(2012/07) Jul 2012

I didn't sleep well last night after work, I think my bb is protesting thar I slept late and kept kicking !! Today even more li hai, did somersault -.-"" I can only walk with pain

I have not start washing the bb clothes yet, bought lots n keeping all of them in a bag, think will start washing next week.. But can keep in zip lock bag? Or vacuum bag is better??1

Marie, are u shipping the California bb items yourself by vpost? Is it cheap? Which site did u buy from?

Is it good to have mattress protector? Will it b too hot for the bb? I wanted to buy but my hubby said no need??

Rykiel if order the pj now, when will it come? We have only 2 mths left!!

Kuwaii, I read from bb centre that back ache is normal as our tummy grows bigger.. Try some back massage or exercise, it helps

Yesterday went for my check-up and ultrasound shows bb is now at 2.5-2.7kg and Dr Loh really niam niam niam and asked me if I want to start insulin injections. NO WAY! I'll just have to watch my diet super strict.

Ladies, got quite an embarrassing ques to ask.
Even though our hair fall have decreased due to the increase of our hormones but does your pubic hair falls a lot? Mine is.
Laura, wow ur bb is big... How many weeks are you now? Got to control ur sugar intake. So now how frequent u seeing dr loh?
Qin: Tomorrow will be my wk33. Yeah! I was already controlling but maybe not good enough so now will take it super seriously strictly strict.
Will be seeing him again in 2 weeks time. He said it's possible to give birth naturally even if bb is 4kg but then I think it depends how big is my pelvis.
Now BB's bone have harden and seems like it's his peak to move about so lately quite suffering cos he keeps moving and pushing his way upwards. I feel like my brain being pushed against my skull.
U're not alone. My backache is getting worse. Not only sleep has backache, if I stand or walk too 'long' (just ard 15 min), my back starts to ache too. Hubby complains I whine too much during sleep when trying to turn fr I've side.

I'm so so lazy to start packing my hospital bag, let alone tidy up drawers for my bb.
Ourlovestory: est early June
latest second week June! Hehe.

This noon while havin my nap I had v bad cramps till I broke out in cold sweat. Supposed its the Braxton hicks cos my tummy was like cramped into a ball. Felt so bad. Woke up pale n weak. Sat for thirty mins before I told hub ok I'm fine nw I can go for dinner.. Scary!
ourlovestory: I buy the california baby stuff direct from their website. Calculated the conversion rate plus shipping, still cheaper than buying from the organic stores here. Plus if u consolidate all the baby clothes u buy online from US n ship in 1 batch, VPost only charges 1 handling charge, so that makes it even cheaper
lili_gal, I love ASOS for their FOC shipping. Hehe ... just ordered emma jane nursing bra thru ASOS. Can't wait to try it out with all the good reviews. BTW, I'm envious of your chest size! I tot pregnancy will finally make me chestier after battling with pre-teen chest size for 30 over years but I'm sadly only a B/C cup now. I've heard that after bf-ing, chest size might shrink to pre-pregnancy size?? I dun even dare think abt it now ....

Laura, your baby's weight is remarkable at 33 weeks! How accurate is your gynae? I've heard of quite a few pple who delivered big babies naturally =) so dun worry. Still impt to control your diet tho. 4 more weeks to go. Jia you!!!

bbgirl, my pain is all concentrated on my right side. I have sharp pain in my right butt and thighs and I've got super swollen right foot and ankle =( I sometimes walk with a limp. My lil' one also likes to jab me on the right side with what I suspect is a very strong finger or super bony elbow.

Really kudos to all of the mummies out there expecting your #2/#3. I do not know how you ladies have the strength and energy to care your kids and still bear with the many pregnany symptoms!!! I hope I can be as strong when it's my turn with #2...
I find my breasts shrink after all e pregnancy.. N get smaller. Sob sob. So will try to 'appreciate' e size after delivery. LOL.

I'm going to 'close shop' after this n wondering if I should opt for lagiation or not. Any thot, mommies?
Cherish, u got ur maid fr homekeeper? Indo maid? How mch was the agent n other misc fees, and mthly salary? I find the replacemt fee of $600 quite exp... Haven decided if i wana get a maid or not..
Yes, I got an indo transfer maid. Agency few was $588. Misc fees was ard $360 to $400. Her mthly salary is $450. Levy fee is $170. I find their pay hv increased. As for replacement fee, I'm not too sure as that time e agent told us it will change due to e new policy set by indo. Actually, it's really not cheap cos one more headcount at home n I believe my utility bills will increase too.

If u don't get maid, do u hv other options?
lili_gal: thanks for the wonderful pilates video recommendation...think I'll start doin them from tonight
but first have to dig out my pilates mat...hope I'm still able to find it -_-"
Hi laura
Wah!! U got big bb!! Did u asks Doc Loh if bb born at this gd weight, does he still need to go nicu since havent reach the correct week?? Try refrain fr sweet stuff n durian..

Hi rykiel
On the camera, what r the cables u use? Just the power supply enough or need network cable too?? I am puzzle if use network cable, how to hv sooo long cable attach to our router?? Thk u...

Zzzzzz sad tt Monday is here again soon..

Hi Cherish
Hows ur maid so far? Ok bo? Very tired need to assign her things to do n see n check on wht she do hor.. And yes, ur utilities bill sure increase, mine increase by $50 last mth...
Cherish, the katong branch quoted me 1280 agent fees less 50% due to gss.. Then insurance 265, work permit 40.. Everything add up to 990+ including gst.. Transfer is one 'free' replacement but need to top up $600 coz the cost of getting a new maid will be higher now with the changes. Dunno y they still call it free replacement then..

My #1 is coming to 2yo, mil takes care of him when i work but he startes gg to half day cc to play an learn stuff since march.. Hb has been doinf most of the housework so dunno if with #2, we shld get a maid to relief him so he can spend more time with the kids and also to take care of #1 when im attending to the baby.. Then also not sure if mil n fil can cope w baby and half day for my #1 when he comes bk fr cc.. So maid will b an option to help out since have 2 kids to take care of now.. But i have been putting it off coz dun likr a stranger in the hse.. Plus i dunno whr to let her slp coz i close all my windows at hm and on air con in the bedrooms, coz many lizards ard and im super scared of them.. Only place that im ok w letting th maid open windows and sleep is thr backyard area, already have windows there but i need to put blinds so she can have some privacy macham curtains.. The one im looking at also transfer maid.. Will b here in a wk once i decide.. Like very fast, im not ready sia....
Funny that the agency fees so diff though its the same agency... 1280 vs 588!! These agencies alot of pattern.. Trying to make us think now got 50% off.. But even so 640 is on the high side lo,.
Just drag myself to pack some stuff for hospital bag. Put in some disposable panties, breastpads, a set of sleep wear. Realised I haven't buy sanity pads. Maybe later go buy it. N a pair of pants to wear when discharge. Will put in e top at later stage. Will continue my packing slowly. Hehe

Can't remember who asked abt breastpads but I bought pigeon disposable ones. Used during #1 n found it ok.
So far still monitoring her. She's quite free now since #1 goes to full day ccc n not much things to do during day time. I hope she won't get too lazy when #2 comes. Worried she too used to e current pace lor. How's ur helper so far?

I got my helper just before e new policy kicked in so my agency fee was lower. With one extra hands, it helps ur in laws to cope. And yes, I'm really not used to hv stranger at home. Feel I lost some privacy n like some mommies said, I would hv go to take a nap when my boy naps but now I don't. Just feel something not right. Some more, I'm learning to close one eye when see her does things. Still, it depends on luck when getting maid. Me also bo pian. #1 is taken care by ourselves when bring him back fr ccc. We ask mil to take #2 but she can't cope by herself. so hopefully e helper can help out my mil when I go back to work.
Cherish, i m the one who asked for breastpad

Btw, my friend told me hosp do provide disposable panty, sanitary pad...
Brand new baby sling bought from The Birth Shop. Willing to sell at $25. Original price $48. See below website for product details.

Preloved BabyBjorn Carrier Air used less than 3 times. Willing to sell at $60. See below website for product details.

Preloved MyBrestfriend Breastfeeding pillow used less than 10 times. Very well-kept in original packaging. Original price $81. Willing to sell at $55.

Please see below link for pictures of the items. Kindly PM for deal. Price negotiable.
Hi Cherish
Ya lor.. Mine oso very free as my son goes to school in day time.. I oso worried she will become slack.. My mum keep say i hire too early.. Sigh... She does things slow lor.. Just now taught her how to fold nappy cloth and got to teach half hr.. Almost fainted.. Then i told her twins will use alot of clothing, where got so much time for her do things so slow... Zzzzz....
Hi gals
Do ur watery discharge increase? I just change to another more absordable liner and was shock to see the whole liner soak but my panty is dry.. Last time is liner not soak n panty actually wet which means it goes thru the liner? Abit shock just now when see it... Last time asks my gynea before, he says is normal to hv discharge only neh... So asks how abt u gals?

Oso i notice now the feeling of bbies in my tummy are their bones brush thru my tummy.. Last time is only kick.. Do u all feel the same? I think they hv not much space now so can easily feel their bones when we touch our hardened tummy?
I also feel I got e helper too early. Ideal time will be mid Jun for my case. But since already got it liao, no pt to think bah. So u don't sigh ok? Tell yourself at least u train her now n also monitor her character.

My discharge also increases slightly more. Need to change liners more often.

My tummy gets hardened more frequent too. When bb moves inside, I can see something pop out =)
yeah yeah i also felt the bones few weeks already. sometimes tummy is so hard that i am slightly breathless. and sometimes she'll jab at the joint between my body and thigh and be stuck there. nowadays every movement i can feel so abit tiring and disturbing esp when i'm sleeping.

marie, i got it from kalmen22's blog. she bought the dvd. have u tried? it's very tiring leh.. but good to exercise. my bones were cracking at the pelvic movements.

qin, mt A only provided me with sanitary pad but one pack free only. after that they charge very expensive for the next one. funny. they use 2 pads at one go with the loop thingy.

cherish, i also closing shop and thot about ligation too. but the permanent thingy kinda gets to me. so most prob no. i mean what if i need another kid later due to some other funny factors. so... eh, good that you started! i'm still lazy to pack my hospital bag.

does everyone feel that 4wks is like so close yet so far?
btw, do anyone of you have dry chapped lips?

laura, on the pubic hair.. i can't see down there at all so not even sure if it has increased or decreased in numbers.
Oh ya, tmc also used 2 pads at a go with e loop thing. I'm really not used to it. I changed to my own pads once I came down fr bed.

U left 4wks to go? That's very fast!! I still hv ard 7wk to go.
Yes, my gynae did mention abt e perm thing abt ligation. She told me to really really consider seriously as she had patients who regretted due to some unforseen circumstance. Will think abt it.
cherish, 4 wks to full term lah. hehehee... short cut.

btw, full term is calculated at START of 37wks or END of 37wks?

if start, i have 2.75wks left!!! wahahhahahahahha....*evil laugh*
@ bhoo / lili gal - I tried telling my little gal - mummy backside very pain. can u shift abit pls? else tmr mummy ll hv hard time working !!
surprisingly or coincidentally by evening time I feel my butts much better -) I guess credit goes to little gal plus the massage my husband gave
phweeeer hopefully u 2 ll b feeling better now too
Kalmen, I took a look at the youtube link and during the short preview of the various exercise types I went "wow!preg woman can do these kinda exercises??". I for one have not been exercising for yrs and my hubby reminded me of that. Was watching it with him by my side and think he was worried I would strain myself if I attempted to do the exercise hahaa.. Btw, the teacher looks fabulous! The exercise must be doing her good.

Ladies have you all been doing pilates/yoga etc? Am I the only lazy one?
Don't worry. I'm same club as u. I don't do any exercise at all except chasing my boy, squat down n up to pick up things. Hehe
Morn gals, tink it's my emo day again.... I puke in mid of the nite.... When I gag, I peed on my bed! Had to call in office to b late! My gynae ask me if I wan mc on sat n I reject cos no more left..... Forgot to ask him if can give me hosp leave when I m desperate..... Felt my down there very Pain! He is going 2 weeks leave 2nd wk June n my next appt is 23 June , so long! Was tinking of seeing him b4 his leave n ask for hosp leave my helper just nice here. I havnt slp more than 5 hrs every day cos of my gagging n pee leaking n cough.
cookie and cherish, I also did not do yoga or pilates ... My placenta was low lying so doc advised me against it. The only exercise I do is swim and slow walk.

rer-rer, when are you due? Most doc should be ok with giving hospitalisation leave for bedrest if you are suffering like that ... have you tried sleeping in a reclined position instead of lying flat on the bed? It might ease your urge to gag.
morning ladies n bbies=)

been lazy to log in to the forum..
kinda tired n bored over the weekend..
actually i didnt do anything over the weekends but dunoe why so tired..

anyway thanks kalmen22 for ur info=)

rer-rer: pls call in ur gyne n ask!!! u need to rest.. if dun haf dan u see can use ur al or not..

cookie: i didnt do any exercise except for swimming like 2 weeks ago..whaha.. n erm 'suana' yesterdae.. my hubby n my friend went to play badminton yesterday n i went to watch them play..imagine sitting there for 2 hrs n i perspire as if i played badminton too.. omg..

liligal: yeah my lips oso cracking no matter how much water i drank..

Rykiel: thanks for the BP=) hehe..

i wish mondya will be over soon!!! tired..
morning ladies!!!

cookie & cherish, me also similar. no exercise at all even during non-preggy days. so i tried the 10mins once. it's actually very easy exercises.. just tat her speed abit too fast lah. frankly, quite good. din know preggy bodies can move like that! hahahha... we are too nua oredi!!!

rer-rer, i think u shud really take a break leh. why would you pee in bed? you vomit there too? i also pee when i vomit so when i puke, i rush to the toilet last time. so far in 3rd tri only puked once.

joy, good good. i thot i was weird cos my frens no such thing such as chapped lips. mine keep chapping and no matter how much lip balm i put like not much help.

btw, i'm gonna learn from u guys, wash clothes and put in ziplocks or vacuum bags. feeling very heavy below and just wana be ready early.

just heard from my nice boss that he's fighting to get my 100% pay during my ML vs base pay only. hope he is successful!!!! hehehe...

meanwhile, have a good day today!!!!
joy_javen and lili_gal, can try nipple cream on your chapped lips =) I used it when I was in Italy last mth and worked really well. Hehe ... I think dry lips are the same as the skin of sore nipples.

lili_gal, all the best on your fight for full pay during ML =) My pay structure is very simple (just basic with AWS) so no such complications like yours.
joanne: hope ur camera is up n wrkin nw eh! hehehe

joy_javen: welcomes lar =) hehehe.

morning everyone, its a bad monday for me, the office atmosphere v tense, duno when the bosses gonna explode again!!! =(
liligal: coz our body heaty bah?? i oso dunoe why keep having chapped lips..
i will start to wash the clothes end of june.. or 1st week of july.. since my edd is 31st july..

wish i m at home today~~
bhoo, interesting and good idea! i think i will try. get to taste what my girl will be tasting when direct latch on next time for BF!

joy, we taking out a blanket for my boy to sleep in now that he is liking blankets better. he used to hate it. so decided that since we take out might as well wash everything.

so much to do at work until i dun feel like doing... procrastination....
lili_gal: haven't tried the pilates last nite. Was busy fixing up the baby cot

Me too! Can feel her every move....and she wasn't sleeping the entire Saturday nite as I had tea mocktail and macaron post-dinner...poor girl was moving and hyper the whole nite :p
N my lips cracked too...since a few months back, regardless of how much water I drink

Cherish: I have another 7 weeks to go too...am in my 30th week today. The past 1 month seems to be longest month since being pregnant

Cookie: I think the pilates exercise should be safe...I did pilates for 5 years before I stopped 2 years prior to getting pregnant. These moves are actually quite mild. But have to remember to suck in your tummy during the moves so that your core muscles can support your back

joy_javen: My edd's on 31st July too....but am a bit KS and started washing clothes, nappy cloth and all the rest of the stuff already. My other gf who's edd was suppose to be 1st wk Jul was admitted late last week and gave birth over the weekend already. Now even my hubby is a bit kan cheong already....just in case the unexpected happens, so cannot leave things to last minute. When I showed hubby the list of things that still needs to be bought, he told me to quickly go and buy...1st time!! He's the super laid back kind...haha
Hi ladies....am wondering if I'm the only one feeling the jitters about holding and bathing a new born.
Was at parentcraft last fri and saw the video of how we should bath the baby. The baby was moving so much and looks so small and fragile I'm starting to doubt if I'm able to handle my own baby.
Any 2nd or 3rd time mums like to share their experience?
Joanne - the NICU thing I must remember to ask doctor in my next appt.

lili_gal: I also can't see down there but whenever I wash there many strands of hair will fall and I feel that it's getting "bald". LOL!!

I can't trust the 28cm Kotex maternity pad (loop or not). Bought 2 pkts of 40cm Whisper instead (confirm can cover from front to back!). Anyway, I've been using it for my usual heavy flow days and it works for me.

Marie: I'm a new mother too (a bit old though), and I think bathing a newborn should be a piece of cake as long as you hold your precious one the correct way (arm supporting the neck and hand grabbing his/her shoulder+arm). Wrapping the baby with a nappy while placing him/her into the basin of water should control him/her from moving too much.

My EDD is also around 1st week of Jul!
Refering to your gf's situation which means it might happen to me too???!!! *worry*worry*worry*
