(2012/07) Jul 2012

lili gal: During #1 time, stretch marks appeared on Week 36...so sad...i still remember the photographer who did my maternity shoot at 34 weeks commented that she does not need to do touch up on my tummy, then week 36, angry red lines appear near the belly button! Your hubby still travelling ah? Mine told his company he does not want to travel till after / late Aug...last trip was early June for him...

Hi apple
I like the feeling of bbies kicking in our tummy too.. Also the special previlege fr hb..;) he open door n close car door for me.. Send me to the nearest drop off pt so i no need walk so much..;) but i still hope can deliver soon so can hug them in my arms..;)

Hi lili
Know how u feel.. Hv been eat n rest on bed for past one wk plus n feel like a pig..hee.. Now at wk34, i tell my bbies if they feel too squezzy inside, can come out anytime..;) else i worry alot too..

Hi cherish
Do take care of urself well too..;)
mrs c, so sad!!! i have none until jus now!!!! thsi clarins oil doesn't work!! ahhhh.. very sad. my hubby can postpone that travel but will be very troublesome later on. so if girl comes earlier then all is good. if not, he will have to re-arrange everything again. japan is not an easy country to work-around timings. so...
jo, so these stretch marks will go off? my #1 nothing at all!!!
so upset!! better not be tmr cos it's my anniversary! hahaha.... hey, u could be #3? when's ur turn?
liligal: u're not alone gal, u're not alone.. both in the online shopping as well as the sudden stretch mark appearance topics.. but mine appeared at 33 wks or so. sighhh depressing discovery, but i've since grown to accept it. JUST PRAY it stops spreading! As for online shopping, yeah i have also been trawling online websites for post preggy dresses heh. its my own excuse to counter any post natal depression i might end up with.

oh and as for FM, i also heard that nowadays hospitals actually charge each bottle that you ask for.. i was a bit surprised and skeptical as to how true it is (apparently it's $1 each?) but that's what i heard too.
Hi gals, so sian at hm too, ESP with a sick n whining boy, I can't really rest. I called my hr n it's being sub to philippines who dunno the sg policy.... I got an SMS fr maybank, got 1-1 dinner buffet at Palio, Starz n fiesta Restuarant at RWS! So tempted to try!!! I only tried starz tho, anyone tried?
Fm: my sil gave birth in end jan n they were charged fm per bottle. Cos my neice is premature, they gave her enfalac at tmc. When I delivered at tmc they ask me wat brand I wanna give my boy
joanne: sudden appearance of stretch mark means delivering soon? But not the case for me though for #1...the marks appeared at Wk 36, till Wk 38 no sound no news and gynae proceeded to induce le...

liligal: mine did not go off...became lighter (white lines)...
Liligal, i dun intend to take advance ML le... Cannot work from home. I only intend to take on week 38.

Stretchmark, i have alot esp my left side coz i slp on my left. Mine appear quite early. Think 33 to 34 weeks but my tummy is not big at all. I apply alot of clarin stretchmark cream but still can see.
few days din log in..sunbelle already popped, congrats

kalmen22 - jia you, 2 more days you can see ur bb. my #1 was also induced due to Amniotic fluid level low.

my first induction process was quite long too, took about 16 hours.
-check in Mt A around midnight, changed to hospital gown, took weight etc...
- nurse inserted some liquid to clear the bowels, she say will feel the urge to go toilet after 5mins. but i think must quickly run to the toilet after inserting the liquid cos the effect is fast for me haha.
- insert induction pill then waited all the way till 10am plus.
- gynae only allowed me to take epidural after waterbag burst. so waterbag burst manually & it's quite painful.
- took epidural then waited till 3plus, ready to deliver. but pushed around an hour, bb is also tired & heartbeat not stable, so gynae used assisted delivery - vacuum then 2-3 more pushes, boy finally out at 4plus.

cherish - my boy also quite botak till now. hopefully didi have more hair haha
hahahhaa.. having you folks around is so nice and comforting.
geeesh... nowadays hospital also inflation. FM also need money! $1 each bottle is like eating half bowl of chicken rice. babies where got eat so much!

hika, i'm not praying that stretchmarks won't spread. i'll be praying and speaking to them and ask them to GO AWAY! hahaha...
for online shopping, i'm telling myself that for #1 i was frumpy during and after pregnancy till 1 yr later. now i m going to look my best as a reward! hahaha...

mrs c, that is so so so so sad!!! stretch marks din go off?!?! how m i going to wear bikini next time?!?! hahhahaha...
ok lah... now have the linea nigra, i already give up on trying to look like a single lady in bikinis liao.

zhen, ur rashes cleared already?

rer-rer, no leh... din try all these restaurants at RWS. u try and let me know k? i dun have maybank card also.

tea, tell u something embarrassing.. i dunno how to add you to group!!! hahahahha... guess have to wait for marie to advise!

btw, i was having BHCs while doing a conf call jus now. basically i was so impatient and wanted to end the call early! hahahah... everyone scared of preggy mummy liao. now still hvg it.
ya zhen, how's ur rashes?
my rashes spreaded to hands & legs, so itchy can't stand it. so yday brought forward my gynae visit to week 34. he referred me to dermalogist, cos condition quite serious. still have to tahan 3 more weeks, faintz...

bb is already 2.8kg @ week 34, seems big again.
lili gal and Joanne, yes, at the same times, i am looking forward for the little one to be out soon, hahah

counting down counting down.....Looking forward to seeing him again this Sunday for check up....
lili_gal, marks of the rashes is still slowly fading away.. gynae already pre-warn me the other time, it will takes weekssss before the rashes will fully clear/fade away
i think liligal is the most anxious one to get her bb out! ha ha ha...

liligal: i also like shopping online! but i stopped for now because i don't know if i would have strength to collect them after delivery or not.. :-/
ourlovestory, yah yah.. i think i'm the most anxious one now.. hahahaha... online shopping, get those that delivers to your house lah! wat's the point if i still nd to step out of my hse. hahaha... it's very therapeutic cos it's like receiving presents everyday. hehehe...
ya liligal - u so funny! anxious mommy lei...hahaha...

FB - i went in saw Laura's chubby boy..so kawaii!!! hahaha

btw, i click "join group"..does it mean im can post liao? Tried writing comments but there's no comments box!! Someone needs to add mi in issit?
got a qn tho.. i dont really know whether i'm just feeling bb push hard against me vs a BHC. Cos sometimes when bb pishes, the whole tummy hardens too right? Cos the last 2 days i keep feeling the tummy hardening, but it's not the same uniformly rounded shape of the tummy which is what i thought BHC means. Basically it's tightened and i can sort of feel huge bumps which presumably are parts of bb due to the tightening. so is that bb or BHC?
liligal: i don't dare to buy a lot online coz it is so depressing when i cannot fit in most of the clothes and I do not know how handworking i will be after delivery! maybe i still nua at home a lot! ;p a lot of oversea website can't send international so cannot buy also
any good websites to introduce?

btw, how long do you expect your hubby to take leave to be with you after delivery? is 1 week enough?
SG_SC, aiya.. my patience running out. yah.. now the FB group only Marie can accept new mbrs. so need to wait for her.

hika, i'm hvg the same. i think it's BHC. but it's not as hard as previously. i m hvg some feeling down under at night. it's like tingling sensation down there... i told hubby that i dun nd sex anymore!

apple & ourlovestory, my recent favs - zalora... instant gratification cos they deliver early morning next day when i order online at night today. gmarket - cheap shopping but must wait. reebonz... expensive shoppping... abit apprehensive.

ourlovestory, hubby is working from home nowadays. very very flexible. hahahahha.... no need to take leave. but he plans to resign soon due to some politics. so we'll see....
Lilgal, thanks for reminding me, I shld go get some clothes to wear after delivery ESP Bb full mth. Go where buy online? I m like so into maternity wear past mths I forgot where to shop for normal ppl
It's a waiting game for us now.

Online shopping. I seem to be partly cured of this affliction. At one pt I was shopping on iherb, asos, gmarket, uk websites coz hubby was there. It's soooo addictive. And like LILi gal, so exciting to receive parcels. Like pressies.
Thank goodness I reverted to a reading and craft hobby. Less straining on the wallet. But now I want to buy books. Argh.
ooooohhhh.. i love asos!!! but not sure how much weight i'll lose so dun dare to buy yet or else the return process very painful. zalora is asos imitation for singapore. free return and very fast delivery.
Thanks mrs c for the books link! i got some from the book people and the shipping is extremely expensive!!!

i like asos, victoria secret and mostly US websites which do not accept international shipping
I also like shipping for korean shoes but i can't fit in any of the heels now!! ;p

liligal: you are lucky that your hubby has flexi hours and can stay with you and bb! you have a helper at home too??
Hi ourlovestory
My hb got tons of leave so i expect him to take 2wks leave minimum..;) my son time oso 2wks leave fr him since their support is super impt during this time..;)

Hi lili
Ya lor, me curious where u go shop too? Asos? Nah, stretch mark will not disappear one lah after appear but the nigal brown line will go away after sometime..;)

Hi Mrs C
Hee.. Tt is my friend theory as once she got stretch mark, tt night she deliver..;) so may not be true..

Hi lili
Me #3 to pop?? I hope so too but think kalmen will be #3 first.. Tomorow me going out eat icecream plus waffle, a treat before confinement..

Btw gals who use medala pump, is it true tt first use no need sterilize before tt n only need sterilize after 1st use ? Thk u..
kalmen, i love your mobile! I just finished 2 scrapbook of my baby's ultrasound and framed with ikea photoframes also, still undecided to hang or put on a shelf as yet
next is paper pennet, luckily lots of tutorial online hehe...i m still at a lost how to do her name, i love your Ellie btw!
Joanne: i asked my hubby to take 2 weeks leave but he said is too many days as he does not have a lot of leave left and he also can't help out much at home.. i am disappointed because i do need his support too.. so hopefully he can take at least 1 wk to stay at home with me and bb...hm...
Mrs C, really leh, it's always for my boy or hb. I only got skincare fr gmarket a wk plus ago. N all the shows I watch at hm is cartoon n kids program! Damn sian k!
Hi mummies, those who have requested to be added to FB grp Jul Mummies, can send me a message in FB to identify yourself by you nick? Thanks!
ok, i'll share the voucher code in Jul mummies FB page. can use for next 25days i think and can use repeatedly. $15 off for $50.
ourlovestory, no helper at home. jus parents, dog, hubby, me and boy. plus later CL + #2. aiyooo.. small flat squeeze so many people. btw, zalora got better shoes than clothes.

linggie, u marie & kalmen very into arts and crafts leh... very lucky babies.
