(2012/07) Jul 2012

Angelia: me not very young or old la..26! But among my close friends I'm like the first?! All keep complaining can't find nice guy to date or settle down.. Used to party once a week one leh.. Married I also go hubby let cox it's all with girls. And I'm like the one who organized suddenly I stop.. All also can guess lo! So I didn't hide from my close friends. And kena Jie mei on 11/11 but I can't be also..
so hard to hide, think all of us just want first trimester faster over! Lol! You how old Angelia?
u so lucky got no1 liao..

Cleopatra : icic... Your are younger than my hb 1year!
i am only 23 this year.. Hahaha! Just gave birth to mygirl on March this year and now carrying #2 lo...
heehee.. I guess i am the youngest bah! =p me too miss those drinking times with my
Friends... We use to drink everyday before i had mygirl.. Than stopped up till now lo... But after i give birth also got go drink with hb lah.. Just that gu gu ji bai nia.. Heeee!
Angelia: wow u really very young! Same age as 2 of my close friends! They say I curse them ask them join motherhood now not even married lol! Wow u march give birth now no2!! So lucky.. I also want 2 at least.! Lol

Ya super miss partying man..and my friends keep laughing how party queen can stop partying for 9mth? And mum to be!! Lol! I meet them for dinner they drink I see them drink lo. Ask me smell only.. Damn mean lo!

I will wait and see if my hubby will let me go drink after I give birth.. Lol! I but scared no time all for baby and work.

U full time mummy? I don't know the short form leh.. Lol!
Ashley, I just went to Canada last week! Went to Vancouver. I'm now in Vancouver but US haha.

Read that many of you will be attending weddings. Will u be taking the shark fin soup? Read that we are not supposed to, be I think I will be VERY tempted to take lei. It's just one small ball, with very little shark fin only. Can I just drink the soup without eating the shark fin?

I'll be having a girl, according to the chart. But before I tested positive, I had 2 dreams that I have a son lei. Anyway since this is a Chinese chart, and we are using our lunar age, do we look at the lunar month too?
Cleopatra : haha! Sameee.. When i become a mummy and stopped "cheong-ing" my friends was like.. Omg. You are hardcore drinker and smoker.. How are you able to quit? Amazingly i really quit everything! And they were like wahh... Ma ma de wei da" =.=! haha!

Hmmm.. After birth will have alittle relax time de nah.. But really long long once.. Who will be helping you to look after bb, after you give birth?

Yup. I am a full time mummy aka SAHM (Stay At Home Mum)
Good morning mtbs...
It's friday!!!

Angelia..~blink~blink.. u post thread @5.30AM ohhh!!! It's cherelle's milk time???

Tomorrow is my 1st visit to gynae..so excited : )
TGIF mummies!

wow so many young SAHMs, you girls r so blessed to be able to be there for your child's every firsts.

i stopped taking the an tai yao last week after reading comments and true enough, MS is not as bad! hope my gynae not gonna get mad when she finds out haha.
Good morning to all mummies-to-be... Thank God it's Friday!

Just to share... Before & after conception... Went to guardian pharmacy & watsons to ask pharmacist to recommend supplements... Both named blackmores brand as the best as it's made in Australia...

Been having pretty bad cramps for more than a week before tues but no spotting... bought some nefful/teviron products from colleague... panties, socks & wore them to zzz... also placed a piece of teviron cloth on my tummy & back while zzz... seems to help lessen the cramps/discomfort...

Back to work... ZZZzzz...
Good morning!

Wil's mom> It's also my 1st visit to gynae tmr! Hehe. Let's check if we still have the same EDD.

Huh? Cannot take shark's fin ah. Erm, let's hope there's no shark's fin. If not have to make up excuse le....
Hi Angelia, to answer your question a few days back, my #1 is a boy. Wow, you are a mother at a very age. very good. can relax when u r older.lol

Some of u have posted to avoid milk n cheese. I think what ur gynae meant was not to eat fermented cheese. Probably to play safe, they ask u not to eat all cheese!
Good morning all mtb with xiao long nui or xiao long er!

finally yesterday i have 5 hrs of sleep!.. slept at 12+ woke up at 5+.. past few days only 3 hrs..

wow so many young mummies.. i feel so old here.. i am 30 year old..
Loopy2 : yeah!!! That's the plan... Hahaha... Moreover... Me & hb par tor got sometime liao so thought of getting married and have children lo... ^^
I guess avoid cheese 'cos cheese has milk? Haha...I don't know. But I think to avoid milk is b'cos of the recent study of holistic health. Something along the line as someone's gynae who said that you don't see other animals drinking another animal's milk.

Actually I was also told this a few years ago, that milk is actually not good for you contrary to popular belief. Only babies need milk and milk from their mom. It's all around in nature. You don't see adult animals drinking milk do you? I was told if you need calcium, drink soya bean milk. (Is that also considered milk? lol)

But I also had a friend's gynae, who told her the exact same thing. Drink soya milk instead.
Hi Fluffy,
Have you seen Dr. Tham? Mine is tomorrow morning 9am, quite worry coz i had a d&c done by him last Oct. HIs machine is quite advanced, 3D scanning and if too early stage you will need vaginal scan instead, my first child also delivered by him at KKH, Dr. Tham is really a good and caring gynae so i will stick to him even delivery in TMC or Mt. A would be more costly. Good luck to you and all mummies here.
Hi Bodor, unfortunately my appt with Dr Tham next Tues 9am, wasn't able to get any earlier slots.

His reviews seems like he is my kind of gynae.. but unfortunately his nurses not making me confortable enough. I keep having this sharp cramp at my left side & I'm terribly scared of ectopic pregnancy but they dun see me unless spotting or bleeding..

I'll be trying to contact other gynae to see if they can slot me in today and then I'll see from there. A week wait might be ok for most, at most anxious but I dun feel comfortable at all and I need to put my mind at ease.

I'm sure Dr Tham is a good gynae, tell me about him after u see him tmr! I dun mind seeing different gynaes til I find 1 i'm happy with.

Dun worry, d&c so long done well shouldn't cause any future complications, esp since he has ur prev records, he'll know even better to help u stable your pregnancy. Good luck!!
Hi Morning!!

Bingo:Congrats! Welcome to the group.I'm using SK2 too.Guess should be ok since its external use. Cant imagine leting my face become dry and dull..
I havent got MS yet. Had been eating well and zzzz well. My GP just gave me folic acid.No An tai yao.

Loveasa: Good question.. i m not sure if we look at lunar mth too.. coz if we have to, i still get a gal. haha. lets wait and see.

LadyDee: I thik Soya milk is liek beancurd..cant drink too much cos they will form harden substance. I cant rem the name.

Gosh..all the Mums here are young.. *Sob* think i m the older one.haa We wil have to try to earn so much $ as possible to retire early.
bodor, i had a d/c done with Dr tham too at kkh last year.. i think he's a good gyane too.. but i would like to ask a question, i thought of going back to him but keep thinking will I have phobia looking at his face and will all the bad memories keep coming back? hubby said if i am concern better not... i not sure leh..

Thanks E Tan.. ok great to hear i can continute using the product.. i cant imaging myself with dull looking skin too.. in fact i already start to have pimples popping out...

Mink - the an tai yao issit from TCM?
i check with my tcm and gyane.. it will not crash but must gap about 3 hours to take the next medicine ...
Bingo: yes the ATY (an tai yao) is from TCM.. oops i always take the medicine immediately after drinking the ATY :S

btw is it better to take folic + iron in the morning or night?
*SOb* I m indeed the oldest.haha. 33yrs old
i usually take folic acid in the morning.

Bingo, maybe you want to try Paul Tseng? i read good reviews abt him too. I was deciding among a few..
Good morning ladies!!

lady Dee: thats exactly wat my gynae said about milk!! EXACT thing.. haha.. thats why he said dun drink milk..esp cow's milk... we are not allowed to drink goats milk too... sharks fin i also heard.. but those wedding dinner ones can la.. haha.. its those at crystal jade or higher class chinese restaurant which has sharks fin by PIECE thats not appropriate.. TUNA too!! cos has mercury.. eat salmon.. safe..

Etan: morning! huh... soya bean and bean curd also cannot? omg... but i tot have to eat that.. then bb will be fair and complexion be nice? hahah.. then how..... oH! they say CANNOT eat sweet potatoe!! but eat YAm.. very good for us.. heard la.. sigh too many things already.. until very scared.. hahaha

AND.. dun worry!! i also same club with u! this year 30! hiya.. same la.. all 30s club.. haha..
morning ppl!!!

didnt managed to log in yesterday cuz was quite tired... poor sleep cuz keep waking up

re: duphaston
im on it 3 times a day +injection twice a week. because my pregnancy is termed as unstable

re:dr tham
his machine is quite advance.plus still can put color to the hb to show me that it is beating.. he is quite a good gynae and gentle too.. i had spotting in the middle of night on sunday at 9+pm. called his emergency number (linked to the clinic number) and he called me back in less than 15 mins to tell me what to do.. his nurse is actually ok. very nice. it is just that the nurses at the clinic manning the reception a bit more fierce like that... my hubby likes dr tham too

didnt know cant drink milk. soya bean can?? cuz my dad wants me to take it so baby will be fair

angelia, seems like u one of the youngest here lei... im 3 yrs older than u.. hee

maybe we shld start a chart or sth
Huh? So confused on what can eat what cannot. Haha. But I think my body can't take soya bean now. Take liao don't feel well so I have to stick to good, old plain water.

Why sweet potato cannot but yam can? My colleague has this theory of eating yam can increase chance of twins. lol. Also dunno where he got it from.

Mink: I ususally take folic acid in the evening as I understand that if we take caffeine after, it will wash again the Folic Acid.

Bingo; you may want to try WK Tan at TCM. She is very experience, only thing is sometimes have to wait very long...
angelia, chart to see who is in the july club!

lady dee, ur colleague not wrong. in some countries they eat yam products to increase chances of twins. but must eat while u trying. conceive liao how to become twins lei?
Dear Fluffy,
You are right. Because Dr. Tham was moved fm KKH so i got the feeling the nurses in WC Cheng and TMC don't really like and support him
When i first called them last year, they also said Dr. Tham won't see patient before 12 weeks even i try to tell them my bb has no heart beat and i need to see him urgently. When i saw Dr. Tham he said too bad, he could have save my bb if i come earlier! and there is no rule that he wont see us too early. I think you can just go to his website www.drbenjamintham.com send him message and tell him abt your problem, also try to call the nurses again and pursue them. For me i called them last week and they also said they don't have slot, come on next Mon, then i told them i have worriness cos i had a d&c last week and Dr. Tham ask me to come immediately if conceive again, they checked with him and let me in this Sat.
I hope the best for you all.
fluffy and bodor,

i think so long as it is an emergency can see him. got to be insistent with the nurses too. to let the nurses know that u have such a situation and need to see him soon. but dr tham is really good.. i asked him, "u confirm around in july hor" ha!
Love_asa: i am staying in Toronto, Vancouver is a nice city. i had shark fin soup when i was pregnant with my first one, so far no problem.

is the chart accurate? mine says it will be a girl, i was hoping for a boy, but if it is a girl, also can, can dress up.

all mummies on duphaston, must be extra careful and don't over strain yourself.

Hats off to SAHM, i am on 1 year no-pay leave, followed husband to Canada for work, first few months looking after my girl was so challenging, her terrible 2s, however, seeing her growing up so much, mature so much and talking to me like an adult, every moment is worth it. now, when i think back that i will have to start my work in Feb, i feel a little sianzzz and unwilling.
Hi all.I am going to be 6wks tomorrow. Sorry about this question, but I keep passing motion. Like all the time. That is fine. But just now, when I did, I after wiping, I saw some traces of blood at the tissue paper. I am worried, though I am positively sure that, it is not from V. It's from the back. Anyone knows why?.. Thankyou.
my tcm told me dun eat banana, papaya, barley
can eat sweet potato as it helps in constipation which is common amongst pregnancy.. but i believe should be in moderation

豆花 he says got 石膏so dun eat so much.. not sure abt 豆花milk..
mink, u just started should be fine.. maybe from now onwards gap 3 hours or maybe you wanna confirm with your TCM? which TCM are you seeing now? i am with Dr Tan Siew Mui...
i always eat my folic in the morning after my breakfast..

i am actually with Dr LC Foong at Gleneagles but so far he has not done any scans for me.. just blood test and going back next mon to redo the blood test.. i only 3 weeks+ - 4 weeks now..
any mtb started their scans already?
i heard that soya bean will cause infertility but not too sure if preg can eat or drink...
i think can eat bird nest if you wanna your bb to be very fair.. but i heard will cause bb to have asthma.. aiyo so confusing...

what kind of fruits should we eat? kiwi can?
peapea how many weeks are you in now? your scan is thru V i believe? Blood test is to make sure my hcg double and means the pregnany is stable...
peapea.. thank u!! done!!

Deelove: ur stools hard or soft? hmm.. if there is blood.. usually even for normal ppl also better to check.. but u sure its not cos u ate tomato or chilli etc.. that makes the poo poo red? haha..
updated! thanks peapea! hear the hb already right?
thanks Angelia! seems like we have the same edd..

mink - i pay about $80+ for 2 weeks+ medicine.. yours?
Bingo : aiyoh!!! Sa la leh!!! I go in and see wrong edd being key.. But i key 15July mah.. Wapiang! Even
Hospital also wrong! =.=!!! anyway i just edit! Hope no problem!

was reading my previous post. oops, i mean bowl not ball :p

speaking of stools, i am able to go toilet regularly, and the stools are not particularly hard, but painful lor.. i also dun dare to push too much.

i emailed dr benjamin tham for appt with my previous pregnancy, he's quite prompt in his replies. but i had to cancel because of the miscarriage, so now paiseh to go back to him. thinking of going to dr wong mun tat cos his clinic is near my workplace.

can i join the 30s club? i'll be 30 nxt yr :p
