(2012/10) Oct 2012

Hi novembaby,

I absolutely agree!!! Epidural was my life saver then.. I do have this pain at the lower back.. I never experienced back pain before giving birth. So I do not know if it is the epidural or carrying my kid...

Rach, sksf - I haven't asked nurse of dr Ln sim abt d package . Will ask next wed n let both of u know. How is dr sim's stitching skills? I'm first time mum
I think there is no relation b/w epidural n backaches. I use epidural during my 1st child birth n I dun suffer any backache after that.. By the way, if u wan to use epidural, use it fm the start of ur labour... Dun b like me. Kei kiang... Bear the pain until I m 7 cm dilated.. Then really can't take it anymoren cry for epidural.. Bear the pain for nothing! Epidural really a life saver.. Pain fm 120% to 0% within 5 mins of the injection.

I think I declined your friend's request, forgetting that you're novembaby. I have since sent you a friend's request on FB. Please accept and add me to the secret group. My surname is Kan. Thanks!
Same as other moms who are expecting #2, my tummy is probably like 5mth. I was at the doc's that day and was sitting next to this lady who was going to do detailed scan so she is probably 5mth. I think I look more pregnant than her. LOL!

Yes, Epidural is my saviour although when I had a higher dose due to emergency caesar, I was shivering uncontrollably.
Ming8110 - I went to read up on hypnobirthing and it sounds amazing! I'm still not sure if I have the guts or not, I'm those that forget everything when I panic, lol!

Cindy - Pump loh, lol! Eh, thats my easy plan.

Sksf - I fully agree, even havent give birth, I think my back also aching! Honestly I really want to salute those that delivered without epidural - how did you managed the pain?

Valerie1901 - That's fast! 8 weeks and 3rd visit already? Btw. Some blood tests (ie. Thalassemia) are mandatory for both MTB & FTB as this would affect the delivery of baby. Not sure if you are asking this or something else thou.

Keiko - What if you blackout, then how to natural birth? Just a thought, heh!

Precious - Gynae usually ask you when is your last menses, then do ultrasound to tally in order to calculate the EDD. You can actually calculate your own too, anyway - it's ESTIMATED Due Date, a closer estimation would be done in the 2nd trimester (I think is 20 weeks). Gynae would say the same thing too. Here's 2 ways which you can self-calculate your EDD:-

(1) If you have regular menses, recall your last menses & punch the date into this website, just take the 28/30 days as benchmark loh: http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy-due-date-calculator then let it do the rest for you.

No leh, if I dozed off like that, then at night I cannot sleep and would be wide awake until 4ish. On the other hand, if I force myself to stay awake, immediately after dinner I wanna dozed off already. Then when I wake up will be super duper duper hungry until want to faint. Well, I'm trying very hard to adjust to this lifestyle, gosh!
Btil: Dr Sim's stitching skill is awesome !! Didn't have any problem going to the toilet aft labour or maybe it's just me.. She's like a very cold lady but she's actually very nice & calm!! Tho she will crack jokes without any expression! That's what makes the joke funny! Hahaha.. Overall, I like her ;)
From the way I read, it seemed like majority went for natural? I know it's too early for me to decide now but I feel I dont have the guts to deliver naturally.

So, a poll: Natural or Caesarean?
(For MTB expecting #2 - can share your #1 delivery too)
Ccharis: Apparently Ginny Phang (from 4 trimesters) is a good person to go to for hypno birthing classes. You will probably want to get a doula too if you are going for that (a doula is sort of like a birth cheerleader who can help with the visualisation etc for hypnobirthing). I know Dr Khi is fine with the presence of doulas - I asked her but finally decided not to have one.
Charis : I was determind not to use epidural, I kept sniffing laughing gas because I'm being scared by my mom by the scary side d epidural -.- how I manage the pain, I sniffed too much laughing gas till I'm so high.. When my husband came back he told me I asked him 5times "Eh, you come back alr ah" & he went very irritated & scream at me say I've asked him for the 5 time ! Lol.. I'm in pain till I'm grabbing the metal & my own hair -.- its like 10x menses pain.. & felt like a piece of extremely big "shit" coming out! Then Dr Sim used a scrissor to cut my V I could even hear the snapping sound but I've no feeling as the contractions are too strong .. & while later I gave birth alr & started stitching. But aft giving birth the first thing I did was to search for my phone & call my mom "ma, wo Shen le" LOL! Cause i felt the pain my mom used to went through to give birth to me .. Women are really noble creatures that guys can't be compared to..
Cindy - Just wanna thank you for the link you shared with Bel! A sign of relieve for me (cause my MS is stablising so got a lil' worried) but after reading that link, I am all assured again! Yay!

Bloating, Burping & Farting -- I'm guilty of them all, hehehe! So much so I did ask the gynae why my stomach is so big but there's only 1 sac.

Thanks, thanks again...
Charis : I personally felt that natural delivery is a very good experience .. ESP aft going all the extra miles & pain, when baby was born the first cries they cried really are like melody .. & when the moment they carried your bb to you you set your eyes on him/her it's like love at first sight, v amazing like you've known him/her for a very long time .. That instant moment you'll felt "thanks god, everything is so worthed it" hehe. & not forgetting breast feeding tho it can be very tiring but I seriously love breast feeding as its a v good bonding between mommy & the baby ..
Sksf: u so funny... Got high on laughing gas .. Keke.. I try laughing gas but no effect leh, only make me wan to puke. I decided dat I shall go straight for epidural tis time.

By the way, anybody experiencing pinkish discharge when u wipe yourself? And it occurs like twice then stop.
Ming8110 - So, your #1 was hypnobirthed? I read all the testimonial, it sounds so amazing - issit really like that?

Sksf - that's the one I am so scared of! Snipped the V and ewwww! I know many have told me the contractions would make the cut like a walk in the park, but at the thought of it, I'm shivering. Also, the after effect, although stitched back but you still need to pee then sure very painful de right?

Adding on. Would they let you carry the baby if you have half C-sect? Actually what is the difference (apart that C-sect no need to PUSH PUSH) and I also dont want my V to become loose after that leh... I know I think very far but natural birth sounds like it is so going to dampen sex life after that, hehehehe!
Ccharis: laughing gas is a kind of pain killer that is in gas form. U can inhale the gas during labour to help u reduce the pain. Not much help to me thou
Ya.. Laughing gas has no impact on me too.. Like wat sksf described, pain is like 10* menstrual pain but besides that i also experienced very bad backache w the pain.. Then after i feel the head, pain is more bearable..in fact the pain is there to help u push..

My fren tried hypnobirthing & she pass me the music that she used.. I listen to the music to help me relax..& the breathing techniques do help me abit too..
Ccharis: Nope. No. 1 was with epidural. Read up on hypnobirthing and didn't think it was for me. Had friends who did it though.
can i check with mummiese here, did u all conceive in Feb? Cos if i count, I conceive in feb but EDD shd be NOv. Doc told me Oct.
What FB secret page you all have here. Can add me?
Laughing gas did not work on me too. I endured the pain for 2 hours before surrendering to epidural. Sigh..

Anyway, have anyone confirmed their confinement nannies? Just a note.. When I knew I was pregnant, my cousin reminded me to contact my confinement aunty.. I thought no hurry and wanted to wait till after 1st trimester. But she reminded me it's the dragon year. I called and she was booked already! Therefore would like to let mummies here know that good confinement aunties may need early booking now.
Hi.. Anyone experience some sharp pain here & there in the tummy? Sometimes when i walk.. I realised got abit of pain here & there..
ccharis, I have my 1st one natural delivery.. Do agreed that it does make v kinda loosen however there this called kegel exercise to strengthen it.... For half c-sec I think they shld allow us to carry the bb bah coz at that moment bonding will b very strong just gotta b careful of the wound I suppose...

Yan, me 2... As such try not to walk too much

Meredith, I have! That y now on mc...
but now kinda stopped for me....
Yan yan: I do experience the pain and is everyday leh.. U Leh?

Ccharis: hmm thanks for the tips. I think I forget to take note of the menses date just agar agar I guess have to ask the gynae when my sec visit this Mth

Oh dear seems like there is a lot of changes to yr lifestyle now
yeah need to adjust here and there
Haha stef u are so funny!!.. I thought u will be in pain after that lol u still gt time to search yr Hp hehe..

Wow.. Can celebrate every Mth that period gt good foody to eat :p
Yanyan - Yes, I do experience pain on my tummy occasionally, especially when I walk fast. But it's bearable.
Joanna.. Me on off on off nia..

Haiz.. Today dress dw day & i realise i can barely button my jeans.. Think i can say bye to my jeans after this wk..
yes, the gynae & nurse will let u carry bb after c-sect even before they stitch back

i delivered my 1st one c-sect in jul 2010
Yan - Sharp pain in tummy no. But sharp pain above my butt, yes. Esp when I walk, it's been a few days for me.

Taurus - I was also told that the way the midwife check the dilation is to put her hands into the uterus and feel it? Geez!

Chez - At last, I have a C-sect mentor to consult. Hehehe, I really v scared to deliver naturally...
ccharis, I think so.. Seriously I cant really recall what they did to me 6yrs back! or perhaps I m trying hard not to think back.. :p and big congrats for being smoke-free!

Joanna, I m still considering... My sil is now having her confinement n she paying abt 1.8k... Thinking to pay her a visit next wk n take a look at the nanny n c how she handling my niece... Otherwise I might just DIY..
ccharis: gong xi!!! your bb will love you.

Mostly likely, I will not engage a confinement lady. I do my confinement at my mum's place.
Joanna : Ya, i'm amused by myself too. Too excited!

Miss the whole process of pregnancy & giving birth! Though it's not easy being pregnant but the feeling when we felt their movements is just so unexplainable .. hehe. I bet all Mommies agree with me ;)
Precious - For me no, cause I would have my Mum's experience to guide me. Should be able to manage lah, cause if my elder sister forgotten then I can always fall back on my BFF, hehehe! As for my own confinement care, I didnt wanted but as a respect to my Mum. Westerners no need confinement also strong strong mah, hehhe!

But just a tip - if you planning to look for one, start booking because this year all the nannies & confinement ladies would be super overwhelmed.
Some popular de, you even have to apply permit & pay levy for them to enter SG. Plus, all the angbaos you have to give her, I think it's tad not worth it (at least for this year) loh...

Taurus - Ya, my BFF was sharing the procedure. Then this just crossed my mind loh, heheh! Sherlock Holmes!
Then again, she's also baffled until now cause too gan cheong back then already.

Thanks for being one of my support! I hope I can keep this up thou...
Sksf: i second that!
ccharis: Jia you! you can do it!
Yanyan: me too. hardly can fit those pants now. haish time to shop for new flare dress.
ariadne, i cant remember what is the term but i was given epidural & 1/2 body bottom part numb. the procedure was very fast. i was very nervous before they push me to the operation theater. never expect the baby will come out so fast. i did not feel anything at all.
Chez: Did you shiver badly after the epidural takes effect? Coz, I hear from some mother that they shiver uncontrollably.

If i'm not wrong, your is a C-sect under LA.

If GA, the mother will be put to a sleep mode.
Sksf: haha! yeah! It's TGIF! feeling so great, tmr can rest and nua at home..

Any of you are craving for coke?!! Been craving for it lately.. but haish.. control control!

later going for my gynae appt, hopefully, bb is fine.

Feel like touch up my hair dye..so ugly.. but dont think my gynae allow . .
I want to complain!!! I'm perpetually hungry! Gosh! I had full breakfast (kuey tiao soup) at 10AM and at 1045 hungry until want to faint liao. Anyone experiencing in the same extent?

Also, face/hair seemed to be so oily these days.
ccharis >> Same here!! I'm now munching on a bun.

Is anyone else the same? I'm alternating between nauseous then super hungry the next..

Me too. I have bought many fruits on my office desk. I will munch on these fruit when i'm hungry. But strangely, this only happens from morning to 6pm. After 6pm, I eat like a mouse and start to feel nausea.
Morning ladies,
Bad start for a friday morning. Vomited early in the morning and now lethagic in office.

Well done! This is so good for the baby! I am sure you can go smoke free for the whole pregnancy with just a little more effort! jia you! I am opposite from you leh..my hair and face and lips are so dry...i suspect it a lack of water..been drinking lesser water than usual cos it makes me want to puke...

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">October 2012 Babies</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000"><center>No.</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Nick</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Age</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Expectin BB#</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Hospital</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>Gynae</center></font></TD><TD><font color="ff6000"><center>EDD</center></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Ariadne</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>01.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>asphere</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>03.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>skies</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>4</center></TD><TD><center>Keiko</center></TD><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>5</center></TD><TD><center>Wenty</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>Dr Fong</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>6</center></TD><TD><center>oekmer</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo</center></TD><TD><center>04.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>7</center></TD><TD><center>Liang</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>8</center></TD><TD><center>jaime_g83</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lawrence Ang</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>9</center></TD><TD><center>Zen</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Pritam Singh</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>10</center></TD><TD><center>Lil'K'smummy</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Ang HY</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>11</center></TD><TD><center>kanelmo</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>05.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>12</center></TD><TD><center>kikilala</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Foong LC</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>13</center></TD><TD><center>mei ziang</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>06.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>14</center></TD><TD><center>JuneGoh</center></TD><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>NUH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Su Lin Lin</center></TD><TD><center>07.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>15</center></TD><TD><center>Donkey</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Parkway East</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Heng Tung Lan</center></TD><TD><center>08.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>16</center></TD><TD><center>Btil</center></TD><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LN Sim</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>17</center></TD><TD><center>ming8110</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>18</center></TD><TD><center>novembaby</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>SGH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Wei Ching</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>19</center></TD><TD><center>Cindy</center></TD><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr LC Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>20</center></TD><TD><center>ccharis</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Caroline Khi</center></TD><TD><center>10.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>21</center></TD><TD><center>Sharon_k</center></TD><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Douglas Ong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>22</center></TD><TD><center>airex</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>23</center></TD><TD><center>Coco Pops</center></TD><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Tan Thiam Chye</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>24</center></TD><TD><center>Taurus76</center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chen Cherng Yi</center></TD><TD><center>12.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>25</center></TD><TD><center>strawberry128</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Goh Shen Li</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>26</center></TD><TD><center>Njon </center></TD><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>3</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chin YK</center></TD><TD><center>13.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>ynove</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC or Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Tan</center></TD><TD><center>16.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>sha85</center></TD><TD><center>27</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>17.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>29</center></TD><TD><center>zeezzen</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Chye</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>30</center></TD><TD><center>Lil_D</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Benjamin Tham</center></TD><TD><center>18.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>candizhu</center></TD><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Adrian Woodworth</center></TD><TD><center>19.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>32</center></TD><TD><center>Owlette</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>20.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>slchua</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Han How Chuan</center></TD><TD><center>24.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>34</center></TD><TD><center>Autumn</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Woo BH</center></TD><TD><center>26.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>35</center></TD><TD><center>Chelz_mum</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Chris Cheng</center></TD><TD><center>27.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>36</center></TD><TD><center>zonkkie</center></TD><TD><center>33</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Joycelyn Wong</center></TD><TD><center>28.10.12</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>37</center></TD><TD><center>Wens</center></TD><TD><center>31</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Gleneagles</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Choo Wan Ling</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>38</center></TD><TD><center>pEI</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt A</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kang Wee</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>39</center></TD><TD><center>Icjpiggy</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Lim Teck Beng</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>40</center></TD><TD><center>Ally</center></TD><TD><center>28</center></TD><TD><center>1</center></TD><TD><center>KKH</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Wee Horng Yen</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>41</center></TD><TD><center>nmx</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>Mt E</center></TD><TD><center>Dr Kowa</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD><center>42</center></TD><TD><center>Bel</center></TD><TD></TD><TD><center>2</center></TD><TD><center>TMC</center></TD><TD><center>Dr WK Tan</center></TD><TD><center>TBA</center> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
