(2012/07) Jul 2012

yeah the feeling is like bubbles and fluttering and also like pounding hehehe :p)

i recommended Ris to all is becos after talking to her for 20 mins..i realise that she is very friendly and also frank person so i decided that to buy from her...since i have been doing research on the pricing of free style for past weeks i know this is the cheapest

since all of us are gearing up for buying baby items, is good to save some money to buy other tins

apple1234: Am looking forward to my detail scan too. Just to confirm we don't have to take any blood test anymore after detail scan, right?

lili_gal: LOL!! Maybe it's just wind. Cannot confirm is my BB. Bubbles? I also feel bubbles too. Very weird feeling.
diamond, all the best for your detail scan.... am not sure though, but i didnt take blood test after the scan..... but i think it's good to talk to your baby the day or before you go for the scan....haha....hope that your baby will be cooperative, else it will take quite long for the scan...
Enjoy it...
fericia, I took my blood test at 4th mth before my detailed scan at 5th mth.

all the best for your detailed scan. i suggest you get hubby to take video of the monitor so that you'll get to savor the moments even after the scan. without the instructions or narration from gynae, you can't really read the scan very well.... unless you have a good eye.

baby kicking very fun right?
apple1234 & lili_gal: Thank you!!! Will remind my hubby to video it down. :p

My friends said don't know when, when the BB start to kick hard, you will feel shock or pain.
Lili gal
Can video down? As when do Oscar in tmc, there is a no
Hp sign board so i am worry if we take hp out, will get scolded by sonographer n may affect the result?? Thk u..
I went for my detailed scan today and the bb nasal bone is still absent so the doc advise me to go for amnio test. I have scheduled this coming thur. Pray hard everything will be fine.
Not sure where you mummies are doing the detailed scan but my Gynae will give a CD of the scan. Perhaps u can check whether ur package include cd or not.

Looking fwd to mine in 2 weeks time.
mine is also 2 weeks time. im in my 18 weeks and cant feel any movement or such.. where is the movement coming from? around belly button, or above the belly buttom, or is it below?

i keep hearing a gurgling sound in my throat at night.
Hi Mummies! Expecting #1 EDD mid-July. Just did detailed scan today (20wk), baby is girl! Haven't prepared any baby stuff, no idea where to start :p Have been feeling bubbles since 18wk too. Is there anymore "milestone" tests after detailed scan?
lili_gal, i also thought to ask hubby to record down, but not sure is it allowed..I will do mine on friday
ya, keep on telling bb to cooperate cox after detailed scan, i need to go bk to gynae there to submit him d report then i need to rush to airport..

kawaii_baby, congrats!! I also in 20wks today..cant believe it..we already past thru half of d journey
i dun think got any test after d detailed scan..i will start shopping once confirmed d gender..clothing, bottles, diapers..d rest of items, will use bk d old one..
qing-er: You have any idea how long we have to wait for the detailed scan report. Am going on Mar 10 2012 and my gynae appt is the following tues on Mar 13 2012. Unsure whether the report will reach them in time.
diamondfericia, we can get the report on the spot..as my gynae told me to bring along the report and show him on the same day..my appt at tmc at 10.30, gynae appt at 1.30pm..only oscar report, we need to wait at least 3 working days.
diamondfericia, nope..i didnt..the staff seem know tat I will go back to my gynae side after d scan..I think last time for my first, also get the report on d spot..I help u check with them on friday n update u again ok..or u wan to call them to ask..i think u dun need to worry, since ur is few days apart, should get d report by time
diamondfericia, sure, no worries..i update u again on friday..

dawn, i also not sure can or not..maybe can try..not easy for u to record ur own since u r lying down n need to focus on the screen while d sonographer will explain to u d details of bb..if u successfully recorded ur own, do share here ya..hehe
I don't think we can record video. I was asked to off the hp when I was there for my oscar test. They afraid of radiation kind.

Thank you, qing-er!
hi mummies, i have also been feeling those bubbles in my tummy~ are they really baby movements? i keep telling my hubby that baby must be real busy in my tummy as he/she keep blowing bubbles!!

i am super looking forward to my detailed scan coming mon!!
joanne, hahaha.. bring a camera! did they put a no camera signboard? hahaha.. i did mine at gleneagles, private gynae. but mine not like Mrs C with a CD available. so we took videos.

maybe you can call and ask first.
a long reply.......

QQ - congrats! actually birdie is very very cute when the baby is out! hahaha... look forward to the pee in your face when your baby's out! it does happen.

tanny - errrrrr... i don't think the throat gurgle is from the baby! you should feel it around your tummy around. some out of the blue movements which is not your normal stomach wind (fyi, fericia...lol) or intestinal movements. well if you used to have alot of those, then really can't help decipher liao. hahaha... just kidding.

if you dare, just bend forward a bit so space for baby is slightly tighter and see if u get a kick in objection! Hhehehee.... now please don't do sit and reach! disclaimer disclaimer....

qing-er - should bring a camera just in case. wow you going for babymoon? my hubby is so protective. refused to let me travel saying that plane has high radiation etc. thankfully my boss super understanding.

fericia - mine's like qing-er. report is immediate and i go to my own gynae for review right after scan.
hahahha.. your question so cute! i dun think can feel baby's heartbeat if place ur palm on stomach cos too much water insulation i think. you can try and let us know!

dawn - how you record when you are lying down? why don't you check if got CD like Mrs C's. if yes, then no probs. if not, bring a friend or relative. don't think nurses very helpful to take. they will tracking if everything's normal.

anyway, you ladies are so funny! really rekindle my love for pregnancy. I was just commenting to hubby that for this girl, I am more like trying to get over it as soon as possible. I'm glad I found this channel, made the whole process more fun now and brings back the same anxiety i used to feel when I had #1! stay cute!!! :D
oh... qin, amnio has risks you know? is it to check for down syndrome for you?

key is, do you plan to keep the baby no matter what? if so, suggest not to try as it has risk of miscarriage. if you don't plan to keep if something is wrong, then this test will help.

just sharing, I had a very very high risk of down syndrome based on my blood test due to my age for #1. we were very worried but after praying and discussing, we decided that we will keep the baby no matter what and hence did not go for amnio. thankfully, he turned out fine.

for this #2, we decided not to go for the blood test or oscar to see our chances of down syndrome at all. so far from our gynae he checked the neck area and detailed scan, thankfully he said should be normal.

all the best. will drop a prayer for you tomorrow.
Hi ladies,

tink we cannot record video during the detailed scan leh..we ask but rejected...tink for CD you have to pay for the 3D/4D Scan ....

guess we need to enjoy the process and also the feeling of having a baby heheee ......

taka baby fair starts from 4 march ...
qing-er, 20wks but sometimes don't feel real when baby is quiet & tummy don't feel stretch

diamond, I didn't ask for the report but TMC was going to give me the report on the spot until they found out I'm seeing gynae only on 14 Mar, they said they'll send report to gynae.

apple1234, thanks!

So glad others are feeling bubbles too. Gynae told me baby movements feel like butterflies, but I have no idea how butterflies feel like heehee
kawaii : me too. din feel anything yet.. except skin stretching..

lil-gal : tks! i let it be. when it comes it comes... lol. i enjoy the days of peace first..
fericia, i think u should stop the johnson oil for awhile.. and let your rashes recovered first (better to be safe).. after recovering, test the oil again on a small area first to see if rashes developed? if yes, most likely the rashes is due to the oil..
Hi all, My EDD is 6th July.. expecting a boy.. in 21st week now..
My #3... #1 - boy, #2 - girl..
Sometimes feel really moody and everything's just not right..
Currently working two jobs.. feeling really tired too
Hi Jas, same EDD!

Do you feel that your tummy is much bigger than your first or 2nd one at this current stage? I didn't used to wear maternity stuff till end of 6th mth and now I am starting already.

How do you rest with 2 jobs? Your body is going through a marathon you know?
Hi lili gal, is yours #3 too?
I starting wearing maternity pants from 4th months..
Tummy looks much bigger than before.
I was also working two jobs during my first and second pregnancy and survived.. Got so many expenses no choice can't give up my second job... Sometimes i wish I can work from home
lili_gal..not really consider a bbmoon..planning to go aus but hubby cant make it due to heavy workload..tis time goin bk to his hometown to visit my pil..just few days..i dun think wil bring a camera..haha..if cannot, is ok..will keep in my memory

kawaii_baby, haha..i hv same thought as u..esp early in morning when i woke up from bed..i will first touch n feel my tummy whether still there..hehe..after 6th mth, we should be able to feel more & big movements from our bb..
Hi jas, no no #2. but I find that my tummy is so much bigger! I used to have just a slight bump at 5th month and had photos to show. For #2, it's so big that I find it disgusting to take pics anymore. hahhaa..
quick survey... any of you still wearing heels?
went to gynae and I realized that I was the only one is heels.
lili_gal: same here...at 4 mths plus, bump start to appear already and now looks like my 6 mth size for #1...during #1, at 5th mth, the bump was hardly visible...and nope, I've been wearing flats ever since the beginning of pregnancy...
lili_gal & Marie..u guys r power..ever since i knew i m pregnant, i stop wearing all heels..now wearing fitflop or flat to work everyday..

tummy size, i start to wear maternity clothes since 2mths..bump started to show very early, now my tummy is bigger than those abt 7-8mths
hubby so worry abt me, keep asking me to control my intake..maybe tis time i got better appetite..
Liligal: For me my job requires long periods of standing so i am used to wearing flats all the time.. How old is your elder child?

Qing-er: so u be going for the test? I never do any of these tests since first one.. Hope all goes well for you!
Jas, yes, I wil go 2moro for DS..did u do oscar test b4? Thanks for ur blessing..I hope everything goes well for u n all mummies too..
jas, #1 boy is 2.5yrs this month. your kiddos?

qing-er, really? this is your 2nd kiddo? did you eat durians? I ate alot during my #1 and tummy was super huge at 7-9 mth and hubby was scared but too polite to tell me about it until after delivery, for fear that I'll freak out as well. so now for #2, i'm avoiding it at all costs but still big leh....

tanny, whenever my baby kick, I keep thinking about your throat gurgle! hhahaha....

lili_gal, yes..bigger than when i hving my #1..i didnt eat durian for past 10 over yrs..but I ate couple of times during my #2, I thought i hving girl tis time cox appetite changed but gynae said 80% boy again..hehe..will confirm by 2moro..so excited!!

ur #2 is girl?
