(2012/07) Jul 2012


Made in China. Hee hee hee...

hi all -- tiring weekend ... didn't do much for sat .
today bot the stroller finally as there is 10% disc -)
n bot medela beastpump. seems like my stuff are more or less done. only left baby cot as we r still deciding whether to get a toddler bed instead ... stressssed !!!
laura, your stroller seemed big for a newborn. you might want to consider those cushy insets to hold baby esp the head in place.

hehehe... i hv not gotten a playpen for #1 so thinking if i shud for #2 since now we hv a dog in the house.
Cherish, u let ur maid call hm after hw long ah? I went to pray for my boys n job. Din tink abt the maid, tink I shld pray for her also hor. I still got 6 wks then full term.... I m amongst the last lo. Here I m tired but can't slp!
rer-rer, I also 6 more weeks to full term ... My EDD is end July. Suddenly quite nervous abt finally having a baby. Started washing baby's bedsheets, blankets and stuff just now to ease my nervousness.
Cherish: must b careful k..

Bhoo: I also just washed all bb clothes over the weekend.. So tired!

Anyone has a hospital to bring list to share please??
Morning mommies,
Monday blue blue...

Though i hv playpen, i rarely used for #1 as he slept in cot and if i needed to do something when he was still young, i put him in cot instead. My playpen was like a white elephant at home.

My maid is here for ard 1mth and yesterday hubby said let her call back but didnt expect to hear bad news lor. Now we worried for her, dont know how she takes it. we dont dare to ask her more as she broke down whenever we asked.

thanks. i will be careful. mommies, u all also must be careful since we're in last trimester and might not be so mobility with tummy getting bigger everyday. must take care.

i havent started washing bb clothes. hahah. i'm slow. And also havent buy a set of new clothes for her full mth.
Good morning =) Another start of a new week. Every week passes so quickly... before we know it it's time to pop already. Heh.

Getting more and more sian to come to work. Nowadays I get only a few hrs of fitful sleep at night so it's hard to stay awake at work. Anyone with the same trouble??
bhoo, yes yes yes! i really feel sian coming to work already but somehow i think staying at home and play with #1 is more tiring. but at least at home i can nap! so a bit in dilemma. me also can't sleep well at night due to #1 recently. thinking of either getting him out or getting myself out cos gynae says closer to date i need all the strength that i can have to last thru the labor.

hopefully this week will be a quick and happy one.

ourlovestory, PM me if interested, i'll share with you my long long list. you can reduce if you want cos i think TMC provides more baby stuff than Mt A.

ladies, boss having a one on one review with me on performance. wish me the best yah? hv to compete with all those super communicative and expressive ang mohs. and my boss also an ang moh.
i also having the blues... so tiring..
my bb is doing somersault today.. so painful...

liligal: thanks for sharing, i have sent u a pm! good luck for your review!
monday is getting bluer and bluer haha have a good week ahead ladies!

the urge to take half day here and there is super strong, been reminding myself to save my leave for year end sigh!
i also don't sleep well during the nite. usually sleep ard 12am and will wake up ard 2am, 4am interval. either is need to pee or my back is aching. then alarm clock rings at 6pm liao!
Today is officially his week 34. Counting down...

Ladies, you have the feeling of your baby doing construction work in your tummy? It's just like a big lump of wind moving about non stop from your bladder to your lungs. Basically is all over the place!
Gosh! My boy just couldn't let me have a peaceful break, and I wonder...I really still have so much space for him to swim about meh??? But he is so big already - week 32 @ 2.5-2.7kg!
linggie, me also have to resist strong urge to take leave. Annual leave very precious to me cos I want to clear it only after baby is born to spend more time with lil'one. Please give me mental strength and will!

ourlovestory, how to take MC? I dun dare to chao keng MC lei ... I'm a bad liar and I think my doctor can see thru me that I'm just plain lazy and not sick.

lili_gal, good luck! But I'm pretty sure your review will be good cos your boss seems to like you a lot =)
haha i dont want to take MC bcos i dont want to spend $30 just to see GP and take MC.

Bhoo- same lor, i want to reserve my AL for dec, hoping to breastfeed as long as possible, will be difficult once back to work!
Laura, strong baby movement is actually very good! That's like a sign that your boy is thriving very well. For me, my baby's movements are still very slight and most of the time it's just gentle thumping actions or jabbing at a specific spot. So I must really make a conscious effort to count that my baby at least make 10 thumping actions in a day.

linggie, your co does not cover medical fee for GP?
bhoo: Pros and cons. I was so hungry but I cannot eat my usual portion of lunch because my bb is pushing my stomach and it makes me nausea sometimes. =.=" Will eat the apple given by my sweet colleague this morning to fill the space 1hr later.
Ladies, anyone of you starting to have weird wet dreams like me? I thought I would only have it during my late 1st trim but lately it's coming back and I can suddenly feel high (orgasm) when I'm in the middle of my sleep. Last night dreamt of cute guys again. Alamak!
Laura: same here...sometimes the way she kicks or moves (I really don't know what she's doin) seems like an earthquake happening in my tummy. N for me the big lump moves from left to right.
mummy_lee: I'm very envious of you oh...
This Fri I'm going to see gynea again and I forsee he will nag at my bb's weight and my diet again.
Just saw doc on Sat, seems like bb slowed down his intake. 32w5d at 2.1kg, 55th percentile. Phew!
Same here, been waking up in the middle of the night between 2 - 4 am, then after that cannot sleep and sit in bed for about an hour before finally dozing off. Usually brain dead all day the next day.
Laura, why alamak? Enjoy!
Laura, it's normal to not eat huge portions now. I eat less for my main meals now but I make it up with fluid intakes ... I drink milk in between meals =) I hope like that can help keep my weight down. I dun want to gain too much weight at this stage already.

Not too sure abt wet dreams... but I do get weird recurring dreams of my husband rushing me to hospital for delivery and in my mind all I can think of is that I've not washed my hair and hence not ready to go into delivery ward. Everytime I wake up from a dream like that I will have sudden urge to re-arrange my baby's drawers and revisit checklist of things I need to buy.
Citizen, your baby's weight is ideal!!! Lucky you! I'm going for my 32nd week visit to gynae this sat and I hope it's good news for me too =)
citizen: Can be any man in my dream except my own. HAHAHA! :p Woo-la-la

bhoo: Last night I dreamt that I'm in Thailand and Hong Kong. Travelling all over the world eh? Amazing!
laura, hahahhhaa... ur wet dreams making ur hubby jealous? me dun hv leh... keep waking up with weird dreams like jumping floating lifts etc for this morning.

bhoo, you #1 or #2? usually #2 will feel more cos gynae says our tummy is like stretched so can feel better. also becos we are more sensitive. also bb's position as well. mine is facing outwards so all the kicks i kena. if she face backwards will be better. hope she'll turn soon. and no la i think my ang moh boss compared my pay with the rest of the ang mohs and realized i'm the lowest paid one by far. seriously... he hinted to me. so pay wise he tries to see what he can do without going against standard HR policy. but review wise diff.. the ang mohs are really good in talking. nothing also can say until got cows and horses in sky.

citizen, cherish, me too. keep waking up and i dun dare to see clock or else i stress and can't sleep.
haha Laura, ur dreams are so erotic!

my company medical can be used to claim maternity package so i used every single cent of it, so GP have to be out of own pocket already.

my baby is like yours Bhoo, still pretty gentle either that our tummy has more space to cushion their movements?
laura, your alternate life very exciting lei!

lili_gal, this is my #1. I also hope that's the reason for such slight movements. I always look forward to my gynae's appointment cos I need the reassurance that my baby is doing well.

argghhh ... so sleepy!!!
So ladies, I got a conclusion from being pregnant. In order to get high, it's really all in the mind. *evil grin*

cherish: I'm on "vegetarian meal" god knows for how long already! sigh..

linggie: Seriously deprived, that why. *sobs*

lili_gal: You think he'll bother?
Give me a FIVE!! hahah
i'm going to see my gynae this friday too. =)

i'm also in zzzz mind now. can't concentrate what i'm doing.
Went to make myself 1/2 cup coffee... buay tahan already.

Cherish, I've been brain dead the moment I stepped into office this morning. Hardly got any work done today. That's why you see I contribute so much to this thread today. LOL.

lili_gal, how did you review go? Got good news? Pay increment?!
afternoon all! been out over the weekends thn din post anything, reading n reading all ur posts! haha.. i went to swim .. 1lap i was panting like dog. HAHAHA!

i submitted my ML dates. EDD 02/08, i submitted ML from 23/07 onwards. had wanted to take 27.. but HR ask me take earlier.

just now she asked me for my BC for #2. i was like ... also must wait till i give birth also ma. i feel so pek chek. she make it sound like i gg eat the company 4mths. at first chase me for my ML leave date tell me if i dun submit earlier wait they have to claim than if delay than wait my pay also delay blahblah. grr.

last week i asked her if im entitled to HL, cos i heard alot b4 EDD sure will get HL or MC to rest at hm rights? so i asked her, thn this morning she went to ask big boss instead of ladyboss.. than hor.. she came down asked me close door i thought wad happn. ended up she said 'boss say ML is not cos u r too sick to work or wad its cos u hv a bb n nit to rest n tkkare. but if u r given HL or MC cannot possibly force u to work'.. in the first place what had u asked boss?!! how come his answer is like that, sure u din ask properly right??? over lunch i questioned her again how she ask boss she said oh i jus did ask u say check if u r entitled. if yes u did check like that cannot be i get such a reply. am i right? still hv to close door talk? than thn i cue her again asking y boss will reply like that she kept quiet.

i feel v angry n sad, in the first place, i din say i 100% taking HL. i am not a doctor, my gynae wan give me anot its fully up to her dio bobh? im jus checking if im given HL am i paid. but how u put it to boss its like i cfm taking HL, n how boss answers to ur questions n how u convey to me make me feel like boss feel im taking advantage.

u chase me for dates i understand.

leave not approved cos too many ppl on leave that time i was declined of leave for gynae visit than suan ler.

u always never help us, but u keep everything also boss boss boss. i try to treat u like a fren but u keep drawing a line that u r the manager. =(

hais. anyone have such bad treatment at work?
linggie, your company so good!!! i seldom visit GP at all normally, like max 2x in a year cos i now know how to adjust based on heaty cooly. hehehe... so if can claim maternity will be so so so good!

laura, is it the vegetarian meals that are making you think otherwise in your alternate life? hahaha... i also want!!!!

bhoo and cherish, review was good! cos i set out tasks and then completed all of them. he was quite impressed and allowed me to go on my maternity in peace finishing off 3 more items that i m working on. so everything's good. no increment lah but at least he confirmed my 100% pay during my maternity leave vs the 50% scare tat i got from HR policies. all approvals done so i'm ok. or else really sian... imagine jus having 50% paid to you just becos u r building the nation!

btw, i drank coffee and green tea already. really can't tahan the sleepiness. zombified. high in sugar and high in caffeine. tahan 2 more weeks can work from home liao. meanwhile, taking childcare leaves here and there so i perpetually only work 3.5 day wk for these 2 weeks.

sudden craving for ice cream!!!!!

rykiel, is this ur manager or HR? this person not married is it? how to have BC without kid?!!?

my HR quite bad... many departments. i still hvnt gotten answer back as to is it that sales staff only get paid 50% normally i.e. without my boss' special intervention. really wonder if i'm the only sales staff to get pregnant. odd.
i m sure alot of other mummies and their hubbies are equally deprived ;)

liligal, ya good in that sense, my colleague couldnt finish his money last dec, went to splurge 750 on a pair of prescription glasses, the claims also can be for chiropractor and TCM so i m always in deficit than excess!
Hi muummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I have Carters brand new clothes for newborn. All still packed never opened. These are directly from U.S.
These are for quick sale on first come basis.
You only pay for Local shipping and registered mail for shipment is preferred.
**As you can see below,its for boys only.

(1)Carter's 2 pc Swaddle blanket - SGD 15

(2)Carter's 4 Piece Side Snap Long Sleeve - SGD 23

(3)Carter's 5 Piece Side Snap Short Sleeve - SGD 23

(4)Carter's 5 Piece Multi Pack for Boys - SGD 19

(5)Carter's Long Sleeve Yellow Bodysuit - SGD 9

(6)Carter's Long Sleeve Red Bodysuit - SGD 9

(7)Carter's Monkey Pacifier Clip - SGD 9

Let's not mess up the thread here, so pls PM me for quick buy.
All items above are based on sale prices as stated in Carters website.

Pls email me directly **Only if you are taking all the items above***
[email protected]
linggie, i like your claims system!

so so so sleepy.. and hubby not planning to pick me up till 6:30pm close to 7pm!!! i'm stuck here not wanting to work, can't take a nap and can't spend time with my boy. argh.
Hmmz why izzit that now feel so moodless to work... Keep forgetting this and that and everyday go work think of knocking off only. Is this normal for pregnant woman? Suddenly like mind switch off liao.

How abt surfing net n chk for bb stuff?

Ur comp is soon good. It sounds like mnc structure to me. I hv pathetic medical claim. Not enough to use n I hv to fork out own money. E most, can claim only 4 times
