(2012/07) Jul 2012

mummylee, i use the yellow bottle cream very often the cadenla cream or something. it is very good for mosquito bites or bruises i think to take away the itch. i even use it on my own.

yes liligal, i oso felt bad heartburns..a few ladies of the jun thread gave birth liao..very exciting..one of them only takes 3 hrs for natural cos her second one..envy hehehe

wow kalmen : u are great...nowadays i am jus simply too lazy to move muchie hahaa but thinking of what are the electrical appliances to prepare to be used after D day.....

wow our love story : you are not alone. i oso find it difficult to get up esp from sitting on the floor leh..issit preggie cannot sit on the floor huh?
hi laura, wow you are diligent to cook for yourself. nowadays i really jus plain lazy hehe lazing around heeee

when you gals take coconut juice, do you all experience slight menses cramps next day morning when you woke up huh? cos i did leh..when i took coconut two nites ago and a bit scared to take it now hahaha
sunbelle, really ah!!! i dun feel so alone on the heartburn then. yah... that thread very exciting cos it's like so close to us and yet so happening. for us it's still a big waiting game. 2nd one shud b easier esp when #1 was natural. after c-sect, #2 natural quite tough one cos that area is hard and not as stretchable as normal delivery.

sigh... no lor. not ready but can't stand the drag....
hehe i m hate durian whole my life, one of my gf too but she became durian lover during pregnancy. my hubby has been hoping it will happen to me haha but sadly no, hate it even more! oops
i felt so sleepy in 3rd trimester...Zzzz..

btw, i m looking for washable and disposable nursing pad. Anyone can recommend?
I checked up on California baby and saw that it used to be a well-regarded product. But the co. recently quietly changed the formula and some babies developed rashes from using it. Plus the company mis-managed the PR and deleted all negative comments from their facebook and so the bad PR just exploded.
I bought the Calendula cream thing for bb's butt cos' read rave reviews about it but I made sure to ask the seller that it's the old packaging.
Not sure how you want to take the reviews. I'm also keen on organic products but worry about being scammed. There isn't really an international control body. My sis bought Aveeno's organic range for me. So will just use it. Thinking of using Seba-med after it's finished. My colleague highly recommends it.
sunbelle: My dinner for last night was Tom Yam Gai. Wow! It has never tasted so good before and I finished the whole pot! Mmm... That's why I told my boy to eat the chicken (breast). With or without the Thai fish gravy really taste a lot of difference. *drool* Not to mention I cut a big honey dew after that and ended up feet got swollen until now for standing too long. Doubt it will go away.
Floating lift? I think is your girl dreaming in her water.
I dreamt of myself float at a corner of my bedroom watching myself sleeping for countless times, but that was way before I am pregnant.
hi citizen

I also bought Aveeno bb shampoo & bath and lotion to try. After that, will be switching to sebamed.

for bb bottom, i also bought California Baby Calendula cream for normal usage and desitin creamy for serious rashes.
ourlovestory: but cant help but worry ill be replaced when i come back =( sobsobs.. hehe. cos he know i dun eat durians de. muahahha. thn i keep asking him, eh did u wash ur hands ar? HAHAHA. i also cant get up from my bed leh. like clumsy hor? HAHA..

joy_javen: i kept v long toenails during #1, i was told to cut shortter. dun keep too long nails. ended up i own self cut n dig until ingrown for 2years. i everyday suffer in pain. walk with toes facing up. ppl step until thn bled. n cos i did it during pregnancy alot say my #1 hole in the heart was indirectly due to this cos i went to dig one big hole in my own toe. u know got the ingrown solution? drip n rub de. but now i dunno can use anot for now. another is for fungus ingrown de. n got one other method is use the yellow kee soak in white vinegar. soak long long, the yellow kee will go bzzzzzz in the water n it will sort of soften the hard part the pus n dirty will come out. aft soak u will feel the ingrown part not so pain. my sis just removed both her toe nails earlier this year for ingrowth. hers v kuazhang. her nails like snail. curled inwards for 4damn years. HAHAHAA.. i approaching w32 can start drinking ler ma? i dreamt of kaka also previously. eerie ones. thn morning i cfm will say out. cos got once midnight i woke up crying.. =\

laura: FWAH!!! idea. so nxt time i drink cold things i ask bb to slp. =x so i drink not he drink HAHAHAHHAHAHA! OOPS!

liligal: sounds idea hor, dun use hand .. haha tonight buy liao i try again ..
liligal: I don't think mine will pop so soon leh...I'm only 32weeks...gave baby prep talk already, tell her to stay in there till 37weeks at least....haha
marie, i talking about the sound from the baby lah... the bubble popping sound. u heard it too right? was it you? oh dear... preggy brain at work again.
i've been experiencing heartburn off and on in third trim too.. thought id b lucky enuff to skip it entirely but its started since abt wk 30 or so.. n its at its worst when i lie down..

also, my insomnia is making it v v v hard to concentrate n work!! id go to bed at 10+, 11.. but will wake at 12+, 2+, 4, 5am etc.. sometimes i'd end up waking at 2 and remain unable to sleep till 5!! doesnt help that i finally get sleepy at 7 but it's time to wake up already.. also, i'm starting to get increasingly uncomfortable sleeping on my side. in addition to bb's kicking and poking, my hand starts to go numb and also every turn to the opposite side results in a super loud 'crack' of my hip joints!

also, bb's constantly pushing out against me in all sorts of ways, causing my tummy to get very tight and uncomfortable. it used to only be when i sit thru long meetings/have a slightly full bladder.. but now even when i just sat, or even when walking i feel it happening! it's v v v v uncomfortable lor. Haiz. Really hard to even sit down and concentrate on work for a while. How i wish i can just go on no pay leave already. but waste of income leh.. dilemma dilemma.
zzzzzzzz. i'm in total zzzzz mood and mind. already drank a cup of coffee this morning but it did not helped.

u're not alone. i'm facing the same during nite time. now, i dread abt sleeping at nite as no matter how i sleep, sideway, on my back or sit up, it's so uncomfortable. when trying to turn ard, it's such a big manfan now. hv to turn slowly slowly as though i sprain my back.
ourlovestory> Believe it's the Calendula Cream. But there are also others that used the new formula without problems, just not when the skin has scratches or open wounds etc.
Aiya, I was so bz at work this morning have no time to log on, and now I have to read the archives!

I've been taking lunch at my desk lately cos really hate to fight with the lunchtime crowd at tg pagar.

Kalmen, nice work on the baby mobile! I love it! I love doing craft work too =) I have done up a scrapbook in advance for baby's mthly pictures =). Now thinking of decorating nursery with scrapbooking materials framed into Ikea photo frames (got the idea from 'Made with love'). Noticed you have read Gina Ford. You might want to also read Dr Sears. I've frens who followed the Gina Ford method and they swear by it even for difficult babies. But for parents who are turned off by how complex and rigid her methods are, Dr Sears attachment parenting might appeal more. I'm just reading different sources and keeping an open mind....
I'm also having very intermittent sleep lately... will fall asleep by 11pm, then wake up at 2am and 4am ... and finally force myself to roll out of bed at 630 to get to work. Maybe all these is to prepare us for the sleep deprivation that we will get when the baby arrives! So to look on the bright side, when we finally pop, all the waking up in the middle of the night for night feeds and to change diapers will be a walk in the park! =) Yay!
Quite a few of you mommies for maids from Myanmar... Are they new or transfer cases? One of my frens hired a new maid from Myanmar and her maid will kowtow to her husband and her every morning when they wake up and in the evening before they return to their room! They told her to stop doing it cos it's just plain weird but she still insists on doing it ... and it has been more than 3 mths. Anyone with the same experience??
marie, paiseh miscomm.. i was wondering what do you think the sound is about? i mean it is due to bones cracking or bb blow bubbles or what?

sunbelle, the jun thread very exciting hor. everyone popping within one day after another. i wonder who will pop first in this thread. i highly suspect and hope it will be me leh.. cos my edd one of the earliest here right? EDD: 6 Jul.
Liligal: I'm 33wk1d today.. Still a rather long way to endure! Was hoping to have some lull given its the June hols (the big bosses traditionally go on their family vacations now) but seems like this yr is exceptional.. In fact, there are more meetings than ever!! I negotiated w supervisor to let me work from home but if there are meetings like 3days a wk, it's practically useless since I'll have to be in office on those days anyway.

Oh and as for the mobile, I got one frm my SIL as a souvenir when she returned frm her trip.. But it's the sort that has a loop on top n ure supposed to hook it somewhere.. Trying to find a way to put it on the cot.. Anyone has any ideas? Haha..
lili_gal, I think it's a close fight between you and laura. We can start placing bets already. Heh ...

hika, working from home for 1 or 2 days per week is not that bad at 33wk. I find coming to work everyday a chore now but paisei to ask to work from home so early ... so can only start to work from home at 36wk ...
Rykiel: huh?? serious ah?? i actually didnt cut from March n I cut abt 2 weeks back coz my hubby keep saying very long n ugly..
so i cut n i dunoe why will haf ingrown toe nail..
anywya i just went to GP opp my office n d doc just gimmi antibiotic to eat n cream to apply.
he said if still not ok dan haf to op to remove the nail..

btw mummies i realised most mummies r almost d same..
i mean as in slping pattern..
n now when i slp sideways my bb will tend to kick me.. but if i slp on my back dan my back will be aching..
still unable to find a suitable way to slp soundly..
keep waking up oso..

Went to buy coconut at the market n omg it cost $2.50.. oh well at least its nice n sweet n refreshing!! haha.. but i hate to dig out the coconut flesh.. seems so hard though d flesh is soft..
Hello mummies, wah i have only been away from this thread for 1 day & i hv to start reading from archives.. :p

Looks like most mummies here are having problem sleeping at night.. i guess im more fortunate as so long as i slp on my sides, i dont have much problem.
just that i need to wake up at least once to pee..

Joy, hope your nail recover soon.. as op to remove the nail is terrible.. i had my ingrown removed once..

Hika, is your EDD 23 july too??
thanks for your comments on CB! so what's the sequence of cleaning the baby diaper change?
1. wipes
2. powder
3. calendula cream (?)

when/how to use nappy rash cream? do we use that only when baby has rashes? sorry, 1st time mum.. =)
guess the fight is between liligal, joanne and laura. do update us if any of u pop okay? :D

for my case, my sequence is:
1. clean the area using wipes.
2. apply nappy rash cream
3. change new diaper

i know some do not always apply the nappy rash cream. so it depends on individual practice.
so nice of ur boss to let u work from home too. i doubt mine will allow me though my work can work from home. i'm thinking to take some mc at my last 4 weeks to 'rest', but will do my stuff at home.
I buay tahan le, weather super hot, I wonder confinement how....nw that I m at hm, I tink my bill gonna soar sky high....

My maid hor, go toilet eat orange, we r in dining rm eating, she dun dare to eat in front of us.......I almost faint! I must remind her dun on light in the day cos we close all curtains...she on lights forget to off.
pink_piglet: my bb is only 2.1kg at wk34! wow.. your bb is growing fast

cherish: is your workload very heavy? else better to rest at home when you are on mc...

citizen: CB Calendula Cream is the most popular product.. if they really changed formula, i think a lot of mummies will complain! hopefully it is ok for my bb! *cross fingers

so do we have a list of mummies delivering in sequence? hee hee.. counting down! ^____^
i do sales so i can work from home (i can go out from my home) but i dread working at home to be honest, so hot and the server so slow!
my office chair is much more comfortable than my dining table-chair or sofa also... haha i m weird!
my workload will increase as approaching mth end. actually, i just want to take mc for the sake of no need to travel to work. i find it's very tiring to travel to and fro nowadays. And when i reach home, totally exhausted and no energy to play with my boy. i dont mind working my stuff at home since not really 'mc'. hahah
u're not weird! if in office, at least free air con, have colleagues to chat once in a while and somemore, can hv a more fixed meals. i tend to skip my meal or even cooked maggie mee (too lazy to go out to buy) if i happened to be at home. u're normal =)
joy_javen: dun let anyone step on u. will cry.. hehehehe.. tkkare ah! =)

looking fw to this thurs appt.. hehehe=) been 1mth since i last saw bb
oh yes! maggiee mee for me and baby if i work from home haha inertia to change and go out is too great! i m blessed that my house is 15 mins bus ride away (thank god i m taking bus and not MRT!)
hihi mummies... anyone feeling breathless recently? I'm sitting at my workdesk and feels like it's so difficult to inhale properly =( had a worst gastric cramps yesterday and made me thought it was contractions cos they felt so similar except that the pain was on upper abdominal.

Went for checkup on sat Week34 and bb is 2.4kg and doc ordered me not to have any sugar! but thank god not cos of GD...

Rgding FB, add me too! [email protected]
Well i guess i should count myself fortunate i'm allowed to wfh..But totally agree about the difficulty either way: travelling to-from work is a pain especially cos i travel by public tpt and it's almost a 50min journey one way with a need to change tpt (train-train; or train-bus). And worse cos i nid to lug my laptop with me too! Add that to all the inconsiderate pple in peak hour trains/buses who pretend u're invisible.

On the other hand working at home is also torturing because of the weather.. i'm trying not to give in too easily to temptation and live in aircon all day cos i dont want my electrical bill to explode.

As for food, my main problem is how to ensure that i only stick to healthy choices cos both myself and bb are overweight lah! super upset and worried heh. hopefully his growth (and mine!) slows down. He's 2.2kg at 32wk5days last i checked. >.< will find out the progress next week.

zhen: yeap!
and Queen Laura, i need some tips from you on how u managed to only let bb gain 200g and u gained nothing (if i recall your earlier post correctly).. what've u been eating to drastically cut the weight gain?

Pink_piglet, our EDD is close and our baby is abt the same weight! Only diff is I am putting on a lot more weight than you are. LOL.

di, I think you are experiencing heartburn lei...
