(2012/07) Jul 2012

zhen, try your own lah. tat's what i did this morning. quite fun leh. tmr i'll pester hubby again and bring in my son. will also doll up abit. today is out of bed look with no make up. very terrible. out of 30shots, i can only find 3 to edit and put up. you have to let your kids see ur rashes in future! the suffering we go thru... so celebrating mother's day is worth it! hahaha.. can see that i'm super thrilled esp since it's FREE!!!

BB, thanks. for cakes, i heard Emicakes not bad. was thinking of trying.

cookie, was it u with the idea of corkscrew driver to open coconuts? my hubby super impressed. kept talking abt it whenever he opens coconuts nowadays.

U ask hb to handle her, u bring out a clock n ask her. Y so long....... Tell her directly if she dun listen u all won't give chance. She can go bk to cleaning dogs! Or go to another family tat may have more ppl
I got a hand me down Steriliser, hence need to buy tongs.

Coconut - I hv not yet started.

Now I need to find good deals for chick essence.. Anyone got lobang?
Hi bb,
How to differential soft n hard coconut meat? I can't find a coconut just now so drank a can as substitute.

Was frustrated in evening by mil n maid. I just came back fr work n saw they trying in vain to ask my boy shower. That boy is too active n mischievous. In e end, I had to cane him. What made me pissed off was when I sat him n tried to talk to him, they were trying to interrupt by saying come come, nai nai carry, play.. Nai nai sayang. Arrgh. Cool down cool down me..
In e end, I had to tell maid firmly u go do ur things. As for mil, told her when I disciple my son pls don't come n get involved. Think she's not happy. Sorry to grumble my issue here.
BB, u know why can only eat soft meat coconut?
cause my hb bot two. one soft meat which i drank and eat some days back and i just drank the other one he opened and its hard meat!!

so excited, my gynae told me my bb engaged liao..could pop next week!! wah, tat's early
Woah koh! Today I busy until don't even have time to go toilet sia! Anyway, it's over and tomorrow is my official 1st day of maternity leave. Ban zai!
i got a hard coconut

Joy: nice photos!!

Buttercup: when is your edd?? You going for csect?
Laura, yah, that happens to me a lot...so busy at work until whole day never drink water and of course no time to go toilet.

ourlovestory, me natural. edd is 7 july but baby oredi upside down and engaged..
My nose is still as stuffy as ever and cough is here to join in the fun. Oo-la-la!
Tomorrow go see quack doctor again and see what he'll say. If he's gonna suan me anything regarding mc I'll sure hoot him back, "You don't give mc is ok. I'm on maternity leave liao!" Pui!

Who added me in FB ah?
Soft meat coconut. My TCM physician specially reminded must be soft meat, I didn't ask why, sorry girls. She said if hard meat whole thing give to someone else to eat. I always as my hb to buy 2 or 3 coconuts so that the chances of getting soft meat r higher. My poor hb also stress, if all open n hard meat he sure get my disappointed face. So far I took 3 times n very lucky. Aiyo, soft meat u use a spoon lightly scoop it will come out, hard meat very hard must more strength to scoop it. Don't keep the coconut too long cos it will become old n soft meat will turn hard.

Cherish, must real coconut. Get from NTUC. Can ones r fake lah n more sugar. I also had problem disciplining my girl but good to tell ur mil n maid off nicely. Luckily my girl is very afraid of me getting angry so after caning or scolding she will come to me to get my sayang or say sorry to me. Then I will hug her n explain to her why she make mommy so angry. Now #2 is coming soon, my #1 is more afraid of me getting angry. Very good girl.
i asked the confinement nanny many questions. but the one i interviewed is NOT the one who turned up. and they the one who turned up left half way coz father died. and then now this one knows NOTHING. i have baby boy and when he pees, she opens the nappy instead of closing it, and he pees ALL OVER THE ROOM!!! this is her 10th day and she still doesn't know how to change nappy yet! my god.
buttercup, that's fast! ur EDD one day diff from mine! me so envious!

cherish, your hubby not around? usually i let my hubby deal with my in-laws and i deal w my parents. my mum is very like ur MIL so i set rule that when i'm teaching, there's no interruption. sometimes she tell me how other kids from the preschool were spoilt by their grandparents & parents etc after talking to them, i'll bring up and show her how she has also spoilt her grandson. but then again, i think grandparents will naturally do that so sometimes close one eye lor.

laura, congrats on starting ML! me added u in FB!
Hi mums to be, i hope i m not too late to join in the exciting journey with u all. I m expecting a litt boy, in my 36th week now. Edd 9 Jul. Have been real busy at work n finally slowly hanging over stuff n feel more relax now to participate in forums to learn more stuff.
Thx for e advice on coconuts.
Ya, I really hv hard time discipling my boy. Often, he can still smile back when I scold him. I know he also scares of mommy angry. Mil n maid not 1st time like that. Told them before but hv to admit my tone was harsh earlier. I cannot tolerant when I disciple my boy, she as a maid carried my son n acted like 'protecting' him. In long term, my boy will not scares of me lor. As for mil, think she will complain to her son.

Take care n enjoy ur ml. when u going to pop, do update us ok!

That's early! Is this ur #1 or #2? I'm worried abt early delivery. Hopefully my gal will guai guai stay inside longer. Hubby out station liao. Told him if I really deliver before he comes back, he will hv me bag at him for a long long time.
cherish: Yup yup! Sure will

Hey! Lately more mommies with EDD close to mine eh? Me 8 Jul but next week should be able to see my junior already.
yeah laura, give us a very very updated account of the process. hehheee..

cherish, i went so far to threaten hubby that if he dares travel during this period and girl really come out, i seriously might consider changing surname of girl. my goodness, it's his kid too lor! but then, my hubby's travel is avoidable lah which was why i give ultimatum.
Yes. Hubby not ard, outstation till ard end of mth then comes back. Will be wk38 then. Sian right? Need to look after my boy with this big tummy. I feel so restricted in my movement. I'm crossing e date in calendar everyday.

I better ask my gynae this Fri if there any sign I may pop early. Better don't!
Hmm, after reading the recent thread, seem like few mommies may be popping out in wk38 right?

If I buy fr ntuc, do I choose e small coconuts? I think I saw 2 types last wk. One smaller in size with e cuts done n the other is bigger size. Thx thx
cherish, from the looks of it, i seemed to be heading beyond 38wks.
no sign no signal leh... i keep telling girl to come out this weekend i.e. end of my 37th wk but now like nothing... no progress. super sianz. dun want her too big to avoid c-sect as much as possible. also... i buay tahan already.

laura, you and ur ang very very fu qi xiang.
I hope my bb can stay inside longer too as I m really afraid of the actual process!! :p

Cherish: you have someone in the house to take care of you since your hubby is out station..?? Must b careful k...
Wahh looks like alot of mummies are popping within the next 2 weeks.. im still counting down.patiently esp when im just at week 34..

Lili_gal, u said the same thing as my hub.. he insist to took picture of the rashes. He says he will show it to his son next time & tell.him what his mummy went thru.. lol

For coconuts, when can we start? Im in week 34 now.. can start drinking?? The weather has been a killer, will be super shiok for some cooling coconut drink.
busy tiring day today -(
feeling so fat n clumsy with every step I take.
am sure I m not the only one feeling this way so
I shdnt b whining too much .

little bb is kicking n moblong non stop for the past hour
mus b enjoying her "kickboxing" workout inside
zhen, should do it since ur hubby so supportive. remember then to do photo-editing to give it some semi-professional omph! hahaha....
thanks. weekend will be me, my boy and maid ard. crossing fingers my boy will be guai guai. dont make me blood pressure shot up. hahah

i heard can start to drink coconut at the last mth of pregnancy.
Cherish, thx

Maybe yr boy anticipating arrival of bb, maybe some insecurity and anxiety starts to set in?

If keen to do maternity shoots, shd go for it. Othwise no chance already, unless wait for next pregnancy.

Joanne, my soon-to-be CL also advised me to take one coconut per week.

FB - haha, I had always thot many pple on FB nowadays. Looks like not, just like me...I shd try to get familiar with it.
cherish: relax and have some personal time this weekend with your #1 before #2 arrives

i feel like eating fruits these days.. maybe weather is just too hot!
when u sit down now, do u feel ur tummy touching the inner thigh?? my tummy is touching even though i'm sitting on a chair!
ourlovestory: I think we July mommies are getting tired easily as the date gets nearer bah. So not so active today?

Anyway, this morning when I woke up I felt so dizzy. Remembering what hubby said before my blood sugar could be low I took a measurement. True enough, my reading is only 3.7mmol/L...low low low. >.<
The weather is crazy hot today!

Just got back fom gyne. Baby is 2.76kg at 37th week. Amniotic fluid still low but since baby is growing gyne says all is in order. Position wise of baby is as expected as well.
So now it's the waiting game.

My gyne says natural birth coz baby is small in size. Im slightly freaked coz my mum had to c-sect all 3 of us siblings so I'm conditioned to think natural is not possible.

Bout BW those more experienced, how fast is the hair growth? I was initially slotted for an appt tomorrow now wondering if it's too early? I dun wanna go thru the pain for nothing.
yes at 37 weeks the obgyn (gynae) said my baby is 50th percentile or around 2+ kg... but my baby was born at 38 weeks and it was 3.6kg! baby in 1 week grow 1 kg? i think the scan is not accurate at all...
kalmen: Your bb's weight is good, I'm so envious. Mine is already 3.2kg at 35th week. Will be seeing my gynea tomorrow and we'll decide when to admit to induce or c-section.
laura, "bigger" than me for sure. i'm so short. but ur hubby and ur face very very similar. can see u r one of a kind. very couple like.

mummylee, share ur pics once u hv them k?

cherish, all the best. at least ur mil not around to give double support to ur maid. hahaha... u r the boss of the weekend! think abt it. also, i think most boys will have a mummy's heart. so don't worry. groom ur boy to become a mummy's boy! hahaha... btw, your tummy drooped so low already? that's good right? mine still quite high up.

ourlovestory, u r so healthy. me feel like eating ice kachang, ice creams, smoothies etc.

kalmen, hair growth depends on individuals just like hair on our heads. i dun think it's too early considering u r already full term right? cd be anytime soon.

angel9, i agree!!! last time my gynae told me come out 3kg. ended up 3.5kg! so now i'm adding a 0.5kg to whatever he says.
What an exciting period of time...so many mummmies will be popping soon.
Am only at the end of my 33weeks...can't wait to hear the stories from you guys before I go into the delivery suit myself.

Laura: Whao...3.2kg is big...but anyway like what angel9 says, the scan can only estimate, a lot of my friends also say the same thing. Then again, since it's estimate baby might be smaller but can also be bigger...anyway jia you!!

bbgirl: my girl has also been playing kickboxing in my tummy...and yesterday she made the bubble wrap popping sound more than once in my tummy (usually I will only hear it at most once a day or sometimes once in many days)....told her to be gentle...if not she's gonna break the water bag before 37 weeks -_-"

liligal,ourlovestory, jomomm,
ya, feeling tummy dropping down. dont know can tahan till early jul then deliver. there are strangers who commented 'wow, going to deliver soon right? ur tummy is quite low'. This freaked me out.

when is ur edd? in early jul? mine is actually in mid jul but since going to schedule c-sec, i'm aiming 1st wk of next mth. i'm going to ask gynae tmr and also see how much weigh my gal is gaining.

my boy was opp. gynae told me he will be big, ard 3.4,3.5 kg but when i delivered him in wk38, he was 3.1kg.
