(2012/07) Jul 2012

Marie - How gynae knows ur girl trying to engage but cant? Just curious. Trust ur gynae...ur gal will be fine! how many weeks are u now?

Laura - take care...u will head to TMC in a few hrs time. Jia you.

Disposable panties I opened up one to try - Aiyo like quite tight and like cannot wrap round my butt n hip. Like only 3/4 covered, lthough it says high cut and 44"! My butt so big leow?? Where got sell bigger cutting for cotton disposables? Those who buy watsons type- is it cotton type how big/ size?
Nursing bras - any recommendation for online purchase. And for those non padded nursing bra, got sell those pads a not for normal use? (Btw I don't wan taobao)
win_123: can feel baby's head turning near the pelvic area...as though trying to get into the pelvic area. Gynae says usually if can engage, it will go down smoothly n I won't get that kind of feelin
winniet: Thanks
cherish, by right waterbag burst, ur contractions will become stronger. aiyooo.. u scary leh.

marie, u hv contractions already? how u can feel bb's head? i dun even know where her head starts or ends. my girl also not engaged yet but gynae din say anything. stay calm. talk to ur girl.

mrs c, exactly!!! i'm in wk38 nw and hope girl will come out now! best if i hv no show, no waterbag break, just painless contractions and by the time i go in, i'll be 6-7cm dilated. then wait for 1hr and all's done. ideal delivery for me. if not, gynae wants me to be induced or go for c-sect once i reach 40wks.

tanny, u make me want to try my panties too! hahahhaa... tmr i'll do it.
Tanny, i bought from gmarket xxl size 48 inch. I went watson and the biggest size i can find is L. I bought my nursing bra at gmarket too. But it took 2 to 3 weeks to arrive.
qin, cos i had c-sect b4. if i induce, highly likely i'll go into emer c-sect as per my gynae. so better let it be natural if i want to try for vbac.
Take good care of yourself. Like what liigal said, stay calm. Ur gal can feel it. 10jul..that's ard 3wks to go. Are u resting home already or still hv to go work?
Marie, my #1 has one round the neck cord when I did my 3D scan, I was very worried. Gynae said nothing u can do but to do less aggressive exercise n to talk to ur baby to stay away from the cord. Even though my #2 is cleared from the cord, I will still ask him to stay away from the cord. So talk to ur baby.
Marie, take good care of yourself, dont worry too much
everything will turn out fine..

tanny, for nursing bra, you may want take a look at this website
www.youhaveababy.sg. they are selling nursing bra brand Autumnz.
i bought a few nursing bra from them during the motherhood fair, and they are quite comfy.. super like their pure memory foam nursing bra
I doubt one can resist contractions, unless with medication.

u must in hosp now. Jia you!

I know a case waterbag burst, 12hours later, only experienced contractions. No wonder they say every child is different, hurhur
Returning back to wk after almost 3weeks plus of bed rest is simply tedious!!!! Contractions w menses pain started non-stop since 3am... goodness hardly slept and there I was in the office...

Felt good to be out of the house but after half day my tummy became so tight till I feel like I am carrying a stone and my lower back pain was killing me... ha and I was panting and panting in the office that my collegues tot I was going into labour....

wat a long day... so glad to be home

Marie: take care, I am sure your lil gal will be alright.
Qin : Gmarket - hmm how much does it cost per pack?

Lilgal : Good to try first.. Later not fitting, still must ask hubby to go n buy.. Troublesome..

I used to find down there v tight and pressed but now no longer.. Hopefully bb head is still down at the pelvic station.
neeuq, ur contractions started? aiya... i'm so envious!!! do u still nd to go to work?

tanny, will try tmr. now at night kp leaking urine whenever i sneeze or cough. so dun want to dirty it. mornings better.

wonder how's the queen doing...
Tanny, i bought $2.90 per pack and one pack consist of 7 panties. I bought 5 packet and there is a postage cost of $2.
Dear all,

I have popped on sun via c-sec. yeah cos not really possible to do natural. yeah is a fast n smooth one. Very very happie to hear baby's first cry

Laura: are u oso in TMC now huh? as no single bedder available, so jus take 2 bedder first.
sunbelle: CONGRATS!

Yup! No single beds available so now sharing the chancery suite with somebody and luckily hb has a sofa to sleep (sleeping soundly now!) while I'm challenging my pain threshold. tmd!
Hi Qin, I popped at week 37. Yeah very happy once full term hehee soon it will be your turn.

Hi Laura: Jia you! U are sharing with someone else? But how much does TMC charge u huh? I m very lucky that for yesterday is my roommate got discharged so have a better sleep last nite compare to 1st night. yeah but confinement seems only to be able to come earliest tmrw leh.mum not so confident about taking care of newborn in bathing n changing. can understand that so long haven't do alreadly.

Congrats Sunbelle

Lili_gal: guess my contractions is just Braxton Hicks, my mum & mil commented that my tummy is still high.... so I guess I would go into labour soon ba... so paiseh to rest so long at home, go back to wk to also break that cycle so my ML will not be affected.

will see gynea Tom
see what she says...

can't wait to see babies pics being posted
jia you all mummies
sunbelle: Not sure how are they going to charge. Maybe day 1 @ 2 bedded rate then if today there's available single bedded then @ that rate bah. Anyway, my so called 2 bedded is a single bedded suite converted into 2 bedded so it's quite a big area and I have my own toilet.

Contractions are getting pretty regular and intense. My back feels very sng during each contraction.
liligal: oh nono.. wrong pink.. haha.. mine's the light pink.. the baby inside my belly is my no.1! the title for my photos are The Wait.. ahha
Congrats sunbelle!!! How are you feeling today? Can get off the bed already? Is it very pain after csect? Have a gd rest and you can go home with your bb tomorrow !!

How is our dear Laura??? Give birth already????
Congrats sunbelle! Last time I also considered staying in hosp for one more day cos CL not here yet. Yeah, can understand our moms not confident to handle newborns after so long. Dun say them, even I alone also dunoe can managed anot. Keke...

Now all thinking how is Laura doing. Laura jia you, u got a lot of forum suport
Sunbelle: congrats!! Hope u recover soon. Did ur gynae ask u to go for csect at 37weeks?

Laura- yes u ve a lot of supporters here. Jia u. U nver use epidural right? U brave girl!!

I m into my 37 weeks this week!!! Full term. Hubby said he dreamt i give birth today. Guess he aso feel v v anxious. My groin feels pain. Ouch!!! Used to be better but ytd pain. Anyone aso feel pain at groin area? Gynae said is liagment strain walk less rest more shld be ok. My relatives said cos bb press on me. Even i turn on bed aso pain.
Sunbelle, Congratulations!

Laura, jia you jia you! Ur gynae so good, so early with you liao. My #1 dilated 9cm then saw my substitute gynae came into the delivery suite.

Last evening having stomach aches, my mil said contractions may feel like stomach aches. My hb rushed back early from work hoping I m just normal stomach aches. Even told my baby he has an important meeting today, so cannot come out. This Sat is my 37 week full term, jia you jia you.

Mil just reminded me about my CL who asked for red shoes n towel the last round. She asks me to prepare early this time. Aiyo, I can't remember her shoes size...
morning ladies=)

congrats to u sunbelle!!! wat a great father day's gift for ur hubby=)

Laura: jia you jia you..

mummies who replies me: yes i admit my er sao is good she help me to cook for my confinement n give alot of advises till i just tell her dun tell me now coz i cfm forget de.. n my hubby just tell her to prepare watever need to prepare n tell him how much.. haha..

today my bb is already in week 34!! i had been talking to my son n ask him to be gd bb n stay inside till 31st July according to the expected edd.. haha.. coz d chinese date can be d same s my hubby eng bdae..

anyway mummies i already added most of u to fb already=)
Hi bhoo, liligal n Qin
Thks for ur info on camera..;) will go take alook on the reviews too..;)

Hi rerrer
How much u buy the foscam fr ebay? Look forward to see the link..;) thk u..

Hi Sunbelle
Congrat to u!! So nice to pop on daddy day..;) how heavy is ur gal at 37th wk? Btw, why sudden c sect? U got contraction on sun??

Hi Laura
Jiayou!! Next will be ur turn..;) hv a smooth delivery..;)

Hi gals
Both sunbelle, Laura and my gynea is the same, think our gynea preper us to pop early..;) so excited to see all coming to full term n gonna pop one by one.. After pop, pls dun forget this forum so we can learn bbies milestone, cook receipe together..;) now at 34th wk, feel very tired n hope bbies can pop by next wk..;) btw, i experience some tightening n back pain last night, is tt consider contraction or Braxton hicks? Worry me n asks my hb to standby., after a sleep, feel better today.. Wonder when shd i go to hospital??

I very scare of the recent weather.. Too hot..;(

Hi Maria
Take care n ur gal will be fine..;) tok to her more ya. I choose the date for csect urself or gynea choose for u?
Hi lili
If u want try natural, u shd induce early else if by 40th wk, bb may be too big to be induce n u need to go for c sect again..
jomomm, really ah... i thot once broken will start. ok... then i better pray hard that mine doesn't break so early. hahaha..

sunbelle, congrats!!! good gift for ur hubby. remember to update us on your birth story!!! u beat laura!!! hahhaha..

neeuq, should post the pics on FB! in the july mummies group. go join if u haven't.

mummylee, my goodness! u r so so so slim and ur tummy is so so so small and cute!!! can see face wat. but ur hubby's not shown at all. geeesh, how u stay so slim??!

BB, why need red shoes and towel? for the CL?

jo, induction for ex c-sect might create complications on the existing wound lor. so gynae suggested not if i really want to try vbac.

laura, how's progress? you slept at all or not? were the contractions painful for u?

aiyayya, sunbelle and laura, you mummies make me want to give birth like NOW!!! so envious!
Hi All, am a Jul MTB. My name is up on the collated list too. EDD on 14th July.

Yesterday went for my 36th week checkup and gynae did an internal check. Am already 1-2cm dilated. Monday, going to see him again to be induced.
Am so nervous about that as my #1 was delivered naturally - water bag burst on its own while I was sleeping. Now that #2 has to be induced, I'm worried. Heard that it can be a long and painful process.
liligal: very small hor.. haha.. everyone says that. =( it's so funny how you use the 'so so so' and 'so so so'.. make me laugh!
how to join the july mummies grp on fb? =)
Lili gal, I also don't know why. My CL said heng heng for her.

Laura, baby out already? It is already near noon. How come feel so kan cheong....

Qris, there r 3 mommies here with edd 14 Jul. Guess u might be first to pop.
BB, I suppose so too. My #1 also came out early. At 35 weeks and 5 days. But hers was really such a smooth and almost pain-free labour. I wish I could experience the same for #2.
