(2012/07) Jul 2012

mummies..my gynae told me not to bd in the first tri le..even my ex-gynae told me the same thing..so for safety purpose, i rather not to.

Hi Smalleyespy
I read that we should not eat beansprouts,raw eggs & uncooked food. Bacteria. Not good.They din mention about Kimchi.

Hi Mrs Ho,
Ops..I got it mixed up with Lawrence Ang. HAHA. he is the one at Sunplaza. Benjamin Tham is at TMC. Read too much review till i blur.
Hi All

Good to see a Jul 12 thread up

Am at week 6+. Visited gynae last week and saw the sac and hb. Next visit is at week 8.

Having the gagging and nausea feeling too, esp so during evening time. No appetite at all. Have craving for cold drinks and bubble tea. But can't right? I am taking cold orange juice and cold milk thought. Hope its ok.
E TAN.. R u saying dr benjamin tham's clinic is @ sun plaza? Sembawang that one? Which floor?
I only know dr lawrence ang at 4 or 5 th floor near foodcourt.
Smiley, still can do it with hubby. Gynae just said that if got spotting need to wait for 3 days later then do. But cuz I'm spotting a lot now so gynae advise me better nt to. Hard to imagine nt doing it with hubby for so long lei

Etan, can't eat bean sprout ah??? I didn't know lei!!!

Smalleyespy, all along I have same feeling as u, hard to imagine my dad accepting I'm pregnant but hor when I was trying for bb, he actually ask me mom to call me and give me sex advice!!!! I almost fainted
I also heard not to ML during first trimester leh. So I told my DH can't. Haha. Then he said so sad, but he's still smiling. Haha. I told him to go ask gynae this sat. Haha.

Before I tested +ve, I also broke a lot of eating rules leh. Even had wine 'cos DH's b'day. Hoping and praying that little one is still fine and doing well. But I'm still being optomistic 'cos had a lot of reasons against me getting preggy easily but I still manage to do it naturally and within 5 months of marriage. So I think my bb is a strong one!
Peapea : wa seh! Your papa damn steady leh! Lol.. Ask your mum to give you advise still... Hmmmm.. Your parent must be having good times! =X hahahhahah! I dont think my dad know i am preggy with #2 yet.. Hahaha! But somehow i think he know it! :/ cause i told my mum i wanna dragon bb.. Hahaha.. Than my dad nv ask much leh.. But got ask me eat eat eat.. So i think more or less maybe he know bah. :/
angelia, ya lor i was damm paiseh can... but hor i think all parents know whats going on with their children one even if we dont tell them... my mom often hint me that.. so not surprised if ur dad knows or suspecting u are expecting

lady dee, opps i even had tequila shots before i found out... had to go hen's night so no choice
peapea: Wahahaha... wah.. my dad will never do that! its always my mom.. she always buys lingerie for me! tsk.. ahaha.. all very TINY!!! hahaa.. i duno wana cover which part! hahaha..

Lady Dee: Congrats!!!! So touching! I think ur BB is gona be a strong kiddo!! Jiayou huh! dun worry about breaking the rules before u tested +ve... i BROKE alot alot alot of major ones too! lol.. ur not alone ya! so no worries!!! *pat on shoulder*
Peapea : steady lo... Aiyah.. Dont really have to be
Paisay lah.. All adult liao mah.. And you're doing with your lawful husband leh... If really wanna paisay, i more paisay can... I 23 become a mummy... Give birth on March... Than now already have #2 liao... Imagine what will my dad think? Etc" wahh.. The sex life sooo 丰富 ar?" 我不是更 paisay ! =\
angelia and smalleyespy, my family quite open post marriage... my granny also called me... told me to reserve sperm so that it will be more powerful and strike... i was like HUH -_-""

oh ya angelia, im curious, how u gg to manage with two young child??

smalleyesp, ur mom more power... still buy lingere for u!
Hahaha...smalleyespy...ur mom very power! Remind me of my friend's mom who also gave her sexy, tiny, see through lingerie when she went for her honeymoon. Then told her that since she's going to a private villa, no need to bring swimming suit, just go skinny dipping with hubby. lol
Hi mumenetan

So far, I normally visit him on mon or wed nights or sat morning. Sat will be rather crowded. Night time is still okay. Wait for about half an hr. Yup, he has package. Think it is $500 or $700 for 10 sessions without the pills.
Hi piky

I think so. My husband kept commenting that my body feels v hot. I mean in terms of body temperature. I guess it is normal bah due to all the hormone changes.
lol.. angelia.. u very funny too.. haha.. The sex life sooo 丰富.. this part! hahaha.. usually they say.. women who have just given birth or just stopped BreastFeeding.. will be super fertile! so maybe thats the reason!

Lady Dee & PeaPea!! I finally told my mom i am preggers just now VIA sms.. wahahaha.. she told me 4months no SEX! i replied.. HUH like that how my husband tahan.. she tell me.. U HELP HIM!! hahahaha... anyways... am glad i listened to you guys to tell my mama!! i am happy and relieved now!

tmr will be the 1st appt.. wish me luck!!

Yay! Knock off time!!

Wising one and all MTBs a great WED nite ya!! though now we cannot go havoc and enjoy ladies nite.. hahaha..but.. lets just live the moment & find our own activities that gives us pleasure!!!

Cya all tmr!
Smalleyespy : hahaha! Realy mah.. Normally guys will think this way mah.. Lol ! Hmm.. I agree with the stop breastfeeding very fertile. Cause i just stopped like 2month ago when mygirl is 6month old than mygirl 8th month tio liao... =\

Haha! Your mummy also cute leh!!! "4month no sex, you help him" LOL!!! I was laughing real hard when i saw your post! Heeheee... 你们的 mummy damn stylo and steady leh!!! My mummy only say "if do hor... Position must change abit hor... 不要压倒!" =.=!!! lol !!!
Wahahaha... Think the topic of "sex" really lighten things up here...

Angelia, e tan & peapea - Wow... thanks for the extra assurance... No need to wait til next Wed liao... Lolx...

smalleyespy - Yeah tonite can seduce hubby liao... but will be gentle... dun wanna "traumatise" bb... kekeke...

Eww... I hope my parents dun come giving me sex advice cos I think it's weird! =X
Oh yeah... read somewhere online...

There is no question that is too silly to ask your gynae during the consultation... e.g. "will my hubby's p***s poke the baby?" Lolx...
SmileyLOTS : actually The answer is YES!!!! No wrong to ask gynae that... Infact when i am 2week before my #1 due.. My gynae aay have sex can make the delivery more fat and
Smooth... Ahahaha... So yup!!!
there is no harm
Lah.. But of cause first trimester must be gentle abit... Heehee...
Hi all mummies,

how are you all. look like we have so many babies due in July 2012. i am currently 4 weeks pregnant with my second one. waiting for my dr's appt next week. think my girl is rather clingy now. wonder does she know, or can she feel it?
Hi fellow mummies,

that's a lot of posts for today! on the s-e-x topic, i remember my gynea advise no orgasms, be gentle, girl on top to control the depth, etc.
Ashley : congrat on your + !
hmmm... I would rather believe that our #1 will know.. Cause before i start to test.. Mygirl already very cling on me out of sudden.. And my mum did mention that maybe i tio liao. But i didnt believe till i check...
I had spotting during my last pregnancy. The family doc also advised no BD, end up still lost the baby.

Now I read abt beansprouts, I wonder if it might be because of that too :p cos I ate Korean food frequently, the cold beansprout (side dish) and beansprouts in the soup.

I was also diagnosed with UTI when I went to the ER, right before I started bleeding. I also wonder if that caused my miscarriage.

Stressed. so many things to look out for.
Thanks Angelia.

so far my girl is only clingy when she feels like.

just want to ask any mummies out there have any cravings, tend to be more lethargic. i have been craving for so many food that my husband will cook (staying overseas currently). can't wait to go back to singapore and satisfy all my cravings
Morning mummies...

Haha! Yup! Having alot of craving till my hb also
Scare liao... And i start to eat alot... And i mean really alot... Hahaha!!
Good morning mummies

I don't have cravings. Most often, I have no appetite for food.
Hb always asked me wat I want to eat, and my reply will be nothing.

Wat are you gals having for breakfast today? I m having Swiss rolls and Milo.
Morning mummies!

4 months no sex? I only told my hubby the next 2 months. Wahahaha....and why no orgasm? For the guys or us? Haha.

I don't have cravings leh. But I find I can only eat food with heavy taste now, zhong kou wei. If not, I only eat a few mouths don't want liao 'cos like tasteless, not nice to eat. Haha. And I don't really eat sweet stuff anymore. My love for bubble tea is gone. I used to crave for it a lot. But for the past month, even when I get the chance to buy, I would give it a miss.
Hi ladies!

Ashley, where are you? I'm currently overseas too, but going back to SG in two weeks time. Finally! Can't wait man.. I would also feel safer back in SG I guess, at least the doctors there seem more willing to prescribe medication to protect the bb.

Anyone knows if it is safe to consume spicy food? I really love to drink the Korean spicy soup and Mala steamboat soup!
Hi morning! I'm having Quakers cereal. Today wake up not hungry, not feeling nauseas.

Btw, can we go for weddings and baby showers?
Love asa : yup.. I think it's okay to have spicy food cause i do that too...

Mai ne : it depend on your own believe... Some ppls still go... But for my case, my mum stop me from going... As for bb shower, if you wanna go.. Just dont carry the bb can let...
Me too heavy taste nw. At times craving for buttery n cheesy taste stuff, was thinking of pizza the other day...appetite has been gd, I dun eat a lot but I can finish my portion :p

But since last night, I start feeling like puking when my mouth has the funny bitter taste, m I starting with the MS symptoms soon?
Mai Ne> If you not pantang, should be can bah. I have one this sunday, and since I have not announce, I'm still going. Only cannot go during the morning, I think, to fetch the bride. Means cannot be jie mei, etc.

I'm going for mala steamboat tmr! Haha. But I always have diarrhoea after spicy food. lol.
For me, I dont have much cravings. I still eat normal cereals for breakfast. Think we all need to learn to drink lots of milk and build up our calcium. I sort of hint to my gf ystd..and she was so happy for me.

She has a baby gal.

How old are most of you? I have a so called*100yr old chart* that can predict ur baby gender close to 95% base on our age..haha. mine wld prob be a gal..after that all will be boy le. Think i m abit over..haha. thinking so far..
If you gals interested, i can post it...then we can check out accuracy after 4 mths.
I try tested when I'm at Wk 3 cos I have the symptom of preggy! But was negative and was duper sad. But I know it's too early still! Hee and my period is quite regular! Anyway will test again next wk cos I miss my period le!

My mum did tell me can go to baby shower but just don't carry the baby!
hmm but baby are too cute and I always carry my niece! So long not patang can le!!
I think no need pantang la.. coz i have seen preggie ppl going to wedding and baby showers.

I also have a few weddings up in the pipeline, one also to be jiemei this Sunday and another dinner nxt week.
i also have this funny taste in my mouth.. its like no matter what i eat... after that there's no taste.. like all the taste buds dieded... ah! just like after eating panadols or antibiotics for a few days

plus, i also got quite a bit of phlegm... is that normal?
