(2012/07) Jul 2012

i had young coconut frm siam... it cost $3.50 for 1! the thai ones seem cheaper. the difference is tha tthe thai ones do have some treatment to it. like roasting it to make the smell come out, etc... the siam one is no treatment - just pure coconut. but of coz, there are no treatment thai ones as well as treated siam ones. but generally the thai coconuts are treated while the siam ones are not. siam ones are hard to find...

How can I tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and true labor contractions?

"In the days or weeks before labor, Braxton Hicks contractions may intermittently become rhythmic, relatively close together, and even painful, possibly fooling you into thinking you're in labor. But unlike true labor, during this so-called false labor the contractions don't grow consistently longer, stronger, and closer together."
kalmen: hmm i think gal is much harder to be accurate bah? sometimes the little didi hiding in between..

mummylee: haha i will go check it out.. i m reading the other forums threads too..

anyway mummies i did sth earlier..as i m still in office.. i went to put a earpiece where my bb head i assume is position.. n i went to on youtube.. n my bb actually move initially.. so interesting..
so busy today >.<

joy: i put the earphone at my tummy and let my bb listen to the music! ** move it move it... hee hee... but make sure the vol is not too loud thou...

kalmen: how can the scan be wrong?!! which hospital is that?? I hope they did not all get the stuffs in pink color!
I dun mind getting shock if mine turn out otherwise hahaha! Wat does very eng at hm means?? Online purchase! I very jialat, so scared skin turned bad, buy lots of etude house things via qoo10
rer-rer and liligal: what to buy online?? i scare order online now and delivery is a few weeks later which is a busy period when the bb has arrived!
Ok, now I'm worried.. At 34wk3days, bb's 2.8kg. That's also way overweight right?? Haiz dunno what to do.. So worrying. Pray hard bb gains super slowly from now on, or decides to come out early.. Doc even went as far to say "anytime bb comes out now, we're ready".. I hope bb either slows his gain or comes out early! Really don't want a csec.
joy_javen: Ur hubby so sweet....yes, I do feel tummy feelin tight near pelvic area and also the sides near my waist. Appetite also reverted back to 1st tri....milo and bread in the morning and night time don't really feel like havin dinner...tummy feels very bloated.

cherish &amp; lili_gal: same same...past 2 days I got ppl commenting that my tummy looks like I'm havin a boy...again....then I went home and told hubby maybe we should ask gynae on Monday again to double confirm if it's really girl!!

lili_gal: What did you buy on Zalora?
hi ladies,

jus to check, my good fren's grandmum passed away last month, can she still visit me when i give birth huh? cos she ask me and i told her i dun noe leh...cos all these tinggy i not farmilar at all leh...any advise huh?

as for coconuts, how many can we drink per week huh? can drinking coconut cause contractions huh?
kalmen, that's a very rare case right? my sonographer said only 0.00000001% tat he might be wrong. gynae also said the same for me. so shouldn't be lah. but of cos they say can't confirm until delivered.

jomomm, bhc should be jus tightening and if pain it's irregular. real contractions very regular.

rer-rer, what's etude house things? i also started shopping. bored lah...

ourlovestory, i buy clothes, shoes, bags, accessories etc lor. more for mummy and not for bb. zalora delivers nxt day so far for my 1st order.

marie, i bought 2 Ts, 1 skirt and 1 pair of wedges. but 1 T still not yet arrived. if tmr dun hv i'll call them up liao.

sunbelle, i drink coconut every other day leh... cos my hubby likes to buy as he likes to drink too. using me as an excuse.
Different gender after delivered. Yes, I heard it happened to my hb's colleague. That is why my hb always double checked with my gynae when he scanned me. My gynae said many times, yes yes sure hv gu gu bird, don't worry. Of course worry cos I hv given away all my #1 beautiful clothing n shoes.

Lili gal, happy shopping online. Me always buy online for my girl only.
Sunbelle: it depends if u r patang or not.. if ur family r traditional type dan better wait after 100 days ba..

Kalmen: thanks for d intro I told my hubby I read d forum $0.90 coconut n he bring me go buy earlier.. haha d botak coconut:p.. I dunno how he open it but eventually we just use yakult straw to drink d coconut..

liligal: haha I see I got nth to buy lei.. dunno wanna buy wat..
Angel &amp; galilli,
Thx for info. I'm still unsure sometimes, and keep thinking if it's contractions. Make me kan-cheong for nothing.

For coconut, really difficult to find the young green ones. What will happen if we drink the Thai ones?
Lilgal/ourlovestory, I bought Korean skincare, Bb cream, handcream, blusher. I got a zalora voucher fr uob dunno dump where! I m running out of skincare, tat day go facial kanna psycho buy alot of things, heng I tahan, only buy 2 masks. They rest I buy online, so much cheaper than buying fr the shops during sale.
hey, i realized every messages u ladies sent went to my junk folder! no wonder i no receive. also there are some zalora vouchers also. let me know if u all need.
Finally put my boy to sleep n hv e time to login read threads.
heng that there wasnt much 'chaotic scene' at home today. Was quite peaceful till my mil insisted carrying my boy n that boy screamed n cried. Hv to tell her don't force him.

Is it ok to buy e small thai coconuts fr ntuc? Effect for cooling will be same bah?

E website that liligal mentioned seems interesting leh. I'm going to chk tmr. Hehe.

I asked gynae previously on my bb gender n she confirmed is a gal as she saw 3 lines clearly. I don't dare to give away all my boy clothes yet. Will give away after delivery. LOL. But if going to be boy again, then will give away e girl girl clothes that I bought.
cherish: Did you request to add friend in my FB? I thought I saw and I confirmed it but I couldn't find you after that. ?
Hi mummies,

Wow the thread is running so fast!! Cant keep up

Marie, thanks, received the EDM
Unfortunately sis was so busy with work today, she couldnt get anything for me, a pity

Mummies, I went for my Wk 34 scan/checkup today and I am so worried! Baby is estimated to be 2.5+kg already! Gained 800g from 3 wks ago. I kept asking if the weight gain is too much and my gynae dismissed my concerns saying it is an acceptable weight. Hmm, VNese love big babies IMO.. #1 born at 38+2, weighing slightly < 3kg and the labor was already so difficult for me! I really hope #2 does not put on too much weight going forward, wish me luck ladies, my hip bone not v big I think, and I am not keen at all for a c-sect over here

Re coconut, how to choose a good young coconut? Hubby went to buy, but ended up it was not a young coconut. And how many can we drink per week? Thanks mummies!
cherish: same here...i am still keeping all my boy's clothes but mainly because i am waiting for my sis/cousin to get pregnant...but gynae confirmed 3 times is a girl...3 times also show us the 3 lines...plus detailed scan report also state female...girls stuff are just too sweet to resist from buying ;)
Mrs C,
Totally agree. Haha.

What I understand is once or twice per wk for e coconuts. I'm trying to drink more to reduce e heaty inside me as I ate toooooo much chocolate cookies liao!
End of this mth. N I haven't finished packing my hospital bag yet. Got chided by colleagues, they told me faster pack n standby in case. I better move my butt this wkend.
Thanks,I go see see e website tmr. First time heard abt it. I'm a mountain tortoise lor. Hehe
cherish, quickly pack!!! I washed clothes already, now moving on to slings, cushy insets and BF cover. tmr will be the infant car seat. going to repack the room so that can setup cot. me too bored at home. hahahah...
Cherish, thanks, so abt 1-2 per week huh. Weather is horrible now, so tempted to drink more.. Anyone knows how to choose nice young coconuts?

Btw, I havent started packing my hospital bag, but I guess still have time for me
Ya, going to pack soon. I'm done in washing bb clothes, luckily helper helped on this.
Very hard to do these stuff in wkdays. Will reach home after work ard 7pm, settle my boy, eat dinner, make him sleep. By e time I'm free, helper sleeping in study rm n mil in my rm. My stuff inside these 2 rms. Too short time in wkday. Nvm, will do it this wkend.

Good for u to work fr home. Can plan ur time to do it. : d
Oh kalmen, u serious? Actually I'm in the same situation as Mrs C and Cherish, a lot of ppl commented it's pointy and said its a boy. Its my first pregnancy, I brought all pinks. Rompers that says 'Daddy's princess' some more... Hmm....
Oh I'm also a mountain tortoise and I have not done any washing yet. My guy also nvr remind me or be involved and he is like playing pc games everyday after work. The most is wash dishes n go with me to carry bb things which i buy. I tell him and he say I'm stressed by work need to relax. I not stressed meh? I no need to work meh? Still must pack bb things and segegrate them, wash them.

I dont feel contractions or any pain. Perhaps still early for me - only starting 34 weeks n my next gynae apptm only at 36 weeks.
Qing-er, errr r u alright now? Hope everything is fine. Don't worry, my gynae told me if deliver at week 35, they will inject something to strengthen the baby lungs.
Bb, I m ok now. Thanks!! Praying hard bb can wait till my gynae bk from holidays. I went to tmc to do the ctg, got contractions 4-5 mins interval from the system n already dilated 1.5cm. That's why I m worry.
Qing-er, dilated 1.5cm meaning another few days to full dilation? I heard can inject something to slow it down. Anyway, try not to eat food that trigger contractions. Example yesterday my mil fried my fav pork liver but I only ate 2 slices. I told her full term then can eat more.

Mummy lee, car seat cushion better don't remove whole thing n wash cos it might shrink. Just wet cloth n little detergent to remove stains.
ya me too.. been seeing ctg.. end of week 35 tmr.. going gynae.. the consultation always very short. nv do any test(s) one leh..

BB: thanks!
qing-er: will pray for u..

cherish: think its better to start packing abit already?? or rather get ur hospital bag ready?

liligal: i havent wash my bb clothes yet lei.. i intend to do it when my mil going overseas.. n make sure the washing machine is *washed* before i throw my bb clothes in..i dun wan old pple nag.. she say she maybe going in to malaysia this weekends.. or else i wait till 24th if she is going in to malaysia w her frenz.haha.. haha else latest is july 19 when she going for a short trip!!!

btw mummies can add me in fb oso
hehe.. [email protected]

at least there i can see ur cuties when they r out=)
What kind of food will trigger contractions?
I also very worried cos not due yet.

Try talking to your baby, hopefully he/she will listen. I've been trying to talk to mine, cos I'm not sure if it's BHC or not.
Jomomm, I also listen to tell tales about food trigger contractions. My helper discourages me to eat eggplant saying in Philippines ppl eat eggplant to abort. But my #1, I ate a lot. Yesterday my mil also cooked my fav eggplant but I only ate a little bit.

Qing-er, my #1 picked the day my gynae was in overseas. My substitute gynae is Dr Kek also very popular in Mt E. What I m saying is that we hv to find a good alternative gynae just in case. Check with ur gynae if the alternatives r good in csect n which is good in natural (sewing our V up nicely). Heehee.... Good to be all prepared in case of emergency.
Qing-er ok now? Irregular is it?

Joy, haha such detailed planning just to wash stuff. But then I just remembered. I din use bb detergent to wash!!!! Aiyaya!!!

Tanny, guess nesting instincts only happen to mothers. Hubby also ask me to chill so I draft out todo list with dates spaced out, highlighted when is full term and then have a review with him on it. Then after that is tracking and monitoring. Dun say I din tell him early early or I m being too kan cheong.

Cherish, yah FTWM is tough esp when hubby not ard. Thankfully my mum helped. I just select stuff and put into laundry bag. She'll help me wash n sun. Or else I think if Indo myself will b really tough.

Cookie, hubby chooses. He waits till new stock comes in at shop n save or ntuc. He'll choose heavier ones cos he thinks older ones will lose abit of water. He also looks for blemishes. Nicer ones tend to be younger. Above are his comments. So far he has been quite skilled in this. Haha. Same w durians.

Jomomm, pineapple liver etc. but it seemed that u'll need large amounts of it to trigger. So far I hv been treating myself to foie gras (goose liver) with no effect at all. But that said better to avoid.
liligal: haha.. i just dun like old pple to nag or comment at the things i wanna do..or say things to relatives.. i think i m quite sensative to pple comments..
later scare she say things like i so troublesome need to wash the washing machine first dan can wash bb clothes n such.. haha..
Thanks for the advices on my hermorrhoids. Think mine is particularly bad cos' I already have them pre-preg and pregnancy created new ones. Will ask if my doc can prescribe anything for me when I see him tmr.

Qing-er, how heavy is your baby now? If bb is of good weight, probably developed enough and can cope in our world already. Try not to worry. Bb wants to come, they'll get their way. :p All the best!
Morning mummies... Finally it is friday liao. I almost dozed off in the office. I realli cannot tahan until drink one bottle of chicken essence. Zzz... Think now everyday i need one bottle of chicken essence. Energy level decrease tremendously.

Thanks mummies

I duno bb's weight now as last check up was abt 2 weeks ago n bb abt 1.7kg. Should be 2kg now I think.

My gynae is dr Lawrence Ang. Duno when he bk cox he never give me an exact answer. He told me got substitute doc at tmc but never tell me who is he when I asked him. Sianzz

I hv been talked to bb since few mths bk, hopefully he will listen to me. I hv started my ml since 21may to get enough rest. Praying hard!!

Really envy those already in wk 37/38, at least bb is full term. Dun need to worry so much!!

Hope everyone has a smooth delivery!!
