(2012/07) Jul 2012

mummy lee: i dunoe lei last time when i was like in secondary school i oso face the same problem.. n i got the whole nail remove.. but i was under l.a(only my feet was ma jiu).. now i duneo can haf it remove or not.. super painful esp since its poking into my flesh..
as for bb..ya his movements sometimes kinda stronger..

pink_piglet: hehe.. ^5.. y ur appt so long??
after 4weeks? i m starting to see mine bi weekly le.. my baby not so active le.. he last time got timing to move abt de.. now nope.. his timing change le..

linggie: hehe 1 day apart but maybe who knows on the same day lei=p hehe..

bhoo: yeah i think so to get it remove coz its really painful when walking.. n i m wearing open toes to work instead now..cannot wear cover shoes liao..
n yeah my gf is using pureen..so she recommended me that brand.. hence most of the things i got is from pureen..
=) n the auntie there is really nice lah=)

citizen, so smart!!! i'll let hubby know!!!

joy, must go doc to tk out or wat? scary leh... my bb can't stop moving. in a way i'm happy but in a way it's driving me nuts cos i really hv no rest and can't ignore cos it's painful and causing me heartburn. is urs facing outwards that's why it's painful?
Hi mummies, hope everyone had a good weekend. Sounds like many went to the motherhood fair and grabbed baby items

Joy, my advise is if your toe is infected already, better see a doctor soon. My hubby has same problem, and 2 yrs ago he put off seeing a dr cos busy with work, ended up when he finally went to see the dr it was so bad he had to be referred to a&e (sterile environment) to have his toe nail 'operated on'. I still remember I could hear his scream when they were treating him hehe.. I was waiting outside. Not to scare you but want to highlight that it can get pretty bad if you ignore it for too long so go c a dr okie. Take care
seems like mummies here are seeing gynaes every fortnight or every week? why am i only seeing him in 3 weeks? hmm!

joy_javen: i really think you should remove before delivery! so that you have 1 less thing to consider! even walking with open toed shoes, your toes will still hurt!
Cannot take it anymore. My baby doll length hair is getting longer (during pregnancy hair can really grow so much!) and I have decided to chop them even shorter into boy's cut this weekend. Argh!
Now at 33 weeks and my gynae see me every 2 weeks. Not sure will change to one week one time or not. Hope to pop at 37 weeks
joy_javen - I'm also not sure why so long...after wk 32, should be 3 wks, then followed by bi-weekly...

mummy lee - mine still once every 4 weeks. After tmr, should be 3 weeks like yours

Baby wipes - actually I find NTUC brand not bad, thick enough to use. Being using it for #1. Had used pigeon before, but found it small piece & rather thin.
I just passed 32 weeks, seeing my gynae 3 wks later. I wonder issit cos I am so fat nw....I got super tired just going supermart n have lunch downstairs
Any reviews on huggies wet wipes? I bought a small carton at the fair cos the sales lady told me tt it's made of natural fibre so gentler on baby's skin...
I was told by pigeon staff that for newborn, there is another wipe. So in the end bought the one 2 for $14+. I nvr buy the 3 for $78. Think can buy the kodomo brand. Watson sometimes hav one packet for $2 which is economic
btw, do you all find that sitting on normal chair also got prob now? first, i can't put my legs nice nice in front of me, hv to open up. second, my girl is jabbing at the V shape area i.e. the adjoining part between body and legs. very xin ku lor. lie down also cannot.
liligal: how are you today? better? i cannot sit on low chair and will have problems getting up!

qin: i did tried the pigeon NB wipes and it is really more moisturizing, so i bought 2 packs too! i also bought a carton of the normal wipes.. actually it is the same price as KP... but my hubby just said buy buy buy! hee hee... have not tried kodomo before.. is it good?

bhoo: i bought the pureen liquid detergent also.. but i think pigeon smells better... :p
Hi ladies, my mil just told me not to eat sotong now saying when delivering the placenta might reverse movement. So scare I better avoid it. Anyone heard of this?
BB, no heard but usually i'm requested to avoid high cholesterol seafood during this time. cos many aunties will have "poison" or du.

ourlovestory, thank you. me still coughin and abit breathless so took sick leave today as well. i really think it's the aircon sleeping so maybe will try not sleeping in aircon tonight. i can't even sit on normal chair comfortably. walk also cannot sit also cannot.

qin, me also got the pigeon NB wipes. now it comes with the plastic hard cover which is good.
The thread is moving so fast I can hardly keep up.

Cherish, I've got a Myanmar helper as well. Found the best way to teach is by showing them. She seems to learn much better that way. In the beginning it was super frustrating coz she always says Yes, even when she doesn't understand.

Coconut, I've gotta start soon. My mums got the must amazing method. For young coconuts she uses a chopstick and poke at the top, and somehow there will be a soft point and it'll penetrate thru. After which just pop in a straw and drink.
After finishing the juice, she'll throw the coconut, either against the wall or on the ground. The coconut I'll split and she'll proceed to dig out the meat with a spoon. It has amazingly never failed. I've never tried it myself.
Hi all,

I just went for my checkup last Friday. Baby girl is only 1.9kg at week 31. But gynae says baby position is breech, head is up. Then asked me to go back for review at week 34, if baby doesn't turns by then she wants to book me for cesarean. My friends were telling me it's still early for baby to turn... is it true?
I'm trying for natural leh... If doc book me for CS then my baby turns in time, do I need to pay the booking for CS? Any experience anyone?
Hi mummies...anyway I realise that Robinsons is also selling Pigeon wipes at $19.50 for the 6 packs 82s refill. Which works out to $3.25 per pack...same price as what the motherhood fair offers. But at the fair have to buy 4 sets of 6 packs (which is $78), at Robinsons don't have to
alyssa, my gynae says by wk34 or 35 the position will be fixed. maybe u can do some exercises to coax ur bb to turn now. now i think still early.

once u r booked for c-sect, on the day itself even if breech or not, it will still be c-sect right? unless ur labor pains start earlier. not sure abt this.
I'm also not sure about it. Didnt asked much when gynae mentioned to me last Friday. Guess I will only have to wait till 34 weeks' visit then ask her. Hope baby will turn in time =)
kalmen,mine oso everything yes...then stare at me, I know she dunno so I treat her as dunno everything n show her. She quite auto, look for things to do, free she read receipe book. Take out translation book ask my mum teach her chi. Just that she can change clothes like 3 times a day, wanna shower like 2-3 times a day. N forgot to off lights.
kalmen22: Another good idea to deal with the coconut. Thanks! I know how how to chop the coconut but now I can't do it myself and hubby know nuts.
Finally settle my boy to sleep n now hv time to login threads

Ya, have to agree best way is to show e maid how to do things. For my case, hubby has been helping on this as he feels my std of cleaning or tidying u things is too 'high'. I'm a bit of obsessed in cleanliness. lol

Rer rer,
My maid is opp fr urs. I need to ask her to go shower as she perspires alot n she seems to be able to tahan lor.
Wonder what's with my boy tonight. He've been pushing up to my lungs or outwards showing his back quite often tonight and it's quite suffering for me. Not to mention his head also keeps turning and it irritates my bladder, feels like pee can come out anytime. Is this a sign that he is coming out soon? I'm in week 35 already.
Maybe now our tummies are getting more cramp for our lil ones inside, not to mention they are growing each day.. So e movements can feel stronger. Jia you, u still hv 2wk to go for full term
laura, showing his back is good right? that means he's in the right position. dun worry abt ur BP. it will affect the boy. until something happens, assume nothing is wrong at the moment. my tummy also super tight and i doubt she's turning backwards at the moment. bladder also super pressed and can't even sit on chair properly. lie down also terrible.

me having the blues becos of heartburn as well but still trying to stay cheerful. hubby had a bad day so can download on him tonight.

so let's just HANG IN THERE!!!! and think happy thots!
Lili gal: yup agree. Think happy tots!

Cherish, ren ren : patience is key. Even after a year. I try and breathe and let live.

I've kept myself busy making a B&W baby mobile - simple to make, i like craft work and too ex to buy.
If anyone else interested to make, I've shared the steps with pics on my blog. It was fun.

Going to try and make another one - hopefully a westie theme mobile and wooden letters of baby's name to hang on the wall ;)
Like what liligal said, stay cheerful. Bb can feel what u feeling.

My gal hasn't turn backward too. She's at sideway position based on my last chkup. Back at right side n legs hands on left. I also feel stomach very tight whenever she moves alot. N occasionally, a short sharp pain too.
Ur heartburn getting worse? Resting on bed will help a bit? U working fr home this wk onwards?
I like ur diy mobile! how do u hang it over e cot? I hope I can do one for my gal as it's different fr buying off e shelves. Thanks for sharing ^^
Can't sleep.

Cherish, Lie down actually heartburn is worse. So cant sleep lor. U working till? Supposed to work fr home next week but lotsa org changes in office so maybe will delay few days.

Kalmen, nice! My artist fren also did one but more like vertical positions not horizontal like urs. Will try. But material seemed hard to find.
Where can buy fit flops? My feet getting bigger than my shows are so tight..

And drink coconut from where week? 34?
Where can buy fit flops? My feet getting bigger than my shows are so tight..

And drink coconut from whichweek? 34?
Tanny, I saw gd priced fitflops on gmarket but dunno r they authentic nt. Bata, metro robinsons all selling. I got mine fr robinsons n OG during sale tat time. 20% for robinsons n 10 for og
me too. couldnt sleep last nite..more to the backache. tossed here and there and finally slept ard 2am. now super sleepy n needs coffee to keep me awake.
i intend to take leave fr 1st wk of july. still need to go office to work. no choice.

today on my way to office, already has ppl commented my tummy is going down, abt time to deliver!! =.='''
gd morning all, woke up with bad backache leh. super 酸 when i woke this morning dk y. boo~~~ my position while im on ML will be replaced by a temp staff they employ, n this temp staff they r employing i saw online the ad hor, the pay so much lower than me, sort of like telling me my position 不稳 anytime got ppl will replace me. =( see liao also sian half mans.

durians: ya agree that durian v sweet, but its said to boost bb weight right? i took another 2seeds last night, but i asked hub to feed me cos i dun wan dirty my hands n got the smell, so he squeeze n rub the seed n feed me. sounds er xin hor? HAHAHHAA.. i sourcing for costumes for bb, thn whn during confinement i gg take the dslr out to snap. =x but ar. headache. cos idk hw to use the cam in professional mode =x muahahaha. i saw alot v v cute ones lor. cos mummy flo was searching for knitted caps than gave me the idea to find costumes also to go along than i can snap pics. hehehe.

so much tender n submission to do, im slowly clearing my desk area n shred all the docs away. im like left with 6wks only. i thought of bringing fw my ML to one week earlier which is 13th Jul stop work instead of 20th Jul stop work. this thurs whn gg see gynae than see if she got mention anything abt bb ant bah.

gynae visits: im seeing gynae 3-4weeks a mth, no fortnightly for now. update u all again shud my gynae change her mind n bring fw my appts. cos i pre-booked appt with her just to apply leave else wait leave NOT approved again. FML. i hate it. oh yea, im 32Wks soon~ WOO. wonder whats bb weight now?
lili_gal & cherish: I always have to negotiate with him, "Boy, don't press on my lungs. Boy, don't disturb my bladder. Boy, potato is for me, carrot is for you. Boy, eat the chicken.".
My heartburn episode should be over already but now I lie down flat on my back I can really feel his weight pressing onto my back. If lie side ways I can feel his movements very prominently. How to sleep wor? Last night still dreamt of my ang don't want me and left me high and dry staying outside. (T.T) I'm going siao very soon.
laura: still got like tt de ar? so nxt time ill go chocolate too heaty for u u dun eat ok .. =P~ heheheheh.. i was smiling as im reading ur post..

seriously tdy my mood nt too sui. my manager made me so disappointed n tulans. hais
rykiel: don't think too much for the temp staff... you have the experience and also contributed to the company.

your hubby is so sweet and feed you durians!!

I am feeling more tired and can't hardly get up from my bed or sofa myself!! :-/ I feel like an elephant! ha ha ha....
morning mummies n lil babies=)

yeah i think i will go visit GP soon in regards to my ingrown toe nail..
i see the pus oozing out n it become dried is so er xin lah..

As for coconut i heard it good to drink during the final month=)
but i already drinking every now n dan le.. so shld be okie..

Durian: i ate durian puff n durian cake.. haha..
this saturday going to see my gyne i think he gonna nag at me abt my bb weight..

Slping: i had abit of slping discomfort recently.. and i told my hubby i need to slp at the other end of the head.. (meaning my feet is where my headrest is).. but i had dreams weird dreams..=( i dreamt of ghosts.. omg.. dunoe what it meant..
and now whenever i wanna turned my body to the other position, i will feel my back breaking=(
Rykiel: Believe it or not. The last time I cooked the ABC soup and I measured my blood sugar level 2hrs after consumption it was over the normal range. But this time I told him to avoid the potatoes my blood sugar level is 4.4mmol/L, beautiful.
cherish, 2am is still ok. i couldn't sleep until 4am! at 2am stomach growling so crawled out to toast some bread. 8am had to wake up. sad huh? i feel my tummy going down. hope we'll deliver soon. it's better for bb to be out in my perspective.

rykiel, i'm one of the rare ones who eat durians with chinese soup spoon. you can try if u dun like manual intervention. haha

laura, ur dreams are like serial drama. first u go hv high moments w so many diff guys. of cos ur ang got probs later lah! hahaha.....

marie, i heard it again last night. yah.. it sounded like bubble wrap popping also. at least that description is less scarier than bones cracking. what do you think it is due to huh?

i jus recieved announcement tat i changed new boss. aiya.. my prev ang moh one so nice and he refused when i tried to treat him. so maybe i'll get him a gift. any ideas?
woah.. i couldn't sleep last night cos i think bb was pressing on my lungs.. felt like i couldn't breathe.. slept only ard 12.. thought i was the only one.. =(

but these few days when i wake up, i feel my stomach spinning! nausea.. why ar?

oh man.. durians! i can't eat it ever since i got bb.. he makes me hate it.. i find it so smelly.. yet on some days, i find it nice but can only eat 1 or 2 seeds. let me clarify: i love durians all my life until i had him. so it's a struggle for me.. love n hate relationship.. it's the durian season now right! i'll try to smell/eat tonight! =)

mummies: have you heard of a brand, california baby? what are your takes? good to buy?

mummy lee: i bought a range of the CB products to try. it is expensive and the only selling point is that it is organic and it smells good! I will just use it for the initial stage till the skin cools down and i will switch to cheaper brands like sebamed :D

i sleep deep but will always wake up in the night coz need to pee or to move my position.. after which i cannot sleep much

liligal: i think a small gift will be nice to appreciate him for being such a nice boss

kiwi is in season! i luv it.. and lots of vitamins!
