(2012/07) Jul 2012

Cookie: def dun over exert or launch into a full fledge routine if you haven't been exercising. Perhaps stretching? That should help a lot. I did share on my blog 2 exercise my prenatal masssage lady taug me to alleviate back pain. Hope it'll help u.

Or get the hubby to massage. My hubs massages my lower back, rubs the calves. Helps to ease cramps. And it's a nice quiet time for both of us to chat.

My lips are dry too. Like winter weather dry.

Joy: no worries on the info

laura: hi, no one is too old to be a mummy, y u say that!!! haiyo..

im a #2 mum, 6yr ago la. buthn nw i also hv the jitters cos...... 1st. nails... 2nd. im a v chorlor person. bb will b so soft i worry also!

rgds to pads n all i tink i will get them whn i go batam.. im gg to batam (making plans now) tentatively in mid june.. so i shud b stocking alot! i hope la.
Rykiel: hee hee hee...I'm only 3 more years from turning to 40 oh..
Only worried after my 1mth confinement am I able to squat or bend my back to bathe bb.
laura: u hving ur #? ur xp is powerful compared to me liao lor.. hehehe. i gt backaches so often ever since my #1.. they say is due to lie nt enf during confinement. cant walk properly. get up from bed also diff.. n i get headaches.. those weather predicting kind? if 'pek hor' (hokkien) n dun rain i eat how much panadol also no use. cos i tink i got headaches n migrains since sch days. so... n.. i washed my hair during confinement that time.
Rykiel: My #1 only. XP powerful maybe is because my mom was a nanny to many of my neighbours and cousins and I've seen a lot and sometimes helped out. I don't feel comfortable washing my hair for at least for the first 2 weeks but hubby keep saying it's ok as long as I blow dry immediately. Hmm...
Speaking of pubic hair... anyone thinking of going for a brazilian wax before EDD. According to one of my frens, they do a shoddy work at the hospital and can be uncomfortable during confinement period when it grows out. Any experience on that to share?
bhoo: i did BW at wk 24 and it is good as in i see less hair growing out now and less poking when new hair grows.. but there are redness for the first 2 days as our skin is very sensitive now so you have to take note of it. I am still thinking to do it one more time before delivery or not.. scare tummy is too big now.

liligal: thanks for the pilates video.. i was so tired just doing part of the standing pilates. maybe i really too nua already.. beside walking, i did not exercise much at all! ;p

we should have full pay during ML right? are we not entitiled to aws too??
i have a question: do we deliver at wk 38 or wk 40? i just realised that we are so near now coz working keeps me so busy :-/ i just started to purchase my bb cot only!
Laura, the pple at the waxing salon see so many customers a day we will just be another number to them. No need to shy. Heh.

ourlovestory, I am also thinking of going for brailian closer to EDD. I dun want to risk having the nurse at the hospital doing a bad job then have to endure the itch! Can you imagine the discomfort you have to go thru during confinement when you have itch down there together with the lochia gushing out of you plus whatever stitch your doc is going to sew down there plus uterus contractions plus breastfeeding...Hehehe .... anyway, that's how my fren convinced me that I MUST go for waxing.

All of you are making me very kan chiong lei. I've not done much to prep for the baby. I have not even bought washing detergent so cannot wash baby clothes and stuff. I also have many things not bought yet. Thinking of getting at the motherhood fair end of the mth ... but seems like too rush now?
bhoo: Got a place to intro? I also need help to cut my toe nails. Got pedicure without painting and how much ah? I can't even see my belly button, let alone reaching to my toes.
liligal: i see..ya lor dn must as well shun bian..

Marie_Ang: wow.. that is way too early.. anyway i havent buy anything so gonna wait next week motherhood fair n purchase=) will tk 1/2 day to go down n jot down what promo they haf=)
n also need to wait for my fren to pack her son clothes for me..
anyway i oso feel scare if i handle my own bb..
coz nv really handle them before..n scare i will break their bone or wat..

rykiel: wow u damn good life lah.. still can go batam lei..
Laura: I'll also buy my own sanitary pad and change to my own ones the moment I can get out of bed! The maternity loop is horrible...the last time I had a minor op, the loop caused me to have rashes on my bum...and it's very uncomfortable.
Laura, I go to Strip for waxing ... the one @ The Cathay. They are very professional and you will not feel awkward at all =)

As for mani and pedi, my preference is Good Earth Nail @ either PS or Compasspoint.
laura: congrats! wah so u grew up with many kids leh. good!!! hehehe.. how many wks u r now?

joy_javen: no la just go there over the weekends n stay for one night only. where got good life. i hvn been out of sg since i got back from hk/sz last year =( go batam can shunbian stock toiletries ma. =)

i tink bb pressing on bladder too much, b4 gg out for lunch i emptied bladder. liner clean n fresh still, back from lunch, liner was wet. wtf. but i din feel leaks.
Marie: Bum rashes. Ew...! Yesterday after I bathe and went out shopping I didn't go for a single toilet break, but don't know why my bum just feels sore just like as if I didn't clean myself well after I poop. Sore and itchy! Don't really like those loop type of pads cos the surface texture is unlike Whisper's.
ya ya. good life leh and u still hv the energy. i just can't wait to lie on my sofa and watch tv only...w/o my boy around. HAHAH. dont feel like going anywhere now.

Marie, i'm targetting to deliver in 1st wk july too. hopefully in wk39. crossing fingers. =)

abt handling bb. frankly speaking i freaked out for my #1 as i don't take care or play much with kids previously. totally no experience. i hope this time round, i can handle better.
I have been wanting to ask ... what's the diff between maternity pads and ordinary sanitary pads? And why must we wear disposable undies at the hospital? Can't we just wear our regular undies?
cherish: at hm also v boring leh idk where to go. just ytd went next n went build a bear than ate at dianxiaoer, ntuc & went hm, ended up cant slp dk y, slpt at 130am =\ hahahha

bhoo: i tink they r longer n wider? i also dk
i'm not too sure the diff between maternity and ordinary pads. for my case, i find it was okay to use the long ordinary pads (for nite and heavy flow) so had used it during #1 delivery.
As for undies, i bought disposable because i scared later i stained my normal undies and need to wash. so it was more for convenience as i just wore and threw. and i personally don't feel comfortable asking CL to wash stained undies for me.
Cherish: so how did you overcome the fear of handling your first baby? How long did it take for you to handle your baby with ease?
I think I'll need another pair of hands to help bath the baby together!!

bhoo: I remember the kotex maternity loop TMC gave me post-op was without the sticker underneath the pad to make it stick to your panty. But strangly enough it kind of stays in place and doesn't fall off
I've never really had heavy period flows... any brands of sanitary pads to recommend? Those pads with loops sound very uncomfortable and primitive. I tot those are during our mothers' era.

I saw at mothercare this bath 'tray' that you can place inside the bath tub so you can rest your baby on it and have your both hands free to bathe and play with baby. Looks like a super good thing to have. Have anyone tried that?
marie, your friend same EDD as me! delivery now is not yet pre-term right? only 33wks!

on the holding baby, i totally agree with u on the jitters. as someone who doesn't like kids until my #1 appeared and never held a baby b4, it was really daunting. holding wrapped baby was ok. but if not wrapped, i panicked. esp bathing. so i got this tub with a net on top. u jus place the baby on top and bathe.. hahhahaha.. very safe. my fren got those w non-slipped ones so put baby in, wun slip so u cn still hold properly. those tubs from Mt A is only for professionals i think. i still hv a bit of jitters for #2 cos #1 big and easy to hold. but the net helps.

laura, good wat to go bald. i also bought the non-looped type for at home. looped type pass to nurses at hospital so they dun charge me exhorbitant prices for 2nd pack. btw, my bum also abit sore sore and itchy feel. so i started changing liners more frequently. i scared due to having it wet too long then kena infection. that's why i thinking of BW.

ourlovestory, me in sales pay i.e. 50 base 50 incentives. so the websites all not very clear. my company website says only base pay during ML. so i super upset and asked for clarifications cos when i was in china the staff there were paid much better. apparently until now they are still checking. odd. i really wonder if i'm the first sales mummy.. can't be lor. anyway, my super nice boss decided to fight for 100% pay for me and trying to get approvals. hehehee...

bhoo, i planning on BW soon also at Strip. btw how much for mani and pedi at Compass pt? on the pads, think maternity type with loop supposedly holds better and wun move and dun nd undies. normal ones must get cottony soft ones i think but undies needed. i also like cherish, dun like people washing stained undies for me e.g. mum or anyone. so getting disposable for initial period until i'm well enuff to wash on my own.
talking abt bathing for babies, whn i bathe my #1, he SCREAMS N WAILS like u put him into a tub of duno wad. OMG. deafening kind. towards the end of the bath thn he will fully enjoy it n have a nice slp. my mum always says he ate too much air while crying. HAHAHHAA
liligal: i hope your boss gets the approval for you! it is so unfair when we have to give birth and still suffer a pay loss!

how much is the bath tray net? how old can we bath our bb with that?

i am not wearing any panty liner now leh.. how come you gals got leaks? I only have some harden stain in my panty sometimes..
lili_gal, where do you get the tub with net from? The ones I saw at mothercare is more like a non-slip reclining tray that you have fit into most baby tubs. So they are good idea?? If yes I go buy this weekend! Heh

Mani-pedi at good earth is ard $60. With package is cheaper... but can't remember by how much. As usual with package they will throw in FOC sessions for every 10 plus FOC scrub, etc etc. There is one on the 2nd floor of Rivervale mall. Much cheaper and also not bad. But not convenient unless you live ard that area.

Rykiel, my MIL claims that it's good to let babies cry in the first few mths to open up their lungs. I think you #1 must have very big lungs!
i still have pedicure package (expiring this mth) but i dare not go now because there is a recent report that the chemicals from the nail polish is not safe and it is harmful to pregnant women too. The news did not state which brand of nail polish but i see that it looks like opi and most saloons in sg is using opi too... i think i might just forfeit my package and have my ugly toe nail for now!
anyway my hubby also don't let me go after watching the news!
my tub i got it from robinsons back in 2009. it costs abt $69 i think. blue in color. i find the net very safe for me. here's a pic i found in my harddrive. take a look.

but he was big already with no net needed and can lie comfortably without me holding. there's a little mountain in center also for his knees to rest so he really doesn't slip. he's 2.5mths then. u can see the net i threw behind.


btw, just in case you all don't know. here's a very very good video. let's try this time.

liligal: your boy so cute! still cover his private parts ;p i also got my bath tub but it is not as high as yours, so will a bath net helps in this case?

btw, if you are interested in the pedicure, you can use my package because i won't be going and it is expiring anyway. just pm me
ourlovestory, yah.. the net is hooked from top side of tub to the end side n kinda like a hammock on top. it helped me cos i can jus dump him there and wash him without one hand carrying. but still must take care lah... jus in case u know. my fren is ok with the normal non-slip type. jus see what is comfortable for u.

laura, hehehe.. interestingly he looked so diff now! i saw this pic i also quite surprised. hahaa... yah he got mature look when he was young. green hanky is to protect his modesty! i dun wan him to hate his mummy for posting porn pics of him online in future!!!! but he still got a smile for me even tho his fists were clenched.

btw, everyone must see the youtube video. very interesting. it's about understanding the 5 baby sounds and decipher what he/she needs. too bad in 2009, i din know abt this.
lili_gal: yup, she was only 33wks...fortunately the baby came out at 1.99kg...so think should still be ok, don't need NICU.
And thanks for the recommendation on the bath tub...think I'll go look for something like that
speaking of pad i think i oso need to go stock up liao.. i usually always go look for the longest de..those 42cm..last time i used modess but i dun see it selling in sg anymore..
haha lucky its the GSS.. lolx.. so its time to haf our things stock up!!!

btw all those nets thingy.. helpful?? go where to purchase??

as in cutting of toe nails..i was sitting on the sofa the other day n cross leg to cut my nails..
if i sit on the floor i cannot do so..

liligal: whahah ur boy still know how to pose for the camera lei.. cute..
ourlovestory, which report are you refering to? I still go for my monthly mani-pedi... I tot they are pretty safe for preggers.

lili_gal, your boy is so cute! You are right to protect his modesty otherwise he will not forgive you for posting this pic on this forum! LOL.
Eeeeks!!! thanks for sharing the report. I think I better stop painting my nails to be safe. Will just ask them to cut and shape my nails.
ourlovestory: haha my hubby refuse to help me cut coz he say later he cut my toes instead of the nails..

bhoo: actually i oso refuse to go into the medi/pedi coz the shop itself got those chemical smells oso.. unless u r going to somewhere where the shop is quite spacious or maybe u wear a mask lor..
Kalmen, thanks for the link, I'll check it out later tonight when no 1 is asleep. Mummies who don't exercise, let's take a look and realistically target to do 2-3 times a week for a start?

Liligal, your boy looks so cute!

Cherish & liligal, me and hubby too! We also no experience with kids kind before no 1, I remember bathing no 1 for the first time still. Read books and was trying to follow, then luckily my late mom came to intervene. She kept saying cannot bathe/expose the baby too long otherwise he will be cold, think she also see we cannot make it haha..My sis was taking pics so 4 people in the bathroom for his 1st bath! Hope we will be more 'steady' with no 2. So 1st time mummies, dont worry, perfectly normal to feel not confident at first but with more baths and as the baby becomes older and sturdier, bathing will be alot more fun and enjoyable!

Hey btw gals, is it policy that hospital will shave you? Cos for my no 1 no need to shave, but he was born overseas. I had no problems during recovery period post delivery FYI, so maybe those who don't want to go for BW can ask your gynae is it a must to shave?
actually i was still going for my pedicure till my hubby saw the news and stopped me from going totally! ;p anyway better be safe than sorry as we are going to be due soon and bb is already formed by now
moreover there are jellish nails now which is so strong in smell when they are removing it! i hate that chemical smell!

joy: i even have to ask my hubby to help me to wear socks for me coz i cannot even bent down! i feel like an elephant!!!
cookie: i think must shave if you are having natural birth else how to see among the "forest bush" ;p in the end, don't know if it is the bb hair or our hair! *LOL*
ur boy is so adorable!!!

i struggled for quite some time for #1 but my hubby picked up very fast. i guess he was able to keep his cool where i got kan cheong too easily.
Oh dear ... if cannot even go to nail parlour to cut nails who will cut my nails for me?! I definitely cannot reach my toes now and I dun dare ask my HB to cut cos I think he might cut off my toes instead.

I'm still undecided whether to go for stemcord or cordlife. Thinking of checking cordlife out at motherhood fair before making my decision.
ourlovestory: i went for stemcord

basically i check all the information n compare the prices the previous time n asked my hubby..
so he said tk which 1 i just say okie.. whahah..
so nice of ur hubby he able to help u..
haha. my hubby will see his mood=X whaha..
sometimes he think i ownself still can do or watever he will ask me do myself..but overall okie lah he still give in to me..

tml i will be wk 30 already.. how time flies.. n my supervisor still thinking who to cover for me when i m on leave..
he kan jiong already.. coz he say another 10 wks or less.. better find a backup for me soon..
