(2012/07) Jul 2012

kalmen22, me did not read the whisperer book but i'm into schedule feeding. it's really good and predictable and allowed me to plan when to go out and when to be back. baby also will learn and become very predictable including when to sleep, when to wake up. he slept thru the night i.e. 5-6hrs straight at a early stage. occasionally still wake up halfway but generally doesn't.

starting 2 months might be hard to get into schedule cos the BF might not be enuff to last 2-3hrs yet due to kid's suction power & also our supply. but later very very good.

for me, key is, i GET A LIFE!!! hahahaha....

BB, pretty pretty!!!! me also just got a hair cut only. looked abit tu tu right now but was thinking in few weeks time should be just nice. but too bad can't color hair still. now next is pedicure. if hubby refused, i'll state Jo and other people's example and ask him to do it for me! i'm sure he'll allow to go then... hehehe...
BB, hehe you are an inspiration! Shd learn from you and pamper myself more!

Cherish, I think same thing happened for me during no 1. Despite putting on the oil/cream, my tummy expanded super a lot in the last month, before that tummy wasn't extremely big, so ok no stretch marks, but stretch marks appeared towards the very end, haiz sad, but anyway, hope this time no additional ones. Ladies, time to be diligent n apply more oil/cream now ok, during this final lap our tummies expand the most

Kalmen, thanks, yeah so I think I'll stick to ordering my current band size, I dun like the band loose
Rykiel, I m delivering at gleneagles.. I scare besides the eagle eyes, my hubby also run let me bath
don't know how to tahan!!

Is 4 packets of NB diapers enough??
Ourlovestory, 4 packs shd be enough to last the first days/weeks depending on how many pcs per pack n how frequently u change bb's diapers. My #1 was very sensitive initially, once pee or poo will cry n need to change diaper. You can buy S size next if afraid bb will outgrow the nb size quickly.

Those who have ordered from Asos, I'm trying to order the Emma Jane bra online now, where is the field that we can input the discount code Kalmen shared? I'm already at the entering your CC details step(step 4 for new customers) but still don't see the 'enter promo code' field. Wondering if I shd go ahead to enter CC details n hope that it's in step 5 (confirmation)? Appreciate any advice, thanks!
Good morning mommies.

My hubby has eagle eyes. He will know if I buy new stuff back or not. Haha. I used to buy new clothing for myself n hide in wardrobe. If he saw me wore it, he will ask 'buy new clothes again?'LOL

I forgot if pigeon bottles can use wif medals pump. I just remembered there is another brand bottle is compatible. But confirm not avent.
tanny: i'm told that you need an 'adaptor' if you use medela breast pump with other brand's bottles. i bought avent bottles already then decided that i wanted medela breast pump instead of avent pump.. so i had to buy an adaptor.

ourlovestory: do you have to do anything in gleneagles now? like register/fill up any forms or any sorts?
oh dear, hopefully get well asap!

yes must stay pretty, i still go for my facial monthly haha seriously tempted to rebond my hair also before birth =p
tanny, my medela swing works well with those glass bottles given by hospital i.e. friso, similac bottles that they used to feed newborns.

laura, get well soon.

btw, i suddenly got throbbing in my left ear last time. read online cd be due to my recent haircut and one small strand of hair might have gotten inside!!! or cd be due to sinus. praying to recover soon too!!!
do you think i can check w my gynae tomorrow? me lazy to go GP leh.
liligal: walking can but v v slow. =x hahaha.. ya i told hub last nite i tink dun wan go. i rather rest more. esp at times like this. im on my 2nd day mc. tmr gg back to wrk! i also hvn bought diapers. nt even diapers. i hvn bought ANYTHING.

bb: wow. u got green light to rebond? i only got green light for mani pedi sessions. pretty pretty! happy for u!

ourlovestory: oh! hehehe. wipe lor. anw i believe that its good for us if we refrain frm touching cold water. else nxt time everywhere sngsng. i #2 mum but i cant advise. =\ feeling bad.. i only buy whn finishing. din stock up.

laura: gosh u still not ok for headache ar? i recovered from mine ytd. but when i go out for food or walk abit too long, i feel the pain coming back. i wonder is it bb sitting on some nerves of mine causing the pressure to go up once again. u take kare ok, rest well & get well soon!

im gg put on a mask in the cold cold room n pack #1 clothes n empty some space in the waredrobe for #2.. i hope i can do that. cos ytd i on the a/c n ended up jus lying on bed for 2 1/2hr doing nth.
Thanks lili_gal and Rykiel.
原来 I have nose infection cos mucus is with blood, thick and yellowish. Thus, no wonder the headache which panadol couldn't get rid of, so doctor gave me anti-biotics.

Superior shows no concern but anyway, I didn't expect anything from him. A bit heart pain is HB is showing aggitation that I keep staying at home either on MC or urgent leave. Sigh...must see open. I gotta keep thinking of my little one and hack care all these irritants. :'(
Bhoo: haha yeah next time when i got my own place dan i will try to cook in the kitchen..
but that gt to wait till 3 yrs later..
yeah schools nowadays r quite tough.. i gave tuition to a pri 3 boy n i bought assignment books n it was like omg..

citizen: just tk good care of urself n not tired urself during confinment period can le.. u got no elderly pple telling u wat need to do n all?
i haf to listen to my mil esp since i m staying w her..

liligal: haha.. actually no matter wat age oso got brandings de seriously..even tuition centres oso got brandings de.. so dun be surprirse..
as those spots on face n body..i haf none..
every morning i will look at the mirror n count the left side n right side of my stretch marks..
haha.. n i will tell my baby dun scratch me from inside..so now i only gt 6 on my right n 9 on my left..other dan tat there r no other visible marks/spots.. but i do haf cellulite!!! n dry skins..
AS for penguins.. well dun worry.. its not an insult.. if u wanna say insult..when i was young, my daddy friends oso say i look like penguins when i walk coz i m chubby..n they wanna use me to shoot an advertisment for bird park..but my dad refuse coz he think is an insult..i told my dad y didnt let me b a model at young age..haha..
newborn pampers dun worry too much yeah.. just buy 2 pkts n standby coz we dunoe how long the bb will use the newborn papmpers.. they might outgrown soon??

BB: envy u lei..still can pamper urself..
i already snip off my long hair in March.. but now i m trying to keep long again coz i got maternity shoot in June.. so hopefully by dan will look nice nice=p hehe..

cherish: yeah.. i cnt imagine when it reach to my bb turn.. dunoe how it will change.. omg..

Rykiel: haha.. oki lah i come to office yesterday oso nth much to do.. hehe..
today better le.. i slpt from 830pm till this morning.. hehe..
hope u r feeling better le=)
as for batam.. well i think u just buy in sg bah.. its GSS period anyway.. i believe there r many great savings too..

Laura: get well soon n rest well.. hopefully doctor gif u 2 days mc so today n tml can rest.. long weekends.. try to recover before next week bah..since its motherhood fair next week..

later i going to H&M to check out the maternity bra=p hopefully its comfy..hahaha..
joy_javen: Thanks. But only on 1 day mc. Tomorrow going back to work liao but nevermind, I got something need to follow-up. Once done I will just nuah for the rest of the day, or else ppl will think I'm still so energetic.
haha is the person who pour the hot water in is powerful...thanks for the info. in that case tik i will ask hubby to find contractor to change once i have delivered n still in hospital. so that when CL comes, she can use the common toilet.

usually ppl will give up their seats to me too... but i would say "bangladesh" are most auto, even they are sitting in the middle of the row, they get up immediately.

Does Mt A provide toothbrush/ paste & towels?
i can't remember already hehe...was tiking not to bring if they have.
i'm pampers supporter too haha...tried huggies but too thick, when #1 poos we cannot smell haha..for pampers can smell the poo and can change immediately.
joy javen: Only got confinement nanny. In-laws and parents working, so am hoping there shouldn't be too much interference from there. Have put my husband on standby to round-off his parents just in case. Told him with the stress of taking care of bb and lack of sleep, I worry my temper will flare and I end up offending his parents.

Erm, I super kiasu, but it was a really great limited time deal ... I bought 16 packs of 24 piece new born pampers at S$3.30 each. Bought so much in order to qualify for free delivery. I figured if cannot finish, with so many friends popping, no problem gifting... Good and super-value gift. :p
I got red spots on my tummy too. It looks a bit under the surface kind and comes and goes. I just try not to scratch. So far no stretch marks, but haven't been putting much stuff cos' when I tried, I end up with a pimply tummy. But belly button area feels itchy.
If anyone has the time, check out Harvey Karp's "Happiest baby on the block" DVD available at the library. It looks amazingly easy to calm a fussing baby. His book with the same title puts me to sleep though. :p
Laura: well no choice lah.. my hubby always say i kay siao tk mc even when i just feeling headache when i wakes up..
anyway u haf a good rest at home today..

citizen: wow.. $3.30 for 24pcs of new born pampers? that means its like $0.13/pc lei..
my gf always tell me as long pampers ard $0.22/pc can buy..
where u gt such a good lobang..
wow u all really read books n watch dvds hor.. i just dunoe which to get myself reading or watch..
cookie: why the emma jane bra has no cup size one? then how to order??

joy: h&m got maternity bra? i got a maternity dress from h&m but it was so short that i cannot wear it now with my big tummy.. it looks more like my usual dress before i got pregnant! but they have labeled it as maternity wear...

Pink_Piglet: you are so lucky to have a seat in the train!
i guess FT are so not bad after all..

Rykiel: this is my first time as i very kiasu and hope to have some stock up of the wipes and detergent.. after all i will be "imprisoned" for a month or more leh! *sob...

mummy lee: no leh, i did not register and sign up anything at gleneagles yet...

laura: relax and nua for today la.. hope that you will get well soon!

tanny: pigeon wide neck bottle cannot be used with medela pump, i have tested it already. Not sure for the standard neck one.
ourlovestory: yup H&M got maternity bra.. according to my colleague lah.. haha..
no choice.. coz our tummy take up space mah..so the dress will be shorter lor..
anyway as for changing mat.. my hubby say its better to get it..
else wait bb pee or poo on the bed dan troublesome liao..
the morning threads are running fast too! ;)

i bought the rubber changing mat from kiddy palace for my bb. i find it's necessary as i will change diapers on my bed and with this, at least if the urine or poo accidentally comes out, it will stain the mat instead of the mattress. And since it is rubber type, it is easy to clean up. this is my thot.

get well soon. just ignore ur boss. my boss is also like that but i heck care liao. hahah
citizen, where got such lobang? i also want!!!

btw, what is changing mat? those flat foldable ones that you bring out?

i change #1 at his cot. what i do is put waterproof sheets below. they hv those washable waterproof sheets or you can buy from guardian disposable ones. so the baby mattress did not get it at all unless he shifts positions but rare.
citizen, i read the book haha didnt know it is available in DVD, will check it out.
the gist is to swaddle the baby and the other Ss...haha i wish it can be as simple as that man!
Laura, rest rest rest, hopefully you'll feel better by tonight

Ourlovestory, it's a one size fit multiple cups kinda design, the material can stretch to accommodate n support growing boobs, so main thing is figure out ur band size 32,34,36 etc

Just took out #1's pigeon sterilizer, must ask hubby to clean this weekend or next when he is free. The metal plate looks abit discolored, need to google how to descale it or if any mummy knows, do share, thanks!
cookie, go to pigeon's official website. they teach you how to clean with just lemon and other methods. i planning to get pigeon 3-in-1 sterilizer again via the motherhood fair.

linggie, citizen, my #1 did not like swaddle at all. even right now, he doesn't like to use blanket.
Hi citizen n bhoo
May i know the application u gals talk abt "my pregnancy", is it a chargable application? Good to use? Full name of application?

Hi gals
The thread moving so fast n i only hv time to read but no time to post..;(

I go for my scan yesterday.. One bb weight 1.8plus kg and one at 1.7kg plus at wk30... Is it ok?? Hi lili, u mention urs is at what weight at wk 32? Gynea say may hv to rest soon but no tell me when?

Hi bb n gals
Nice to hear ur maid story.. I am abit piss off by her recently...
Now she dare to talk back when i tell her off, is it normal?
E.g she oways expect me to see whether her bread is enough n buy for her automatically, isnt it makes me tired.. She shd tell me right since she not kids leh.. Then i tell her must tell me but she didnt tell two days ago n left only 1pc bread.. So i let her eat one pc only n tell her why she no tell me n she talk back say yes, she got tell me!! I was very piss as i remember clearly one day before tt i keep asks her wht need to buy n she didnt say bread at all.. Then oso one incident when my mum asks her clean her fan, she just wipe outside n no wipe inside (lazy??) then my mum asks why no clean inside n she says dun know how to open cover when she close before last time lor, then my mum say she can asks her right n she reply my mum on the line so cant asks!! But she already put down phone for quite sometime so why cant asks.. Really gd in arguing!! And she really not automatic or no initiative when do things.. When raining, she only close her room window n ignore other window.. When asks her wash all cups clean, she only clean her cup clean n my son cup still dirty.. I am so piss off n tell her off daily.. My hb worry will affect bbies n tell me relax but how to when there is a selfish maid at hm.. Even when wash 4pcs of her own clothes, she can use 3full pail of water n when wash my son n hb 4pcs clothes, she only use 2half pail of water!! So i change her big red pail to small pail else waste my water alot!! See how selfish she is!!!! Arrrgggg... How can i rest assure to let her take care my bbies.. I rather take care myself.. Oh ya, she can takes 1hr to fold 20pcs of cloth diaper!! Faint.. Is this normal for a maid to work so selfish? Slow? Know how to argue back?? She broke my mum things twice too n i tell her if she break again, she gonna pay for it!! My hb oso say things tt need to buy, write down n no conflict.. N things she does wrong, we intend to list it out n asks her to sign so tt she can see herself how many times she does wrong!! Sigh..

Hi lili
Glad to know u can get ur full pay during ML..;)
just bought my emma jane nursing bra! hope that it is good!
very cheap deal with the discount.

Joanne: i do not have a maid so i cannot share experience withyou, but in general, a maid is supposed to help you to relief your work and keep your sanity! if she is not helping, can you chnage her? especially you are having a twin, a good helper is very important!! that's just my 2 cents worth but other mummies with maid might be able to advice you better... good luck!
jo, mine was 1.87kg at 31wks. urs totally ok. plus, this is only estimation. seems like your smaller one is fighting back and growing more now.
think you should start like soon cos for twins, they are usually ready to pop after 34wks.

ur maid doesn't seemed suitable for you leh...
Joanne, from what u hv written here. I hv similar encounter too but guess initial start we hv to be very patient. About the fan, did you ever demonstrate how to remove everything to wash? I demonstrated a few times before my helper take over to do it. We can't assume they know everything. Sometimes my helper did something wrong, I told my hb it is my fault cos I didn't give the instruction clearly or I didn't teach her properly. But once I completed training n making my instruction very clear, I will monitor her progress to make sure she is doing right. But in any occasion you find your helper is dishonest, show no respect to you, buy a ticket for tonight flight n send her home. Don't drag further. My helper breaks things too but who don't break things when rushing or doing house chores? My helper a bit rough when washing so I hv to remind her to be gentle, now she is more gentle. I did tell her the things she broke will be cut from her pay but i didn't do that. In fact I brought her to buy those she broke to replace n she knows how expensive there were n she be more careful next time. Human management is through experience, my only advice is to be patient n teach them assuming they don't know anything at all. After teaching them, monitor them n correct the mistakes. Always keep your cool cos by keeping cool u won't raise your voice. Discuss with your hb the progress of your helper n if the attitude n behavior r still not acceptable, send her off.
cool down cool down. like what BB said, u monitor her for a while more. see if she will change and improve after u tell her. if she is still having the same attitude, it's time to send her off. try not to let this affected you badly, though i know it's easier to say.
hey mummies..
i got a fren who just give birth last novemeber n she wanna share abt losing weight after giving birth in a healthy way..
so just contact her directly if u wanna find out more or you wanna ask ur hubby or friends to lose weight..
Her name is Linda at 9111 1136
u gals can call/sms/watapps her to find out more=)
Hair-cut...am thinking of getting a hair-cut mid or end Jun, closer to my delivery date. So by the time baby full month my hair will grow out just nice

Kalmen22: will try to get down to reading Baby Whisperer ;p

It's R&R day for me...just finished shopping at Takashimaya (today's their 1st day of sale) and going for facial now...hee hee...
hi mummies, have just received TMC pre-registration letter yesterday. Now they so high-tech, have 2 options: either to mail back the filled-up form OR we can just log in online with the ID and password they provide to register!

Joanne: I had a maid when i delivered my #1 back in '09 and what u just said reminds me bits of her... I think nowadays maids think they have alot of 'rights' due to their frens influence and can argue back when they want to. Try having a talk with her? Some of them are like small kids, needs a lil sweet-talking =X but I did that with my previous maid & she cried like I scolded her although it was just a nice talk asking her if she has problems back home(trying to play the soft way) which turned me off already so after 1 month of no improvement, I said sayonara to her and send back to agency.

Anyone feeling the spine near backside area feeling stiff and painful after sitting down for awhile? I'm sitting in my office for abt an hr after lunch and have prob standing up cos the 'pigu' there very pain!
marie, you are not working? i'm so tired that i'm dozing off or day-dreaming in office already. today interestingly, just when i'm day-dreaming, this thread is moving slowly.
I got it from gmarket when there was a limited period sale. Have been logging in everyday, but so far hadn't seen the deal being repeated. Right now they have Huggies swimming diapers on "Sale" S$10.90 for a pack of 3. But am not sure if it's a good deal cos' I dunno the mkt rate.

Joanne: "My Pregnancy" is a free app by babycenter. Just search "my pregnancy" on App Store it should come out. It gives updates on each week, your baby's supposed progress, changes in your body etc. And it helps keep track of which week you're at also.
Joanne: They are growing fine

Thank you sisters for all your well wishes.
Now I will not (try not to) be bothered of what these idiots have to say but 老娘 is not feeling well so they better mind their tongues. When I'm done with my ML I will 东山再起 and back to my old self again be it at work or at home. So they better watch out cos' I will cheong all the way for my next fat pay rise and promotion. Hiak! Hiak! Hiak! (not to mention those so easily earned OT $$ Woo-Hoo!)
Marie: envy u sia.. can haf a day of R&R..
i oso wish to do so.. my 2 gfs r out in town now.. i wish i m joinging them too..

di: ya quite advance hor.. but i didnt put in my FBI card number coz when i registered it, the card was not w me.. hope it wun affect anything..
n yes i feel my lower back/spine to feel pain.. so everytime will get out n go toilet or pantry.. n i put a pillow at my back for support when in office..

citizen: that is a super cheap cheap deal..
lucky for u.. i dun think i can buy so many oso coz my hubby n i m afraid skin allergy..
Came across this app ... "MyLaborBags Lite". It's an app to help you pack your hospital bag! Wahahaha! Whatever will they come up with next?

So tempted to go shop at Robinsons and M&S today but the medicine is really making me nuah (Fedac + 2 types of anti biotics). I want to buy new utensils from R and undies from M&S. The nearest Robinsons Group dept store to me is JL, but JL always selling stuff I don't need. R is still the best.

Is there any difference in baring a bb girl and bb boy? I mean their movement behaviour. Example, boys are more active and move non stop and girls tends to be more 幼秀. In my past 3 check-ups Dr Loh always says that my water is sufficient. Does it mean that my boy have sufficient water and keep swimming non stop in his sack?

At week 33 with est. weight of 2.5-2.7kg still having plenty of room for him to move about...Wow! My "oven" is really big oh!
