(2012/07) Jul 2012

Bhoo: pm u earlier ler.

Qin : Wah! Must b packed. How much are breast pads n bottles discounted? Do they sell de- scaler for iron n Steriliser there? Let me know if u happen to notice.

Today's papers has an article about Recalled milk bags safe to use. Read about it.

Any ladies using medala pump, then what other type of third party bottles u use?
I bought the breast pump free one day n one night disposable breast pad. Day time disposable breast pad $5. Same for night. Nipple cream $17 per tube. Pacificer 2 for $10. Wah so crowded... Zzz...
May I know what r the brands u all got for Nipple cream?

Bb cot mattress do they sell waterproof mattress protector ?
Marie Ang, I also had a hard time looking for nursing bras and I finally settled for Spring Maternity ones....they have padding and even I have a small cup size like A, I can fit into their C size....boost my morale :p

For the baby safe mattress, it was really cheap at the bb fair in feb. I got the play pen one at $95....now the cot matters is v ex when I bought at Taka

tanny, I bought the Medela freestyle pumps, my friend has given me lotsa bottles for storage but then I bought Tommie Tippie, NUK, MAM and Dr Brown milk bottles as well....
For the nipple cream, I got the Medela purelan one but was given the pigeon one foc when I bought a set of pigeon items. It's really oily when I tried applying but I heard that there's no need for the nipple cream and breast milk would be a better substitute as a nipple cream....
Yes, they do sell waterproof baby cot mattress....if u have missed out on the major dept sale, KP is having 20% off blue tag items do u can check it out....
tanny, sms-ed you already.

I found out that the pigeon narrow neck bottles fit the medela pumps. I think as long as you get the narrow neck ones, they should fit. So those wide neck tommee tippee, avent, etc all cannot.

As for waterproof mattress protector, I got the Ikea one. It is cheap (under $10) and looks pretty decent. I'm a huge fan of Ikea =)

I have lansinoh and medela purelan nipple cream. I dun like the texture of medela purelan. Feels very thick and sticky like petroleum jelly. Have not opened my lansinoh to try. Hopefully it's better.

Qin, 20% disct like not tt fantastic lei... I got my avent steriliser at the BB expo for only $105 which is more than 30% off from orignal price of $159. But I'll still go down to check it out lar ... since got nothing better to do today. Heh

By the way, any recommendation for diaper rash cream? There are so many different brands and types out there in the mkt with huge price differences ... I want cheap and good!
What sales are u all talking abt? Me blur blur.

I used desitin diaper cream for my boy n quite like it. Still haven't buy for #2 yet.
Bhoo, i also same as u... Bought a 3in1 sterlizer at bb expo $105. But at philips carnival sale, seems like got bundle pack. I didn't realli go n see coz very crowded although i went at 9am.

As for twin breast pump, i find it cheap coz market selling $779 to $800+++ but there only sell $550 wif freebies disposable breast pad n breast hardcover.

Only certain items are on sales. I saw the airfryer selling $349 which is the same price as what market is selling.

Go philips carnival sales see see look look... If gg tml, please go at 8 plus so that there is parking lot available
I bought the bb safe waterproof mattress protector from KP.. Do I need to wash it before using??

I also bought California bb diaper cream but I heard desitin is gd too.. There is a pink one right??

I m using both pigeon n Medela nipple cream.. Oily lor.. Hopefully it helps..

So hot today I am rearranging all my things in the house to make some space for bb.. So tired.. No time to go fair yet..
Stronger against nappy rash? I also need to order. Got online spree right?

Wow dunno why I recv the spore motherhood flyer.. Strange! But good lar!

Sbl: Wow so many bottles; can they fit into medala pump? I will b buying Pisa and scared I buy wrong bottles wait cannot fit. I was told Philips avente breast pump fits Avente bottles. I heard Falin bottles (bpa free) fits Mandela pump. Where to buy them and good to use?
Hi mummies

Congrats to those who just given birth.

Any mummies haven't buy electric pump yet? I have a avent pump that come with breast pad and breast shell protector. I bought it at $209. Anyone interested pls let me know. Is brand new. I bought from the Phillip sales.. Pls PM me tks!
Hi gals
Thks for hearing me out n let me vent my anger.. Love u all..
I scold my maid till she cry two days ago n now she is better.. Hope will last thruout n improve further.. My hb n mum so worry tt will affect my bbies for being so angry n worry she will harm my son too so asks me to relax..;p

Btw, for gals who hv bought avent nappy rash cream n destin blue nappy cream.. Which one is for daily use huh?

I hope to go motherhood but leg tired easily nowadays n panting after walk a short distance especially at night.. Hv been feeling the braxton hicks recently too.. Pray hard they can be in me for another 4-5 wks at least before give birth to them..

Oh ya gals, do u all sterilize ur bb bottles now before bbies arrival or after discharge?
Hi mummies I just came back from gyne.. I gained 0.8kg over d past 2 weeks but baby gained alot as d previous time was 1.2kg n today he is 1.7kg..my doc ask me to cut down on sweet things already
as Bb average sld b 1.5kg as mine is week 30 day 5..
anyway think I will skip d advent fair this time round..
btw I saw pigeon sterilizes n breast pump at kiddy palace..anyone cld advise isit good??
the weather seems to b very good to slp in today..but I woke up quite early all thanks to my air con leaking water
do tired now..
Joanne, good question. I am abt to ask too... Is it too early to sterilize now? Beside bottles, how about the breast pump parts that will be in contact wif milk?

Joy, my bb weigh 1.6kg at 29 weeks 6 days and my gynae said my bb size ok. Not to worry
Glad that ur maid is better now. Ya, u must relax now. Don't get too frustrated ok

I think I will sterilize some bottles before bb delivery since I'm most probably going c-sec n will bring my pump along to hospital. The rest, will just sterilize when discharge since it doesn't take very long.
yah.. .i also dun like the medela purelan nipple cream. now just bought the avent one, not sure if it's good. i used to have one that's organic light and very good but can't remember where i bought it from. need to check again. for me it's absolutely necessary, my breastmilk didn't manage to lubricate enough. so everytime after BF-ing, i hv to put on nipple cream or else will crack and it's really really painful when i latch bb on later.

jo, i went to another friend's house and apparently her new filipino maid also starting used to give alot of probs. then she kept telling her what to do, what she expects etc. after 1 mth plus then ok. maybe just need some time. but u hv to watch also lah cos sometimes chemistry also matters a lot. i used to have helpers and some just super no chemistry with me and got on my nerves. i literally just couldn't stand the sight of them later. most imptly stay cool and happy cos babies can sense ur emotions and might think it's due to them.

joy, you gained so little and most of it went to baby!!! how did you do it? anyway, why ur doc ask u to cut down when u and baby r not gaining that much? my hubby loves the pigeon 3-in-1 sterilizer w food warmer so we are going back to that one again.

cherish, do you feel a bit tight down under? my gynae says it's due to the c-sect scar cos it's hard and definitely not as nimble as normal.

for me, i plan to sterilize bottles after delivery. cos it only takes a few mins to do it. will bring my pump etc to hospital and ask them to sterilize before i use cos i dunno when i'm going in mah.

marie, i think can put in vacuum storage boxes, those tupperware types. usually i sterilize and use right after. seldom keep.

btw, i got some merries newborn diapers. very very soft and nice leh...
Today we went to HB's aunt's house again to collect bb's stuff given by her (newly bought) and by her son (taking over from his children), and wow! so many things to bring back. Lots of children's clothes, bed accessories and toys, etc. She also bought my son a little gold pendant. Gold so expensive now leh! So touched. She also bought us 3 bottles of sesame seeds oil and ask her friend to make rice wine (packed into 3 bottles..smells wonderful). I'm so happy and so greatful. MIL also didn't do so much. :-/
Thx for reminding! I forgot abt hospitals can help us to sterilize bottles. LOL. I hope e one I'm going won't be slow in helping this ;p
Yes, I feel hard too. And actually, the area ard my scar sometimes still feel numb n sometimes I feel a bit of sharp pain too.

I used to keep sterilized bottles in clean container n usually will use them in e next feed. Reason for keeping them in container was because they were in kitchen rm n didn't want them to get 'polluted' when cooking.
Hi Cherish
My hb just bought 3bottles 志成麻油 fr seng siong.. He says got offer n he saw it today when go do marketing.. Then one person can only buy 3 bottles which i think is enough for confinement ba..
cherish, sesame oil (for cooking) is found everywhere leh! hahahaha... last time i only got one small bottle and lasted the entire month of confinement. last time my CL cooked very very well. this time round, new CL, not sure.

btw, for those who are BF-ing, are you allowing CL to put wine in cooking?
Qin,cherish & Joanne: thanks for letting me feel my bb is nt really on heavy side..
liligal: I haf no ideal..I just eat wat I want..I dun really care..but I didn't eat durian la.once awhile cakes n ice cream ya..but maybe coz I haf been eating more on soupy stuff this 2 weeks..as for y bb will gained I dunno y lei..but gyne ask me to cut down on sugar stuff so bb wun gain so much as I wanna haf natural birth..
d reason y d other time he ask me to cut down coz he saw me shoot up 3kg within a mth which nv happen before..

Laura: envy u..believe ur hb aunt feels tat finally u guys try for so many yrs n wish come true..so she feel happy for u all also..

As for d wine n sesame oil: I heard tat when we breastfeed we can haf these 2 BUT not too much..n ginger oso cnt too much..though all these help us in certain aspects but tat is wat my mil told me..anyway I dun bother,.wat my sis in law cook I will just eat..
joy_javen: I thought so too. But the contrast between her and my MIL is....sigh...dunno what to say. There are so many things I want to do but I can't - no energy lah! Then HB also like to leave things until the very last minute then do. Aiyoh! Just asking him to change the foot mat at our door since 1 week ago, until now still no action.
Laura, Joanne, liligal,
Gum xia! Muack muack. I'm a seldom cook person n previously my mom helped me to buy but this time round, I need to settle most stuff myself. Maybe I try to buy one bottle tmr :D

I remembered reading somewhere that can drink DOM, just that bf few hrs later? Not sure if hv correct info or not, so better double chk again ok?
laura, guys are guys. but recently after i had a "review" with hubby, he started becoming slightly more responsive so that I wun get to nag at him. not bad.

cherish, hahhaa... no wonder! i used to cook so that's why.

on the wine part (including DOM & Yomeishu), my gynae kinda advised me against it last time as he says it goes to the bb if i BF. so now i not sure leh... beginning my son's jaundice quite high so i din take ginger also, later part ok. so i was loading on pig trotter vinegar, my fav.

last time for #1, when the BF cycle more established and he slept thru the night i.e. no need for me to feed at night till next morning, i'll drink alcohol after last feed cos by right after 3-5hours, it'll all go away but of cos i wun drink too much lah.. just a little bit for enjoyment. geeeshhh.. i'm so so so deprived now!!!!
Lili gal,
Wanted to clarify, so the hospital will sterilise the bottle for u? Or u meant sterilise your breast pump?

Hmm. So I'm confused. Why do we need sesame oil?

And ginger affects jaundice?
Don't worry. Ur hubby is not e worst in delaying things. My hubby record is I asked him to find ppl to fix our faulty bedroom light n he delayed ard 1yr plus. heng that I had table lamp to use first. He's lagi 'good'.

My boy also had high jaundice n he seemed to be allergy to ginger so I didn't consume much ginger during confinement period. My CL was kind enough to fry 1 bottle of sliced ginger for me to consume after she left.
DOM. I drank before my afternoon nap after pumping milk everyday during confinement for #1.

Sterilization. Since there r no qualified sterilization pouches, bottles sterilized must be used immediately! Else no point to sterilize them.
Hi gals, my agent called me ytd tell me the maid arrive in sg le! I can pick her fr thurs onwards, panic.... I went pray ytd n went OG. Got 20% n I bought the avent magic cream. Gd for milk rash, my boy used that last time. I use desitin for nappy cream, bought online n Nw 2.5 yrs still got. I bought 2 tubes last time 4 oz de, his bottom recover in next 2 days when got red bottom
kalmen and qin, have to request. not sure about others but mt A is ok when i requested but it's a small thing lah. i din bring the whole lot. they hv sterilized bottles. the pumps no need to sterilize (it's electrical!), only the funnel & the valves, so it's small.

sesame oil is for confinement. apparently it's heaty so it's good during then. e.g. sesame oil chicken.

there seems to be no evidence but chinese folks would advise against ginger if hvg jaundice babies. in fact some even avoid carrots, pumpkins or anything that cause yellowness just in case can't differentiate i think.

cherish, your CL so sweet on the ginger bit. and u best, can tahan 1yr!!! think abt it, my hubby has been delaying buying a flat for 3 years!!! so i'm up there in tolerance as well. hahaha...
LOL. My hubby is very good in delaying things. I even tried the tactic by saying no light in bedroom mean no kid for us as we were trying for one that time but he bochap me.
My CL is nice so engage her again for #2.

Rer rer,
Glad that ur maid is here finally. I also had wanted to go Temple to pray but didn't go in the end
hope mine will hv chemistry wif us too.
Today we let her called back n learnt her hubby met accident. She cried n I didn't know what to do. Asked her if she wants to call back again in evening to chk situation but she didn't want. I'm thinking if she doesn't call back but mind keeps thinking, also no good right?
hi mummies to be:

sorry to interrupt! i'm from Apr mummy and have a few unopened brand new DOM ( 1 litre) to sell.
Please PM me if you are interested. Thanks!
hi ladies, did you all manage to get more things done this weekend?

i suddenly remembered something last night and thot i let you girls know too. remember to bring your binder to hospital k?
I definitely didn't do much for this weekend. Now vomit foam looking after #1. Was chasing after him when he ran ard during meal time n he got by nerve. Caned his butts n I nearly fell down, lost my balance. Luckily hubby caught hold by hand. *faint*
cherish, oh dear. take care! don't pek chek too much. bad for your tummy baby.

i realized i've been losing balance also and always hit my tummy due to bad estimation when going places. my son is totally opposite. very very very quiet. ask him to play with others is like asking him to do a major challenge. he'll only whisper when he's in stranger's house. once out, he started his normal talking. argh!

3 more weeks to full term!!!!
U take care too. My boy is very active. N he purposely does things when he knows it's wrong or not allowed. Really testing our patience n limits. N wif e lil gal kicking inside my tummy, I think I'll faint for sure if she turns out to be like her gor gor.

I've ard 4wks to go for full term =) mommies, we all jia you!!
