(2012/07) Jul 2012

Lili_gal: Not wearing heels because normally I don't wear heels and if I do, I will look like giant already.

Am going to buy maternity pant this sat, really no clothes to wear at work. Can't fit my working pants anymore.

Can we take carrots or orange? I always love to drink fresh carrot & orange juice till my colleague told me not to drink too much as it will cause phlegm. True?

diamondfericia, is very true esp orange..i tried to avoid it although i love it too..u can order apple with carrot, or abc juice..but better to eat fresh fruits instead of juices according from my tcm doctor..u make me want to tk juice now..:p
qing-er: I usually drink orange-carrot juice during lunch because you know lah, still don't like to drink plain water during my lunch time when most of the time am doing my water parade. Some also mentioned that anything too orange will caused new born BB to have jaundice, is it true for this as well? What about intake of bird nest? My mum was like telling me to take alternate days once I reach week 20. Heard from friend that too much bird nest will cause phlegm too.

Every night I will take fruits, different fruits for different days.
diamondfericia, me too..i don't like to tk plain water too..couple of weeks ago i kena UTI cox lack of water

i never heard abt anything too orange will cause jaundice..maybe cox d colour..haha..as for bird nest, yes, dun eat too frequent..once a week just nice i think..actually tk everything in moderate should be fine..

u very healthy..my #1 i also ate 1/2 apples per day, sometimes kiwi or strawberry..tis time round, more lazy..like heavy taste stuffs..
qing-er: Frankly speaking, I force myself to eat these fruits. Only like kiwi and strawberry only. Heard dragonfruit is good for us so must take at least one per week.
diamondfericia, aiyoo..why force urself? if u lik kiwi n strawberry, just eat these two types, good enough..dragonfruit is rich with vit c but bit too "liang" also..apple, kiwi n strawberry still the best!! cherry n blueberry also good
Lili gal, yes. Amnio test is to test for down syndrome. My gayne advise me to do so i went for it. I have finished the procedure this morning and it takes 15 mins. After that my tummy feel abit crampy but after 1hr, thr cramp went off.
thanks for replies. aiyaya... think i better start wearing flats. normally i dun like flats. feel so aunty wearing them at work. it's either slippers or heels for me normally.... but i think legs getting swollen and aching recently. you ladies got it too?

fericia, i got this belly belt thing. good if you can still fit in your work pants but only the waist area can't fit. so all my pants, jeans, skirts & shorts can re-wear with a long top.

qing-er, yeah #2 is a girl. we were hoping very hard for one so that factory can close shop. hahaha... also, my hubby's side 80% boys at his generation. extended family also got this cousin who had 4 boys i.e. my son's generation! so kinda want to break the trend. update us tomorrow ok?

qin, so glad everything was fine! we prayed for u last night too. let us know when the result is out.

becos of you girls... i went to eat guava & had coconut juice during lunch. hahaha... i should say good influence cos I'm such a lazy fruit eater.
qing-er: LOL! Because I don't like to eat apple lah.

Qin: Can enlighten me how the amnio test was done? Hope everything will be fine.

lili_gal: This belly belt band, can get it from kiddy palace, right?
lili_gal..u so lucky to hv a girl..my hubby's side 90% boys also..yaya, will update here 2moro again..hehe..

try to avoid coconut juice at tis stage, only tk after last tri..if not, too cooling for us..
fericia, yeah last time i got it from there. then i can't find it for this #2 so I bought it online cos no time to go shop. *sob sob*

enjoy your life now. go big. eat more high class stuff. go places and romance. when baby out, very very very tough to find time unless you have very good babysitter support system.
Fericia, the doc will scan ur tummy n find the best position to take the fluid. Then the doc will poke a needle into tummy den poke the waterbag to take the fluid.
qing-er... oh i din take coconut last time so this time keep taking as compensation!!! hahaha... thanks for advice. i'll wait 1 more mth then.
lili_gal: my feet's a bit swollen only in the morning....it gets better after I walk

I also heard about orange causing phlegm for the baby...so am avoiding it
marie, do you get aches all over? i had a super easy time for my #1. This #2 is giving me vomits everyday in 1st tri and aches everyday in 2nd tri.

Btw, do you ladies exercise?
lili_gal, i vomit everyday during my #1, #2 quite easy time..

haha..walking consider exercise? i need to walk to office from mrt n then from mrt to home everyday..other than tat, no..where got time le esp got lil kiddo around..u maybe can try prenatal massage..i thought to try too..think can start after 5 or 6mths..my friend said very comfortable after msg..
Qin: Ouch! Poke waterbag? From where? From belly button or from down there? My apology if I sound KPO, just wanna know more.

lili_gal: Can we exercise? I only walk, slow walk.
Qing-er: I've never done oscar scan too.. Think i kinda saved alot from all these tests.. I'll be 29 this year.. Maybe age wise and pregnancies all normal and no complications.. So didn't go for all these.. #1 spent alot on antenatal checkups at raffles coz my mum paid for me also.. Then #2 went to polyclinic and was referred only at week 36! to gynae.. Gave birth at week 39.. So didnt spent much on consultation leh.. End up gove birth already still have cheque back coz no need to use so mich medisave..

Lili_gal: my #1 is 3 yrs and 10mths, #2 is 2 yrs and 2 mths.. I don't exercise but walks quite abit.. Esp whenever im free i will take my kids and MIL to shopping malls and walk walk
Btw may I know if anyone has good learning materials to recommend? I was planning to buy the logico set and noddy book set.. It's for training right brain and problem solving.. Then today I was at Sun Plaza and this lady showed me a set of bilingual books where u have a pen like the robin/leappad and tap on the words and pictures suitable for ages 0-12 but I feel more like ages 1-9.. The set costs $490 and the english content is somewhat lacking.. Mandarin content and language is more lively, pictures are pretty and well illustrated, recordings of both english and mandarin is very professional.. Not sure if anyone has seen it.. It's called epad.. Comes with total of 26 books...
I got my tummy is v big liao. Someone say I will b v big! Qing er how big is yrs in inches? Hv u measured it? I started wearing maternity clothes at 15-16 weeks too! And I seem to love oranges, eat them to prevent constipation.

Lil gal : I try to go swimming.
walking is considered exercise liao ler not to worry, ive been wearing maternity pants since i got preggy. normal pants too tight n uncomfy.=) swimming is good! but that dae my sil say wad no gd cos 毛孔 open not gd. anyone hear b4?
qing-er, my dear hubby gives me a massage every night before sleeping. the privilege i get for being pregnant. hehee... i get to specify exactly where i want and how i want it. tried prenatal massage last time and found it too mild for me.

fericia, i think can. i see some classes for prenatal yoga and was thinking of trying. wondering if anybody tried before. stretching and toning are very impt but i'm not doing any of those and not sure if it's due to that and old age that I'm aching. some mummies do light weights, swimming and brisk walking. the only walking that i do is to go to restroom.

jas, you are so young and you have #3 now?! wow... and you didn't have detailed scans at all?! amazing!

btw, i find the Sage Formula Basic Chinese books very effective for my 2yr old. He picked up very fast as the syllabus is interesting and easy. now he can read Chinese quite well, about 30words already in context. i only speak to him in Mandarin so his English is still quite terrible. he gets the English training only in his playgroup. i still prefer the old bookish way vs electronics (ok i'm showing my age) though my mum keeps buying electronic toys for him to learn English and he gets his vocab from there.

hmmm... will check out epad if I come across it. you bought or buying?

tanny, i just measured! i'm 34 inches at the outermost rim. heheheee... still in denial and don't want to wear maternity clothes but seemed like no choice and I wore a skirt today. Think I am not big enough to fill it well. it kept dropping.
rykiel, hahaha... i'd expect that to come from MILs vs SILs. no leh.. never heard before. my gynae kept asking me to go swimming but I don't even swim normally so... walking to restroom it is for now.
liligal: jin jialat hor? iya. SIL MIL same. lol.. MIL more naggy nia. i hear liao 1 in one out. bth them at times. those got logic one still can listen. lol
rykiel, if you see in another light, the fact that they bother to tell you shows that they are concerned about you. my mum is super like that. usually i also 1 in 1 out until reach boiling point then combine tell her don't tell me such stuff cos i m sometimes quite affected by it. but i think ILs harder lah.... do you stay with them?
Liligal: i only did ultrasound at wk 20.. Thats all.. Oh and i have the sage formula basic chinese books too! I bought from john little expo sale when i came across them.. Thought will be good but whenever i start with shan.. The very first lesson my kids dont seem to pay attention.. The epad thing has a website www.epadlearning.com where the books are listed.. I find paying $490 one time abit hefty... And since the english content isnt that good... Hoping to look around
Hi qin,
Glad to know it goes well for u today, is it painful when needle poke in? Very thin needle? I admire ur courage.. Did gynea say when result will be out? So u going rest on bed for how many days? Take care gal...
jas, my hubby's super good in making things fun for kids so I learned as a result. I had to praise him, imitate the picture, get him to update his grandparents. point is, lotsa activities to accompany the book. learned it also from homeschool sites. don't give up. try k?

epad.. is it from china? i used to stay there for years and had a personal issue against made in china stuff.
Liligal, does leapfrog have it in mandarin?

Amazingly, epad is developed by a local company involving teachers and the advisor is british.. The recordings are done by native speakers which the good thing.. Not anything like china pronunciation.. I thought the voices were good..
Lil gal : omg Im huge - at 38inch at 18 weeks nia!.. I think I will balloon somemore... Oh no... No wonder the skin feels like stretching no matter even if I apply cream. Jia lat!

I need to swim cos it's sooo hot. Its so nice to soak n I don't swim much anyway maybe relaxing a few laps.. Try to take leave n go on weekday am not so crowded. Maybe cos Im also used to swimming regularly. I hated jogging n other sports. Also sign up for a Pre natal yoga class weekly.
Hmm my mil and my mom quite leave me alone- nobody nags at me maybe I din stay with them. Even when I go back they also din say much... I wonder if they rem I'm preggy... Hahaha.... Good n bad lor.... I'm the one who is reminding myself I'm preggy must take this take that. My hubby only reminds me to take the pills cos I sometimes forget them.
Joanne, it's not painful when the needle poke into my tummy but i can feel abit painful when the needle went thru the water bag. I was told not to move and i also don't dare to see. The doc doing this test is very skillful. He said mine was a difficult one becoz the water bag got not much space already and when he found a good location, the baby move and block it.
Hi Qin
I see.. pls bed rest well.. My detail scan is soon n was worried too.. pray hard both bbies nasal bone can see clearly.. Doc Loh ever asks me whether i want to do amino on one of twin few wks ago but i reject as both r precious to me n dun want risk another twin.. Hope ur result will turn out fine too...take care..
It's a girl!!!! At least 80% chance cos bb leg close but dr tried to peek and saw nothing in btw the leg so he said 80% chance
Hi Joanne, after the test, i feel relief as the test is over. For me i went for the test to have some assurance for the rest of my pregnancy.
liligal: true also. nopes i dun stay with my ILs. amitafo. =) hurhurhur

tanny: u rcv my pm ma? =)

TGIF mummies! so whats the plans for this weekends? im planning to bring #1 for waterplay this sat or sun, he refuse to go to pool as sch goes on mondays. boo. so i can only sunbathe. he said.. i go and play water at NEX thn u sit there n watch me okay? i was like -.-"""
Morning ladies..now at tmc waiting for ds.

Lili_gal, ur Hubby so sweet
my Hubby used to help me msg during my #1, hvnt start tis time round. He keep asking me to find out all my notes during my anternatal class last time coz he forgot where n how to msg me in proper way..

Diamondfericia, I hv asked d staff at tmc. U need to request from them u need the report on the day as they afraid they can't send over to ur gynae within 3 days since they just got 1 despatch.

Today so crowded n I still waiting for my turn..hope everything is fine..so kancheong now..
Ladies....do you know where I can get maternity swimming costume??
Have been toggling with the idea of going for a swim but don't know where I can get the swimming costume
Good afternoon all.. I'm off to work again.. Feeling down.. Having some rough time with husband.. Feels childish at times like this n regretting having another baby though my kids are the most treasured gifts..
