(2012/07) Jul 2012

hi zhen,

you can check out my beautyloft. yeah the owner quite nice and ask us say dun order now lor....cos got warranty...best to jus order in may or june
which stroller did you all buy huh?

J03, unable to post the link as it comprises of words not allowed for posting

suggest u goggle the few words i post

yes soulsista : the warranty is US warranty
hi sunbelle, i'll be using my old and trusty combi. usually after 1.5yrs, I'll make the kid walk more often than lugging a stroller around.
Of course u shd get a bb cot else where bb sleep? Is not safe to sleep on mattress without surround it as bb will flip after few mths..
I've gotten Peg Perego Switch Compact 2011....with the infant seat at the bb care fest....

I would prefer to buy before the bb is born....the item that I'm holding on the purchase is the bb carrier....

I've gotten a play pen instead of a cot as when the bbs are more active....they won't want to lie around anymore and I heard stories of bbs getting injuried cos the hands or legs got stuck in between the cot or kenna blue black....haha cos I'm a careless mummy and also play pen can last me slightly longer time.
Joanne, Sblbee, I'm thinking of buying those junior Bedframe with cute design but with protection heights around the bedframe instead of baby cot or playpen. Thought can last till end of the childhood. But not sure if it is safe.
hi sblbee,

yo, thank you very much for the information.

yeah same as you, we prefer to get the baby carrier after baby is born cos hrd from other mummies the baby can try on the carrier at some shops like square 2. some babies refuse to sit inside the carrier. heheh

i oso tink playpen is much better..

ladies, when do you all plan to go back to work huh? cos mi alreadly not working now...so tinking whether should go back after 3 mths maternity and reserve 1 mth maternity for contigency purpose huh?
share with me if you all have experience caring for the littie one heheeee...one of my frens say is boring...hmmhmm mi tinking whether will we miss their growing up phase hhahahaha
Sunbelle, me too. Not working now. Plan to go back to work after delivery. But my Hb doesn't allow. He prefers me taking care of bb at home instead sending bb to infant care or nanny.. sigh...
Hi QQ,

my hubby point of view is that i might get bored and later on focus on him hahahaha then i will start nagging him heheeeee....

maybe partly oso my own inertia now cos long time din work liao hehee sure take some time to restart the engine hehehehe

havent tink of it properly lor ....yeah financial aspect is another factor to consider heheee
Hi Sunbelle,

I am that type who can't stop moving. Before my maternity leave for #1, I thought of taking care full time etc. After I delivered it became such a boring routine. Boy was fun to be with but he's still a baby and needs are quite simple then.

Hence, I started baking, started blogging, starting cooking, starting sewing/stitching and surfing in the spare time. Then I realized I'm mopping every other day cos I have not much to do!

So decided to go back to work after 3 mths. Hahaha...

Really depends on your personality I think.
Hi Sunbelle,
I also have stopped working since Jan hehe... now doing some part time job in my hb's office only, cos he dun want to be too nua at home haha...

Plan to send resumes out after 3 months ba, but it's near year end, market might not be so good...if offer is not attractive enough, maybe will wait till after CNY then look for jobs
wow lili gal, you have so muchie energy after your boy is born
great! hehehe ...some of my frens felt that is quite boring too..yeah they find it less stress to go back to work lor hahahaha .....

Hi Pink Piglet, you are a tai tai now heheh since your hubby operate a business so u can help out as and when you like
i think is a good option and no need to see boss's face heheee.e...
We need to pay extra $500 for the 3d scan..mm. then nt worthwhie, rather keep e moeny to buy stroller.

Hi sunbelle
Thanks for the great lobang. Its good to know she had on-hand stock at least more comfy than buying on spree wif us paying nearly $500 in advance.
Sunbelle: Am currently working now and never plan to quit because my work benefits quite good.

ETAN: Yeah. It's not very worth. Better save for something worthwhile.

Which model you mummies getting from medela?
fericia, i bought my freestyle during the fair, as hubby is feel more safe to buy it locally.. the $779 selling during the baby fair comes with a free infrared themometer and a $50 voucher.. 1 year warranty that start on the date baby is born…

still doesnt have the shopping mood yet, as i still dont know my baby gender..
ETan, Diamond, the KL Sunway Medical Centre provide 3D&4d scan for RM100. Promotion price. But I'm not quite sure of the detail. If happen u r interested n u r visiting KL, think can get a scan there. My friend juz went n they have video clip n can clearly see bb face n movement for 2 minutes? Need to recheck with her the clip time. I think I'll be going if the promo still there.
sunbelle..thanks for ur great lobang!! I mostly will get from her, can save at least $40..

diamondfericia, actually my hubby also asked me to get from amazon but then i think is more expensive if added the shipping cost..

i also thinking to quit my job after 2nd..still deciding whether should i tk 4mths straight..but then dec got bonus, if i resign..dun think i can get bonus by time..my work is so flexi, boss is good..quite wasted if i resign but then for my 2 kids, i think i need to sacrifie..
qing-er: I thinking to ask my SIL to help me buy then see whether her friend is coming back to sg, can lobang back. I will check with her first or else have to wait till my PIL go over to visit her this coming Jun. Like that can save on shipping.

Ling: My detailed scan is on Mar 10 2012. Will update you again.
Hi qinger,

dun mention, good lobangs we must all share share leh hehehe

do u all start feeling baby kicks huh? wondering which week should we start to feel baby kicks huh?
sunbelle..u r so sweet..yes, is true..good things must share

bb movement..yes, I did feel it since couple of weeks ago..maybe is my 2nd, so i can feel it slightly earlier than my #1..but just very light movement..cant wait for my detailed scan tis fri, then can confirm gender..start buying things n then think of name..hehe..
Sunbelle..I also mentioned to Ris, u r the one who recommended to me..maybe she will give u more discount..hehe..but i duno ur real name, just told her ur nickname
Me too...I could feel flutters in my tummy since about 2 weeks ago (wk 16) and its getting more and more intense
But I read too that it's normal not to feel anything until about week 20-21
QQ, perhaps u should consider if the other length of the bed is protected cos potential risk of getting bumps on the head unless u line the wall with lotsa high pillows or cushions....

sunbelle, I'm still working until my delivery date....couldn't bear to part with the benefits. I'll be clearing my annual leave for another 1.5 mths of leave after I finished my maternity so that I'll only go back to work in Jan 2013....hope this gives me sufficient time with my bb

Sometimes do feel some movement but sometimes I don't...
I don't know how to differentiate whether it is bb movement or my stomach digesting food. haha I super blur then evday hb ask bb got move, I said I don't know
i did a check on getting the pump from amazon.com but i think getting from Ris more worthwhile, No need to wait plus no need to pay in advance,also US set with warranty. Cash and carry.She told me to get in May.

Me in wk 20 but still havent feel bb movement or kicks yet.. mm. got once, have a electric-fying feel..not sure if its that..haha
I wil be seeing bb this sat
apple1234: Am in my 19 weeks. Sometimes when am working, I feel something moving inside my stomach. Don't know whether that's BB movement.
yeah... like qing-er I felt mine early too cos this is #2 as well. think I can feel it at wk15. now she's getting aggressive especially when I lie on my back.
diamond: I think high chance is your BB's movement (not too sure
).... I got to feel him more this week though.... Last week, I went for the detailed scan and the sonographer said that he is very active :p

Hope that all of you mummies can feel your babies soon.... I personally find it quite encouraging, exciting and amazing to feel him and knowing that he is doing well in me....

fericia, isn't that your baby?!?!? hahahahha...so cute!

for my #1, at 17wks i felt that my tummy is like giving bubbles. Bubbling inside. Much later then I realized it's the boy.
