(2012/07) Jul 2012

Qris - haha..yes, quick labour everybody also happy..hope i dun need burst waterbag. sounds painful lei frm some mommies...

liligal - yes yes...very long-winded hor..lol...im not active FB user lei...till now stil show my #1 bb pics though she's oredi 2+ yo...hehehe.

okok, hw to join? jus type in "July Mommies" and request to be added??

SG_SC: Yeah... Your induction on 10th July? Hope you have a smooth delivery too.

Qin: You're expecting a boy or girl? I'm monitoring my glucose levels too. Even had to buy a glucometer.
Qin & Qris: My bb size is not that big, 2.4kg at 34week plus...but Gynae still want to induce at wk 38 bcos of my condition..,
Qris- no induction planned. Bb stil high up, no intention to come out yet
which is good n I will tell her to stay in there till end of July coz mommy not prepared!! Lol
Welcome back! Didn't see u here for soo long. I'm trying to handover My work next wk. Will ask My colleague to try hand on though we are doing same things.
Qris, mine is a gal. I aso have the meter, but rent it from kkh. I didn't test everyday. Maybe one week one time

Mrs C, how many weeks u are in now? Maybe gyn will advise next week when i went for the appt.
SG_SC: That's great. I also wish baby can stay inside as long as possible but no choice.

Qin: How much does KKH rent it to you for? Inclusive of the test strips and needles?
Qris, i attended an one day diet course which cost $300, deduct cpf. The rental, strip n needles all included inside the package. Strip finish liao buy at $40+ if i remember correctly.
Qin: I am 35 weeks now...#1 was the same case... Tat time Gynae told me at Week 36... This time I asked him during my week 34 check...
Qin: I see. I didn't attend any nutrition talk. Was referred to a diabetes specialist by my gynae and he recommended that I buy (since his clinic don't rent out). I test every alternate days. Fingers got so many tiny jab marks.
Qris, oic that is very painful. My nutrientist asked me to test one or two time per week only. I have to go see nutrientist lor and tell them the food i eat. Even though the food i eat got acceptable glucose results, my nutrientist will nag and nag at me said too oily. Then forbid me eat fast food, fried food etc... Zzz... I am craving for icecream but i controlled myself. Now durian season, everywhere selling durian, make me so tempted to eat. My GD was diagnosed only on week 28.
Mrs C, Oic... I have to wait for gyn to comment on my next visit. Hope my little one growing well and healthy inside.

Dunno how is laura now. Muz hav given birth liao and too tired to post. Hehe...
I also had some discharge, my gynae did a swap and said it's ok.

Wow! That's good news from Laura.
Congratulations!! Dunoe why, like feel relieved for her...
Ya, ya. Saw Laura boy photo. He looks happy in e pix n has a head full of hair. Hope My gal will hv hair too. My boy was botak when born. Now still botak. Haha
mrs c, i think it's 13yrs. wow... we all seemed to be so happy for our queen! hahahahah... boy looked very happy to be out and contented.
Yah laura prince so cute. So contented. Laura muz hav given him good food she go deliver. Hehe...

Now i feel that bb got little space to move. Anyone feeling this way?
qin, how many wks are u in now?

i don't feel any extra space for my bb to move it, move it.. feel very tight!!! i feel very depressed coz i cannot enjoy gss!! ha ha ha... nothing fits me now! ;p
morning mummies..
its already mid week!!
jia you jia you for those who are working..

for those who r on maternity leave or at home waiting for their lil ones to pop~~ maybe u all be bless with a smooth delivery too=)

thanks Qris n Mrs C for the defination of GD..
but how do u check if u got GD or not??
everytime i go to my gyne, i will be given a strap to urine on it..n the nurse will see wat is the color dats all.. is tat d one?? or need to do other thing?

Yeah 2nd bb to be out=)
waiting for the 2 mummies to update on how they r doing n their experience..

my stomach feel like very bloated n i went to toilet but not much urine lei..n i kinda feel like puking(sth stuck at my throat) but at the same time i keep feeling hungry..
n now at night when i slp i haf to stack my pillow higher else i haf very difficult breathing.. n nowadays i haf to slp lying on my back instead of the sideway too.. normal??
Qin: My GD was diagnosed only in Week 32 hence baby already packed on the pounds by then. LOL! I didn't go back to the specialist for review. Just monitored on my own. So long as my readings are below 5.5 before meals and below 6.8 2 hrs post meal, then I'm fine. I do indulge in a Mini Conetto once in a while. Can't resist. Hehe! Oh, but I am also put on Metformin 500mg 3 times a day. So that helps me a lot in controlling the glucose levels in my blood.

Joy: I also do the urine stick thing at every visit which I always clear (nurse will say OK) but at Week 32 my gynae suspect I could have GD since my baby was big then. He did a finger prick test and found my sugar levels high. Was sent to TMC the next day to do the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. Had to do a blood test when I arrive, then take a super sweeT drink (which tastes like non-carbonated Fanta Orange) and do another blood test after 1 hr and 2 hr respectively. During those time, no drinking of water at all. In fact, nothing can be drank or eaten from midnight of the day you doing the test. Next day results out, I failed the test, hence diagnosed with GD.
joy: I have the same feeling as you!!! always like want to go otilet but in the end only 2 drops!! -.-"" i also like sleeping on my back, but uncomfy for bb right... try to sleep on the side lor.. but difficult to turn la...

feels so tired... i want to ZzZZzZZ.....
joy: My gynae make the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test a must for all his patients at Week 28, esp those with family history of diabetes. If you have no family history, baby ok size, urine test ok, then perhaps that's the reason why your gynae did not ask you to do the OGTT...
Qris: wow..oki.. thanks for the details.. seems like i just got to wait till my gyne ask me to do the test dan i will know lah.. else i just keep quiet??

ourlovestory: i seriously dunnoe lei.. if i slp side my bb will kick.. slp on my back nth.. yeah turning is abit of problem now for me..
in the words of my hubby i m like a turtle tat is upside down..
Joy, I hv been sleeping back on bed for this pregnancy. More comfortable for me. My gynae said doesn't matter as long as I feel comfortable.

I notice this week I go toilet more frequent in the night and nausea.

2nd baby to be out? Not lili gal?
Ourlovestory, now i m week 36.

Gss not much discount and not much sizes also. Still got to squeeze. U shop for ur bb lor. Hahaha...

Joy, my urine got trace of sugar, that y my gyn ask me do glucose test and found out that my sugar lvl exceed by 0.1. That time i test urine after my lunch. That y my urine got sugar. Hmmz if lie on back, will experience breathing difficulty. Got to sit up an slp lor if cannot slp on the side.

Qris, u got to inject urself ah?
For those who r still active here, it's waiting for 3rd bb oredi.
1st was sunbelle on Father's Day. Then Laura yesterday.

BB, I really hope next one is me. I'm abit bored of waiting. Not much work now. Not enuff activity for the action driven me. Haha. But no signs at all. I dun even think she's engaged yet.

Getting bb cot mattress today cos old one too old. Hoping to go library n get some books. Super bored oredi.

How's everyone holding up?
lili-gal: I am tired easily... and yes, in the waiting games now...
i can't sit for long as will cause pelvic bones pain....

However, still enjoy the waiting moment with bb....well, guess we will miss the times with the little ones in our tummy soon ^_^
Congrats to sunbelle and laura! Who's next?

I've requested to join FB-July mummies. Anyone can approve my access? Thanks.
Lili gal, I hv lost count. So we r waiting for 3rd baby now. Yesterday baby kicked me n I made a loud ouch. My hb eating his dinner stared at me n said, "Contraction? Coming?" Aiyo, wonder who is more anxious... Yesterday received 2 overseas calls from relatives asking about my baby.

Tomorrow is my gynae check up again, hope everything is fine.

Lili gal, I m also getting bored. Watched a few Korea series liao. Since hb on leave next 2 days n next Thurs n Fri, I better plan what I want him to do for me when he is off.

Qin, my baby also likes to move to my left side. Sometimes he will swim left, right, left, right,... Then settle on left again. Very funny to watch my tummy uneven swinging left right. Maybe should video it. Heehee...
Liligal, hi five. I handover 7788 liao so now not much work to do but i still come office lar... And hor i m only at week 36 so still got 1 more mth to go. Hehe...
mommies mommies!

too busy at work again. will check the threads later. just pop in to see how's everyone doing.

today a super busy day. son falls sick and been running ard in the morning looking for pd.
Qin: My GD not that high so I only take the oral medication, Metformin. Heng I no need inject insulin. I can't imagine if I have to do that.
Any mummies here standby formula milk for before milk supply kicks in? Which one did you get?

I know TMC giving Mamex Gold now. But I plan to standy either NAN HA or Enfalac A+. Or should I try Mamex Gold as well? Any views?
Weather is HOTTTT!! So sunny...aiyoh...if only im at home lying on bed in aircon room...envy mommies who dun have to work

Laura gave birth le ah...woah! must be such a relief for her...but then again, agree with Apple that we will miss the feeling of our little ones swimming n kicking in our bellies once they are out.

Cherish, hello!!! ;p yes lor, sooooo bz at work. Good for you, can handover next week. I still haven engaged a temp to take over my duties yet. tats y stil lotsa stuff to plan n do till next mth..cant wait for handover/ML coz can be away frm work officially! Yeay!

Hope ur son gets well soon. Its the weather + everyone also falling sick! More water n cooling foods
Looks like our experiences quite same. During my #1, I found it most comfortable to sleep on my back, and many friends were surprised cos they felt bb's weight on them when they did. But this time, I also felt the same as them, and had to sleep sideways.

Oh, today is SO hot. I think I will hide myself in aircon room during confinement. Now already cant take it, what more confinement...

Now GSS best time to go shopping, what a waste. I wana go see look see look, also fun, but cant walk...
Qris - Wun be standing by my own FM. Last time #1 i also jus let bb drink wat TMC has (they call it "Milk of the month") which also happen to be Mamex Gold then. Very convenient, coz it comes with the disposable teat, so can let bb drink frm bottle directly.
Do the hospitals still provide FM now since most of them have been certified as pro-breastfeeding? I thot I read somewhere that they no longer give out the milk so that more mommies will successfully bf.
SG_SC: Then what happens when you bring baby home? Or you asked for 1-2 bottles to be brought home?

Jomomm: My admission letter indicates Mamex Gold. I think it is for standby. I rem with #1, before milk supply kicks in, they offered to feed my girl formula. It was Friso then.
apple, me very diff. i always prefer bb outside than inside. hahhhaa...

tea, i dun see any FB access request coming thru the group at all. wat's ur FB name? i add u? i hope to be next. my hubby hope so too cos he needs to travel on 27 Jun. if bb can come out b4 then will be gd for all of us.

BB, hahahaha... boring right? at least u r watching series. i think i'll deteriorate even more if i do that. so now trying to restart my baking journey again and update my abandoned cooking blog. and maybe learn more on XML codes etc.

qin, i stopped going at 37wk. u still go office for what? can work from home? at least at home can nap.

cherish, yee? u dun hv a normal PD u go to? where u stay? need recommendation? oh dear. better take care since hubby not around and u r a preggy. make full use of ur new maid!

qris, i standby enfalac. my doc friends' first choice.

SG_SC, at home bu she de on aircon unless at night. in office at least free air con! hahaha...

on FM, i thot if they are in nursery, they will feed them FM? can choose Friso, similac or something. after that i'll standby enfalac at home. ok but that's me in 2009. changed already?

btw, i have been shopping online!!! buy shoes, shirts for hubby, some dresses for post-pregnancy etc. hehhee... or else really very bored. hv to stop myself or else it's an expensive boredom activity.
