(2012/10) Oct 2012

Ohh, you had GD during your 1st preg? Hmmm.. then you must be more careful with your diet.. i know having GD during preg is no fun. Hopefully GD will elude you this time
Try sipping hot water every few minutes or so. It helps to curb MS abit.

I travelled quite freq with #1 but not so confident when #2 comes along. Just thinking of the amount of diapers, milk powder that I have to lug along deter me. hahaha

Ya. That time was bad.. So the whole preg i only put on 10kg. Baby was 3 kg.

I hope so too but I doubt I will be that lucky. Am insulin resistant. So... Haiz... Having gd puts the kids at risk of diabetics next time but there is no way I can prevent it.
<font color="0000ff">Serene:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Finally vomited my lunch out.. Now is like nvr taken my lunch.. Sure goes hungry soon..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Chris:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I ren for 1hr+.. Decide to let it out once n for all.. so tt wnt feel so xin ku.. N I scare I lost control n vomit at my desk.. haha..</font>
Hi Mummies/Mummies to be,

I just delivered in Jan and have stopped breastfeeding in Feb (less than a month). I am selling the below items for $350.All items are in good condition.If you are interested, do PM me. Wishing all a smooth delivery! Take good care =)


Ameda lactaline dual breast pump (Original Price $399)
Autumnz Breastmilk Storage Bottles- half are unused (Cost $18.90)
Pigeon Natural-Fit Silicone Nipple Shield- New (Est. Cost: $10.00)
Pumpin Pal Angled Premium Breast Pumping Flanges (Cost : $36.00)
Ameda Freezer Bags (Comes with breast pump)
ML, Meredith, ReineLuv - I don't think HB has cause no family history but he's scheduled to go for b/t to confirm while I go for further tests on my next checkup. Sian loh, my sister didn't kenna from my Mum but I kenna. I do pity my Mum now that I'm MTB - from her, I'm also high risk for protein &amp; diabetes.

But the sugar rush I'm experiencing everytime I go pee test I very kancheong - if one day nurse tell me kenna G/D I'll be sibei sian... But still bochup now: Eat, pray, pee &amp; fingers super crossed!

Njon - May I ask, apart from blacking out, did you experience giddiness? I can lie on the bed &amp; suddenly the room is spinning in front of me. When I had anemia, it didn't happen unless I'm standing... I read about having to supp iron, but what I'm more concerned is during delivery. How did you deliver - natural or csect?
Meredith: yah, usually the milk powder, diapers, kids clothes n stuff are enough to fill up 1 entire luggage. But for #3, I breastfed, so at least didn't hv to bring along milk powder. I was basically 'the cow' :p

May: yes, after vomiting, sure feel hungry very fast... Very sian hor, eat alrdy vomit but if dun eat, feel so hungry. Hope the MS leaves us soon....
For those who like bak kut teh, my tcm said can eat the white based ones. It's those dark color soups that we are advised not to take cos of the herbs that goes in.

My Oscar is at KKH, no need to fast for both blood test and Oscar. I specifically asked the nurse when she called. Now that I recall, i think I had a bad dream about doing oscar test... but i shall not dwell too much on these negative thoughts.
Hi ccharis,
I haven't blacked out from any of my pregnancies before...but I do get giddiness often...I deliver thru natural birth..everything is ok...
<font color="0000ff">Serene:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Ya lo.. Eat will vomit.. Dun eat hungry.. And now I'm hungry le.. </font>
I am Thalassemia minor (carrier). My hb did the test once we found out. Heng he is not a carrier at all.
I have a Thalassemia Major in my maternal family. My cousin. Very poor thing. He needs to do blood transfusion every 3 weeks. Both parents are minor. Percentage of having Minor kids is 50%, normal is 25% and major is 25%. He is the fourth in the family and suay suay hit the 25%. We didnt even know it runs in the family until his case surface.
Another cousin (minor) also found out both she and hb are carriers. They have 2 kids already. Went thru the amnio to test for thalassamia in the foetus during both pregnancies. Boths kids are minor.
It's not a joking illness.
Hi Mummies... long chat posted for me to take awhile for reading.

Joanna : I am going on 12Apr. The nurse as me to be there by 8am to reg since all are fully booked. But getting results on the same day after to see gynea. So dont hv to wait again for my results.

I will update u the waiting time. Can imagine if the wait is very long cos in yr09 preg with my girl the wait seems long, and this year dragon year.... i m crossing my fingers. My hubby already told me to charge our hp backup battery pack hahahaa....he scare we will fully utilise all bats.

ACJ nurse also told me , no fasting require for Oscar scan and blood test.

Hope all mummies will get over your MS soon. Take care =)
My eldest boy (10 yrs old ths yr) asked me just now: "Mummy, when are we gg to see Dr Kowa again?"

I replied: "On 21st April. Why? U want to see baby again?"

And guess what?? He goes: "No lah, I want to know when I can play iPad again. Cos nowadays we only get to play iPad while waiting for ur turn to see gynae."

I was like: "What??!!"

We had kinda banned our kids fom playing iPad at home cos they were getting obsessive over it. Can't understand how kids' brains work nowadays **scratching head**
<font color="0000ff">Serene:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yr boy 10yrs old lao.. Wnt be interested to see bb anymore.. Games and Ipad are more interesting to them..</font>
Hihi Oct mummies to be!!! I am a newly promoted mummy, bundle of joy due end Oct.

I join this thread to know more mummies friends for advices, supports, to nurture friendships

My boy only 2.5 year old.. His brain is also all abt iPad, games and TV. I try to limit the time to gadgets but it's like fighting against the current!
Reineluv: I love canned lychee too.

ML, oh no, i ate lots of sweet stuff. like durian, mango, canned lychee. Been eating it almost everyday leh.

Joanne: I ate liver for my #1. #2. i ate kidney.
<font color="aa00aa">Yippee.. Gona knock off soon.. And tml morning can see my little one for the 2nd time.. So excited and happy!!</font>
I express exclusively so is a milking cow when I travel with my kid.. hahaha.. Talk about ipad, my gal also very obsessed with it, the first thing she ask me when I get home is "Mummy, can I borrow your ipad?" coz I usually lock it up when I go to work.
You bring your boy to see his little sibling so early into preg? I havent brought my gal yet coz too early into preg, think my gal will ask me how come only a dot. Hahaha

Shir shir,

15 mins more to go! Yah! Can go home soon
Have a nice evening mummies ^_^
Njon: my #1 was 2.2mm but OSCAR odds also quite good in the 12000+ range. not to worry too much. the sonographer said high risk is considered less than 1:300 and thickness more than 3mm is a concern.

ccharis: i blacked out twice before in my #1. Very scary. once at home, which was not so bad. once mutiple blackouts at bus interchange. i dun think i have Thalessemia (cuz not anemic during preg and other times only VERY SLIGHTLY anemic). My #1 has Thalessemia although. its very common..

re: mango being heaty- i think it varies from person to person. i know some people who can take junk food without having breakouts ever. not me. i react vey swiftly and adversely to too much heaty food. but i let my #1 try mango before he was even 1. he was completely ok. putting on weight? ha. he used to eat avocado like every week also 5th percentile only ahha..
Just now I asked my #1 when we were at playground who gave birth to him when he suddenly said he was born one day. he said "mama" I was about to beam with pride then he added "and papa". lol..
sharonk, no, because the test did not show i was anemic. but i did another blood test before i conceived #1 i was slightly anemic. but it could be cuz i jus finished my period that time.

Thanks! It's really a relief to know this...now have to wait for the full result...the nurses at the clinic said will only call me if the result is no good...but i think I will call them to check result next monday...
May: Yah lor, he's only interested in iPad, iPhone, FB games etc... And now that I'm always not feeling well, I depend quite a lot on him to help out at home (wash dishes, throw rubbish, attend to #3's requests for tidbits/drinks/toys etc). He's been quite helpful altho sometimes will show me black face.

Shir Shir: Welcome!!

Meredith / Sharon / Kiki: Same here... My #3 (4 yrs old this Dec) is oso like that. Totally addicted to iPad. It's amazing to see how well he can control the iPad n knows exactly where to go for each app/how to look for YouTube cartoons...

Meredith: I didn't express for #3 cos when I express, there seems to be not much milk. But when I latch him on, I could feel the milk let down n hear him guzzling the milk. I plan to try to express this time round. I suspect that it was my old Pigeon pump that's no good. Planning to try Medela this time round but they sure are expensive these days. Did u express right from the start or only started expressing after some time? I've not much experience wif expressing...

My kids knew from the beginning abt my pregnancy cos my MS was quite bad from week 6 onwards. They kept asking why mummy always wasn't feeling well. My 10 yr old even suspected b4 we told him, he kept asking "Mummy, u're pregnant, right?". Haha!!

Looking forward to the coming long weekend... It's always nice to hv hubby 24/7 by my side cos can "order" him to do things... Heehee :p
My boy is the same. He even told me that day.. Mummy, u can continue shopping and u can pass me the iPad or iPhone.. I was speechless! Nowaday kids are really Apple savvy.
not yet started on any milk cuz i suspect i may vomit it. i will wait a few more weeks till MS is completely gone.

hmm.. we dun have any Apple products at home, no tv at home. so my son not addicted to these things. he does however likes the computers. i let him watch stuff on it, but limit to few times a week only.
Sharon: I'm drinking Meiji fresh milk cos I dun like milk powder taste. Not a lot though, maybe 1 glass a day. But my gynae did give me calcium tablets.

Caitlin: Ur boy's so cute! I had to ban all 3 boys from playing with the iPad//iPhone daily. Now they only get to play when we say so.
Skinney: My 10 yr old oso loves to play the computer online games too. Luckily I only hv a netbook at home during weekdays cos daddy brings his laptop out for work. He finds my netbook too slow so he gave up. Hahaha!! :p
boys will be boys! before my son turned 2, his behavior was pretty much neutral. now increasingly... different from me and being male. if #2 also boy, this house will have lots of testostreone, but less than yours! haha
Eat Liao. Nothing u can do. Anyway it doesn't haPpen to everyone. Just eat in moderation from now on loh
Skinney: yes my hse is usually super noisy wif all the boys shouting, screaming or playing... I'm rather hoping for a little princess this time round to "tip the balance" a little... But so long as baby is healthy, that's the most impt
I also have another lil girl. But 3 boys + 1 girl means end up the girl will be playing with boys stuff.

I bought so many barbie dolls and toyhouses for her, but she likes beyblade and nerf guns much better! sigh
Constance: Yes, I've 3 boys. That's why my hse is usually very noisy and messy. Somehow they dun know how to keep their toys after playing. Only my eldest boy can be relied upon to help me tidy up the hse.

Cos ur gal's been influenced by kor kors, my hubby's niece oso greatly influenced by my boys. End up now she oso prefers playing wif my boys' toys rather than gals toys

Skinney: Yes, for my case it's true. And like Constance says, ithe contractions are quite painful during breast feeding.
Constance - I hv 1 boy. But for wkdays at my mum's place, there are 3 nephews staying together. So that makes 4 boys together which can practically turn the house upside down. Their age is 7, 5, 4, 3. If my #2 is a boy, then it'll be 5 boys at my mum's place. Therefore my mum hope for a girl to neutralize the environment. But after reading your post, I guess it is very true. The gal will be influenced to play beyblade, dinosaur etc.. Haha!
Heard passing mark for oscar scan is 1:300. one of my colleagues hers was bad mark n she did d 2nd trimester test n it turned out finE...

Charris - Congratz on ur postive oscar test results ! I did on sat so hope they will call me tmr !!! Been checking my Ho every hour !!! I hope mine is way above d borderline !!

Oh to add to the sharing on nausea / ms - I feel less nausea n no mOre vomitting during week 12-13 but tonite (w12 d6) I puked
