(2012/07) Jul 2012

morning mummies!

lady dee - Thanks for the confirmation.. i dont know when i become so pandang .. should learn from you ..

thng - i havent started on the milk for preggy mum yet, maybe soon.. but i heard it will made you put on a lot of weight.. is this true?

the bra really nicer leh compare to the ah ma preg bra.. haha
Morning mummies! TGIF! So looking forward to the weekend, can rest, relax and shop. Haha.

The milk for preggy mummy is a must? I don't like to drink milk leh especially formula milk.
Bingo, u brought the bra already from wea huh ?
ladydee,woahaha...going shopping on weekends on bb stuff huh...excited
my gynae give me some sample i haven try.
im someone whom dont drink milk except CHOCOLATE MILK.

btw ytd was browsing some mag it did mention Apr at singapore expo got sale on bb stuff haiz shld take pix of tat then can share with your hope my memory on it is correct.
thng - not yet.. haha just browse thru saw the bra really nicer than those selling outside..
but i think i gonna buy soon.. cos my breast getting abit heavy and pain ...
getting new clothing =D
my clothing seems tight ytd i wore leggings feel so uncomfortable like too tight or perhaps i'm too kua zhang wea got put on weight so fast hee..

cool...nice update
we shall look out for it
i'm thinking of attending those talk on pregancy & bb
morning mummies..everyone of u able to hear d hb during check up? I still not able to, gynae said might be too early..went for 2 times so far, cant hear..wil go again next week..quite worry..hope can hear next week.
Haha i just saw my beanie with a strong heartbeat now im 6w3d... i even ask my gynea is there anything inside stupid me...
Morning mummies....

Good weather to laze in bed but too bad goota work....

Now just 10am but I already feel like sleeping...

Thng... Let us know if there are any talks and we can go tgthr?

Qing-er... Don't worry...How far along are you? And if your menses longer than 28 days, can be off by 2 weeks..

Bingo and thng, piky's recommendation on the above link is not bad for bras...
Morning mummies

Qing-er, how many weeks are you now? Usually hb is during week 7-8.

Piky- the bras are pretty. At first was thinking to buy from maidenform at overseas sprees. Might consider your recommendation.

Someone mentioned about buying flitflops right? I heard that preggy can't wear flitflops.

Supposed to see my gynae next week, but rescheduling the appt to this afternoon coz of the bleeding. Having fever now too
happyjul> Pls take care. Have you taken panadol? My gynae told me to take the normal panadol as soon as there's sign of fever.

100% Cotton Hanky/WashCloth from Korea

1 Pack (10 pcs) - $8.90 each (Less than $1 a piece!)
Above 3 packs - $8.50 each

I want to introduce this 100% cotton hanky for babies. It's brought in from Korea and I personally use no other hankies/wash cloths but these for my 1 year old baby. Since she was born till now, I have been using these hankies as washcloth for her face and body (even my CL says its very good and she has never seen it before!).

They are also used as burp clothes and her hanky for going out. In her first 6 months, she has slight reflux and frequently threw up. I prefered to use these cloths instead of tissue paper as they are much gentler to the skin.

It's super soft, thin, washes and dries easily and very cheap too! It can be washed over and over again in the washing machine and doesn't tear easily.

They come in packs of 10 at $8.90 each. If you get 3 packs and more, its $8.50. Postage is calculated separately or collection can be arranged.

PM me if keen. Thanks
my last menses was at 10 October, ovulation should be abt day 16-17 (tested by ovulation strip)menses usually more than 30days..i should be week 6 now..quite sad after gynae told me cant hear anything..
shall look for those talk on pregancy & bb then we all can attend together hee...

my last visit to gynae cant see anything yet too gynae say its like only 5th week
my first day menses is 11 oct till now still early huh to scan?
i'm so excited yet worried
Take care. Pls minimize ur movement now, stay in bed. If need be, get a wheelchair when u reach the clinic. Is the bleeding Bright red colour? If bright red colour, maybe u need to highlight to the dr or ask whether need to go down sooner.
I was wearing crocs flipflop for my last pregnancy. I think get a good pair of flipflop with good support n friction should be ok.
Don't worry so much. Normally is abt 6.5 weeks then machine can pick up HB. Jus wait for two more weeks
good morning mummies!!
Does anyone have any prenatal exercise classes to recommend? I read good ones gets booked up very fast!
anyone has anyone idea if the KK aqua prenatal is stil on? Can't find anything except expired links.
Ya... My baby gal is 13th month old now, induced delivery by dr chan. Although, dr chan's charges not cheap, she is very experienced.
tmr, gg to see her. My spotting still abit abit everyday. super sian, have to ground at home. Don't dare to carry my bb too. She is abt 11kg. Feel so sad sometime that I can't play with her but to stay on bed.
hi tinggy im seeing dr chan again on wed hope can see more on bb as last scan didnt see anything.
do rest well & dont move around
endure a while more then u can play with ur bb gal

agree with your those maternity bra outside like ah ma bra hee...
Qing-er: don't worry, I haven heard Bb HB too! Or rather gynea did not even attempt to let me listen. According to him, HB will be form when Bb(not including sac) measures at least 3mm-5mm. Or at 6w3d. Everything will be fine ya ;)

Happyjul: discharge plus fever may be sign of infection. It will be ok with medication/ wash. Meanwhile, miminize ur movement. Jiayou!
Qinger, your last ms is almost the same as me. Mine was 11 Oct. I'm going for the 1st visit only after next week, which is abt 2nd week of Dec. Hopefully by then can hear heartbeat and see my beanie. Wanna wait until after holiday mah..hehe...good luck to your next visit!
hey ladies...

ooo fluffy i read hoegarden i also want to drink

on mc again today cuz down with flu and sore throat.. doc didnt give lozenges cuz apparently not that good.... but throat itchy like mad and keep making me want to puke

until i cant differentiate is it morning sickness or due to sore throat..

piky, thanks for the site!
Take care peapea and rest well. Drink lots of water.

I'm another one who got the fresh blood from the "back hole". Constipate too much.
Need to grab prune juice on the way home.
Thanks mummies..after read ur post, I dun feel so worry now..maybe i m too paranoid
hopefully next week can see hb..

Hui Chinz & Lil'thing..all the best!

wish everyone has a sticky n healthy bb..
Back from gynae visit. Beanie is 1.75cm at 8w1d. Heartbeat 169.

Gynae said the blood is a false alarm. Probably due to constipation and abrasion.

Take care mummies, pray for sticky healthy babies.
haha...actually it's abit ex. But gd quality and got my size, me is big mama la :p

It really depends on you, u can start buying them when your current existing clothes start to feel the tightening. No good to wear tight liao, so must wear 'loosen' clothes. Heheh...

Congrats! I hope I'll be able to hear my beanie's hearbeat too...
as long its comfortable worht the $ spent
agree with you cannot wear too tight, ytd i had a had time as wearing legggings till late night i feel so xin ku =<
so excited for u can hear bb heartbeat soon

i'm still in 5wk+ cant hear or see anything yet
heheh...ya loh now comfortable is the most important. Hehe...and anyway the 260+ spent is after 10% discount for:
- 1 x jeans
- 1 x black pants
- 1 x 3/4s
- 3 t-shirts

Ok rite? hehe...

I oso just ard 6 weeks or even same as you. So that's y wanna wait until mid-dec then go for 1st visit to gynae bah. hehe...pray hard for us k.
Mei Ne; if you buy the mustela twin pack cheaper, about $90+ and if you have kiddy palace card, you are still entitled to another 10% discount. So the saving is quite substantial.

Better wait for sales. During Robinsons sales, mustela always got 25% + 5% or 20% + 10%.

huichinz, my first day menses is 11 Oct.
gd deal buy so many items for tat amt.
can start wearing ur maternity clothing already.

must we apply stretch mark cream now ?
