(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi lili
I see... Hope ur delivery is a smooth one via natural..;)

Hi Qris
When ur first one born at 35wk plus, can he discharge together with u or need go special care? How heavy is ur bb then? Just curious..;)

Thanks for all the well wishes...

lili_gal: Can feel movements near the pelvic area...I didn't used to feel a lot of movement there until recent 2 weeks. Think gynae worried about the 2 sections of umbilical chord that is near her chest...in case she tries to push her way down she may get caught. For your case if gynae did not say anything then should be fine.
Trying to stay very calm...and I keep telling my girl to stop trying to engage already...that doctor will carry her out from my tummy..hee hee

Carol: I'm in week 34 now. Will be seeing dr soong every week from now on...my girl apparently don't like the clinic...everytime she's there she doesn't really move, though she's active in general. Even on the CTG machine yesterday, I have to sing to get her to move! Haha..

cherish: Yup...another 3 weeks to go. I'm working for my hubby...so I go to the office with him everyday still...better than staying at home where there's no one in case got emergency.

BB: Thanks for the advise...have been talking to her...and will remind myself not to move too aggressively

sunbelle: CONGRATS!!!

Joanne: Gynae chose a few dates, initially wanted 12 Jul 2012, but 10 jul was the earliest I can go c-sect, which I think is exactly 37 weeks. So to be safe we ended up with chosing the earliest possible date to avoid any complications

Wonder how our queen Laura is doin....
Can't wait to see the first baby picture posted in our FB grp
marie, i dun have much feelings down under. starting to feel very very very slight yesterday. aiyooo must really tell girl to engage soon! mummy impatient already.

just realized my babysafe mattress abit too old liao. discarded and sent hubby to go buy today. not as prepared as I thot i am...
I just went to see my gynae yesterday, 2moro will be my week 36
..so great i can come to this stage

bb is abt 2.5-2.6kg now..dr said he dun want to induce me since still early..hopefully bb can wait till next week only out..
Sunbelle, congrats!!!

With so many mummies popping one after another, this forum thread will be so quiet. Everyone will be bz with nb and no time to go online =/
qRIS: dun give urself too much pressure yea=)
i just saw a fren of mine who told me leg cramp is much more painful dan giving birth lei.. can u imagine.. n i was like huh must be a fast n smooth delivery..n her reply: she was induced n within 10mins her bb is out liao..
can u imagine how fast n smooth her delivery was(envy sia)

Win123: my colleague who is turning week 38 tml oso having the pain at groin area.. so we r guessing maybe the bb is trying to engage?
Joy, thanks for sharing your colleague's birth story. It's truly inspirational. That allays my fears quite a bit. Hope I have a fast and smooth induction like her too.
Hi Qris
Wah.. U hv a big bb..;)

Hi lili
I think ur gynea is on air at 972 now.. Enjoy..;)

Hi rer
Thks for the link.. Hmm.. Actually i want the link to the smh forum tt sells this foscam camera as i already bought the camera, just want to get any tips on the installation fr there.. U hv? Thk u..

Hi Maria
I see.. If i will u, i oso want to choose an earlier date so we can relax abit..;)
Jo, I go listen now since can't sleep.

Qris,I wonder how is Laura too.

Citizen, groupon looked good but doesn't seem to do house call leh.

Aaaahhhh the much needed rain!!!! Nice!!!
Hi lili
Got rain mah? Me live in central, only see dark cloud but no rain..hope the weather stay like this everyday during our confinement too..;) got hear it?
there is no rain in the west=(

anyway mummies can i check with u all..
i m now week 34..but abt few weeks back i realised sometimes when i urine there will be some discharge(sometimes yellow sometimes white)..isit normal??
cherish: same here.. i just once awhile scan in to the forum only..
n moreover i got quite pissed with few of the colleagues.. coz they were to ownself enter their own orders into the systems.. n i was so afraid they might not be able to cope i still do a print screen manual guide to teach them every single step.. end up they didnt use n make even more mistakes when i check their work.. haix..
Hi lili
Haha.. Just coincidence ba.. Tts why i like to listen to this timing show.. It tok abt many things all abt family..;) can learn many things..;) yeh, my area finally rain but just a short while n i still feel hot.. But better than no rain at all..;)

Hi joy
Maybe the rain is on the way to ur place..;)

Today seems quieter here.. Maybe all waiting for Laura delivery news..;)
Congrats Sunbelle!

Marie. Dun worry too much. I'm sure it'll be fine!

Was at gyne today. Apparently according to ctg I've been having contractions. Now 1-1.5cm dilated.
Amniotic fluid dropped again. So gyne slotted me to be induced on Fri unless baby decides to pop out before that.
Baby weight is 2.76 at 38 weeks. I guess it's all systems go now.
hahaha. yah we are all waiting for laura's update.

jo, thanks for the trigger. guess wat. after so long my mum then realized that this is MY CURRENT gynae. she has been very very in awe of this gynae for a long time. last time i told her my gynae appear in serial dramas as carafe and she dismissed it as my gynae not enuff money and had to do other work. niam for very long. now she's all quiet but stil abit wondering how can it be that my gynae is this famous one that she has been respecting for a long time. aiyoooo... so many years already.

kalmen, all the best!

one by one popping before me!!! baby girl, please come out soon!!!
Joanne, think it's because I have GD this time round. That's why gynae also don't wanna wait too long.

Guess we're all holding our breath for Laura's update.
Qris: Are you also going for induction? I also have GD issue, so gynae proposed to induce after I reach Week 38, which is week of 9 Jul...

kalmen: All the best to you too!

Hahaa...yeah, i think everyone is waiting for laura's update...
Mrs C, yup, I have GD. So Gynae going to induce me on Monday at 3pm. I'll be 37 weeks then. He doesn't want me to wait too long as I prefer to give birth natural.
Qris: All the best to you then! Next Monday is my #1's 2nd birthday...also an induced birth 2 years ago...i was lucky to have a quick birth then...hoping for the same with #2...
Marie: I will be delivering at Mt A...i will reach Week 38 on 9 Jul...gynae ask me to select one of the days that week...looking at inducing on 10 Jul actually, if bb is not out by then...
Mrs C, really? That's so cool. ^_^ Thanks for the well-wishes.

Care to share your experience with induced labour? My first one was all natural so am apprehensive about induced labour. Many tell me it is a long and painful process. But I also read of some who delivered quickly.
wow.. seems like all the july mummies r popping earlier dan expected!!!

hopefully my boy stay in there till 31st july..
today i kept feeling the tightness at my stomach n i keep feeling hungry no matter how much i ate=(

haha lili_gal: ur mum damn cute lah.. actually old pple always think this way.. haha.. hold 2 jobs coz they no $$ or wat.. but sometimes is coz they r so famous,pple dan ask them to act de mah..

mrs C n Qris wat is GD??

Kalmen: jia you=)

haha yup we r all waiting for Queen Laura to update us=)
HIhi mommies, haven popped in for a looonnngg time...tink my boss trying to work me to death b4 i go for ML.

Hw's everyone doing? saw Queen Laura's abt to pop or already popped? exciting!!!

im currently 24+ weeks but bb only 2.2kg. Mommy gained 15kg oredi..very very sad. All weight's on me but yet i cant seem to stop munchin.
Joy: GD is gestational diabetes...

Qris: Mine was a quick case (lucky!). Copy and pasting what I posted yesterday:

"Last time when I was induced for #1, the PLAN was to take epi before gynae breaks waterbag. However, I dilated so fast after the insertion of the first 2 pills that I reached 9cm pretty quickly and waterbag burst by itself - so no chance for epi. Thinking back, I wondered how I survived it - painful but it was over very quickly. My #1 was a small baby, 2.6kg, 46cm head circumference - came out with 3 pushes."

My gynae said contraction from induced labour comes in big bang compared to natural labour, that's why he wanted me to take epi...but of course, it did not materialize...did you gynae say anything about epi? I think best for you to discuss with your gynae on the induction procedure...coz like what you already know, it can be a long process for some ppl..
Qin, how many weeks are you now? And what's your baby's weight?

Oh, Mrs C, I rem reading that. You sure dilated fast. I also hope that my water bag burst naturally. The thought of that hook thingy used to burst the waterbag sounds terrifying!

I didn't take epidural for my first one. So my gynae recommending without epidural too.
thanks all.

Mrs C good to hear bout your induced experience. Hmm the big bang labour sounds frightening.
I've still till thurs for hopeful natural water burst and labour.

Knowing that baby gonna come soon. Tot I better tie up the loose ends on my DIY baby craft. So here's the Westie theme baby mobile and baby's name for nursery ;) it was fun to make. Mummies with time at hand can give it a go
Mrs C - Lucky u! Can dilate so fast.

Let me share my long induction process:

Inserted 1 induction pill in evening. Till next morn, only dilate half cm. (had to induce coz waterbag leaked) So inserted another one...few hrs later, still only half to 1cm dilation. Gynae say still can laugh n tok, so suggested induce by drip. soon aft, contraction pain kicked in, BUT i was still only 1-2cm dilated! For the next 4-5 hrs, only at 3cm. Couldnt stand the pain so asked for epi...it was my life saver, coz imagine for someone who dilates so slowly, tink without epi i would have fainted frm pain long ago..With epi, i jus layed there numb till they say i finally dilated, some 25 hrs later...used 2 epi dosages n suffered bad side effects like excessive shivering n vomitting soon aft..i remembered my gal was also drowsy so i din latch straightaway..tink could be due to epi.
Qin, I also dunno. Thought ppl with GD naturally will have big babies, no? I not sure. But what's impt our babies healthy.

SG_SC, thanks for sharing. I'm mentally prepared for the worst. So that at least if I get a quick labour, I can celebrate.

SG_SC, welcome back! that's your #1 birth story? Hey.. join the FB group too leh.. then we can update photos etc there..."July mummies".
