(2012/07) Jul 2012

Linngie, weird logic but i like! whahahha

Citizen - oh i see...so it does benefit our little ones. Like tat must start soon..

Cladi - tink i will start to take week 36 onwards bah..once a week til i pop

FB experts - need your advise.

How do we change the settings such that i will not receive any email alerts on postings from anyone in FB? My mailbox all filled with these alerts!! *faintz*
SG_SC, go to Home -> Account Settings -> Notifications and right at the bottom, uncheck all sections... have to do it one by one tho.
Thanks Liligal - u mean uncheck all sections via "Edits" rite? i have already unchecked all sections previously...but dunno y stil getting these email alerts. haiz..let mi try again
citizen, i'm now going to buy pineapple juice! but seriously u'll need a lot in order to have effect leh...

anything to get my cervix going and my baby out! ooh... my gynae ask us to have sex... semen is natural induction agent apparently.
My doc says so too! Something about semen softening the cervix or something. Except my hubby scared. Haiz!

Not sure if he scare hurt me, the baby, or that he becomes a father earlier. Hah!
Try eating pineapple? Waterbag can break the next morning. That's what happened, but not sure if got any linkage or not lah... :p
Liligal, sent you PM. Thanks for the admin work!

Is everyone all prepared and all done with prep? I am really lazy nowadays, pack hospital bag halfway only and lost momentum...
Citizen - my hb also scared. Sometimes i horny or he entice me oredi then say "dun wan la"...kaoz..waste my time.

iloveshoes - not yet pack bag n wash bb clothes yet...playpen also haven take out to wash (frm #1)...tink we r too lazy parents

POsts from FB stil flooding my email mailbox! Wan to complain but anyone noe can write to who?
Leaving office now - Bugis BHG got close door event today for POSB/DBS cardholders...will be dropping by kaypo see any good deals anot though got most stuff i need oredi..

Have a good weekend mommies!!
SG_SC, you are right! ok.. i'm testing another thing.. go to the group pages and on the top right there's Notification -> settings. remove the send email portion. see if this works.
jo, i know why so fast gynae wants to see me again. basically, i just read if membrane sweep was done, supposed to be in labor within 48hrs. if not, then most prob he'll do something drastic to me or tell me bad news. *sob sob* last time i was swiped for #1 but nothing happened!!!
liligal, how far along are you? Why is gynae in a hurry to jumpstart things?

SG_SC- me too, need to set up bassinet etc etc etc...yawn
Hello Hello Hello...

Managed to steal some time to update everybody about me and my newborn son.

18 Jun - Admitted into TMC @ 2330hrs.

19 Jun - Induction pill inserted into my vagina @ 1400hrs and wait for dilation and contractions. @ 0810hrs gynea came to check on my dilation *ouch* (3cm Yay!).
@ 0900hrs my hubby and I walked to the delivery suite (delivery observation room) to wait for further dilations.
@ 0940hrs gynea came to break my water and this is the beginning of my beautiful nightmare - hardcore contractions!
From 0945hrs until 1530hrs I was battling with contraction pain until I gave up my no epidural delivery dream and asked for an emergency epidural insertion procedure
the rest of the hours until my delivery I was still battling with contraction pain on my left hand side because the epidural can only manage to ease the pain on my right hand side of my body due to the difficulties to insert the tube at my lower back for the epidural medicine caused by my fused spine bone (due to slipped discs op).
@ 1600+hrs *cries* He is born!

You know...because the epidural did not take complete effectiveness I felt the snip and sew at my vagina skin. *super OUCH*
Not to mention after gynea is done with the stitches he still force in my fingers into my vagina to do last check on whether any surgical gauze is being left inside my body. *OUCH*OUCH*OUCH*
I am now surviving by taking ponstan pain killer but doesn't help much.
Wow congrats Laura
have a good confinement ! Did u have a CL huh?

Your boy is so cute
mi now starting to be moo moo cow n breastfeed.
queen, nice!!! did you scream and shout or do something dramarama? oh dear.. so u still tahan without epi for 5hrs+! only relieved for < 1 hr? no local anesthesia done before the tear and snip?

hhehehee... ur boy looked exactly like u. so far coping well?

sunbelle, din update yours leh.... hw r u coping? being a cow is not very fun right? it's like cow pig cow pig routine. hahhahaha.
iloveshoes, SG_SC,
I also packed halfway only, hurhur.

Was surfing the net and chanced upon people turning their placenta into pills. What does everyone think of it?
sunbelle: CL is MIL and SIL
Yes, I'm also mooing.

lili_gal: Not really scream and shout but it's very loud grunting and looning sound. Today finally managed to convinced my boy that mom serves good food (breast milk).

tea: That's why I said, beautiful nightmare.
Laura...! We finally hear from you!
Everyone here wa. s so kancheong for you. Your boy looks so contented, like everyone mentioned earlier. So cute! Now you make me wana see mine soon, yet Im hoping to keep it in a little more. Good good, good to know both of you are doing well
This forum is so active so is FB!! I can't catch up with all posts!! Hee hee.. Anyway glad to know that all mummies are doing gd
I hv yet to pack my hospital bag n yet I went gss shopping and bought dresses which I can't even wear now :p just can't resist them!! :p I know I do get stares .. Why is this big elephant buying a dress ** hee hee...

Joy: have a nice weekend n forget abt work!!!
Hika: hope u r feeling better, I think I was the one kena food poisoning cos I posted here 2 weeks back asking about the meds. My GP didnt give me charcoal but something else instead. I did not take any of the meds cos now in 3rd Tri so dun wanna take risk. U can try toasted bread? Heard it helps for diarrhea. Get well soon!

Laura: Congrats!
Morn everyone, I dunno y my right leg,whole leg will go numb with my drama watching every nite, I can't go loo. Hubby have to hug me to loo. In day I m ok.... Nesting instinct begins n I m packing my hosp bag in case. The lil fella likes to do breakdance at 11-pm -1am
MOrnin mummies! Good weekend to all.
Wake up with right leg cramP. Haha. The thread is v active i agree, lotsa catchin up.

Liligal- feel excited for u. Hope bb come out.

Went for my 37w4d chkup ytd at TMC, surprsingly my weight dropped by 100g n bb weight remained same as las week at 2.8kg. Strange hor.

But think bb weight is estimation only so tell myself not to worry. But due to that, i went old airport rd for a feast haha. Hopefully next week visit got weight growth. Haha!!

Gynae put me on CTG, no contractions ley. Aso got ZERO dilation. Make me worried though bb head is down but not engaged yet. Seem like my boy is happy m comfy in my womb.

Gynae seein me in 5 days time again. I keep talkin to my boy pls move ur head down more more n give me dilation!!! I wan to see u. Haha.

Anyway tdy can eat ba zhang!! Yeah one of my pre delivery cravin to be satisfied! Woo hoo
Hi gals
Morning all!!

Thks iloveshoe, jommons n rachael for ur great advise too but i cant do swimming since shd bedrest more..as going thru c sect.. But not sure who tell me on not to hang my hand outside while sleeping.. Thks for the tips n it did make myself better today..;)

Hi Laura
Ur boy so kawaii.. Makes me so envy n look forward to carry mine soon..;)so is delivery more painful than ur spine surgery? Doc Loh good? Whose ur pd? Heard doc Loh will make u ouch every time when he use his hand try to check ur cervix opening.. Tts the most painful one i think..

Wah.. Sound like the young fiesta got lots gd lobang but gd gifts usually run out very fast.. I think their magazine subscription gift better than motherhood.. Actually gals, which mag is gd to read? Motherhood or young parent? This exhibition worth to go? Anything else u buy? I feel like going but not sure whether hb allow me to still go walk.. Today sure many pp..

Hi hika
Rest well n drink more water.. Dun get dehydrated..;)

Hi gals
Just went for my gynea checkup yesterday.. So happy to see my bbies again thru scan.. Bbies weigh 2.4 &amp; 2.6kg at 34th wk.. Hope these weight r ok.. Oso do ctg yesterday.. Maybe lie there for an hr plus, when i throw a tissue in dustbin n it drop on floor instead, i try to pickup but maybe blood not go up my brain yet, i almost hv a fall n really scare my hb out.. He reprimanded me for not asks him to help..;p i hv a shock too.. Lucky didnt fall on tummy..Thank god ctg goes well.. Oh ya, rest at home these 2wks makes me put on 2kg.. Total weight gain becomes 9kg.. Oops.. Is it too heavy.. Gynea asks me to choose a date for csect fr 8th July to 11th July too.. But i doubt can i really wait till then for csect since inside very cramp ler.. Is 8th July a gd date? Any advisor? ;) anyone has any idea for emergency c sect at tmc, can hb goes in to the theatre too?
win, i also hope so. so far no action at all. i think i'll later ask hubby to have sex. very technical but i just nd his natural induction ingredient! hahhaa..

jo, u have twins and u only gained 9kg so far?!?!? u actually think that is heavy!?!?!? hahahaa... btw, why he doesn't allow u to choose 7 jul. very nice right? for emer c-sect at mt A, hubby was there all the way. i think also deps on gynae. why dun u check?

qing-er, find "july mummies" group in FB and click on Join. then PM me or FB Msg me your real name. I'll add.

i'm taking BB's advice and try to act busy. just did blueberry pancakes for everyone with my boy. now abit zombified and most prob will sleep then watch drama serials to while away my time. i even borrowed books on webpages to read up. dear girl, mummy is busy... u can come out NOW!!!
Yeah Jo, I think 9 kg weight gain is very good lei for twins. Not too much at all! Your twins weight also very good. Mine also 2.4kg at 34 wk plus.
Glad that u feel better today.

As for weight, 9kg for twins is nothing leh, I think. Some pple, single also can put on 15kg. And yr twins very good weight! Must be so exciting to have twins

Young Parents Fiesta, if got nothing to buy already, maybe better not to go down. Sure a lot of pple on Sat. And I thot I read somewhere that some of the gifts only available ytd, something like that.

Liligal, u really super! I wish I had the time like u. But Im not even done with preparing for baby!
Joanne, 9kg is really good for twins! You're really lucky. I've gained about 8kg so far but I'm not slim to begin with. Starting to look like a roly poly now!
Joanne, 9kg is a good weight. All the weight go to babies. I gain 9kg also but it contribute to my fats. Ur babies also have good weight. U can still tahan till 34 weeks. Realli peifu. Normally twins by now should have come out :p

I bought coconut from ntuc but dunno how to open. House aso no chopper. Hmmz...
Don't worry so much. Jaundice is quite common in newborn. He will be 'suntan' in hospital? My boy extended his stay in hospital last time due to jaundice. Ur boy will overcome it!
Qin, try wine opener!

Queen, dun worry. Really common. Mine stayed 7 days in nursery after which we rented machine for another wk. he still looked yellow till 1 mth.
Hi gals
Thks for ur reassurance..;) now think back, i dun mind put on alot of weight as long bbies growing well..;) counting down everyday n look forward to see them..

Btw, will u sterilize ur pump now? As if we sterilize now, wun it be too early? Then keep in ziplock bag? As thinkof bring breastpump to hospital to see whether can help since bbies may not latch on first few days as no milk yet.. Any suggestion?

Can we eat Ki zhang? Those small version of ba zhang..

Btw, happy dumpling festival to all..;)
hi ladies, i think we might need to limit the FB group to people who are going to contribute, show some face and be active here or there. or else we keep adding new folks who are always on silent n have not even a face to them in FB, it seemed to defeat the purpose and puts our babies' photos at risk.

how how? what do you all think?
Liligal, i try using wine opener, after that use a small knife to poke a hole, put a straw in and yeah coconut juice. Thailand coconut juice so sweet
but i didn't get to eat the meat. Hmmz seems like one coconut is not enough for me.

Joanne, i was told first few days no milk one. Hosp will sure have sterliser. U also can sterliser at home and put in zip lock bag. Den when wan to pump, take out and wash. This is what my friend told me aso.
Lili gal, I second ur suggestion. Should be active here too else I find those silent ones like watching here there.
