(2012/07) Jul 2012

Marie: i have the same smelly armpit problem too.. especially after lunch coz i perspire ...

joy: i bought m&s maternity bra which is very comfy but i did not buy their nursing bra as it is expensive and comes in very big sizes! I did ordered motehrcare nuring bra online thou... so it is much cheaper than in sg. i bought a range of nuring bras: from fair, from spring maternity, from mothercare and my latest purchase is emma jane nuring bra
i just realised i never buy any nursing tops! i think i will just be naked when BF at home! hee heee...

i have a question: are you planning to let your bb sleep in air con? esp july is so hot??

joy: my hubby has to run whenever i fart at home! *LOL.. but it is really very hard to control it when i am at work... :-/ i keep going to the toilet which is no good too...
ourlovestory: haha..i tot it was the sryup for my constipation which my gyne gave me tat keep caused me to keep farting..
anyway what is the different between maternity bra n nursing bra? how to differentiate??
maternity bra is those without wire one and more comfy while nuring bra comes with an extra clip which you can take off from either one side for BF.

i have very bad constipation and it is terrible that i fart and cant poo!
i think could be due to the iron pill...
ourlovestory: I went uniqlo yesterday to get the singlet kind top that has padding inside...so don't need to wear bra....just pull the strap down and feed when at home
Anyway none of the nursing bra fits me as they all come in at least 34B and I'm only 32B

I would like to recommend my CL to MTBs if you have yet to book your CN. I will be finishing my confinement in 2 weeks time as she is doing confinement for me for 40days.

She is very neat, fast, hygenie and responsible.
She available for confinement duties from mid-June till end July as she has been booked in mid Aug.

Do free to PM me if you are keen, and I will share with you my confinement experience with you. No obligation.
marie, how you remain so good size!?!? ahhh.. i'm so so so envious!!!

qin, 1kg for 3wks only. not very controlled. i hope to gain only half kg lor.

joy, GD = gestational diabetes. only happened during pregnancy. GBS = Group B streptococcus, a bacteria.

tanny, 20K like a bit too much. mine was 10K i think cos it was emergency c-sect. i stayed 2 days and #1 stayed 1wk in nursery due to jaundice. actually i realized all the small items like 2nd pack of this and that cost money also. which is why this time, i'm bringing my own stuff! hahaha....
I eat loads and loads of yogurt to prevent constipation =) It really really helps. I consume the whole big tub in 4 days. That's like 2 servings per day.

Marie, you sound very slim lei...

lili_gal, my weight gain is like 1kg per week lor. Sigh. How to lose all these weight later?!
marie ang: ya man! 32B was pre-pregnancy! now a 34C.. even then, i found it hard to get nursing bras.. cos usually they're left with the bigger sizes.

liligal: all these hospital bills, how many % can we claim from medisave? how does the hospital bills paid? fully cash 1st?
Honestly, I'm getting a bit worried with regard to hospital bill. I'm getting a single bedded room at Mt A and I'm actually expecting to top up cash of not more than $4k after medisave deduction. Is that too optimistic?
Gals...I used to be a 32A and I'll have to use the inner most clasp for all my bra...now only increase 1 cup size and have to use the outer most clasp...so I have problems with nursing bra...hope I can manage without them.
The motivation for remaining slim....so that I don't have to throw out my entire wardrobe post-pregnancy!!!
i would think her majority of 20k boil down to the 10 days NICU? NICU is very expensive.

Bhoo, i think that is abit optimistic? My gf took double bedded in Mt A, i think she paid 4-5K. i also reserved single bed at Mt A.
I heard after labour, they'll confirm with you your room requirements depending on the hospital's availability as well?
Cos' I was intending to see ... like if successful natural birth, no epidural etc, I'll ask for a better room and if it ended up being emergency c-sec, then I'll downgrade my requirement. Cos' I have company insurance but subject to a limit. :p
Does it work like that? Anyone can confirm?
joy: i have been good, real bz this week, as one of my colleague took a week of urgent leave and i got to cover his stuffs.. been working late for the past few days..

lili_gal, you weight gain is making me envy, 1kg gain in 3 week is like a dream to me. on average, i am gaining 0.5 to 1 kg in a week plus.. with 8 more weeks to go, i am going to be like an elephant at full term..
zhen: u need to rest yeah..
dun overworked..

tml i m going to see my gyne hopefully i didnt gain too much this time round..

thanks lili_gal n ourlovestory for answering my qns=)
hehe.. hmm i m thinking do i need to use both of it or not=X haha.. wanna save $$ lei.. like super expensive.. gosh.
Ladies....I just paid the VPost shipping for my California Baby and Carters products.
The total cost of the 19oz Calming Blend Shampoo and Bodywash come up to SGD34.65...just wanted to check if this is cheap or ex? Any better suggestion of other websites to purchase from that may be cheaper?
Citizen: Mt A shd be confirming again the room type with you after delivery. When I delivered #1, no single room was available that night, so hubby upgraded to premium single room coz I did it naturally with no epi. Next night move back to single room when it became available.
Ourlovestory, Laura, I also perspire like crazy, hair can even be wet kind, really embarrassing esp at functions, doesn't help that it's hot weather now

Marie, mummy lee, can try Emma Jane or Bravado nursing bras, it comes in 32 and 34, not the cheapest but paying for quality.
Marie think the price is ard there. There is a local online store that sells at 35.50 still need to exclude postage

Marie, you can try La Leche nursing bras from mother works. Think they re more suited for the smaller built. But call before u head to the tanling mall branch. I rem the sales peron telling me limited stock.

Just rem whatever nursing bra - choose one without underwire.

I'm still shopping for baby mattress. Anyone heard of Fiberlux mattress - made with coconut husk. Saw it at Taka today. Any feedback?

Also at Taka sale, Philips Advent 20% off plus add 10% if u r Taka card holder.
Pigeon less 10% plus add 10%
Kalmen, how much did you see the coconut husk mattress for? I saw at Kiddy Palace. Cost something like S$150, but sales person told me to wait for GSS, get 20% off.
It's supposed to be cooler than foam (or so the sales pitch goes). Feels very firm too.
bhoo, you serious on 1kg per wk!? how can? norm should be about 500-700g per wk i think. ur gynae got say anything? i ate more than normal leh and all sweet stuff. since birthday mth got lotsa "celebrations" which all revolve around food.

bhoo, zhen, how much you gained in total oredi?

mummylee & marie, i realy envy you all. i was B+ or C when i started and now D+. saggy, droopy and i very upset abt them. when filled with milk they will get bigger!!! really a liability cos my backbone around that area will ache.

bill wise, i think can claim quite a bit from medisave. not sure how much i paid last time. i think can use credit card or nets to pay.

bhoo, if u r doing natural, shudn't be so much and 4K shud be ok. i have emergency c-sect which is the highest rate, single room, stayed extra nights and baby stayed for 1 wk in nursery. yah, agree with linggie could be the NICU that increased the rate for your friend.

joy, i think GBS not needed. the urine stick test for protein and then if change color will ask u for further test on GD, so i think if gynae din ask, no need lah.

oh mattress, we got the babysafe one from robinsons last time. it was hard and good. but then when his pee leaked, we had a tough time thinking wat to do, we washed the area but realized can't put in the sun and can only fan dry it. then one day, this hubby put in sun for a while and it smelled of burnt rubber. so now not sure if still want to use or buy new ones. and also, if got extra old ones on standby or mattress for baby, please make sure it's available. better if such wet issues happened.
mummy lee: the single bedded in gleneagles is ranging from 528 to 636, Mt A is 400 to 490, tmc is 480 to 550, mt e is 578 to 717...

Marie: i think there are some ready stock selling in the forum "19oz Calming Blend Shampoo and Bodywash" is 31-34 bucks.. so should be around the range.. still cheaper than singapore lah!

bhoo: i do not really like yogurt..
i prefer ice cream! :D
lili_gal, already gained 13kgs so far at 31weeks 5days.. i hope most of the weight is going to my boy, so i will have lesser to lose after giving birth.. haha!!
liligal: i hear good comments about bb safe mattress leh.. but it is not cheap! so i just make use with the foam mattress which is anti dust.. should be ok too right? *hm...
zhen, so far ok wat. i gained only 10kg for this girl but last time i was around 15-16kg i think for my #1. however, after BF-ing for 1.5yrs, i was 1kg slimmer than pre-pregnancy days without dieting. in fact, i ate more since i was BF-ing and always hungry.

ourlovestory, it's good lor. but the drying part needs to wait and can't put it in sun or worse, use hair dryer. frankly, bb doesn't care abt our mattress, just need to ensure it's solid but soft enuff so that their spines are not "crooked" later. hahaha...
The threads running so fast. Can't catch up. ;p

My tummy is quite pointed n ppl are asking if I confirmed carrying a gal. Any mommy alsohving pointed tummy but is a gal?
cherish: I'm like you...maybe because I'm petite also...ppl thought I'm havin a boy....but gynae has double confirmed mine's a girl
The coconut husk mattress price differs depending on size.
Range from 159-239..
At kiddy place the size is 27"x47"x3" = 159. 20% off if member, 15 off if not.

For comparison of px of the same size, Taka is same price at 159 but with 20 off plus 10 with card.

For coconut husk, was told, can't wash, but can sun.
Pro is firmness, natural materials
Con is according to kiddy place, can b warm in spore weather.

For babysafe px, for those interested
28x52x3 =235
28x48x3 = 226
At Taka 10% off with card.
Hmm in my case, I'm trying to put on more.

At 34 weeks, I've put on bout 7 kg. while the baby is average weight, the fluid is low.. At my last check I put on only 100g over 2 weeks. Faint.
So hopefully when I go in on mon. Miraculously I've loads of fluid.
yee? babysafe i dun remember spending so much. i think i spent only 100+ leh... i got mine at robinsons then and comes with a free diaper bag.
Same here! But mine is beri pointed n BIG that it invited unnecessary stares. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable on it.

Cot mattress
I ordered #1 fr seahorse last time n think it costed <$100. Just that need to provide e measurement to e shop.
I'm at my 31st week and gained 12kg already. The last mth alone I gained 3.5kg! And I really dun eat much. Also did nt increase my calorie intake... Dunno how I managed to gain all tt weight.

I bought foam mattress at bb expo. Under $100 with delivery and customised size. Mine sounds cheap compared to the prices u gals are quoting.
I have a brand new baby carrier to give away. It's the Urban baby carrier by Spring. Suitable for nb all the way to 12kg. It's nothing fancy but functional. PM me if any of u are interested ok? I can send u pics via email.
Lili_gal.. Yah just seen my gynae today, and he was assuring me that my weight gain is ok.. As long as I'm eating well &amp; baby is growing well.. Everything is ok... As of 31week, bb is around 2kgs.. Hope that's not too heavy.. Hee

Anyway gynae has confirmed the rashes that I have been suffering for the past 2 weeks is due to the stretch mark lotion I'm using...
bhoo : ya send the pic of the baby carrier. i hv yet to buy one amd intending to do my shopping these few weeks. btw, yr pm not on..

linggie : ya, i also dunno y so much. i heard if natural first, but cant make it, then change to csearean then must pay a lot, as ur charged for both. plus she was induced for 2 days and nicu. sounds jia lat..
tanny, yes, it's called emergency c-sect i.e. not planned c-sect. think it's at least 40% more expensive than normal delivery. plus some more she was induced 2 days and NICU so tat's a lot of money.
Lili gal: think prices have risen tremendously.. I was at Robinsons and it's the same price for baby safe. Inflation i guess. Terrible.

With emergency c-sect, you can check with your gyne. I asked mine and found out its just one charge. The more exp charge - which is the c-sect and not double charge.
Lili_gal: yes Palmer!! My gynae look at my rashes &amp; he immediately tells me "you're using Palmer cocoa butter right?" and I got a shock lo!! He keep Saying don't understand why this product still in the market.. Lol
And he says it's so common those using this cream will get bad rashes when they reached their last trimester... And usually takes weekss for the rashes to go away

I threw away all my Palmer product once I reached home just now.. Not gonna touch them again...
Oops, me turned on my PM but forgot to save changes. LOL. Pls try to PM me again =)

BTW, why can I upload attachment to this thread?


Ok, finally managed to upload the pictures... first come first serve. Can pick up from tg pagar or boon keng station.
