(2012/07) Jul 2012

No prob Jul mom, dats the limited knowledge I can recall from the classes! Hee

The other technique is dat of getting up from a squatting toilet (if in the event no seating wc is available). holding the wall for support, one knee 'kneel' mid air to pull oneself up.

Rer-rer n piyobaby, i change my appt again from 11 to this Fri. Haha. can't Stand long wait.

Rykiel, u always have many lobang. looking forward to your review

ashley, i also feel pain near that area. last night i felt throbbing pain on the left near that area. but dun think our womb so low right.

I also lie on my tummy but my mum always scold me when i do that.
julmom: mine is MIC one. i bought the bear prints one. now waiting their hols end and waiting to be shipping in. i now conquering two bolsters hahaha.. agree with u, the elbow method works wonder when u need the support. will go google c same function ant. but quality wise mine sure lose! dun sad. i also growing mushrooms till can harvest at work liaos.

ourlovestory: i can eat alot of that leh! but hub say better dun. wait tummy pain also duno is simi pain. but i wil get one to satisfy my craving. they said think wan eat, must eat. cannot dun eat at all. else wait bb will be v tam jia. i jus made milo only. i got a mini from fourleaves ham de sitting in my bag.

piyobaby: i cant picture the squatting part. =(
b00ney: i used to shop online. i go malls i c the stuffs mostly from online. so i will tell myself. if urgent buy now. not urgent buy online save $. but i dunno where the $ i save go also la. haha
i just flooded dh with choices for dinner i gave him so many choices to pick cos i got no craving yet he cant pick. lol.. really is eat until bored .. hais
not much craving now but i m so into softdrinks. Especially the cold gassy ones..shiok!

we got a massage chair to settle my aching back. Think shd be okay to use one.I google before buying it so hubby is spared from massage for me. lol din dare to do feet massge though..
b00ney....I know wat u mean...the wait is just so torturing!

Rykiel...okie I try again. Imagine if we squat down to pee, b4 getting up, kneel one knee on the floor. We can't kneel on floor cos it's dirty so kneel mid air & use the 'kneeling' leg to push oneself up. Clearer picture? Hee
i tried massage chair from my manicure place and it is not as comfortable as it will be pushing from the back and i can feel my tummy shaking so i do not know if it will affect bb or not? maybe i very kiasu.. everything i also have to think think first ;p
etan: wah.. so shiok. i dun have massager. i ask dh massage me he also scared. he say cannot too hard la. here cannot press there cannot press. i tink i roll ard on the bed suan ler..

piyo: yaya i agaration got it. u mean cos got the force at the 'kneeling' leg is it? i v scared to use squat toilet u know. they said 1st tri better dun anyhow squat. gg to give birth also cannot. duno how true. at times bo bian i also squat. use those toilet bowl too dirty ones ill halfsquat. (train muscle) hahaha
Booney: duno leh. By rite expansion of e uterus la. But i really wonder if bb is so low leh. Den y my lower n upper abs so big huh?

Oh yah! I love e maternity bolster!! I wan one too! Tink i need it man...
ourlovestory: wah same !! i sneak into my sil kitchen to have a cup =x, thn tat day at hm the orange n cherry all no more. left coke. so i openly drank a mini cup. hahahha. eh halfsquat ar? good question leh. now i still can manage. i tink big liao jialat. must bring toilet seat? HAHAHHA! at times i go public toilet ah. lil dirty can clean leh. alot hw to clean? hahaha.
hi ladies,

anyone booked PEM confinement besides angelia huh? Angelia : did u opt for their herbal package huh? costs $330 so not sure whether wans to include it in or not lor.
E-Tan, can we use the massage chair now huh? i oso have shoulder and neck pain leh. not sure issit from sleeping too muchie. hahhaha
Hello to all the mums here....this is my first post and am as excited as all of you as this is my first baby after trying for more than 2 years.

Am in my 14 week and expecting the arrival of my baby in end July. Some of our babies will probably meet in the nursery if you go to TMC as well

By the way, has anyone started going for pre-natal classes already? Or is it too early now?
ourlovestory, i jus saw ur post on sleeping. i think my gynae mentioned before, resting helps our bb to grow bigger. so if u hav time, do rest!!

Are u girls starting to take tonics/ "bu" already? Also dunno what to eat to "bu" since dr did mention avoid herbal stuff?

Sunbelle, i booked a CL based on a fren's recommendation. Havent tried agency.
ashley, but it's a bit too low right. i mostly feel menstrual cramp kind of pain, except last night.

the description of the squatting very cheem but funny. haha. where did u all attend the pre-natal?

jul_mom, i already drank dong chong cao twice.

barley is considered cooling right? dunno why my mil asked me to drink on sat.
Booney, how u cook the dong cong cao? nobody cook for me actually. drink chicken essence w dong cong cao considered bu?

i rem quite some time ago, someone in this thread also mentioned double boil the chicken is very gd for babies. but i tried to google and search on youtube, cannot find the instructions to cook it also. T_T
Rykiel...yup..kind of

I had my first coke in months yest too....sudden having all the 'forbidden' food is so mad shiokz! Haha

b00ney...I attended TMC pre natal class during #1, booked thru Parentcraft, dun think will be gg again
Hello Marie.

I been drinking Coke Light almost everyday, super crave and bth.

my mil say want to boil dong chong cao for me, but can drink meh?

Yar I occasionally drink Barley,
jul_mom, if i can't sleep and i just sit still, will it help for my bb?

btw, is squating down ok for us? I need to squat down to my washing machine...

i stopped drinking barley also as it is cooling but i guess it is still ok as long as you don't drink it everyday...
my mum already prepared to brew tonic for me.. she made the dong cong cao with dunno pork + gou qi.. i only drink the water without eating the ingredients. she said after that cannot eat carrot else no effect. she going to make bird nest for me next mth i think.

but i think lately i drank barley quite often. cos my colls went lim kopi n i have nothing to drink so i drink barley.

i think i very bad, i eat ice cream quite often, always eat fast food + ice milo.. somemore now thinking of going to colour my hair. cannot stand cos i got white hairs!!
char kway teow!! who mentioned thta? i saw the bryan wong's fri's show on char kway teow make mi drool n crave for it till now man!

Barley is ok ah, got the big n small seeds one, take the small seeds is fine. Big one lianger...
ourlovestory - i also miss my teh tarik...but i tink cny is a good reason to po jie abit...satisfy our craving once in a long long while...
actually i still believe in moderation but try all foods...2 or 3 sips or bites of "forbidden" drink/food is ok one la....else we very cham and xinku lei
sg_sc, i like the sg version char kway teow! the brayan wong one is penang style char kway teow...

whenever my hubby mentioned about baby, i feel gulity drinking even a bit of cold drinks or tibits... i screatly ate a small stick of ice cream too! *shhhh.... ;p
my mum made black chicken essence for me...i think it's super yummy

oh, my fav drink for now is hot chocolate and milo...never had that much in my entire life!
heh heh. i've been eating quite freely actually. :p been telling myself everything in moderation is ok. I just can't stop eating spicy food and tomyam especially when doctor gave the green light. :p

I'm also taking alot of milo nowadays! and i take maybe half a cup of tea/ coffee if my hubby orders it. I just don't drink coke since i don't really drink it even before preg. But ya. weird that last time don't drink but now sometimes have the craving to just gulp a whole can down! haha. But i still got drink some cold water. been doing dat since 1st trimester. hehe. 2nd trimester onwards then start to drink cold fizzy drinks like sprite/ cold ice lemon tea.

Can't stop eating kangkong too though people say may have cramps? aiyo! i not a very obedient mummy after coming back to work in my 13th week. Been v good gal at home. :p
ashley, i also like thai food now! yum yum!

i think kangkong is very liang so must eat in moderation. Spinach is good source of iron... so can eat more
can't eat too much kangkong cos will have a lot of wind in stomach after birth...cos for number 1, i always crave for sambal kangkong and after birth, my massage lady ask if i eat a lot of kangkong & fried chicken cos tummy a lot of wind & fats haha...

i also drink milo mostly, cos bb dun like horlicks, puke after trying twice...dun wana drink again liao
sunbelle, I also booked PEM....got both their herbal and jamu massage package. Save the trouble for me as I'm too lazy to scout around :p

booney, I just colored and highlighted my hair on last saturday....can't stand the white hair too. Think I'll go and touch up before my delivery :p
Oops. I mean cant stop myself frm spicy food. Hha

Anyway, can i take herbal n jamu massage pkg frm PEM if i dun take their confinement nanny service? N these r massage dat e person come ur house do within first mth of giving birth ya?
Hi gals, is it forbidden to drink cold drinks??? I've cut down on my caffeine intake and if cannot drink cold drinks then there's nothing to look forward to already :p

Booney, I'm attending the prenatal class with TMC though I'll be delivering at Mt A. Luckily will be going with my ex colleague who's also a fellow July mummy....starting my class on mid Mar at AMK Hub.
AshleyChen, not too sure abt that though....perhaps u can give them a call and check with them? Yup yup I've booked for 5 body massage sessions plus 3 session of other services....but might compare prices to consider if I wanna upgrade based on the trial prenatal service they are providing'.
Sblbee: thanks! Hmm. I go ask ask too. Tink dragon yr reali need to book things asap man.

Hee. I drink cold drinks! Doc oso say ok leh :p

Argh super nauseous today. Tink goin bed soon! Nite nite mummies!
1st tri, i can easily sleep anytime. nw..i cant sleep at all. what is happening ?!?! anyone same s me?
dim lights, drink warm milk dont help..
Hello, haven't come in for a while.

I'm 17th week this week. Still feeling anxious abt bb. Occasionally will have cramps near the pubic area, usually from mid-noon onwards. Morning when I wake up my tummy is smaller and not much feeling de.

Bambi, I also have trouble sleeping at night. Flip flip cannot find the right position.

Meiling, I'm also starting parentcraft at Amk mid-march. Taking mrs wong's class. What abt u? Mine is noon session.
Morning mummies!

Bambi: i was lidat in 1st trimester. Need to roll on bed for at least 2-3hrs b4 i can slp n i gave up n juz slp real late so i dun end up wasting my time rolling ard.. I even tried cuttin off all naps n wake up earlier in e AM but no use. Tink its a passing phase? Juz lie on bed n stone n rest even if cant slp ya?
Hi all
Just vomit yesterday n thot is ms but i think i am wrong.. Cant sleep well whole night as keep feel like throw up.. Then backache.. Just now got vomit n diarrhoe..;( slight fever too.. Think i got stomach flu virus.. ;( feel so miserable n hope my bbies r ok inside.. Do u hv the same encounter before? Wun hurt bbies ba?? Any advise wht can i eat to ease my illness? Gonna take mc today... Help!!

dunno am i over-reacting. i was standing in the train from yishun to raffles plc. and the train kept stopping from newton all the way to raffles place. was so uncomfortable, felt nausea, tummy a bit pain etc.. and i feel like crying again

my coll who waited for me at tanjong pagar, kept telling me about her sis who is now 7wks preg. and i totally am not in the mood to listen when im not feeling well..

only the public transport can make me cry lately. sigh
