(2012/10) Oct 2012

i'm spotting quite badly since last night
got phobia to post but feeling very very scared and overwhelmed. went tmc last night to take jab and duphaston but spotting has not stopped. feeling ultra miserable. woodworth has brought my appointment forward, from tuesday to tomorrow saturday. hoping i can still stay in this thread
Njon.. Hang on there! Tmr is sat... N you can have a gd rest over the wkend...

Yaataa... Fully understand ur feeling... Don't think too much.. Everything will turn out fine for u
yaataa : Have lots of bed rest.. should helps.

Tauras76: I didnt see gynae coz my the pinkish discharge only happen twice and then stop.. Hopefully its nothing serious *keeping my fingers cross

ccharis: my face also super oily. I used to have dry skin, guess its the hormones.
Caitlin: Can I check if you bought your HK Disneyland tickets at the entrance or online? Do you think the queue will be terribly long if I were to buy the tickets at the entrance?
just wondering, any mummies here practised any "theories" to conceive boy/girl baby? I read that according to Shettles method if insemination occurs close to ovulation then high chance boy but if 2-3days before ovulation then high chance girl...
Ccharis: Well-done girl! Here's to another 40 hours!

Joanna: Yes, I will be having a confinement lady this time round as well for 2 months again. The CL was a big help last round for inexperienced 1st time parents like us. With a CL, you can also rest better at night. We actually thought of hiring our last CL as a nanny but she wouldn't have been able to get a work permit.
keiko, no i didnt shiver or anything after the epidural.

yaataa, did yr gynae give u any progesterone injection on the butt, plus there other injection on the tummy (this one i cannot remember the name).

I also spotting & stomach cramp 2 weeks ago. but lucky everything went well
Keiko: Re epidural - I did shiver quite a bit after the epidural went in and also had a low grade fever - all normal side effects apparently.
autumn.. not for me.. most impt is bb healthy, boy or girl is fine for me.. however hb prefer a boy,even my bro hopes for a boy for me 2.. hahaha so that his son will have a playmate as he already has 2 girls while my dd prefers a "mei mei"..

meredith.. i called up the clinic and they told me if spotting n esp 1st tri, better to go down.. so i went down just to play safe..

keiko.. i rem shivering after epi and asked for 2 blankets..
ccharis: Omg so kua zhang. U gt anyone to recommend? Because i also dunno who is better.. But u mean all the confinement lady is not singaporean?

Sksf: hahaha are u having another one after this =P

Taurus76: oh tat's consider not bad.. who is she taking any idea? can share? because i think now is at least 2k plus?

ming8110: oh which one u engage? can share? u mean they are not singaporean?

Keiko: hahaha u are so funny.. perhaps yr baby is active between morning till 6pm hehehee...is a good thing leh.. wah.. u always buy at supermarket then bring to work arh? because wanted to grab some but duno how to cut =(
Joanne: There is a supermarket near my workplace, so get the fruit during lunchtime. I only get apple, plum, peach, strawberry where i dun need to cut them. Just wash and bite.
joanna.. i also think is quite cheap.. i only knew from my bro that she's a malaysian and age 49.. it was in fact sourced by my SIL..havent really c her lei.. only planning to visit my sil nxt sun n c how is the nanny.. i let u know again..
Weekend is enrichment classes day for my two boys so there will be alot of running around for me too...no time to rest
Just hoping my ms wouldn't be as bad as today...spoilt the day lor...

Hopefully you are doing bedrest now...the jab and duphaston should help to a certain extent...keeping talking to baby...be strong and I am sure baby will be strong too...

I think the theory only work if you know exactly when your ovulation day is...i am not sure when my ovulation is...didn't plan..just do and pregnant liao..so keeping my finger crossed and hopefully i get a girl this time!
Keiko: ahhh clever.. i always like to cut all my fruits dun wan the skin so difficult =(

Taurus76: oooo thanks in advance.. hehehe Let me know the feedbacks too hehee.. hmmm.. seems like is all not sinagporean =(
i thought coz i ate diet pills..my menses is late..however late also will come..i also miscaculate my period last mth..end up i really missed by 1 mth..feeling was so strong..went to buy the test kit..abit fated..faster went GP to double confirm..due date 25/10/12..

FAINT!!! coz my 1st bb gal is just 9mths old nia..didnt expect me to be so fertile so soon...hahahaha
having metalic taste might be a indication for having boy....lolx..i read it somewhere online.

when i had my first 1..i was having tt metalic taste thru out the preg tt i keep telling my maid the water taste weird...ended up i drank distilled water all the way...only tt didn't have taste.

better to drink water as it helps to maintain the fluid in the womb.
Ccharis - my face is full of oil pimples :-( can we go facial ?? I just do mask at home since now I hv zero social life - no dinner or lunch out since I eat in small portons

Njon - water is so Yucky now fOr me , I cud hit 8 glasses in my week 4/5, now I need to mix w honey or ribena
hah ya but we planning to have 2nd when 1st one maybe abt 2yrs+..

lucky when 2nd is here..1st will be going to ChildCare..if nt my in laws will sure be tired out..
coz i havent lose my 1st preganancy weight..haha..i gained abt 17kgs..then lose 7kgs nia..then nw preggie..keke..have to control my diet already..
hahaha...i didn't loose off all my weight on my first preg too..tt time still gt 5kg on me...now preg i put on weight fast...

erm...how i put it..u take 2 spoon n rub together then after tt put in water n put into yr mouth u will have tt kind of tingaling sourish taste. tt's the metalic taste..damn disgusting de lah..

my first 1 is going 20mths currently...he's still at home but going classes on weekend..i wonder how long can i bring him to class now..hahaha
hi all,
wow this thread really moves so fast! just 1 day didnt come in & there's already so much post in the archive;p spend awhile to skim thur

CL: ccharis is rite. gotta start early to book CL if u intending to get one. intially when i told hb he also said "too early to book". but then i reminded him its the dragon year so will have lots of bb n CLs will be high in demand. I've already booked my previous CL.
Actually when i just finish my confinement back then, i didnt quite like the CL, felt that she talks too much when i just wanted some peace n quietness. But then to be frank, I was pretty depressed after delivery n during confinement. Being a 1st time mummy was really having the blues. So strictly speaking my CL was actually quite ok; main thing she took v good care of bb & cooks well for me. I dont take those "zujiaochu" kind of thing & bb had jaundice so had to avoid ginger in food. but she still manage to finetune the food to my liking.

CL cost really went up over the years, but if for those who have no one to help (my own parents n inlaws both not free), its really better to get a CL to have some help esp during the confinement mth.

Epidure: I took epi during delivery. wanted to go for all-natural & was on laughing gas for 12 over hours. but my dilation was too slow & delivery drag too long too painful for me to tahan. So opt for epi. Epi is really a god-send invention!
But same thing i was shivering & throwing out after delivery. I didnt tot that it was the epi. tot its due to long delivery & I hadnt taken anything to eat. thinking back, ya probably its the epi.
As for backaches, even frens who didnt take epi also complains backache, its more likely the posture of carrying the bb than epi..
Hi Mummies,

Congrats on your pregnancies! It's been 2 years since I last logged into this forum. I was a July 09 mummy.
I am glad to see the Oct thread up. Please add me to the list. Thanks!

1. Nick: devilene Age: 32
2. LMP: 15 Dec 2012
3.Expecting #2 baby
4.Gynae: Dr Chan KH
5.Hospital: Gleneagles
i wont be getting CL..got MIL already but will be ordering confinement food catering..

i still told hub last time am missing confinement food..nw can eat again..hehe
i took epidural at my last 4hrs..hub keep saying dont take..nt gd for back etc..(which his friend told him)..kaoz..they are nt woman..even his own wife also cannot tahan w/o taking it..laughing gas got no effect on me..i checked in 9am at KKH..then 11am++ induce..748pm bb out..
Ccharis, tts good , jia you on going smoke free! Its definately good for bb n urself!

Yaataa, pls hv a good rest n stay positive! Take care.

Bbkay3105, men dunno how pain childhirth really is , haha! So this time u be taking epi too?
Ur MIL is doing ur CL for u?

For 1st time mummies considering epi, one note of advice, dun wait till too last min (ie dilate alot already) then opt for epi. Cos call for the anesthetist need time, for the epi to take effect also need time.
Wah today thread really move very fast.. So bz at work today..

Haha.. Is it.. Metalic taste = boy? But i still force myself to drink coz i am so thirsty..

I dun think i will hire cl.. Prob do myself & ask maid to help me with the chores..
Hello dragon mummies!

Haven't consult gynae...check the due date calculator & edd is end oct.
Wanted to go to Dr Joycelyn Wong (my friend strongly recommend her & there are alot of good reviews about her).
Just called up the clinic & the nurse said she can't take in anymore oct edd...wow looks like this year is really a 'hot' year :p
Any mummies can share your views on Dr Caroline Khi, who is from the same clinic as Dr Wong?

Lasery2k, yes I'm experiencing the 'metallic taste'...yucks but still bearable still can take water just add hot water to make it warm. I had very bad morning sickness during my 1st pregnancy...vomit until dehydrated have to be hospitalised...really hope this time round won't be so bad
Re: epi.. agreed w Lil'K.. Still rem when I ask for epi for my 1st one, have to wait at least 30 mins n for it to take effect abt n hr
... For 2nd or 3rd time mummies, I heard dilation is even faster.. No time for epi at all..Happen to most of my friends...
Btil.. Can still go for facial... Just that have to let ur beauticians know u r preggie coz right now we r undergoing hormone changes n skin can b quite sensitive.. We still need to glow!
To MTB with vomiting - what do u throw out ? I m getting worried it's sour water and last night bitter water !!!
Btil... I m still planning to cut my hair next week.. :p Coz realized have been dropping hair ever since preggie.. Worried

I only know some taboos like
. No cutting of anything on bed
. No sewing
. No bed shifting
. No stuffing of cotton into pillows
. No eating of dried shrimps w belachan
. No painting or nailing stuff at home
Rainbowpooh: you call ACJ for appt and the nurse told you Joycelyn can't take Oct EDD mummies anymore? I just called for an appt earlier this week but the nurse didn't ask me about my EDD leh. Ohh dear, if I go for my first appt then tell me cant take me... Haizzz... Dragon year everything also must 'compete'.
Rainbowpooh, who's ur gynae for ur #1? just wondering why u no going back to ur 1st gynae?

btil, R u getting Heartburn? sounds like heartburn if u are throwing out sour/acid taste fm the mouth
My gynae ask me to get Gaviscon which can be obtain fm any gurdian pharmacy. It's safe for pregnant & breastfeeding woman.

Cutting Hair: erm, cannot cut hair?? I nv heard of that..n just had a hair trim 2 days ago.
I only hear of no nailing & hammering in the house, no shifting bed , shifting house, no cutting on the bed.
Speaking of shifting house, my fren did so during her pregnancy, how she avoid it was not to be present when the movers move the boxes, etc.
& for those who need to do hamering & nailing to set up baby cot / shelves / cupboards etc, what I did was to go downstairs for a walk while hb does all the hammering n nailing.
Njon - Same for me. Try replacing water with other fluids, ie. Ribena, Pocari, Honey water loh...

Yaataa - I know it's difficult but it's important to relax & take your mind off this issue, distract yourself until you see your gynae, stress is not going to do any good, ok? You'll be fine, I know months down all of us would still be chatting in this thread!

Yanyan - I dont have the metallic taste, but I have those siap siap, sourish taste. Everything I eat is altered, even drinks, yikes!

Meredith - I can count the no. of NEW pimples daily. Oh Lord! Also, because my hair is very long so usually I'll wash at night only, but these days I noticed I wake up with oily fringe too, cannot dont wash in the morning already.

Ming8110 - Thanks Babe, heheh! :D

Novembaby - So early what can we buy? I'm so tempted but everyone seemed to be stopping me (Mothercare has 60% discount from 1st to 11th March too, I think it's held at SG Expo)

Precious - Ya, it's so kuazhang loh, blame it on the DRAGON year again! My BFF have, I can help you ask the contact but be prepared cause she told me before hers is very popular. If you still can get her, you also need to apply permit & pay levy for her (cause she always enter/exit SG then customs blacklisted her and she would need to enter by legal means - means declare she is a CL loh, as alot others hiong in order to save money mah). From what little I understand, most 'good' CL are from MSIA, they usually charge 1.5-2K (based on popularity & demand) so for this year, I wouldnt have any idea. Also, when they come & before they go - you need to bao them a decent AP. It's a tradition lah, I think alot do not know thats why CL charges are revising upwards too (bill in AP also, hahaha).

On the same note, I'm going to book those malay massage lady soon, just to be on the safe side.

Keiko - Hahahah, lazy! But I like, just like me! But I'm trying to eat more papayas, a belief to have more BM, hahahah!

BBKay - Usually after give birth, a woman is more fertile. I heard alot of "accidents" after birth, lol! Btw can recommend your confinement food catering? TIA!

Lasery - How about sourish? We all want a BOY!
*Prays for metallic taste*

Btil - Can go facial but no facial massage, thats what I was told. Best to pre-empt your beautician. I also resort to DIY paper mask, no mood to go anywhere leh... Just wanna stay at home too.

Lil'K's - Erm... I wanna ask something! If I go under LA for Caesarean, do I still need epidural huh? I have ZERO threshold for pain, so if I can use, I think I check in, immediately I wanna inject already. Lol!

WELCOME devilene!
Hi Btil, I just went for facial last week. Actually my
#1 I also went for facial until 5 or 6 months when it's too uncomfortable to be lying face up for a long time... I.e 1 hr plus... But then again, no one told me cannot go facial leh...
Lilkmum - my chest ok leh , it's d sour water vomit n yest bitter vomit ... Seems vomitting is worse this week (week 8 day 2 today)
Rainbowpooh - (If you can bear with my naggy opinions)Initially I wanted to engage JW (cause she delivered my BFF twice) but same reasons cited. Subsequently HB's doctor friend recommended CK to us, so since it's ACJ again, I thought, ok lah, no fish prawn also good. But I was soooo wrong!!!

In fact, IMHO, I thank God for closing JW and opening CK to us, I feel very comfortable with her. To me, she is just the epitome of peace & calmness, lol! She was very apologetic (ok, I was made to wait almost 2 hours & just as I was next in turn, she went for delivery) and to make things worse, I dont like her receptionist Josephine. I did whined the moment I 'stormed' into her room, and she asked if there's anything she can do to make me happy (then I decided not to name names) and she said, ok, let me try to make all these up for you. Throughout, she was very patient and gentle with me. She even took time to comfort & gave me assurance, and NO CONDEMNATION was offered (cause I confessed I'm a smoker) and to me this is very important, and I am glad she's so supportive without forcing, or make you feel like a taboo, if you get my drift. To top it off, I think she gave that very personal touch, we chatted while she continue to make the effort to understand me better (like how I know the doc whom reco me to her, since he in A&E and I am not in the medical industry, was the pregnancy planned, etc...)

ALL these ate into her lunch break, cause by the time I left, I was shocked to find NO ONE left, not even the staffs of the clinic, and lights were out! o_O" and well, be prepared her charges are slightly higher than JW. I'm not sure how true is this, but I was told that JW is popular because of her reasonable consultation charges and as for why CK is higher - because she had been interviewed couple of times & magazines usually sought medical advices from her?

Just my 2 cents worth.
Hope it helps!
I hear fm frens who choose C-sect that there's 2 types: 1 is GA , 1 is epi C-sect. However seems like more recommend epi C-sect as 1) mummy is awake thurout. Once w epi u dun need to worry abt the pain. 2) both daddy n mummy can be at the labourward. However if GA C-sect, daddy cannot be in.
Above is what i hear fm my mummy frens who did c-sect.
U dun wan to try natural at all?? how abt epi-natural? means immediately take epi the moment u admit into labour ward.

Ok but another thing is, I've frens who suppose to be natural,& already admitted in labourward for natural. but last min cos of complications (i.e bb heartbeat drop, mummy's Bp drop, etc) had to go for emergency C-sect. Means 2X the cost. such ememrgency c-sect is really beyond anyone's control.

U book ur CL already? mine say $2.2K.

N u so fast going to book ur massage lady??

Facial: Yup can do facial. I did it thurout for my #1 as well. i tink the issue of telling ur beautician is sometimes certain facial is machine, so i think the beautician will avoid letting u do those machine type. & they usually will skip the shoulder massage.
Btil - Huh? I'm contemplating to cut my locks too, because these days they turn oily so fast, BTH!

Taurus - Actually hor I read somewhere when you are pregnant you have fuller hair (and also less hair drop count) due to the hormones, but after delivering you will start dropping like normal again (which some mothers went into the blues because they feel it is excessive hair loss).
Meredith - If you managed to sneak into JW slot, and it's the 1st visit, most likely they would inform you of the change of gynae from 2nd visit onwards. Otherwise, when you deliver - be prepared if JW is really overwhelmed, then CK or Adrian will take her place to deliver you. Again, I dunno how true, just hear say while waiting in the clinic & making small talks to the rest of the MTBs loh.

erm for now mine is jus nausea. Heartburn i get it at nite
if its affecting u alot, maybe just call up ur gynae clinic to ask ? maybe there's other medication tat might help?
