(2012/09) Sep 2012

hi yanling, welcome onboard
! Seen quite a lot of mummies in EDD Sep12 having their #3. Really salute to u all.
Thank you gan_jiong_daddy for your assurance. Guess it is safe for us to still wait till week 6 or more before seeing a gynae.
I hv no spotting. I will monitor for a few days. Ya, can be very paranoid. More and more colleagues noticed the changes in me and discovered my pregnancy though not yet 3 mths. . I heard we shall not lie about it when ppl asked. True?
Gd question. So far nobody in my office know except one whom I told her but since my mc is from hosp sooner or later Hr will suspect by then doubt can hide.
May: what changes yr colleagues see? They rather observant.

Ya I am amazed by those mummies with 2 & 3 kids we have alot to learn from u gals.
RE: maternity wears

Keep a lookout for closing down sales and this forum Marketplace column. Over the years, I been to 2 maternity wears closing down sales and so far brought close to 20 pieces of tops and bottoms and only cost me less than $300. I even brought a maternity swim wear!

Marketplace sometimes they will organize spree and bulk purchase. I ever joined too during my previous pregnancies, order Old Navy maternity pants from oversea and it is very cheap.

For those loose capris can try Top Fashion (sorry can't rem it is This Fashion or Top) they sell cheap cotton sports capris and pants. Cam accommodate our expanding tummy..
harrods ,

my cramps does not come with spotting. the cramp feel are like menses abt to rpt that kind. on and off and that y worry me.
u monitor again. if u feel not right, go see gynae. go aling with ur feeling which in glad i was.
Anyone here given Aspirin 100mg to take daily? My Gynae has given me Aspirin but I google and find it is not advisable to take during pregnancy. Although a website did state it might help those with recurrent miscarriage but still understudy and verdict not out yet. I am concerned about taking yet I feel I should trust my Gynae since he said so... Anyone here taking?
Hi cj, during my 1st pregnancy, my gynae wanted to prescribe aspirin to treat my BP complications, but I couldn't take it due to I am allergic to aspirin, so end up she prescribed other medicine. So I guess should be safe for pregnant women to consume.
Cj> dr Fong gave me aspirin towards my last trimester for my #1. Reason being is my mum has history of high BP during her preg. He was afraid that I have it too. My BP was normal thruout my entire preg.
Hi all mummies ..i m so sad that jus seen my gynae and he confirm that my bb heartbeat has stop growing at 7wk5 days , if nt today is my 9 wk pregnancy ...i will do op in this coming sat ..so i wish all of u hav a smooth delivery with a healthy babyand all of you pls take gd care ..Goodbye
Hi Girl77,

Sorry to hear abt your loss. Please rest well and try to "jing bu" for your body to recover too.

I too had the same experience 3-4 yrs ago. Went to seek tcm and sinsei said my body was in bad condition, unable to absorb nutrient from the food that I was eating, thus baby wasn't absorbing too....something like that....

I was travelling between spore and bkk monthly and every time I was back in spore, I would go see sinsei. Took tcm for abt a yr to "tiao" and "bu". When he gave me the green light to start family planning, I was successful the very next month. I was blessed and lucky the my pregnancy was smooth sailing. Pray and hope my current pregnancy will b too.

Please take care and rest well.
Hi sweet mummy,
Nordic naturals is 450mg DHA for 2capsules. 1bottle(90caps) last me 1-1.5months coz for 3tri, I take 3caps daily....haha, very kiasu. Hope my baby will b smart so I can save $$ on tuition next time.

I used to join spree to buy my supply but I later realized it's very easy to buy online myself as DHL(super low rates) delivers to my doorstep within 4-5days. It's so convenient, I don't need to arrange collection/mailing with spree organizers.

If u r new and 1st time ordering, u get US$5 off with a code and if u order more than US$60, u get additional 5% off.
If u r interested, I can PM u my code.
Hi girl77, I am so sad to hear about your loss. I believe any words could not console you, please take good care of yourself and must do a mini confinement after the D&C. *hugz hugz*
hello everyone! i juz had my 1st pre-natal visit tdy! found out that baby is 6wks 3ds old already.
very moved when i saw the baby's heartbeat.. so fast & so strong. my EDD is 24 sept, will be delivering at Mt A. hope to hear even more gd news here and get to know every1 better!
girl77, i'm so sorry to hear abt ur loss. do take care of urself.. u n hubby can always try again so jiayou n dun give up! haf a speedy recovery!
My mil brew gao li sheng chicken soup for me... I actually dunwan take but hubby checked with sinseh say ok...

Anyone taking any tonic soup in first trim?
Girl77, sorry to hear about your loss, take good care of yourself after your d&c and try to do a mini confinement. I understand how you feel right now, I have been there, not once but twice. Both times it ended at 7 week+, do not blame yourself, you have alrdy tried your best. My Gynae said a m/c happened not becos of the food you ate nor the things you do. It is just becos the egg and sperm was a unhealthy match in the 1st place so your body naturally reject it. Stay strong and try again when you are ready. Take care

Sophie, Littlecow, thank you for your advises. Guess it is alright to take then.
Gals, I been feeling strange and kinda stress ever since yest. Had a nightmare last night too. And early morning login and saw Girl77 unfortunate news. Yest is the start of my 7week and this week is my critical period, I am scare. Although I understand there is nothing much I can do to prevent and all the more I should have positive thinking but I just can't help feeling worried and stress if my baby will survive thru this week or will history repeat itself again cos it can happen 2 times I am scare what if there is a 3rd time?..I really do not understand why is it always the 7 week+ the heartbeat will stop. Does it mean if can pass thru 8 week means everything will be alright? Nobody have the answer..I know I have already tried my best, in fact just for this pregnancy I quitted my job last Oct in order to bed rest all the way sigh. I have prayed to Gods, eat right, on TCM Liao. Everyday touching my breast see if they are still sore, body still hot anot etc so scare the symptoms will just disappear like the last time. Oh my.. I don't know how I can going to survive this week, stress level very high!!! Sigh
I am sorry for your loss....

Check up ytd went well. My edd has been brought forward to 6sep. Plus going for c-section, I would most likely deliver on 23aug.....

Now dunno if I should stick ard here or report Aug mummy forum.
Hiroshi yr edd brought forward so many days? Gd to hear everything went soon.

How many weeks r u in? How come choose c section so fast?
So sorry but you are young, can try again. meanwhile rest more and jin bu.

I join both thread. ETD 1-9 but likely to be earlier. Aug thread mstly in 2nd trimster.
For herbs, my gynae ask to avoid in 1st trimster. Won't do good for bb. Most start in 2nd trimster.
CJ u have done alot more for this baby. As much as many of us feAr d famous 6-12weeks period, there is nothing much we can do. For me I am a Christian I put my faith n trust in God. Other than that it's best to "let" go not think about it let life go on. Being stressed will only do u no gd.
CJ junior,
Means from wk 7+ onwards, bb is at risk? Any idea till which week? Me in wk 10 and the MS seem to reduce. My gynae kept saying got ms is good.
hi all, just found out a week plus ago that im preggy.

Age: 29
Baby #: 2
Gynae: Dr JJ Chee
Hospital: To be decided
EDD: Est Sept 30.

I dont have MS or getting uncomfortable in clothes issues yet, but all im feeling is im very sleepy. All the time, everytime.
my work life is pretty hectic, before i found out i was pregnant, i was working till 1+AM/2AM each day. What gave us signs that I was pregnant was that i started wanting to go to bed earlier and earlier and was taking several naps in a day.

Clim: fetus tends to stabilize from week 12-13 onwards. i had 2 previous pregnancies. my first pregnancy lost my set of twins at week 9, 2nd pregnancy lost 1 of my twin at week 11 (the surviving twin is my older girl now)
Think positive. you all will be alright.
since our God entrusted a new life to us, He will ensure our baby is developing in a beautifully way that He always wanted it to be. I had spotting at week 8 and week 9, which is the critical period. My gynae mentioned that bb wanting to come out. He mentioned if the bb is good, by will stay. What I did was thinking positive, have faith in Lord Jesus Christ, and encouraging baby to be staying strong and staying near to mummy. Told my baby mummy will risk anything for him, as long as he is healthy. Now,I m 13 weeks pregnant. with God 's will, bb is fine as this is the gift given by Him.
went for Oscar test yest, results releasing this afternoon. Now enjoying the pregnancy! I also can't imagine how I went thru the first three months of pregnancy, it was very xin ku. I admitted into hospital, heavy bleed, infections etc.
Now All suffering is worth it. the time has come to me as a mother.
<font color="ff0000">TGIF....Yuppie...welcome new members on board....

CJ>Dun stress, dun stress...Talk to baby &amp; continue to pray. God will bless u a healthy &amp; strong baby as well as to all of us. Sticky dragon babies..

Yun> Gynae prescribe me 'Primperan' tablets for MS, to be taken before meal but so far I ate oni 1</font>
i was about to flush the toilet bowl when i see blood. Red flesh blood but not much . I go to o&amp;g 24hrs right away. Wah, really panicked. Lucky the gynae say that my bb is still there and he gave me some dydrogesterone tablets to strengthen my pregnancy. I had m/c three mths back and it was like a flashback. Thank god .
Hi All,

I am so glad to see so many dragon babies here. Guess i am the oldest mommy here at this forum.
Have been trying for years but unsuccessful in the end decided to got for IVF and i am now about 8weeks. Going to see doc next Tuesday.

Age: 38
Baby: #1
Edd: 11 sept 2012
Gynae: Dr SF Loh
Hosp: TMC
Hi Pigy..

I wonder has anyone inform the parents about your pregnancy at this stage? Only my parents knows about it but not my parents in law though. Coz i wanted to wait til after 12 weeks then i break the news to them.
HI Rachel

Last yr I had a miscarriage. So this yr we decided we only told our church friends keep us in prayer and wait till 1st trim over and stable then inform both our parents, that means my boss as well
Hi Girl 77, I am sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure you won't give up, try again when you have recovered. I have been there and I know now all you need is time to get over it. Be strong.

CJ Junior - I have been in the same shoes just 3 mths ago. It was such a joy to see bb strong at week 7, week 8, then suddenly week 9 bb left quietly. I kept asking myself how can such a thing happen.

Exactly like u now, this pregnancy I keep monitoring myself to make sure I still have sore breast, still feel tired, basically just to make sure all my "sickness" still there, so that I'm not losing them. And pray very hard everyday to bb to stay on, grow well and healthy until delivery.

I have colleagues who are pregnant now and are quite careless in their actions, sometimes I wonder why so easy for them, and why I have to scare this scare that, so unfair. But I tell myself I am going to do everything to protect bb and this pregnancy.

Let's pray hard together, I just hope by sharing with you how I feel, it can make you feel better that you are not alone, and u are not the only one who thinks u r weird feeling this way.

I understand your stress, but just like I'm reminding myself also to fang qing song. This is what my TCM doc keep telling me, and I keep reminding myself. So I hope you also do that, fang qing song. I'm sure heaven will do us justice this round.

To the other mommies, sorry if reading what I share may scare you and make you worry, that's not my intention. Don't think too much, I'm sure everyone will get your wish fulfilled.
<font color="ff0000">Hi Rachel> I am the opp of urs. My Mil knows abt it since we are living with her currently under one roof but my mum has no clue abt it. Intend to inform her the news when I get to know the gender...</font>
my parents know about it we sent them a whatsapp pic of the test kit. i come from a very close knit family, so good or bad we face it together :D my in laws, who are dying to have a son, are not aware. the last time when i was pregnant and they knew i had alot of pressure from them. so we'rekeeping it hush until we are more sure of the pregnancy and get pass my 'danger' weeks
Pigy: coz my 1st 2 kids are delivered by c-section, so, this one cannot opt for natural anymore.
And it is common for c-section to be delivered 2 weeks before edd.
Maybe it's Friday, my body is telling me to rest, super tired today, and after a hearty bf just now, very bloated and eyes closing at work now. ;p
Girl77: Sorry to hear abt your lost. Take care and rest well.

CJ: I'm taking aspirin also. my dr say i need to take until week 36 then stop. yar understand from my dr its for ppl with recurring mc.

I'm also damn worried. thou no spotting but just worried. esp after that fall. my dr appt will be on the 20 feb. esp after learning abt girl77. my previous preggy also like that. week 5 see bb hb then week 6-7 spotting then no more heartbeat... I'm praying for God to bless all of us here to have smooth and sticky preggy.
Girl77: Pls take care…. Boost up ur healthy and try again… I guess a few of us also have mc but we nv gave up 

Flubby: I think even buy in states also not cheap right? I prefer crocs cos wen I’m heavy, my feet can’t stand my weight at all… my heels will feel very pain… cos crocs is very soft and will reduce the pain…

CJ Junior: Initially I wanted to buy fitflop too. But I came upon an article that fitflop is not recommended for pregnant woman. So I gave up the idea…

Lilysnow: can take 3 ar? Overdose no problem de huh?

Mummies: I noe it’s hard, cos even tot it’s my second pregnancy I’m also trying hard to relax… but try ur best to relax and think positively cos it will be best for our mental health…
Hi CJ, harrods> same here. In fact, I just walked in to my gynae this morning after feeling no ms. I have been feeling so sick for the past 1 week, no appetite and suddenly last nite when I touched my breast they dun feel sore anymore! I also could eat lunch n dinner. Immediately felt something is wrong and decided to see my gynae although I just went on mon.
Luckily all is fine.
Let's all pray hard for a sticky bean and smooth pregnancy.
Not sure how true is it? any pregg mum wore fitflop during their pregnancy can comment?

Fitflop >

"If you are thinking of seeing greater effect by wearing Fit Flop in anywhere you go and everything you do. You better not. The company has clarified in its website that Fit Flops may not be suitable for :

People who wear them for hill walking or mountain hiking
Pregnant women
People who wear orthotics"

Hi Girl77, not sure if you are still reading,
yes like what the rest has mentioned, do a small confinement and once your body is ready, start taking folic acid and try again.
be strong you need it to try again.
