(2012/10) Oct 2012

Coco_pops - Me too, about a pack a day for the past 12 years too. Ever since I know I'm preg then I curb myself at not more than 3/daily. I thought I would drop the urge altogether after the ultrasound, but still cannot...

Nurisyadini - thanks for the support, that's what my friends told me too, seemed like I'm the only odd -- like no mother's instinct like that, know preg already still cannot curb nicotine urge
just hopeless in myself (sorry need to rant too).

Btw... I'm still waiting for the FB 'secret' group add, who is jaga-ing the FB account huh? Who's in there currently?

Mindy, 2-3 hrs wait time when there's appt is too long la!
On average, my Gynae appt also require wait time even with appt but it's abt 45min to 1 hr.

Me too! Waiting for the fb gp. whos the gp admin?

Autumn, yes do bring forward ur appt. u will be so happy when u see the ultrasound scan n heartbeat!

Btil, actually insert is not that eeky la. Main thing reduces nausea, at least for me la.
Welcome junegoh, happi, preciousgal, bbtm, yanyan & joy!
Wah, today so many MTB onboard...

Btil - Me too, also at the back near the butt (below kidney) also cramp/pain when I walk, honestly I'm so worried after hearing all those "contractions" and I was contemplating to fly down to the gynae to do ultrasound just to buy a peace of mind. As for mood swings - I'm very guilty of that too, HB also buay tahan I so emo, like when things don't go my way I cry so easily (think back I also wanna laugh at myself). Today's didn't had MS, so, I'm feeling exactly like how you feel.

You don't have to apologize for babbling -- we're all on the same boat, lol! Talk it out here, usually will feel better...

Oh! Was it from here or somewhere else that I read -- the more serious the MS means lesser chance of miscarriage, because it goes to show your hormone levels are kicking in on high? I wish my peanut is well and growing too...

Mindy (bbtm) - my appt card with ACJ has an emergency hp no. so wondering if you want, can try... As for the high demand vs. low supply - it should be common in every clinic since it's the dragon year, sigh! I really dunno why everyone is so hype up with the dragon baby, sorry, please pardon me...

I had my 1st visit @ ACJ last Fri & I waited for almost 2 hours! Furthermore, just as I was the next in turn, Khi went for delivery -__-" even HB couldn't find a lot/valet at that hour! It was really bad, we almost walked away.

Joy - so fast you looking for confinement lady already? Hee...
Lil'k's mummy - insert into v ? I switched to another brand dugestation also nausea n to take twice a day,so I switched bk to protestgrone ... Every night before sleep I take d pill as if it's some tequila shot n go puke ! Plus at night I feel nausea too so must as well take d pill... As long as precious Bb is growing well it's ok la^ ... At least I m feeling v pregnant w the nausea , haha
Btil - you so cute!!!! "at least I m feeling v pregnant" lol! :D

I also want, honestly can't wait to enter the 2nd trimester, at least it's more stablised, and also you can see a growing tummy too. Right now it's like neither here nor there, everyday can only pray and ownself talk to my peanut, hehe!

You may already know this but try to quit smoking for the next 9 months. Just endure for 9 months for your baby's sake. OK?

I know it's tough but I know you can do it for the baby.
Sing Ling,

I feel giddy if I don't take a full breakfast. I didn't used to feel that way. Nowadays, I can't wait for lunch time to arrive! Hungry!
slchua - are you always outdoor? it could be the weather cause my HB also complain giddy. it's really hot, esp. now you are pregnant you would feel more susceptible to it too.

MTB - curious, how much weight have you all gain thus far? I know at this point, the food cravings is not really the baby's but mainly ours, I have already gained almost 3kgs! I dunno how to read the min/max pregnancy weight chart too.
Kanelmo - thank you, really... I hope I can do the least bit for my peanut too, by curbing at least for the next 9 months. You're right' it's really tough for me (think my smoking is really addiction more than habit) although it's not easy but at least when I share here, I feel honest & more determined with all of your support.

Thank you all for embracing my flaws & not judging me. I know to many its such a taboo so thank you all for the support!

I know even my HB is trying his best not to smoke too, as it is, he "complained" he already smoking 1 pack in 2 days instead of the other way round, hahahahah!
Hi Ccharis
Very fast de oct just 7 mth more
Maybe I used to it blink blink due date is near that y gan jiong
Pregnancy weight min also depend on your current weight
If normal weight think is 12-18 best
But my first preg - 20 kg Faintz
2nd preg - 14kg
But still look e same fat lei
Hope u can quit - think about the health & $ u safe
Especially your peanut
ccharis - i haven't gained substantial weight, but my tummy has been so bloated that i cannot button my pants already! bowel movements are also very sluggish bleh :p
Hi singling,

Same..i can walk halfway then feel abit giddy.. But after a while ok le.. Anyone started morning sickness? I now when brush teeth will feel like puking..& also every mite i will slp early with my gal but sure wake up in the middle of the nite then hv difficulty in gg bk to slp.. Arghhh...

Hi, I am new here.
I should be around 7weeks+. This is my 3rd pregnancy. I am blessed wth 2 wonderful gals. So hoping for a boy this round hehee...If gal, I will not mind also.

My morning sickness kicked-in very early this time, started around 4weeks+. I have all day long sickness. It was horrible!! I vomitted anything from food to stomach juices. Nothing worked for me,not seabands,not ginger tablets,not ginger tea,not medicine prescribed by doc. Now, the only food I could eat are Milo and bread, couldn't take any proper meal. I lost 2kg for far in 2 weeks time.
Hi ladies,

Can anyone advise mt alvernia better or TMC which one is at a highly cost? Sorry I m a newbie here and baby is about 5 weeks

I m also experiencing cramps too.. Until I did my test 2 days ago and Realise I am preg..

Anyone knows if DR Ho from mt alvernia is good?

May I know what is your HCG level at 5-6 weeks?

I was 5 weeks & 5 days yesterday.

went for bloodtest & the gynae said my HCG is VERY low only 3,400

I am so sad since yesterday until now. No mood to do anything. was given progesterone injection for 5 days.

May I know what is your HCG level? is 3,400 HCG level for 5 weeks 5 days really very low?

went for ultrasound last night, gynae said only can see the sac cannot see heartbeat, I thought heartbeat only appear on 6-7 weeks???
for mummies w ms, i think to stop ms is to take vit b6.. currently i m taking the folic acid completed w vit b6 prescribed by my gynae (not too sure if i m supposed to suffer ms, gynae still prescribed for me as prevention).. so far, no ms for me...if it's too bad, perhaps want to ask gynae if can prescribed to u.. too much ms is really not too gd..

wt gain: 0.5kg for the last 2 wk despite eating 5 meals a day for me.. i tink i m blessed unlike when i m preggie w my 1st one..

joy.. try to eat more veggies n fruits as it's not too gd for the uterus as u tend to use more force...
chez.. cheer up! .. i also c sac during my early stage and was also worried but waited until nxt visit which i get to see my little one's hearbeat at 6wks 6days.. u will also get to see the heartbeat at ur nxt visit! ..dont worry too much
Hi chez_mum,

Not to worry heartbeat usually seen on week 6 to 8.
I wonder if u have the same gynae as me. He has a clinic in bishan only on Tuesday night. I have a appointment on Friday. Should be in week 6 now. Cannt c anything during my visit at week 4.

Hi Taurus76,
My gynae also prescribed me with folic acid with vitamin b6. So far no much ms for me except I love sweets things like cake n sweet.
yanyan, I am having the same sleeping problem as you for a month. Only for the past two days, my sleep gets better.

Chez, think positive, when i was 5W4D, i could only see sac and no hearbeat. I was prescribed with Vit B6 and Duphaston tablet. During then, I 'talk' to my bb, if you like us to be your parent, please stick to me and grow healthy. After 2.5week, see my baby grow and fast heartbeat.

June, I didn't gain any weight but my tummy is so bloated that I can't button my working pant. Read from the Sept thread on the belly belt and I went to buy from Mothercare. It helps for the timebing and meantimes I looking for maternity pants.

I am taking 5 meals a day too. The two additional meals, I am taking fresh fruit. Helps with constipation.

Not sure if i'm heading to my 9W tomorrow, my tiredness and sleeping problem are gone suddenly. Kind of worry. But still trying to think positively. Dilemma.
chez: i am also 5 weeks plus.. and also cannot see heartbeat is normal.. I think the heartbeat is 6-8 weeks plus...so dun worry okay =)

MTB i need help on the following:
- can put cosmetics on face?
- can put hair serum
- can put facemasks/hair conditional???

Do advise i am at lost bec is my first time being a mummy...
Joy - Mayb because #1 so 7 months sounds long. Hahaha! I cant seemed to wait still for the next ultrasound to see how peanut's growing.. We're hoping for a boy so can rough & tough with the Dad (and superglue to him instead) hahahaah!

junegoh - Ya, same here. HB asked how come tummy so big but inside peanut only? Gynae said it is wind, and will build up thru the day (night is the worse). I already cannot fit into my fav denims, so since 5 weeks I've been wearing leggings...

Yanyan - I also realised my sleep is disrupted. I used to be a dead sleeper, really! But ever since I am preg I cant fall into deep slumber. These days... I always wake up suddenly & see 4am, gosh!

preciousgal - I saw a price guide when I was at TMC the other day for 1st visit. Hope to share (but I dunno much too, cause also #1, hehe):-

ONE-BEDDER WARD, Normal Delivery
TMC = 4863 (2nd Lowest!)
Mt. A = 4891

TMC = 7016 (Lowest!)
Mt. A = 7327

TMC = 3517 (3rd Lowest)
Mt. A = 3203

TMC = 5314 (2nd Lowest!)
Mt. A = 5241

Hope it helps you a wee bit!

Chez - *hugs* my friend did prep me (so that I wont expect too much/feel disappointed) before I go for my 1st visit, she said 5 weeks usually can only see sac. Dont worry! All would be well.

I'm not sure about my HCG level, in fact when my GP tested me, he just told me 5wks+ then I made appt with gynae - I'm tad shocked how come it seemed like alot of you had tested for this progesterone pill but on my 1st visit, nothing of this was mentioned, much less any test was conducted on me. That I'm a little concerned now.
Before I forget.. I just wanna share my new found! I think POCARI SWEAT can ease MS, as well as balance your body (so those who feel giddy can take also) and I'm just happy with it!
Hi ladies, I just discovered I m pregnant with my 2nd bb. EDD: 30 Oct. My first child is delivered by Dr Joycelyn Wong so most likely going back to her. Just went to another gynae to get a scan (the earliest appt I cld get with ACJ is 19 mar!)., it shows my bb at 5 weeks..can see the little beanie in the sac thru v scan but no heartbeat yet.
I alry book for a holiday to hong kong next wk.. Nw headache ..dunno to go ahead a nt.
Joanna: I think it's ok to use cosmestics, serum etc... I know of ferns who do rebounding during preg n their bb is fine... So dun worry too much,.. Relax n enjoy ur preg
preciousgal - Lead your life as you normally would and you would enjoy your pregnancy.
There are a few items which we should never touch, esp. bathroom cleaners & bleach, being some of the most toxic.

I would say I'll keep myself away from *hairsprays *hair-bleach *acrylic nail powder (for those who always frequent the nail parlours) and perhaps *airbrush foundation?
Oh, and also road works - when they are paving the tar, that sure smell so toxic!

By the way. I'm also #1 too - my buddy recommended me to read Babycenter (they have an iPhone app too, if you can download) and I find it very informative!
Yen - You can get Vit-B6 from alot of foodsources because too much may not be safe for your or your developing baby.

Link: http://www.babycenter.com/0_vitamin-b6-in-your-pregnancy-diet_666.bc

How much vitamin B6 you need
Pregnant women: about 1.9 mg per day
Breastfeeding women: 2.0 mg

You don't have to get the recommended amount of vitamin B6 every day. Instead, aim for that amount as an average over the course of a few days or a week.

Food sources of vitamin B6:
Beans, nuts, lean meat, and fish are good sources of vitamin B6. (Note that a 3-ounce serving of meat or fish is about the size of a deck of cards.)
Fortified breads and cereals can also be good sources (check the labels).

Here are the amounts in some common foods:
•1 medium baked potato, flesh and skin: 0.74 mg
•1/2 cup canned chickpeas: 0.57 mg
•8 ounces prune juice: 0.56 mg
•3 ounces farmed salmon, cooked: 0.55 mg
•3 ounces lean pork loin, broiled: 0.49 mg
•3 ounces roasted chicken (light meat): 0.46 mg
•1 cup cooked spinach: 0.44 mg
•1 medium banana: 0.43 mg
•3 ounces pork loin, cooked: 0.39 mg
•1 cup cooked long grain brown rice: 0.28 mg
•1/2 avocado: 0.26 mg
•1 ounce sunflower seeds, dry roasted: 0.23 mg
•1 ounce hazelnuts, dry roasted: 0.18 mg

Should you take a vitamin B6 supplement?

You should be able to get all you need from a varied diet. Most prenatal vitamins also contain at least 100 percent of the recommended amount.

If you're suffering from morning sickness, check with your healthcare provider before taking additional B6 supplements. She can tell you how much to take. (Don't take more than your provider recommends. Too much may not be safe for you or your developing baby.)
ccharis: hahaha sorry what is #1?? Thanks for the tips babe.. will go and dl more...

Meredith: hehee thanks alot abit helpless duno what to do bec i heard alot of pple say no cosmetics i was like OMG!!!! abit gan chiong too hehehe...ahhh.. u going holiday? i think still can go just that dun over tired yrself...
joanna.. its ok to use them .. we still need to be pretty mtbs

meredith.. just go for holiday n relax! in fact, i just came bck not long ago from CM cherating beach at 7 wks.. with my 1st gal at 8 wks last time, i even went to KR for biz trip.. as long as dont walk too much, keep yourself hydrated.. everything is fine!

keiko.. how much does the belly belt cost? think i need to get one pretty soon...
Taurus76: thank u babe.. i am abit relieved now..

BTW, how u all know the EDD? because i was not told of the EDD yet when i did a scan due to cramps and have one small little blood that happen to me.

And when u all must decide on the gynae to use?
Mandy: Though the nurse say have to wait 2 to 3hrs. Normally when i reach there, i wait for half and hour only. Think that day might have lot of baby coming out. They just want to prepare u the waiting time. Me call last week and my earlierest appointment to see Dr Ben is on next monday (05 Mar)
. Think this year will be super busy for all the gyne doc ba.
Joanna: The gynae will tell u on your EDD. EDD will be more conifrm after first tim. Need to conifrm your gynae before first tim or before they get you to take up package.
Taurus: I bought at $29.90. Mothercare is having a sales at Harbourfront Outlet (15%) from 1 to 12 March. But not sure if this item would be included.

Joanna: I was not told about my EDD on my 1st scan on 5W. The doctor told me about my EDD on my 2nd scan on 8w. Prior to that, I used the online tool.
preciousgal - #1 (expecting 1st child)

Initially I back-calculated to get my EDD & it so happened that the gynae gave me the same date too, agar agar loh. If you want to change gynae -it is more advisable to do so before the 12-15 weeks of pregnancy cause anything after that, your gynae would be starting a series of tests on you. Usually clinic will offer package signing after the 2/3rd visit too. All these are info my BFF passed down to me, hope it helps!

Ya, agree with taurus76 - I still wanna be pretty in as much the MS is screwing everything else up. Hahaha! Dont worry so much, else how those celeb-MTB survived on air?

Taurus76 - Are you guys going to buy the belt? I'm keen too, and was wondering if we do bulk, can get discount or not? Hehehehe...

Meredith - Just go! You deserved it, just be more careful with what you eat (you might like to avoid street food) and like what Taurus said, keep yourself well hydrated & dont walk too much.

Well, I conceived in USA - by the time we returned it was about 3+wks, I was lugging luggages, groceries, running here & there, jogging with my dogs, etc...
But all these I did without the knowledge I was pregnant lah...
Hi Mommies,

I'm new in this thread. My #1 is turning 17th months coming march .. Was TTC last year & got pregnant in Dec but had a natural M/C. Baby stopped growing at 6weeks old. Didn't had a D&C it just come out itself & bleed it off. Was extremely upset & decided not to have another one so soon again ..

Had my first cycle on 23rd January, & it the 2nd week of February was feeling quite unwell. Occasional Nausea & was feeling bloated most of the time after my meal .. On the 22nd of February in the midnight after i've reached home i found out a slight spotting on my panty liner, & i assume it's my menses coming as normally after abit of spotting it'll follow by my menses. But in the morning when i woke up there's still no menses & i felt that something is not right as my heart is beating kinda fast, & at the same time feeling slight nausea. Tested & it came out BFP! Was shocked totally as i wasn't planning for one so soon as i had just got a M/C last dec.. Guessed the more we doesn't want it, it just came along..

But was actually very paranoid & worried bout this pregnancy as i had a M/C previously .. Fixed an appointment with my Gynae for my #1(Dr LN Sim) on 14th Feb for a check but what they advised me is to go down within these week to get the medicine to stable the baby as i just had a M/C less than 3 months back.. So afraid!!

I bought the Folic Acid 5mg from Guardian to take now, is it ok to take the Folic Acid there or should we get from gynae will be better?

Should be turning 6 weeks coming thursday-sunday, Edd not confirmed yet. Morning sickness not so bad yet hope it'll continue this way to my 2nd tri. But normally MS will come in during week 6-7 right?
Thanks for all the encouragement.. I think I will still go for the trip as I don't want to disappoint my gal who is so looking fwd to Disneyland.. Moreover, It's prob our last chance to give her all the attn before her sibling comes along
Juliana Lee: oH thanks babe.. no wonder hehehe..

Keiko: oH.. okay thanks will check it out online =) when are u going for the 2nd scan? 11 march that week or following week?

ccharis: thank u babe for the great information...

Those who are 5 weeks old.. when are u going for yr next appt? normally 2 weeks from this week? or is okay to go 3 weeks? because i scare cannot hear the baby heartbeat if i go 13 march that week... or is okay to go that week as i just went for scanning yesterday and doctor cannot see anithing only the small sac which is super small still unclear..
Joanne - my 1st scan on 7 Feb (5 wks), 2nd scan on end last week (8 wks). I'm starting my 9th weeks tmr. Gg for 3rd scan on end March where I will take my OSCAR assessment.
Hi joanna,

I think i shld b wk 5 & gg to visit gynae next wed..

Hi meredith,

Juz go! I went to hokkado when i preggie w my nbr 1.. Is quite fun & relax tho.. Mk u forget the suffering of ms.. Haha

keiko.. thks for infor!

ccharis.. ya,most likely but if get from mothercare stores.. dont think have bulk discount lei.. i m checking out some online stores n take a look.. keep u posted..

juliana.. i can only take up package frm 16th wk.. n it will cost me abt 1250.. kinda exp
.. but read somewhere that female gynae tends to charge more exp.. n i know some gynaes charges as low as 500.. but that what is included, u have to do further research..

meredith.. so agreed w u.. i also went to CM last fri to celebrate my girl's bd.. so cant disappoint her as well..
