(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hey ladies, do you think it's safe to travel during mid march? My friend ask me go taiwan....haha....but she's doesn't know I'm preggy yet.
Fluffy>I going Melbourne next week ah. Haha. I never get anything from my gynae for this trip. Need to get the travel chit?
i have booked penang in june 2012.. i think i will need to foresake the tickets
my doc is against travelling throughout!!
ourlovestory>My gynae is against air flight during first trimester but I'm still going. I already spent SGD$2500 leh....and that's for me only. My hubby also another $2500. If both forfeit, $5000 gone ah.....heartache leh...
i read that 2nd tri is the best time for travelling, coz energy level is higher. my gynae said ok to travel up to 28-29 weeks, i think.

we were thinking to go back korea in feb, but then my hubby said too cold not good for bb?! so he wanna go resort in thailand instead =S
Fluffy, ahhhhh I'm craving for penang fried kway teow!!!!

I'm hoping to travel to hk like end feb or beginning march. Will see how.

Anyway, mom of 2 is right, constipation caused the piles. Strangely I'm drinking water like mad but no use

Aiyah, once I lie down, I feel hungry. I stay up I feel tired. Don't know what my body wants liao
i was planning to go bali last week but my doc is against it and i was not feeling too well too so i also decided not to go. my doc wrote me a letter and with the letter, you can proceed with the refund/postpone of dates with the airline. luckily i booked sq, so i just postponed it to next year instead.

anyway, if you feel ok to fly and travel, then just be careful during the trip

normally t2 is the best time to fly! i will see how by then, maybe i will go secretly without telling my doc! ;p
the letter is so sweet touching

fluffy & those mummies whom wan improve breathing while sleeping
i hv allergy nose every nite i paste the breathe right to help me breath better while sleep per box 12stripe cost $8.50
ourlovestory> I told my gynae during the first check-up when he mention not to travel. Then he said it's safe to travel by air, he just scared if emergency or anything no one to help. But I didn't remind him and confirm that I'm going during the 2nd check-up. =P
I had in fact signed up for taiwan tour but gynae advised me to cancel. so end up cancel lor cos don't want take risk. the tour agency lady also nice to teach me. Ask Gynae write a kao kao letter and use letter submit. In the end I only need to pay $75 and hubby $250 cancellation for confirm flight. The rest all refunded back. No doubt still lost but the amount is not big. BB more impt.

For my case, my gynae say no travelling if possible....no ML at all, cos scared the spermies will create havoc in the uterus due to acidic.
nearby travel maybe can give up coz not much money, but maybe for lady dee, her travel is expensive and also consider mid distance. it is still better to tell your gynae and your gynae can advice you as well as to take the neccessary medi... just take good care and be careful for the trip and of coz enjoy!
Etan - ya TMC normally MOn and fri very crowded..sat even worse.....im also going back mext thurs for final review b4 DR gives me all clear to travel..

TRavel - im also travelling to Perth next week. Tink better to get "fit for travel" chit from dr and necessary medications (like headache, cramps, spotting, diarrhoea etc) safe for preggy woman better...to play safe, since we in a foreign land....very chi chum if *touch wood* really fall sick or wat...
actually if ur doctor write a letter say he recommend u not to air travel, u can get the airlines to postpone/cancel ur flight.. SQ did a refund for my friend's Europe tix due to pregnancy. But got cancellation fee la.

I 2nd trimester only on Jan 6, i kiasi la, so Dec just go near near.. Feb also Bali only. but April might be gng London, that one hubby say after Jan den decide.

i booked Traders, friends say good. I nvr go Penang before. Just desperately need a short getaway.

thks for sharing but i cannot tahan something stick to my nose. haha. i tink i wun be able to sleep!

i tabao for u la.. or whatsapp u a pic ok? LOL :p

After April I will have to stop all travel le. Aiming end Aug/early Sept go taiwan just to pray cos when we were there this April, hubby 求签 for baby and the lot was "pregnancy will be guaranteed". So he says wanna go back make donations. If everything shun shun li li.. Dec will bring baby for 1st trip

I am the sort dun travel will die one. :p
wa! audrey.. ur letter.. made me Cry!! sob... aiyoyo.. very touching.. sob... it really touched my heart!!! boohooo..

In the end i never eat the fried bee hoon! i ate KFC ZINGER burger! wahahahahaha
Sibei jialat!!!! My emotion already up up UPz!!!!!! I dont know why, i cry very easily now... =\ Cherelle have been Sooooo cranky till i cry and ask her what she want! =.=!!! Than i feel very helpless! =\ i only dare to cry when i'm with Cherelle alone at home... I dont dare to cry infront of my parent or my hb! =\ than when i'm at my mum's house, Cherelle cranky till i can even go toilet cry than come out with a normal face! Mygod!! I think i siao siao liao! =\
lady Dee - Dun worry and just go.. i also went NZ and back already on 3rd Dec! lol... but best u tell ur gynae.. he will give you pills to AN TAI incase anything.. and during the plane ride... use blanket and pillow to cover your tummy and wear LOSE clothes!! Keep warm! that should be ok.. relax too!!

Ourlovestory- Wa.. june how to travel? 1 mth before due! haha.. sure cannot la!

Fluffy!! i conceived this BB in Penang! hahaha.. went there during my bday... lol.. bb dun like cold country.. cos i tried many times in ang moh country.. but no baby... Tropical baby my one.. hahaha.. ENJOY!!
*hugs* Cool down.. calm down.. its the hormones acting up.. breathe slowly in & out.. Ask for a day off from home if u need it? Or just go downstair walk 1 round look at other things relax abit.
Fluffy> Wah...really dun travel will die type....haha....you're traveling so much! So fast plan for baby's 1st trip. I dun think I dare bring baby for travel at a young age. Don't know whether can handle or not. Haha.
Fluffy - but i tink the airline only do it on a case-by-case basis and out of goodwill...not guaranteed one. Tat time they also ask mi get letter frm gynae to prove i unfit for travelling then coz my miles were forfeited during #1 time...and they said not guarantee will waive... so in the end i din submit.

Pray SO ling! then yes need return one but good thing is u get to have ur holiday all the same too!!
angelia.. u not siao la.. this is WOMEN's NATURE! really.. this week.. i cried Sunday and MOnday liao.. at nite... cos very very SICK of the MS!!! duno wat to eat.. and hubby ask me to REN.. REN WAT LA!! how to REN!! pek cek ! so i cry!! hahaha.. summre he made me wait 20 mins in the rain at the bus stop.. i really went BERSERK!! so dun think ur siao ok.. .

whenevery u cry till sibei jialat.. just think that we are all the same and we all also might be KI-SIAOing at the same time... jiayoU!!!

I've the below preloved baby cot for sale at SGD190.
Bedbase can be adjusted 4 levels, 1 side can be lowered down.
Condition: 8/10
Self collect from my place at Toa Payoh.
Pls PM me if u're keen.
Angelia - pat pat...its the crazy hormones at work..hahah..does cherelle give u a bewildered look wen u cry like " oop oh, y is mommy crying" but aft awhile, all hell breaks loose again...

Smalleyespy - haha..so funny..tropical bb. it's also the tianshi, dili and renhe combined in one n we got our precious little beanie!!
smalleyespy> Thanks for the assurance and advise. =) Think I'm gonna go buy those compression stocking for better blood circulation. I'm more worried about blood circulation. And I will be going with 5 "lao" mommies, my mom, mil, sil's mom and 2 aunties, so hopefully they will know how to take care of me. Hehe. But I can't imagine if they have conflicting views and start arguing instead. Wahahaha.
Fluffy : very hard to have a day off... Cherelle cling to me like how Panda cling on the tree like that! =\

smalleyespy ; yessyesss!!! I also very sian! Hb ask what i wanna eat, i always dont know .. Cause eat liao also puke out. Damn sian! =\

sg_sc : Cherelle will stun abit.. Than continue her eii eii ehh ehh... Wapiang! I really wanna pangsan liao... Not enough sleep.. Feeling damn sleepy.. But she just want me me and more MEEeEEEEEEE! =.=!
haha! u know hor for 3 yrs i tried to make everywhere also no chance lor! Everytime plan swee swee kenna ovulation period go also no chance. Summer go, winter go also die die dun kenna. End sept US come back, within few days AF come super sad, i give up go KK on the very day and register for my IUI den really tio! My LMP early Oct ma, so some of my friends tot i made in USA, but no

Lady Dee:
ya all thanks to my hubby.. he likes to travel wayyyy more den me. But his leave limited so usually we plan 1 yr in advance so he can schedule his leave.
Winningstar : cannot leh?!? I try watching on funny video, i will not laugh but will pekcek more sia... =.=!!! i will have the thought like "eh? Why so stupid ar? Siao! " =\
when she sleep u slip out leh? There has to be days u can't be ard, she stick to who else? Dun cry too much, its normal.. but must laugh den baby will hehe haha like u right?

or go spend some money la! Er... chocolate caramel cake?? :D
sq didnt charge me anything for the postpone of our flights.. I am also cancelling my europe trip for next year april.. i think it is too far to travel with a big tummy!

Angelia, don't cry don't cry... *hug hug... breathe in and out and calm down for a while ... everything will be ok...
angelia> you need to get a maid quickly loh. or ask for part time help to go your mom's place, then you can go out for a movie or what. actually, some infant care place got flexi part time care one leh. just put some ear plugs and leave her at your mom's or infant care, and go.
Fluffy : Cherelle use to close with my mum... But now, she dont have me, she cant sleep... =\ how to siam? =| aiyoh!!! I wanna spend money too!!! But i wanna go out and spend that kind leh! Online shop till sian!!! I want fresh airrrrr.... =\

Ourlovestory ; i'm breathin in and out but still haissss...
Angelia, go ur mama house sleep? or prob coz she noe got #2 in tumtum...they say #1 noes one...will become esp clingy to mama...but mine wun lei..sad..
Mom of 2 : still have to wait till hb go for the maid test leh.. He only can do on Sunday, cause he's busy with work... And i think may not be sooo fast to get one too.. Cause hb intention was hired when we move to Lorong:40 , my current apartment at Lorong:26, going to enbloc liao... =\ and if move to Lorong:40 there than got maid's room... =\
Sg_sc : got got! I got rest when i'm at my mum's place but is when Cherelle nap than i can nap. She awake, i have to be awake... If nt she scream her lung out if never see me...'=.=!
from my last mc i give myself 2yrs break
tried for half a year almost wan go see doc for checkup then lucky lucky got it.

i dont dare travel far scared i cannot tahan the journey
