(2012/07) Jul 2012

laura, all the best!

I LS 3 times ytd n tdy le lo,n tummy harden...so scared lo.

joy, I not angry, just sigh.....I m ok de, felt blessed that she nvr give me much prob, better than my staff at wk liao le. Audrey ald popped in May, her twins out le, n got another mummy dunno her nick her popped 2 days ago n 1 ytd. So I abit scared cos I still got 3 weeks then wk 37

congrats Laura, first to pop hehe...we can see your cute bb photos soon

have to catch up on the archive then post again
Hi rer
Oh, u oso know audrey..;) ya, she pop at 32th wk.. Was so shock when i whatsapp her n she say she pop le..
Btw, will u pay ur maid for her 2nd toothpaste or she buy using her own salary?

Hi lili
Of course know him.. He so popular.. Somemore i like to listen 972 channel n learn alot fr him..;)
rer-rer: seriously definately i believe ur maid wun give u so much problems like ur colleagues=)
as for me i just wish my manager will change or i be under another supervisor.. my manager dun like to haf direct contact with me sia..he like to talk to my another colleague n ask her to pass instruction to me.. i was like thinking ok lah last time i m contract staff..now i m perm liao still like that.. argh..

anyway just stay cool=) n jia you.. dun give urself so much stress..

today my bb is quite active..he keep moving..
btw any mummies haf milk coming out of their boobies already?? i asked my colleague(who gave birth) when milk will be produce..n she say actually now if i squeeze there shld be some milk coming out too.. really??
Joanne, I will buy lo, my maid only get paid $10 for first 7 mths. If all toiletries she pay then got nothing left. I bought a few pants to wear for wk for her oso. $1 each at pasam malam. Shampoo oso I give her, cheap de$2.90 at value $ shop n bar soap. I will buy a calling card for her 1st time give her, next time she ownself buy.
I agree with galili. I also thought I could have a some sort of schedule at first. But when we came to it, the "schedule" all haywire. Feed on demand, don't know when he poos,etc. I was also told when bb sleeps, I can have my time. But in the end, when he sleeps, I took the opportunity to pump milk la, fold his clothes la, wash bottles la; and I wondered how others managed. In the end, I decided just go with the bb's flow, don't stress myself.

I confirm will switch on aircon. My CL already said can, although the elders are against it. Last time, I also on aircon after 1 week of suffering, cos I cldn't take it anymore and having rashes, etc.
Can share what's your doc's opinion on umbilical cord clamping? I haven't decided on cordblood banking. Some people say it's better to let the cordblood flow back to the baby and delay the clamping?

wishing you a smooth delivery! So exciting.
Joy, yeah maybe I m just too worried.

Joanne, yeah just touch touch tummy. Next week I will ask him about ctg.

Toothpaste for maids. I basically provide all necessities for my maid. Unless she wants to pamper herself with better brands, she does not need to buy anything using her money. I buy her panties n bras for the first 2 years when she was still paying up loans. Now no more but all toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, towel, normal house shirts n pants, new year clothing all provided by us. She does not need to spend a single cent.
jomomm: Thanks! Will check it out as well

kalmen22: Hee hee...I'm only on chap 4 of Baby Whisperer.
Abt cutting the old bra thing...my gf also suggested...could be an idea to save some money ;)

citizen: I need to check with my gf...cos she managed to ship direct from Amazon

joy_javen: That was me asking abt sleeping flat n feelin breathless
It's exactly like what u described!

lili_gal: I also have a fren who had to seat up n sleep towards the end of her pregnancy

I am a April mummy and wished to let go LactaGreek (50 caplets) which is to help to increase your milk supply
This tablets is given to me by my gynae on 12 June 2012. I bought it at $35 and letting go at $20.
Fenugreek Seed Extract-600mg
Katuk Leaves Extract-100mg
Vitamin B12-20mcg
Calcium phosphate dibasic-12mg
Expiry: 08 2012
Do PM me if you are interested.
jomomm, yah in the beginning can't really follow schedule lor. that said, i dun feed on demand leh... only for 1st 2 mths then after that somehow the schedule will fall into place. so life after that was very good and predictable with occasional mishaps. hehheeeee

he din touch on much on umbilical cord clamping. he's jus not convinced on the reports and say they can write anything. for cord banking, he somehow encourages but did mention that now it's not a very mature thing yet in terms of usage.

jo, what did u learn from him? he's really tat famous? when i asked my PD about being our assigned one, he did check who was my gynae. i said chris chong and he was like oooh, famous. btw, wat did u learn from him and what time is his channel ah?
Marie: haha okie noted.. i wanted to reply earlier but dan i forgotten as i was juggling with work n catching up with d thread.. dan when working i suddenly remember abt the out of breath thing so i replied..hahaha..

i m still checking out on the forums for the jamu massage.. n d 3 popular ones are mdm ida,mdm emma n jenny.. but scare is a scam.. how ah.. or shld i just tk up package from those company like mummy lee did.. haiz..i m indecisive..
Hi rer n bb
Oh calling card not provide by us mah?? U mean they hv to pay for her own calling card to home??

Hi lili
Ohh.. Just some woman issues n pregnancy issues.. Think he will go on air every 2weeks.. Did u notice he no appointment allow on Tuesday afternoon every 2wks? I think u can hear his voice on coming Tuesday 2:30pm to 3:15pm.. Unless he not free to turn up..;)
jo, really ah! hahaha.... i usually hv my appointments on mon 1st thing in the morning so no queue at all. now changed to fri weekly cos of his last trip. i'll try to see if i can listen in.
lili_gal, yes those mummies which rer rer mentioned are mummies with EDD in July, and they have already popped..

cant imagine if i have to popped now, as im only in to week 35 next monday.. keep talking to my boy these few nights, asked him to be guai guai and stay in mummy's tum until at least he's 38weeks..
URGENT: GUI LAN Auntie! Confinement Lady

Dear Mummies To Be,

For mummies whom have engaged Gui Lan's Auntie for the coming months.

Please note that she have lost her sg handphone number. You may wish to contact her at 83558541

You may also find her on Facebook @ Wong Qui Lan

Thank You!
Joanne: Surprisingly the clinic is very empty today. Maybe is due to school holiday bah?
Estimated weight for bb today is 3.4kg!! *faint*
Doctor while writing the admission form his mouth cannot stop niam niam niam niam...you got high BP, gestation diabetes, your baby big and heavy...niam niam niam niam niam.... =.="
Same thing, my BP unstable and baby big so he wants to bring him out asap. In fact, he wanted to induce me TODAY! Cannot lah! So last minute, I'm not prepared.

joy_javen: Don't want to think too much now. Walk one step, Count one step.

lili_gal: Made appointment to remove my bushes tomorrow. How's yours done at Vivo? Ok?
We also planned to watch Madagascar tomorrow after removing my bushes. Hope I won't sit and scratch there while watching the movie. LOL!
Pedi and facial no need lah! I don't do that anyways.

rer-rer, Pink_Piglet, kalmen22, jomomm: Thanks
Sure will post our pics.

BB: Oh yes! I calculate choon choon liao!
Laura: enjoy the show tml yeah.. nice to watch..
anyway ur bb is 3.4kg n ur gyne say heavy le ah??
my colleague week 37 this week n 3.8kg.. we were discussing if she will hit 4kg or not..

Marie: thanks for the add=)

zhen: wow.. hopefully my bb stay till full term.. n i wish full term be here sooner!!!
joy_javen: I think mainly is due to my unstable BP because I read up from the internet that high BP is very dangerous for the baby. Just hope that he will respond to the induce medicine one time will do.
laura, won't need to scratch. there's nothing to scratch! hahhahha... i did at wheelock today. so exciting!! ok, u r the 1st full term mummy from jul thread then. so exciting!!!!

zhen, wow... so early! but kids no issues right? do they have a jul group in FB? the jun FB group is very very active.
laura, of cos not lah!! lol... this is not my 1st time leh... but very long never do liao. told u my hubby likes white chicken right? hahaha... key is dun panic. just keep talking to the therapist and BREATHE when she pull! The labia part slightly more painful tho.
lili_gal: Oh of course bcos that part is the most sensitive area loh.
But I think I will pai seh bcos now the smell at that area is stronger due to pregnancy.
Joanne, my helper asked to call home when she just came to my house. Her ex employer didnt let her call home. So I get her a hello card. The first 2 hello cards we bought for her cos she didn't hv money to buy. We gave her our used handphones to SMS home n receive SMS. Only after 2 yrs she bought her first new phone. I don't agree to subscribe phone number for her. She bought her own M1 sim card n M1 top up cards.
Joanne, I tink it's only fair for me to provide her basic necessities, proper hygiene ESP if nt I dun dare let her carry baby! Of cos nt provide make up or moisturizer etc. She want she ownself pay. Calling card nt basic necessity, dun need that to wk mah. ESP those kaypo kind wait use it to call fren how? Must let them feel the pinch else they take us for granted. If she well behave n I happy I can give her as envouragement but nt a confirm thing that I will give her as part of pay pkg
Rer-rer, I remember one u mentioned r having twins. Hope everything is fine.

Mommies, one question. Do u notice more discharge? Mine from week 34 onwards. Next visit to my gynae will ask him if the mucus plug is reducing.
BB, no discharge for me. in fact quite dry. my gynae today told us to go hv sex more to induce labor naturally! hahaha.
Lili gal: yes, there is a FB July mummies group...but it is a secret group...have to PM one of the admin to add u in the group...hope they see this post...
Lili gal, ur gynae is very humorous. Err but u r in week 37 now? My #1 came out in week 38. 2 weeks earlier than edd. Hope #2 also tahan till week 38.

Hope July mommies who delivered can share their experience here with us.
Marie ang,
i've added you in fb..

Massage lady - i've booked mdm Ida. some of my Aug'10 mummies used her & feedback was good. so i booked her this round.
BB, i just finished wk37. today is first day of wk38. so hoping to be out this week. either way, there's only about 2wks left cos gynae doesn't want me to be overdue too long. geeeshh.. 2wks!!! happy!!!
Lili gal, completed week 37, you should be relax now waiting for the big day to come. Me still have 2 weeks to complete week 37. Hopefully it is true second delivery is faster.

My mil is also getting nervous too though she didn't say much but she now takes over the cooking with my helper n when my #1 disturb my tummy, she will be very anxious n tell my girl no no be gentle.

BW, errr... I hv no armpit hair n very little down there. Must remove mah?
wah all of you are making me excited!! congrats to all those who are awaiting the "anytime now" moment..

Queen Laura: i'm worried leh, i think my bb and urs will b similar.. at 34 wks 2.8kg, doc said if bb gains 200g each week frm now, it's gonna be 3.4 at 37wks! And she said will nid to monitor then and discuss then whether to induce like you or wait naturally.
Today threads are running so fast. Haven't hv time to read..

Just update: went for my checkup today. Bb weighs 2.6kg at wk36. Asked gynae if I'll deliver early n she laughed. Said I don't seem to hv e signs yet.Heng! Can't wait for 1wk more to full term =)

Yes. I'm asking my maid to mop e floor everyday since there's child at home. Told her mop one time will do as everyday mop. As for sat n sun, I haven't draft out. Usually will tell her what need to be done in morn since most hse chores are completed in wkdays. N we go out sometimes. But I told her schedule will change again once bb is out.
Today she act smart Alex again. I told her to machine wash my boy mattress cover etc yesterday. when I back today, e washing machine is full of unwashed clothes. Asked my mil why n mil said she told maid to machine wash but maid insisted handwash cover only. Said already told Mdm. Faint! I questioned maid n she kept quiet. Then I asked why she didn't wash those clothes in machine, she said she didn't know if Mdm think it's full n need to wash. I want to faint again. I really wonder what she did e whole day since my boy in ccc full day!! Asked mil n she just smiled guilty to me >.<
BB, hahaha... no hair remove what? hahahah.. no need lah. for me i tend to do it normally but during pregnancy somehow it din occur to me cos usually for the behind, i'll lie on my front so i thot this is a no no then. but since so many people went for it, so i went as well! hehehe.. as a little treat.

now thinking of planning my treats but it's tough when i dun dare to drive now and i'm still supposed to be working!
Lili gal, I thought BW is for delivery purpose? Haha... But it is more hygienic for such weather.

Hmmm... Long distance drive better not. I don't think I can react well in driving when contractions come or water bag breaks.
Cherish, ur maid is indon? Sometimes the adult at hm supervising Nvr supervise we also dunno wat to do..... My mum is mostly ok. My hb kept reminding me, just argue in front of the maid. If she noes we are arguing over her, she knows hw to sow discord
Rer rer,
Yes. Indo maid for me. U mean ur maid knows how to Sow discord?!
Mine not first time act smart. Told mil must let me know if she never follows or listen her. But mil will just causally said she told maid off but maid doesn't listen so she let her be. I don't like it as maid only works for us for 2mth n already hv this attitude? Just grumbled to my mom n she suggests me to change maid soon.

Bb, liligal,
I find my alertness drops when driving recently. Maybe it's due to fatigue or uncomfortable wif a big tummy. Bumped on someone else boot recently. Luckily it was minor bump n e driver saw a heavily pregnant me, he just let go e whole incident! Heng lor
Cherish, my maid din sow discord but over time if they knows if they say tell mil or mum le n they ok as an excuse. We sure feel pissed with whOever instead of maid. Give her warning? Tell her dun bite ur words n said otherwise, Nw eng when Bb out she Bo eng n u r ard to watch her also

Laura: congrats!! Why do u need to remove your bushes when u r having csect? And why do u need to admit a night before? That will be extra charges right?

My bb is 2.5kg at wk 35 now but still head up
gynae said choose a date for my delivery.. Will b first wk of July.. So sad... I just hope my bb is healthy..
