(2012/07) Jul 2012

Marie, yah lucky me.. so far only waking up once to pee in the night.. i am hoping this will maintain till i popped

Hika, high five. same EDD as me..

Thanks lovestory!
where do you all get CB products? any recommendations? thanks!!

seems like my baby is the smallest here. he's only 1.7kg at week 32! and my weight gain from wk 28 to wk 32 is only 0.9kg, tho baby's weight gain is 600g. where is all my food going to?!?!
mummy_lee: you can try this website http://www.agapebabies.com/
I have some friends who purchase from this local website....but for me I made my first purchase via the US website.
Cost is about the same, just that the local website will need to pay $8 courier fee...which I find reasonable and also hassle free. Will purchase from this website also once I finish my initial "stock" from US
bhoo: dun think it's heartburn cos I'm experiencing it on & off especially after meals but today its like the chest tightening & inhaling air seems sooooo difficult. Maybe its the cramped up space in my tummy causing this breathless feeling

anyway for mummies who still need to buy NB diapers, NTUC having drypers promo for NB (28s) @ 2 for S$12.15 which include 2 pcs of S size sample attached to per pack. & Tom & Stephanie is also having sales(15% + 5%) for members & can buy milk bottles there for disc. Especially for mummies staying near Farrer Park Station cos City Sq Mall outlet having closing down sale so guess more items(baby stuffs) will be ging at cheap prices
hika: I wonder why too so I highly suspect that it's my kid fooling with our weight numbers.

I eat normal but avoid sweet stuff. Long time no drink soda, no eat super sweet fruits (like durian), no eat fatty food. Most of the time homecook soupy food. But of course once a while eat junk food like those $5.50 western food from coffeeshop. Almost forgotten what is the taste of fried chicken wings.

My standard breakfast now is 2 slices of bread with cheese or butter and a cup of milo mixed with instant quaker oats. Lunch, mixed vege rice (1/2 bowl) sometimes with curry chicken. Dinner, vege soup with noodles (homecooked) or stir fried vege or eat out, but also low charbo food.
I've added you in fb...saw that we were from same sec school haha...

maybe u try to cut down on sweet stuff like wat others advise...i ate less Oero and didn't drink the Nestle Nan milk powder anymore, changed to HL milk instead.
were u the one who mentioned your stomach is also very low already?

Wow mummy lee, u gained even lesser weight than me.
mummy_lee: I've bought the Calming Shampoo & Body Wash and the Calming Everyday Lotion. But I think the rest of the mums in the forum are talking about the Calendula Cream...you can read about it and decide if you this product better suits your needs

As for me, I'll be using the Desitin cream (blue color tube) as diaper rash cream
mummy lee: i bought my CB products from drugstore online... there are also some selling ready stocks from spree if you want to avoid the hassle. i have bought the lotion, calendula cream and shampoo which should be able to last for months because bb only needs to apply very little for each usage. i think our bb are growing the same so your bb is not small. at wk 32, my bb was also about 1.7kg only
you don;t gain a lot of weight yourself is good.. i am gaining 1kg per week now!!!

Laura: you are so heathly and eating well for your bb!! i m eating a lot of carbo which is why all the weight gain are on myself!!
Laura: wow.. but u know, my meals have been pretty much what u described already! so i really am at a loss of how to cut further without depriving myself of nutrients.

Bfast: 2 slices of bread with cheese and a glass of OJ/milk
Lunch: Sandwich or a bowl of salad, sliced fish soup and occasionally chicken rice
Dinner: home cooked at PIL's place which mainly revolves around veggies and soup and at most ONE meat dish! yes even tho sometimes curry or fried chicken (i dont even eat rice!)

The only times i 'give in' is the weekend whenever we dont eat at PILs and have to eat out, so i dont get how i'm gaining and gaining so much.. sigh.. the only culprit i identify is soft drinks lah.. cos that's the one thing i didnt totally abstain from. But when i told gynae, she was skeptical and felt there must be more than just soft drinks. And she said i now have this last month to cut and 'make amends' lor.. so i'm just cutting on all my sweet drinks and praying that's the cause. cos i really dont knw what else le.. seeing all the rest of the mummies who are so fortunate to be able to indulge makes me sooo envious!
Aiya I spoke too soon man.. Just as I said I got to eat healthy, my mil decided to fry rice for dinner today.. Zzzz.. No choice had to tell her I'm not supposed to eat fried beehoon/fried rice from now till deliver. Hope she listens!
Hika, wah u eat so little? Every morning eat bread very sianz one leh... Actually why need to cut down on fried food? I thought pregnancy should eat whatever u feel like eating right? Mummy happy, baby also happy. Hehe... Today i also eat a plate of fried rice. So yummy lor and i dun feel guilty coz i see it as normal chinese meal. Lolx... I think soft drink is the culprit.
I don't know.. Am at a loss also.. When I enjoyed myself n indulged in bfast at Mac/BK n I gain weight in 2nd trim, ok la can say I deserved it.. But now that I'm watching my weight n it still continues to climb.. It's quite sian lor.. If I'm gaining regardless, might as well enjoy right?? But for the sake of bb, I can't ma.. Die die also must control n cut what I can lor I guess. Hopefully can see improvement in the next 2 fortnightly checkups..

U think fruits may contribute too? Cos I do eat slices of honeydew/rockmelon at dinner as well.
hika: It's really very subjective to each and individual. Just like some ppl eat like a pig but slim like a flamingo. I do eat chix rice too but of course my next meal will be lighter.
Don't think too much.
Yeah honey dew is sweet and it will make the bb big. I think for mummy, it is natural to gain weight. I feel partly becoz of digestion problem. Dun forget waterbag also got weight. Hehe... Our boobs get bigger and it got weight also. Hehe... This is only my perception lar... If everything dun eat, den where bb get the nutrient from? I notice i gain weight becoz of drinking milk.
I never take soft drinks but the sugar from the fruits and the carbo from the potatoes and rice are the culprit for me.. Moreover I have constipation so I guess everything is still kept inside my tummy! Ha ha .. eat what you want and not too oily n salty will be good?

Thinking of how my life will changed when my bb arrives: no more movies, dining out, traveling .. But still working late and milking like a cow.. The thought of it did scared me a little :p any mummies have the same feeling??
Hi all,

I just went to Watson but I couldn't figure out what pads to buy? I rmb in the forum one of the mummies mentioned it has a hood/string? Any one have any idea what brand is it?
Thanks all for the kind words on my mobile!

Qn on how to hang mobile:
I hung it on my mosquito net stand. That is an easy option.
You can hang it from your ceiling. Use a transparent 3M hook.

Lili gal: You can get all the materials from either Art Friend or Spotlight.

By the way, Spotlight having sale now.. so anyone thinking of doing some diy decor for their nursery can hop over and take a look see.

Bhoo: Yup I read Gina Ford - yea didn't really like her mtd. I just finished Tracy Hogg The Baby Whisperer. I like her mtd much better and will probably be following her routine. I have heard of Dr Sears - but haven't had the chance to read it - and doubt I can find the time before the baby pops.

I'm on a 10 day per gyne visit coz of my low aminotic fluid. So we only know when we will are likely to pop per 10 days.

Its a relieve to know i'm not alone in this sleepless night situation. But def frustrating.
Hi mummies. I'm a first time mum to be. My edd is on July 18 and I've been reading this thread frequently. I'm just a little concerned that my baby is only at 1.8kg at 34 weeks. Was wondering if any of you guys are facing the same issue? I've gained about 7kg so far and I think most of the weight is due to water retention and boob size. My gynae always seem to think that everything is ok and he doesn't seem concerned about baby's weight but im just a little worried...
I didn't get e pads u mentioned but I know tmc used this in my previous stay. My guess is maybe kotex brand? I get myself e long nite pads. Feel more secure wif longer ones.
Wow so active. I was so busy at work doing nothing but meetings and after i got bk was waaay too tired due to no sleep last night. Dozed off while putting boy to sleep n woke up due to cough n phlegm n blocked ears too.

Bhoo, only 3 of us lor contending. Hehee my office folks place bets on dates oredi.

Kalmen, thx. Doubt I'll hv time to go those places to check it out. Hvnt been shopping for a long time oredi. Perils of a mum.

Alyssa, yes loop ones are fr Kotex only. Bought it cos hospital charges for 2nd pack at super high prices n mt A uses 2 per time. So this time I buy at low price n ask them to use if needed. Like cherish, I prefer normal long ones.

Rachel, gynae says ok then ok lor. Wt is only estimation on how they draw on screen. Hv less to worry cos will affect bb. 7kg v v gd leh.

Hika n queen, why u all eat so healthy?!?!? Put me to shame lor. Had cravings for sausage mcmuffin this morn but once I had it, it was so much lousier than I remembered it. But still I finished it! Ahhhhh. Hvnt been eating fruits at all!!! Ok will eat like flamingo coming days....
Found a site that suggests different ways to hang a baby mobile - might be useful.

For those interested in organic baby products, can try iherb.com
I've ordered. It's pretty quick, bout 2weeks delivery. I ordered nursing tea and stuff. They've got CB, earth friendly, etc as well.
It's s$6 shipping for orders below 4lbs or s$4 if you spend above us$40 for the same weight.
You can use my discount code YEM545 and receive $5 off first order.
Haha no no I got to clarify, think Laura did that everyday consistently.. Mine was a weekday effort, with some days being exceptions.. But the thing is all e rest of e mummies here get to enjoy what they want and haven't had the same problems as me/Laura did (doctor warnings).. And that's why I'm trying this hard.. she warned me that at my rate of gain, I might have serious complications if bb came out n got stuck halfway due to size.

So if ur gynae hasn't gotten to warning u, I'd say enjoy urself! The thought of not being able to eat what I want for the next 3 mths (until after confinement minimum) is utterly depressing..
Dear mummies,
Sorry to interrupt.
I am from Mtb Jan 2012.
I have a medela pump in style advanced (Pisa) tote bag; US imported set tote bag for sale.

Bought it in Jan 2012 and letting it go now (quite new) because I'm going back work and my job nature doesn't allow me to pump regularly. Latch on more often than pump since home all these while.

The set includes :
Stylish shoulder bag design
A/C adapter & Battery Pak (8AA batteries not included)
Removable cooler carrier
4 collection containers & lids
(1 brand new-totally unused)
2-24mm PersonalFit™ Breastshields (used)
Breastfeeding Information Guide
2 valves (used)
4 membranes(2 brand new)
Cooling element

In addition, i will be giving the following 
 - a Transformer for PISA $60 (For PISA after 2008) – 3 pin, power is as good as item 23 the original adaptor. Recommended for US PISA 9V. Direct from Singapore power socket to medela pump from
mega babies store because the original charger and adapter is too bulky
-1/4 bag of sacred tea ( for mummies who want to try if it works for them)
-40 pieces of pigeon breast pads (unsed)
-2 boxes of Nanny Storage Bags 
S$11.00 Quantity: 25 bags per box, Capacity: 6 oz or 170 ml

Do PM me or email me at [email protected] for pics,details and price!

Rachel, baby gain weight very fast one. Who knows the next 3 weeks bb suddenly put on 1kg leh

Where to buy Kotex? That pad realli very good. Thick and absorbant. Not every place got sell right? How abt the mat to protect bed from staining?
Gotta really loon and resist good food. For those mommies out there who worries her baby's low weight, drinking fresh milk sure will help to pump up their weight. But the nourishment might goes to mom instead of baby, so be careful.

ps: Had Twisties but the taste is totally out, or is it me? :-/
marie ang & ourlovestory, thanks for the recommendations! i'll start my CB shopping spree now! =)

marie ang: what's everyday lotion for?
gd morning all mummies & babies! =)

welcome rachel, hmm, i cant advise on that as im closing to w32 only. u wait for other mummies replies? =D

have a great day ahead everyone, the weather outside looks too shiok to be at wrk. *HMPh*
Laura, very xinku to loon leh especially when u see ur ppl eating icecream and sweet stuff. I eat bread until very sianz so i bought curry pok. Hahaha... So tempted to eat macdonald but ultimately controlled. Lolx....

Rachel, laura is right drink more milk. If u can tahan the heatyness, eat the most sinful fruits - durian. Hahaha... Confirm your bb will grow very big
Hi mummies!!!

WAAAA, it has been months since I last posted here, have been active in FB instead.

I just bought the CB Calming Body & Shampoo Wash and Everyday Lotion from this seller -
Free courier delivery for orders over $50. Prices same as agapebabies.

Heartburns, mine very frequent and jialak too. Can feel the acidic juices up my throat whenevery I try to burp! Try elevating ur head when lying down, helps a bit. Just put another pillow or cushion under head.

Have a great day, mummies. Hope I can keep up
Qin, Kotex is adhesive one if I'm not wrong. $6+ for a few PC's. Very exp! You can find them at Fairprice or Watsons. Pink packaging. Alternatives can be Sofy 41cm overnight pads, 8pcs for $3.95 or Pureen Maternity Pads, 20pcs for $7 or 8+. Got from giant. Do rmbr to buy disposable undies too! Just throw undies and pad together lor. Get the cotton ones!
agree with laura, drinking Fresh milk will pump up bb's weight. And durians are the most effective way, just be careful on the sugar level. Drinking prenatal milk for mummies also will gain weight but think weight gain more for mummies.

2 more days of work & I will be a full-time SAHM! scary thought as I need to take care of #1 all by myself & soon #2 as well...!
morning mummies..
i had been too busy reading n trying to catch up with d thread..

rykiel, zhen n i forgotten who else ask me to be careful of my toe.. anyway last nite i was slping n my hubby foot accidently hit my toe.. it was so painful i cried for very long.. =(
n this morning my slipper spoil end up i need to wear shoes.. walking oso limping kind de.. sianx..

Anyway welcome Rachel n dun worry to much abt ur weight.. i believe ur gyne will advise u accordingly=) as long as ur baby is healthy n ur gyne say everything is oki dan u shld be doing fine..

Hika: u very strict lei.. anyway u might want to change to wholemeal bread instead of the white fibre bread we eat? n maybe is the milo dat put on weight.. coz i remmeber previously i been drinking milk n milo everyday in office..n i gained tat 3kg.. now i dun really drink milo le..just when i m feeling hungry dan i drink.. =)

btw i think i read before somewhere that though its good to control our diet n the sugar intake.. but if we control even more we will put on more weight.. anyway my gyne ask me to eat more meals but smaller portion=)
so i took less rice..

anyway mummies coz of the bad weather recently.. n d durian season n i think many of us cnt resist the temptation with the hot weather to ice cream n cold drinks(i admit i m 1 of those mummies who once awhile eat ice cream,durian,cold drinks) do take extra care k.. coz we r feeling heaty oso.. so try to drink some liang teh or such..
Good morning mommies,
may i know if there is any mommy still drink coffee everyday? i am but feeling so sinful now. but w/o coffee, i cant keep myself awake and concentrate at work. will it cause any harm to bb inside?

i still eat ice cream and cold drinks occasionally as feeling heaty lor.

i peifu your loon. for the sake of bb, u can loon. if i were u, maybe i already haywire liao. jiayou. we're at the last phase now.!!
di: totally envy u sia.. i wish i dun haf to wake up everyday now to come work.. but at the same time i think i will go crazy doing nth at home everyday..
ok! bought all my cb products!
1 bought calming shampoo & body wash, lotion, calendula cream, non-talc powder, diaper area wash & calming nb gift tote! so i'm entitled to 5% off! alot hor.. my hubby will surely !! when he sees the package.. KIASU!
joy_javen: i agree with you.. very contradictory feelings i have now too.. i wish i can sleep in every morning but yet i want to come to work cos i'm scared of feeling bored! haha.
good morning mummies

joy, you should go get another pair of slipper, not very good to cover up your ingrown toe..

i had a bad night yesterday, leg cramp for at least 3x thru out the night, i am like a zombie at work now.
cherish: I still drink my kopi everyday leh, cos i think in moderation is fine ba. Only thing i notice is when I'm drinking, my bb girl is like dancing and doing somersault in my tummy, super active so i guess the caffeine made her "high".. sometimes afternoon i also sneak another cup of teh-tarik. can't resist these as it has been my daily routine...

joy: Initially I thought it would be good to be staying at home and not having to wake up early everyday to travel to work but as the date draws nearer, I'm feeling abit scared and gan chiong cos dunno if i can handle my boy and cook and entertain him lo... I have been working all along so really hope i can get used to this. And i dunno how long this arrangement gonna last cos no nanny avail to take care of #2 and infantcare costs like a bomb nowadays.
Hi all mummies, thanks for all your replies. Feel a bit better now. I shall try the durian method secretly cos my mil keeps insisting durians are not good for me n baby and don't allow me to eat! Therefore my husband and my mum also don't allow me to eat as well. I really miss eating durians so much! Anyways, anyone of u guys delivering in gleneagles in mid July?
thanks. i think my gal is immune to it, no big action from her when i drink lor. heheh.

how are u going to arrange for your kids when u go back to work? u're SAHM?
mummylee: the lotion is like our moisturiser to apply on the bb body.

rachel: i will be in gleneagles

di: i did feel like drinking a cup of tea this morning but i stopped myself.. and ordered orange juice instead! I think moderation should be ok, it is really up to individual

zhen: i am also a zombie at work today :x very tired.. always wake up in the middle of the night...
Hi ourlovestory and mummylee! That's great! Mine's 18 July, just one day before yours mummylee. Will u be putting up in a double room or a single room? I haven't decide yet. But I think I should be staying in a double room to save costs!
ourlovestory: you got really good self-control. Every morning i tell myself today is the day i stopped drinking coffee but never happened. Maybe my baby loves coffee cos for #1, i completely stopped drinking until the day i gave birth and had 1 at TMC delifrance..

Cherish: I'm gonna be a SAHM for awhile as last day of work will be this Friday cos am on contract. initially had nanny to take care of my #1 and thought of putting both with her but too late for me cos another lady booked her in advance and I think also paying higher rate(i'm paying $700) than me so she can't help with #2. The only time i really took care of #1 full time was only for 1 week when my nanny went on holiday, so now i have 1 month to learn hands-on how to handle my boy as well as prepare him for mei-mei's arrival in mid-July.

As much as i wanna spend time with my #1 and newborn, I still prefer to work cos SAHM = 24hrs of caring & no AL & MC entitlement. Sacrifices of mummies.... hahahaha
