(2012/10) Oct 2012

Dear mummies , waiting for my turn for Oscar test. Nervous n scared man
hello : ) re OSCAR test, don't get too stressed about it. i am in week 14 now. just want to check for 2nd, 3rd, 4th time mums who had c section before...are u going for c-section again? for my no 1 i had c section cos labour cd not progress. dunno if i shd just opt for c section again this time..or too early to think about it i guess...c section is surgery and wd be gd to avoid if can help it, but i dunno if i shd try VBAC first
Serene: At least yr son is willing to help. Some cant be bother leh.

Just had my blood withdrawed. Nw hving bf while waiting for gynae to come.
nowadays i have my bf in 2 parts. part 1 before sending #1 to school. part 2 after sending him to school
cuz i cant eat too much at one go, moreover early in the morning.

sigh my hubby's traveling practically every week for the last one month!
lala & May: no need to scare. Everything will turn out to be fine.

Skinneybeenie: rmb to ask ur hubby to station in sg in Oct. hehee... standby.. i told my hub also. hahaa.
I express exclusively coz my gal got prob latching so I started expressing from Day 3 onwards. Initially due to low supply, I use manual pump and when the supply builds up, I switch to electric pump. Ya, I think pump matters. When I use electic pump on Day 3 & 4, I only manage to pump out less than 5 ml. Use manual can get about 20ml. I pump every 3 hours to build up the demand, works quite well for me
Sharon: Just finish my bf. Nw waiting for my turn. Excited.

Skinney: My hubby oso need to travel often recently. Will be alone too
Hi - I'm so upset now , clinic called me that my doc wants to see me to discuss abt oscar test results .... I asked d nurse abt d results but she didn't say , justly say passable but doc wants to discuss next steps .... I m so so upset , what's wrong with my previous ?! I thought if normal they will tell u d results over d phone
Btil: Dont worry so much, I am in the same shoe as you. My NT scan is okay but my blood test is very bad. My gynae did not force me to take amnio test. He let us decide. Moreover, oscar result is a ratio, not absolute number. I got 1/82 for my oscar result and still thinking whether to go for amnio or not. dun need to worry too much.
I wanted to go for VBAC for my no 2 too! But baby's head was not right then. I remembered holding on until EDD itself. Gynae told me it will be the same case as my no 1 (Emer. C sect after a long attempt to naturally delivery). So no choice. Once you have undergone 2x C section, subsequent has to be c section too. Try to go for natural if you can. Healing is much faster
Morning MTBs!
No work for me today - raining, so HB ask me stay put at home with the dogs.

<font color="0000ff">Njon</font> - Thanks for the insight, much relieved, lol! Anyway I doubt HB is a carrier too so being minor isnt so jialat too. Let's see how his b/t goes loh.

<font color="0000ff">Constance</font> - How old is your cousin? Yup. I read about being a Thalassemia major carrier, very cham cause there's no cure for them apart from constant blood transfusion (and following that alot of side effects too).

I first know of Thalassemia through my Mum's hospitalisation, which was in fact recently only. Because we were given an option of surgery recovery - I came to know the complications for her, one of which Thalassemia which my sister did ask me to test for if I have plans to have kids (which I didnt, cause this pregnancy was unexpected). Anyway my sister didnt have, so I thought my chances were 50/50 too since my Dad is not carrier, but oh well... Anyway if I'm the only T/minor carrier, then do I still need to go through the amnio test?

<font color="0000ff">Vankel</font> - then go at 7:45am, hahaha! What time is your Gynae appt then? I was told the results would only be out 4-6HRs, so unless you have Gynae appt after that time frame, then results can be shared during your prenatal visit on same day. Anyway I think the wait is due to bloodtest lab, OSCAR should be v fast cause most sonographer can provide the ratio almost immediately. It was only me, the gong gong that ask pass/fail &amp; forget about the ratio, haha!

<font color="0000ff">serenelm</font> - Hahahahah! Opps, sorry! But your boy darn smart; an opportunist &amp; learning how to exploit Mummy's prenatal visits, lol! Why dont you let them play after homework?

But I do agree kids these days are so into technology - even toddlers are playing with iPad while dining in restaurants with parents, once I saw all the parents (about 5-6 pairs) let their toddlers play with iPad to shut them up while they have their gathering loh, my God! Then no iPad how, cannot gather?

I'm very obessesed with games too, but I dont want my kid to take after me (else my HB got something to nag about liao).

<font color="ff0000">Welcome Shir Shir, enjoy your stay here!</font>

<font color="0000ff">TiggerMum</font> - Really have to try &amp; cut down the canned fruits because the sugar content is especially high &amp; preggers can get G/D v easily. But having said that I also cannot cut down on durians and mangoes, hahahaha!

<font color="0000ff">Skinney</font> - Both you &amp; HB dont have Thalassemia but #1 is T/minor? Wah!

<font color="0000ff">SharonK</font> - I was given samples of Friso Mum, but I dare not drink, cause I always find milk POWDER got a very strong yucky taste, lol! I try to drink HL or Meiji milk &amp; supp with Calcum tablets loh...
My contractions are definitely worse for my #2 but i have preterm contractions so that might contributed to the intense contractions during birth...

I can understand your anxiety. These few days of waiting for result is killing me already...but like what the ladies said here..OSCAR is not 100% accurate and moreover the nurse said your results are passable..so it might not be so bad afterall...when r u meeting your gynae? listen to what your gynae has to say first..Don't worry..

Oh, anyone know the gender yet?? Me and hubby sort of see something "extra" during the scan on Monday. My gynae don't want to confirm since it is still very early...We are keeping our fingers crossed lor...
My cousin was 1 when diagnosed. He is 14 now.
A couple of times, he nearly went into coma during tranfusion.

Thk it may be good for you to go thru the thala blood test.
Take my example. I went thru it to check. I am diagnosed as a minor. Immediately got my hub to check also. Heng he is not a carrier.
If he is a minor also (touchwood!) then i would have to do amnio on the baby. The suffering is no joke!
Btil: Dun worry so much. Just try to relax n go see yr gynae asap. So tt u will nt stress yrself over tis fir too long.

Just nw during scan. Bb not cooperative. Keep facing dwn. Finally able to make bb face side n look up. But little while n bb turn up side dwn. Faintz.
Do you thk it will be good to add in location for our spreadsheet? Nx time do bulk purchase we will know who lives near us, can jio.
Stephanie: Welcome!!

May: I guess so, I'm trying to be appreciative of his help too but it's quite hard when he's getting more rude n always showing black face. Gosh, he may be entering hs rebellious teenage yrs sooner than than I expect...

Ccharis: yah, kids nowadays are sometimes too smart... I tried letting them play after homework but end up, they kept bugging me daily to let them play despite not having finished their homework. So end up, we set rules that they're not allowed to ask to play iPad. Instead we'll let them play when we deem it a suitable timing.
Hi May, Kikilala,Sharon, Meredith, Serenelm, Ccharis, thanks all for the welcome greetings and I am all excited to be part of the group.

Welcome Stephaine to the group, just like me!

I am in my first pregnancy and is "spider" about the upcoming excitement &amp; journey ahead. All because I always have terrifying phobia of child birth scenes &amp; pain

I am in my first trimester and am with Parkway East Hospital.

May I ask if there's any differences in the test results between OSCAR tests and normal detailed scan? What are the diff?

I am taking Annmum now, had gotten voucher for EnfaMama, any feedback on the above milk powder?

Also usually which trimster/weeks will I know the gender of the baby, as MIL kept commenting it must be a boy, it must be a boy! aiyo.....
Any mummies here planning to get a maid to help out before/after delivery? We're planning to get 1 (likely Philippino) cos I dun think I can cope wif 4 kids. Esp during those few days at the hospital (my hubby's probably staying in wif me), so will get maid and MIL to stay wif the kids at nite for those few days... During my confinement, will oso need the maid to bring my 3 boys to school. It's our first time getting a maid, so totally no experience at all wif maids. If anyone has any advice on selecting maids, that would be great. Thanks
Serene - I think getting a maid is really a test of luck. You must get one who loves children. I remembered my cousin's maid. When she came, my cousin had 2 kids then. After a few mths, my cousin was expecting and that maid actually dared to say.. "my contract said only 2 kids, now with 3, I cannot work." we were all stumped by such statement!!!!
Dear all, did my Oscar test. Baby very active...turn here n there. The lady did mention tat my baby is high on the normal side but need blood test to combine results n confirm.
My hubby did mention upon knowing my pregnancy tat if anything wrong with baby then can't keep. But 14 weeks of my lil one inside me... Can't take it if it's bad news. Kinda worried n hope my gynae won't call me within a week.

Btil: I understand ur anxiety as I am anxious abt mine too. It may not be tat bad as it may seem. Stay positive!
Shir Shir: For 1st pregnancy, I got to know the gender ard week 20. For subsequent pregnancies, I got to know btw week 13-16, depending on whether the baby wanted to let us see or not. As I wanted a gal more, I kept asking my gynae at each visit if my boy was still a boy for #2 and #3. Haha :D

No worries abt the labour, there's many ways to handle pain management nowadays. Can get ur gynae to explain to u and u see which sounds more suitable for u. I used epidural for my 1st delivery and only laughing gas for my #2 and #3.
Caitlin: yah, I'm hoping to get a maid who can handle housework and cooking. For the kids, she only needs to fetch them to and fro school daily. Other than that, nothing much else wif my boys cos they're all quite independent, dun need looking after. And for baby, I'll be handling myself so maid oso dun need to look after baby, only helping to wash baby stuff. I oso worry that maids nowadays very choosy, once they hear I've 4 kids, they'll run far far away... Hahaha...
Oh yes, I am keen to go for Prenatal Yoga, anyone keen or into it now?

Any recommendations for lessons above and on ParentsCraft Workshop, to better prepare me &amp; hubby ahead?

Bunch of thanks,everyone!
Serene - U dun have to worry as your kids are older and more independent. Furthermore u are at home so it is much reassuring. We have 2 helpers at my mum's place as there are 4 boys. My personal thought is it's better when mummy is around to ensure all runs smoothly.
Caitlin: Yes, I'm glad I can monitor the maid too. I'm only worried no maid will want us cos hear that we hv 4 kids is enough to scare her. Somemore when she arrive n see that my boys are all so active n loud, scare her even more. Haha :p
<font color="0000ff">Btil</font> - Why dont you call back &amp; ask for the ratio? Dont scare yourself my twin, maybe it's not what you think...

<font color="0000ff">Constance</font> - So only if both parents are carriers, then gynae would encourage to go for amnio test to determine baby's right? Ya, this is really no joke - on my 1st appt, I already opt &amp; paid for a series of Thalassemia test, since I know my Mum's a carrier, if I am positive then on the spot they can determine what category I am in (so I wont have to draw blood again - something like that). Now is only my HB havent go, cause usually I ask him to drop me then go elsewhere wait, I go appt myself. I thought baby bigger than bring him go see u/s, otherwise see a dot, he also wont appreciate, hahaha! 1 stone kill 2 birds (and I also dont need to hear him nag &amp; nag about TMC parking).

Yes, I second your idea, I do think location is good too, perhaps you ladies can PM your address, then I would put the area on the spreadsheet (ie. NSEW) and if got group buy or last min meetup, can refer to the list too. Time to start work, cause soon we all need to start buying liao, wahhaah!

<font color="0000ff">Shir2</font> - You are NOT alone! We werent expecting any children &amp; would you believed I lived in denial for months, even thought of *eh-hem* cause I am just not ready to be a Mum, to give birth, go through labour pains (all thanks to Hollywood gruesome scenes) and so forth...

Now. Ask me I wanna do natural or csect, I wish I dont have to choose one, cause both equally scary to me liao. Hahahah!

OSCAR is to test for DS probability &amp; for the 20th week D/scan, it's to check organs functionality. IF, I am not mistaken.

16-20 weeks can know gender. I was told by my Gynae that baby girls would be determine later than boys. But some had experience if you go OSCAR and your baby in good position, can see too but the sonographer wont confirm, that is. For me, sneak preview also bo, so cannot comment.

Lastly. I'm also keen in ParentCraft workshop, if you have more information we can share notes. I'm trying to convince my HB to go cause he like paiseh... WTH!

<font color="0000ff">Lala</font> - I understand how you are feeling. To be very honest, initially we didnt want to keep because we think we really are not the liao to be parents, but after sometime &amp; we decided we should keep. I am very worried should anything happen to baby now.

Someone once said to me, if your baby can survive 1st T, he/she is already a fighter, so, have faith in your child. I think it was uplifting for me, so I share &amp; hope you would be encouraged too.
<font color="0077aa">Btil</font>,

Don't worry too much. Keep happy thoughts and arrange for the appointment and see how?

Btw, anyone using humidifiers at home? Any recommendation as I need to get one for my nose bleed. I'm thinking between Novita and Osim umist baby.
Suddenly after lunch, all so quiet. Hahaha!

I wanna puke liao, I ate so much again today. Went to Maxwell, see everything nice also wanna dabao. I stil got food on my desk, OMG!
I think it should be a sign for me that MS is truly gone with the wind le, lol!
<font color="0000ff">ReineLuv</font> - I cant comment cause never use before, but have heard of Mitsubishi Nano-ion Humidifiers, have you thought of it too?

Honestly is your nose bleed really due to dryness or could be other causes? Because SG is so freaking humid loh, so I think within your house also shouldnt be so dry right?
ccharis, hi i m a t/minor carrier too. did you let your gynae know? then ur doc will test ur hubby also. only if he is a carrier, then you need further tests. if he is not a carrier, then no need liao.
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font> - Yup, gynae is aware, cause I told her my Mum is but I am not sure if I am, so she ask me to do b/t, and now confirm I am a T/minor carrier too loh.
<font color="0000ff">Serenelm</font> - What you wanna say is Ms. Wong Boi Boi issit, lol! Boi is not part, but all her name, wahahahah! Ok, I dont mean to tease her name.
<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
I think it's because of the air con and dry air in my house cos of the construction going around. Everyday i wake up with dry and stuffy nose then I don't dare to clear them or sneeze cos out comes the blood. Haha. My hubby suggested humidifier la, I read up and they say it's better since I always have nose allergy, maybe that's why it's flaring up cos of the expanded vessels.
<font color="0000ff">Serenelm</font> - Yours updated.
<font color="0000ff">ReineLuv</font> - Then if you can go read up on the Mitsubishi, since you need then might as well have 2-in-1, hhehe. I vividly recall got 'beauty' functions too, due to the nano ion?
I have the osim one. Leaks after a while. And it only lasts 6 hours. The novita one will check the humidity level and adjust I think

Erm... Now I'm worried abt my Oscar test next week too. Stress !!!
<font color="0077aa">ccharis</font>
You so cute lor. I will go check out again.
Btw, I stay in the last stop of NEL line that starts with Ulu P. hahahahahaha

<font color="0077aa">ML</font>
Seems like novita got better reviews! Aiyo... Thanks babe.
<font color="aa00aa">My total bill for today is $474 with GST..
I din get MTV &amp; Calcium.. Bill consist of Oscar, consultation, urine n fish oil...</font>
Thanks everyone for ur encouragement (hugs)! Got a 430pm appt today n now on way to Tmc . Hubby can't go w me cos it's so last min. I had a difficult presentation after lunch but with this anxiety, I wasn't nervous abt the wk at all !! Our Bb can give us so much strength n courage !!

Pray hard hard !!

<font color="0000ff">Btil,</font> <font color="ff6000">Take care dear! Your bb's made it this far, he/she will be all right. Mummy, be strong and pray hard!</font>

<font color="0000ff">ccharis,</font> <font color="ff6000">Orh, you make fun of the guru of pregnancy/childbirth/child-rearing in singapore! Hahaha LOL.. I didnt attend her session cos I opted for Mt A and went for the prenatal classes there.

Btw, i will give you my info for the table after i "check out" of my first trimester next week
Counting down the days!</font>
