(2012/07) Jul 2012

liligal: ya i agree on that, actually there are 2july groups nw u all aware? the previous one everyone seem to be in the fb n nt aware of the ongoings here, thus no one was in the fb group that was actually created for the thread. i guess the admins there seldom come in here tts y. hmm.. maybe should make sure that the peeps r active here b4 letting them join the fb=) else ull see alot of grey faced ppl hahaha (no profile pic).
Many babies get jaundice after a few days. Since he's in hosp, they'll be able to monitor his jaundice level better, rather than you worry at home, not sure if jaundice going up or down. I know it's difficult to be separated from bb just after a few days, I also felt heartbroken. Do take this opportunity to rest so that u can become even stronger to take good care of him when he's back!

In the meantime, need to pump bm, let hosp nurse feed him. Hope my experience can comfort and encourage u a bit. Dun be sad ok? Jia you
ok i think i got enuff voters. let's put some rules before i start bumping people off:
- must be able to find at least one pic with face somewhere on FB
- have a real name on FB
- active in jul thread for a while or active in FB group

.... errr.. what else huh?
mummies.. pardon me if u realized I usually not active during d weekends coz I'm kinda lazy to scroll via iPhone.. d screen too small n I lazy to on my laptop:x

anyway bhoo: my dept alone got abt 30plus pple but all doing diff things.. my dept this yr alone got 4 daddies n 3 mummies including myself.. haha.. I haven't include my division got other mummies n daddies as well!!
my boss no headache since everyone job scope is different.. haha..

ourlovestory: yea it's the weekends I didn't really stress w work.. haha..

anyway today I went to see my bb.. I cnt see his face again
n I m now 79kg while 2 weeks ago I was 78.4kg.. baby was 2kg last week n now he is 2.5kg..

d weather is insanely hot n I drank coconut drink earlier..
well mummies do tk care of urself yea..

Laura: dun worry n stress too much k.. I believe d doctors n nurses will tk gd care of ur bb
my hubby did tell me jaundice is quite common.. anyway call axa since tmc got free 6mths coverage if u r FBI member,u just check w them if cover jaundice or not..

anyway those mummies preparing for their baby full month, u may wanna order d ang ku kueh or hong yuan from Poh chau(if I remember d name of d shop) it's at Alexandra area!! hehe I just went there today to buy their ang ku kueh.. n oh ya u may wanna order d glutinous rice from there:p
Thk u so much Qin..;) hope i know how to use the avent sterilizer..;)

Hi Laura
Ya, ur bb is in gd hand under pd n nurse care so dun be sad k.. Rest well for ur confinement so tt u can be strong to take care of him.. He looks so cute..;)
Hi Laura,
Don't worry too much about baby's jaundice. It's really common and all newborns are born to have it.

Hi mummies: We have to be really careful about catching viruses ourselves too! 5 members from my family are down with flu and inflammation. We have to be careful not to fall sick as its anytime now that we are goibg to pop. And one of my friend's baby just caught the Kawasaki disease and is now in icu
I hope he is doing fine. My friend put up with a 30hr labour for this baby. So all mummies, pls take good care of ourselves!
Rachel, I just read about this. Wow. How old was ur fren's bb? Must b really heartwrenching for her. Has the length of labor anything to do w the disease?
Weekend seems so short n I m really running out of time!! Part time cleaner fly me kite and can't help me anymore.. Super stressful esp when I m so near to my date already! Still have bb clothes n toys to wash... How I wish I can just enjoy my last week of pregnancy !! >.<
hi ladies,

Finally get to use IPad... wah so much catching up to do on this forum. easier for me to use FB because got iPhone app.

can't access onto forum in my office ley. so diff to catch up here.

Gosh Joanne, I really envy ur weight gain for twins. I have already put on close to 12kg at 37 weeks. bbb weight about 2.6kg... ha rest all mine....

Laura: I wanna to aim for all natural, but your experience is scaring me...
sigh weekends always pass so quickly n so short...plus our thread so active, need "work OT" to clear logs too...hahah

Liligal - Sounds good. I jus followed ur instructions..hopefully i t works tis time. Will let u noe soon!! Thanks

Laura - u'rre scaring mi too...soooo OUCH man!! aiyoh...esp the stitching part...i specifically told my gynae to increase epi dosage whilst stiicthing coz i can "feel" the process n i felt super uncomfy wif it though it was painless n they tried using the NB bb to distract mi...Like we said..mama is most weida one! You go gal..rest well during confinement n dun worry too much on bb jaundice. Almost all bbs get it one..jus follow PD's instructions or sun ah boy during early morn sun.

Jomomm - I did jus tat for #1 in turning placenta into pills for consumption. Personally i felt no diff coz everyday need to pop 4-6 pills i tink...actually till now i stil have it in my fridge but unwilling to throw away due to sentimental reasons. Not intending to do same for #2 coz find it a chore to remmeber to eat the pills during confinement period n dun see any +ve effects. Then again, prob i would have looked worst if i din take the pills?? hahaha dunno also la..

Joanne - u only put on 9kg so far for ur twins??!!! sigh...i envy u more than worry for u coz ur twins r at such a good weight! obviously all gain in on them which is the exact opp of mine..boohoo...regarding the marina sq fiesta, i tink the goodie bags n subscription gifts are quite generous but yes, some items only available on Friday (1st day) for goodie bag. I compared what they state and what i received, missing few items. Not consistent lei...but still it's a good buy. if really interested can get HB go q n get, esp weekend crowd sure crazier one..

Regarding kee zhang - read soemwhere that it has highest calorie.sugar content cant remmeber which but is most unhealthy of the 3. Amzaingly, my fav nonya zhang is actually the healthiest!

OUrlovestory - dun stress dun stress..do abit one day at a time (ask hb do), so u can have ample rest. Be careful else wait dong4 tai1qi4 not good oredi...
Oh jus realised got 2 Joannes here in our thread. tot i seeing double y JOanne comment back on her weightgain lol..blurz liao

next week having offsite training for full 5 days...so might not be able to come in here so regularly but will definitely try sneak in kaypoh see who give birth next...hehehe
I think should be able to eat Kee Chang. Im steaming it and going to eat it soon. Kee chang is to eat with kaya or orange sugar righy? Oh hearing abt Nonya Zhang, I wan to eat it too! Yummy

Coconut - I drank twice a week yesterday. Should be ok right? My weight never increase leh.. Quite worrying.. Wonder if bb is increasing in weight?
Joanne.. 9 kg??? I already put on more than 15, and I'm carrying only one baby.

Saw you asking abt the date for inducing ur babies. Just wondering which hospital you are going to deliver at and which room you are going for. If you are going for single bedded, which seems quite limited in most hospitals, you may want to avoid 7 or 8 july..
lili_gal : I don't think the length of the labour has got to do with anything but it's just that she really suffered a lot throughout her pregnancy and labour and now her son is down with this disease. Very xin tong ah.. He is coming to 2 months. Still in icu now.. Sighhhhh...
Morning mummies! It's Sunday already. I have more or less settled all my stuff. Only waiting for tomorrow - my induction. Please pray that I will have a smooth labour and delivery, k? Am so anxious and getting a bit jittery. Only slept at 230am last night but now woke up already. Although less than 8 hours of sleep, I don't feel sleepy at all. Maybe I'm too nervous. -|-"
Qris- tell urself u can do it!! All the best to a smooth delivery!

Update us whenever u are available n free. Jia u jia u !!!
Qris - have a smooth delivery...

hmm so nobody popped yday?
If yday, every year can celebrate dumpling festival haha...

love_asa - 7 &amp; 8 July is popular date? me &amp; hubby still hoping bb can come out on 7 July, which is our 5th wedding anniversay haha...if not then 14 July, pak tor anniversay hehe
I pop this morning, admitted hospital last night at 9pm with a show. Gynae said after morning breakfast then see how it goes cos I only 1cm diliated but I 2.15am asked for epidural liao. Finally hv the taste of contractions, laughing gas can't help lah. Administered epidural at 3am. I was 8cm diliated. Gynae rushed back to hospital, hair stood up never comb. Baby out in 3 pushes. Good luck everyone. I hv no chance to sleep yet cos today is Sunday n many visitors. Baby at week 37.2, 2.49kg.
lili_gal: agree with u...and all the rest...which is why there r still pending requests that I have not added ;p
Usually will send them a FB message to verify with them their nick and confirm that they are active in SMH before adding.
Hi loveasa n sgsc
;) thks for ur advise too... Glad tt 9kg gain still acceptable..

Congrat to u!!! Yeh!! Seems so easy for u to deliver ur bb.. Rest well tonight n hv a gd confinement month..

Hi Qris
Jiayou to u!!! Hv a smooth one like BB too..;)
Congrats BB! I'm getting a bit nervous that it's gonna e my turn soon. Turning 37 weeks on coming wed! On one hand I can't wait for her to be our and cuddle her but on the other hand I hope she can stay inside a bit longer to get myself more prepared.. Hahahha!
Thanks for sharing. Ya lor...some people say eat already good, some people say dun feel anything. So, I was wondering.

Wish you a smooth and quick delivery. Dun think about it so much, when it comes, you'll naturally know how to react one.

Wow, congrats!! U made it sound easy....hurhur, good for u. Hope u can get some rest soon. I've been contemplating asking my guest to come my place 1 week later instead. Wana rest and spend the first few moments with bb in hosp, and settle her down first.
Good luck for your confinement!
BB- congrats! U made it! U r now the 4th to pop. I m so nervous hearing one by one pop.

Am into my 38week tml liao, dunno when my bb wants to see me n his daddy.
pinkpiglet, i also have pak tor anniversary!!! hehehe.. but why u want to clash the dates? next time hv to celebrate for kid and can't really celebrate on ur own oredi.

BB, i went to FB and realized you popped!!! had to hurry here to read and find out more. CONGRATS!!!! when did ur contractions start? how long u tahan till epi? congratulations again!!!

qris, you are next. all the best!!!

jomomm, me same. told everyone this time round i prefer to rest. hosp and confinement no need to visit.

win, BB's 5th already. mrs c is tracking well.

eh, why is everyone popping earlier than the one who really wants to pop soon?! i'm getting all excited!!! hahahha....
lili_gal: I think u have to think of everything else except popping so that u can pop earlier..haha...baby is making u anxious

I think sunbelle is the first to pop amongst us rite? But don't think she's on our FB
Marie, yah... hubby said the same thing too. asking me to get out of the thread and FB cos i kept exclaiming this one popped, that one popped and then later ask him why our girl dun wanna be out!!! after the membrane sweep my 48hrs is up lor! still no action or reaction. tmr not sure why gynae will say. :S

yah.. sunbelle not in FB. there are a few who are not active here and FB... let's review soon and bump them out k? :p
Congrats!! Got to learn e news fr fb n now login here to read.

U're getting more n more excited n impatient?lol
haha liligal, there u are getting anxious, and here i am getting afraid! listening to all the "out of the blue: I've popped!" announcements is making me nervous! Tml will be the completion of 36 wks for me, starting of 37th wk! *shiver*

Congrats BB!!
I've managed to go back to my usual weight (well, it's still within the 3 digits zone), and I see hope to go into 2 digits zone cos I've still got plenty of water to shed.

My boobies gets deng kok kok very fast. Medela is my best friend, for now.

Later going hospital to see my baby again. Hope that tomorrow Dr Ang will call and tell me that baby can discharge.
*praying for the best*
BB: Congrats! Out in only 3 pushes? Envious sia!

I also saw my gynea's hair untidy but that's not bcos he rushed over or anything, it's bcos it's morning 8am and he's just doing his ward rounds. Maybe still early bah. LOL!
Laura: I think most of the doctors r like that leh...messy hair, no make up (for females). Cos that's what my gf said about my gynae (by the way we see the same gynae) when she went for her c-sect 1st appt in the morning....she said our gynae had no make-up (looked pale) and hair also messy...hahaha
hehehe... my gynae always looked polished, fresh and bright even in casual clothes. maybe he's older lah.. that's why very proper. or he jus like to have his pics taken.

laura, u lost wt to pre-pregnancy so fast?! wow...

ok folks, i'm off baby talk from now till next day. getting upset that my girl is still not out! hahaha.. so i'll do the next best thing... dun think abt it till my gynae visit tmr morn!
Thanks everyone.

Lili gal, 2.00am, we were sleeping in delivery suite. I couldn't sleep cos could feel contraction. 2.15am I called the nurse n woke my hb up to discuss about epidural. Nurse check only 3cm dilated. I told her called the doc now. The doc arrived at 3am, I was using gas already, pain till the whole butt n back ache. After epidural check, 8cm liao, dilation so fast no wonder I pain till wanted to scratch anyone who come near me. They called gynae immediately panicking why sudden fast dilation. Gynae came broke the water bag, listen to baby heartbeat n checked that can see the head liao. I thought I was going to push at least an hr but 3rd push not even count to 10, gynae said stop pushing, baby out liso.

Just showered, Mt E providesCrabtree &amp; Evelyn toiletries, smell so good now. Now going to eat celebratory dinner with hb specially prepared by hospital.

BB, congrats!!! Your delivery is so fast. Envious! Have a nice celebratory dinner w ur hb.

Laura, how's ur boy doing? Dun worry ok? Jaundice is common in babies. I'm sure tmc will take gd care of him.

Went for my check up yesterday. Baby is 2.4kg at 35week. Doc says baby is very low now. High chance of popping early! Eeeks! I need more mental prep. I'm getting BH contractions more often now. I'm scared!
