in first trimester n what u eat is what they get... At d beginning week 4-5, I was eating v well following d nutrition guidelines . But week 6 till now 8, I hate d taste of water (so can't keep up d 6-8 glasses quota), and can't stomach full meals n totally no appetite at dinner time onwards ... This weekend I am trying to stagger small meal/snack every 2 hrs from morning to evening before dinner, n hopefully that fulfill mOst of d nutrition criteria !

Anyone has tips to share ?
Joanna: Ahhhh hopefully not! My first is a boy so if this is also a boy will be great! haha. My husband preferred a boy tho. For me if i said both gender is fine i'm lying, actually i had always love to have a boy & girl :p

But whatever it is, as long as they're healthy most importantly !
Ccharis: haha.. The experience of having a dragon baby is totally different from having a rat baby. I hope our gynaes have enough time for all of us.. Singapore govt should be very happy tis yr.

Caitlin: I m not staying in Disneyland hotel, now comtemplating whether to but the tickets online 1st. on hingsight, should have stay 2 nights there n relax myself. u using JW also.. Perhaps we will meet each other at ACJ. My appt is on 19 Mar.

Btil: Maybe you can try to drink warm water in small sips frequently! It helps for me.

Skst: my first child is gal, hoping for another gal this round. But boy or gal also ok, most important is healthy.
Meredith : so that they can share clothes, share make up & share toys? haha. For me if it's a boy everything can share! Haha. Yeah, what most importantly is that they're healthy.. That's what matters the most
Ccharis- yup.. Ashton is my #1.. thanks! He is a hyperactive boy so I delayed having #2. I have not told him abt my pregnancy but his temperament changed a lot. More difficult to handle.. Sigh..
Can u kindly pass me the contacts for jamu massage? I found a few too. But I'm not sure how reliable the recommendations are in the thread.

Meredith- I absolutely agree with the difference of rat and dragon baby. I could take my own sweet time sourcing for CL etc and choose my preferred appt timing back then. I preferred staying in Disneyland hotel. The air is fresher and not so rowdy as in Mongkok or Central hk. Nowadays I think hk is not as pleasant as before due to some tourists..

My appt at ACJ is 7 march..
Meredith, ur first one was a rat baby?
u booked ur hotel alerady? or can still change? cos i would really suggest to stay at least 1 nite at disneyhotel, so to take ur time to play n relax...play is more for the kiddo to play la. but for us is to relax. when u going by the way?
I was just back 2 wks ago, its super super cold!

sksf, my 1st was a boy too, thou i would hope to have a gal this round. but that said, boy or gal is secondary, most impt healthy!

strawberry, i wake up more than once a nite to pee! on an average its every 2-3 hrs. Sooo disruptive!!

ccharis, erm ur 1st 2 appts quite wide apart...i agree with btil, do schedule in another appt if to let u have a peace of mind. this is wk 9 but i have already seen my gynae 3X. the 3rd visit was also a last min slot like btil cos i was feeling slight discomfort. Wanted a peace of mind too as hb was outstation & I had to handle my #1 alone. perhaps over-exhausted.

erm issit too early to start to book massage? CL i understand, but massage lady abit too early or not?
LilKmum: yes, most importantly is their health. I'm tryna keep a positive thinking for this pregnancy as i'm always so paranoid whenever i visit the loo as i just had a miscarriage last dec.

So hoope everything goes well & smooth for my this pregnancy!
Hi strawberry, thanks for the advice.

I also have no appetite n everything I ate taste bland. Worse, vomit everytime I take medication. Am contemplating not to take anymore medication.
Ms lala - what medication do u take dat makes u vomit ? I m in same boat as u , vomit every night for 2 weeks after progesterone pill - only motivation is d pill is gd for Bb safety ... But wonder how long more to tahan this zz,... I will discuss w doc in next visit. Suggest u do so too
Btw, has any mommies experienced like ever since preggy every morning you'll have soft stools? Not rlly soft but just that easy stools.. How should i put it .. Hmm, Cause recently i realise every morning without fail i'll have tummyache & need to go to the loo to poo poo. Lol.. Frequent urination just started these few days ..
Novembaby: I'm browsing some big items, and looking at the prices these days, waaaaah! Just a stroller is 2K already! OMG...

Maybe I should post the essential list soon, or any one have it off hand to post? Maybe we can help each other check out lowest prices, or even better if we get bulk buy discounts.
Skst: I tot 2 gals will be closer to each other when they grow up... And yes! They can share many this and I dun have to re- invest so heavily on baby clothes again. Hahaha

Caitlin & LilkMum: Yea, my first born is a Minnie mouse. 3 yrs old nw. She is my spokeswoman... Announce to everybody that mummy got baby in her tummy. So funny! how old is your first born? Hotels already booked and paid so cannot change. I was packing my luggage and realised that I can't fit into many of our jeans due to my bloated stomach! I am flying tomorrow morning, pray that everything is smooth.

Ccharis: If you go to baby kingdom, they usually have a baby essential items list, can take reference from there.
LilKmum, every 2-3hrs is indeed very disruptive. Poor thing.

Sksf, last week I think I had 2-3 times diarrhea. After, my stools r also quite soft and regular. I think it's better this way than to suffer from constipation.

I could hardly eat lunch today. My MS seems worse today. Hmm, I wonder how long would this last ... I can't wait for it to be over.

I was also feeling nauseous and experiencing heart burn for most part of my 1st pregnancy. Really hope this time would be better. Aren't we women great? We know how uncomfortable pregnancy can be and yet we still went ahead with this journey.
u can get gaviscon from guardian. safe for preggie woman who has heart burn.

I had bad heart burn when I preggie for my #1. went for gynae, paid $80 consultancy + medicine fee to get the gaviscon. who knows we can get these easily at pharmacy.

my 1st pregnancy was quite bad with bad heart burn, MS, headache almost everyday, rashes whole body, swollen foot, hair full with dandruff if I forgot to wash everyday, sleeping problem, cannot control urine (pee in the queue 2x
( )gestational diabetic + gained 19kg!

hopefully my current pregnancy will be a smooth one. so far I only got 2 prob: itchy skin & rashes.
ccharis - 1st time MTB has a lot of things to buy, very siong on the pocket, 2nd timers like me only need to top up the essentials. SGP is not v stroller friendly, having been thru a few strollers and the supposedly first world public transportation, I find ease of handling to be the most impt consideration for strollers. $2K ++, i know what kind you are looking at, aren't they all so pretty?
i will be taking epi again..ya i heard 2nd one very fast came out..my manager within 6hrs w/o epi eh..she scare epi but can tahan the pain..

Im using Natalessential catering ah..dont knw spell correct bo..its $1460 28days Lunch n Dinner..food still ok ah..mai hiam..hehe

MIL will be helping out also ah..1st time was so intense..alot of agruments..haha..ask me borrow milk frm hub cousin who got milk..

so far pregnancy ok for me..just tat later sttage is Heartburn..haha
Sksf - same here.. These few weeks I always wake up with tummy ache and visit to the toilet.. I guess this is better than constipation.. **cross fingers**

Meredith - I have not told my boy abt my pregnancy. Had spotting last week so I tot I should wait till end of first trimester. But I guess not anymore. He is starting to get sensitive as I've not been carrying him as dr advised. I have to tell him soon.. Mine is April 08. Yours? It is true that staying at Disneyland is really different experience. Next time..
anyway I'm not sure how much has the temperature change over the weeks.. About 3 weeks ago, it was really cold and I put on layers of clothing for my son. Enjoy your holidays!!!!
I juz came back from my fren's bb shower..all my frens look at my tummy & ask "nbr 2 on the way?" sobz.. Anyone announced ur pregnancy liao? My colleagues all guess i preggie..
Caitlin: I have explain to my gal I cannot carry her coz mummy have a baby inside. She sort of understand, didn't pester me to carry her these few days. I feel better telling her, if not she will wonder why mummy dont want to carry her anymore. She is Jan 09 baby, before CNY, that's y a rat.
Hi Everyone!

Lil_D: Wow, nice effort for the list compilation.
This is the 1st time i'm pregant and will be having my 1st scan coming thursday. Looking at your EDD: 18 Oct is very close to mine too. 19 Oct

Have anyone had a scan? and when can u hear heartbeat?

gratz..go oversea to hk? hahahah..have fun...i would be flying to bbk too in end of march...was quite upset actually coz i wanted to got here shop big time...3 years go i went there n found out i was preg..and this time round again!!!! after booking everything n found out i was preg...

still duno the gender yet as i had a shock after testing on the leap day..yet to go to a gynane too, but manage to get a slot on the 12 march for scan at henry cheng. was at HK ho the previous time. felt kana rip off coz alot of things was not required after giving birth n still went bk for checks all those..plus the checks are not cheap ...$600 over loh...

gt a strong feeling this would be a girl..my family totally no girls at all..like meredith need to invest heavily on clothes...

mummies who gt boys as 2nd/ 3rd preg n gt girls on the first who wanna exchange clothes i don't mind.

i haven accounce my preg too...hahaha but can see i getting abit plump...oh wel i always joke it off as eating too much during new year n can't shed it off...=X
as for facial during preg...i went all the way and stop at 3rd tri which i totally cannot tahan the weight squashing on my spine. they did massage on the face also which helps mi relax alot. i did check with my previous gynae on the massge on facial part..no issues leh..

he only advice better don't massage on the womb or tummy area where bb is during first tri as it's the crit stage..
For those with heartburn, can u describe what d feeling is like ? I puke sour taste water almost bitter n someone mentioned it cud b heartburn. Occassionally I gasp for breath
hello all!

nice to see this thread so active

i haven't gone to the gynae yet, but base on calculation i should be expecting no2 late oct

last week i was super glutton, but from yesterday onwards, i lost my appetite and feel like MS is going to to haunt me for the next couple of weeks... maybe months (had 16 weeks of MS for no1)

my no1 is currently down with fever and super clingy and wants to be carried all day... doesn't help when i'm also feeling so lethargic all day...

hope all mummies are doing well
I was at the Mothercare sale earlier today. It was full of people. However, I didn't buy anything. Ha!

I was at the Nestle booth looking at samples for my #1 and I was given a sample of Nan mom's milk. Looks like I can't hide my baby bump much longer. I'm only end of 9 weeks!
Meredith - I think I'll tell my son. I do not want him to feel that I don't love him etc. He has been very temperamental nowadays.

Kanelmo - were there many clothes or accessories at the mothercare sale? Seems like our tummy for #2 is getting bigger so much earlier. Sigh..
Btil - Peanut was @ 8 weeks on my 1st appt. Gynae said all is well lah, I could see & even heard very loud heartbeats, then also she combined my 2nd visit with the OSCAR test, which by then I would be at 12wks.

It also seemed like there's no milestone from 9th to 11th week onwards, but it's the waiting which I cannot tahan & yearning to see peanut again loh... I got no reason to cheong to the clinic leh, would I look weird boh, hehe!
ccharis- yah... me too cannot tahan the waiting to visit the gynae since im 5 weeks and also to tahan not to tell anyone after 1st tri...
thanks Chez, I think i'd like to get gaviscon since i think i'm experiencing heart burn lately.

btil, heart burn feels like your esophagus (channel from throat to stomach) is having a burning or hot sensation that makes one feels uncomfortable. I feel that immediately after eating.

novembaby, I have changed my setting, thanks for add me..

ccharis, yeahh.. my 1st was week 4, then 2nd was week 6 to hear the heartbeat, then yesterday also hear the heartbeat and regular check up i think.. but I can see my bb getting bigger than 2 weeks ago, hehehhe...

Anyway, I'll have my next appt again later on my week 12.

Argghh... this backached is killing me!!
