(2012/07) Jul 2012

Fluffy : no worries.. God is with us! I believe he will do his best to keep us safe and sound under his hand... I will pray for you!

Fluffy : yes! Confirm chop chop will de!
aiyoh.. Mummies.. I think i am going isomnia leh.. I still have thise brown discharge leh.. But not alot lah.. Is that okay huh? Cause i dont experience this is my 1st pregnancy leh! =\
Heyhey Cleopatra n Angelia!! I just got home!! Went Clarke quay.. Argh... For e first time I can leave cq sober wahaha n stay only for awhile!! Super beh tahan when they all drink.. Sob.. So after we went bugis village Jalan! Actually now e fashion, we can fit la, even till final trimester! V flare! Haha but ultra no mood shop cos of bloatedness.. Sigh..

Angelia- try dun carry la.. Let her follow u but use pram at home Eh Sai Bo? Pls rest more n sleep well.. U think also Bo Yong, so just do ur best, God will do e rest babe!!

Fluffy.. Sob e way u talk about ur bb.. V touching!! U jiayou too ya.. We are all here to give each other courage n positivity.. B happy, b optimistic n everything will b fine.. God Bless!!

Night ladies.. Tmr n sun I hv weddings to attend.. AND I duno wat to wear!!! Wahaha... Suan le ba.. I not bride haha.. Sweet dreams!!!
Fluffy.. I believe everything will be fine! Yes talk to your bb..

I can understand the feeling of finally being pregnant after many years.. I ttc for almost 6 years...
Did your gyane give u any jab support ?
I also have cramps on and off leh... But not on one side.. Seems like i am having cramp sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes up.. Like everywhere ..Should be normal right? But the cramp is better today... Not so much cramping..
Smalleyespy : walau!!! Sibei steady lah you!!! Still go BQ!!! Argh!!! Hate you! Tempt me! =p eh? At home use pram very
Funny lah.. Hahaha! I trying not to carry lo.. Ask hb to
Carry instead.. =\

bingo : cramp is okay cause our uterus expanding...
but too crampy than check with gynae k?
Angelia.. lol... i tell u!! its sibei tong kor one ok.... SUPER DUPER ULTRA xing ku to be sitting there!!!! watchin them gulp down that super cool... super thirst quenching BEER!! i literally wanted them to give me a sip! hahahaha... sian one la.. go there test ur bloody patience nia.. haha..

I very HUNGRY now leh.. how.. i dun dare to eat........... should i eat? and i duno wat to eat.... later after makan sleep... The BEST combination to become a PIG... Helppppppppp.. i drinking water.. but my mind on the milo in the fridge.. wahahaha
Smalleyespy : ahahaha!! Tong kor than you still go there for what? Lol !!! I also sibei hungry now!!! Just feed mygirl than wanna koon liao! But the hungryness is getting on my mind! Sian!!! I now in tong kor situation lo!! I is sibei de hungry! But after i took the Duphaston which gynae ask me to take 1 morning 1night, than after taking i feel like puking! =\ stomach ti ti gu lu gu lu jiao! But i also feel like puking! Tell me how!?! =\
Lol Angelia.... Go see see look look Ma.. Keep myself abreast of e night scene cos erm we Wana b hot mamas ma tio Bo.. Wahaha

Wa.. Ur tong kor situation hard to solve!! Ah Bo eat sthg first.. Then if Wana puke then go puke.. Like that not fat! Haha n satisfy hunger n allow ur nausea to go away.. An neh kuan Eh Sai Koon liao!! Wahaha.. Wan An
Fluffy, don't worry too much. You must remain positive and not stress. If your menses is not accurate like 28 days, the days will be off by 2 weeks de. Don't worry about it, pray and talk to bb.

Girls, every morning I wake up first thing I do is go toilet do big business. No constipation at all. Is it normal. And I have a dull pinching pain on my right lower abdominal on and off, even when I dun move and remain very still. I know I'm not ectopic cos alrdy did 2 scans. Shall I be worried?
Hi am new here.. Was tested +ve.. Due date will be on 08 July.. Hehes.. But was instructed by my doc to be on bed rest all the way till my brown discharge stops. But it is still coming on and off.. Sobs.
Hi ladies...

Just came back from gynae, everything alright.. Baby abt 4mm.. With heart beat.. yesss!
Edd will be 13 jul. Anyone on the same boat?
Giantress; I also went to Maternity House yesterday. Wanted to buy some pants but the lady in the shop said mummies normally buy when they are past 6 months only. haha.

Is it true that if our hips start to expand, we are more likely to have a gal?
thanks angelia! so far cramp has lessen..

welcome Eunice! all will be fine.. jiayou!
congrats Wil for hearing the heartbeat.. i cant wait for my turn! i am only 4 weeks.. haha
karen - my hips also expand leh! or rather my "backside" starts to grow bigger.. some of my underwear cannot wear liao.. yesterday my hubby laugh so loudly at it.. haha
Hi Eunice , welcome to join us and congrat on the dragon bb!

Wil's mom : yeah!! Good... Is the heartbeat fast? Haha!

Karen : not really hip expand will have girl wor.. Myfriend's hip expland till very big but she gave birth to a boy!

Bingo : you're welcome!

Hi mummies... Hais.. Yesterday i go brown discharge than this
Morning become Pinkish red discharge.. Xia Si Wo !!! So again today went to gynae.. He did a scan and say bb heartbeat still very strong... Regarding this discharge, could be old blood, carry too heavy or not enough rest.. So he ask me to see him in a week time. If still like that, he would admit me
To hospital! =.=!!! and regarding my cyst, if still wouldn go off when i hit 3-4month than have to operate! Waliew.. Hear liao also sian!!!
anyway my gynae insert 2pill call Utrogestan in my V to stable the pregnancy and stop the "bleed" Now just have to ensure no more carrying and rest more! =\
My poor baby girl.. She sure damn upset de lo.. Hais.. Play by ear bah...
Really pray that everyone is in a good hand with god!! And will pass thru all the bads and good in return! Jiayou mummies!!!

This weekend got to confine at home liao.. Gynae say rest! Cannot go out le.. Haisssss....
aiyoyo.. Angelia!! why like that.. ok.. so now u know le hor...PLEASE DO NOT CARRY ur daughter..at least for a few days.. or for this weekend la... Our prayers are with u all the way..

Rest and rest and rest.. the rest dun go think already..

Eunice- Congrats to u and Welcome!!

Wil's mom- haha.. congrats to hearing the heartbeat too! wooot!!

Bingo- So fast hips will expand etc ah.. NO WONDER my pants very tight.. aiyo... really v fast leh the effect... i told my hubs my pants tight.. he said ..SURE OR NOT... i said YES..

Any of ur hubbies smoke? i used to smoke before this tested positive... but now!! when he still smokes in the house.. i get DAMN agitated!!! sigh.. duno how to explain... suddenly feel like crying... maybe i feel i changed alot of my lifestyle for this pregnancy.. wahaha.. then suddenly feel so WEI QU... but well... i will HANG In there... and just hope my BB will be healthy.. then everything is worth it!
angelia - wow i can imaging how scary to see red discharge.. glad everything is fine.!
be a good girl ah.. rest more and dont carry your girl first..
is ok i can accompany u.. cos i also confine at home! haha

any mummies know which brand of lipgross is safe for pregnancy? and make up? i read online that some mummies dont even put on make up throughout their pregnancy to be on the safe side.. i dont think i can lor
angelia, pls take care of yourself... Seriously just lie down and don't move this weekend... Let your hubby do everything...

Wil's mum, congrats on hearing bb hb too!

Eunice, congrats and welcome!

Bingo, I think make up ok, but anything on lips just be extra careful... If possible, Just skip the lips?

Smalleye.. That's why mother day's are always celebrated with big bang while father's day is usually small. Cos mummy are the most wei da!
Bingo- huh.. lipgloss and make up also must QC ah.. omg.. haha.. i also cannot dun put make up la!!! i just painted my nails =p hahaha.. i tried not to inhale and checked my fingers for cuts... nothing so i proceed.. hahahaha.. i really cannot GIVE Up soooooo many things!!

MaiNe- Ur right... very true... but still maybe cos hormones changing or sthg.. i am quite upset that the hubs is tryng hard enough to change his lifestyle for bb.. i know he is putting in effort.. but... argh... this MOOD SWING of mine is seriously making me hard to please...

sob.. heng i have here to complain.. haha.. so that i can try to control myself and REN to nag him so often!!
smalleyespy - yes i feel my hips grow faster than my breast! i thought normally breast will grow faster.. haha

lim Mai Ne - i will look damn pale without lipgross.. i want to be pretty mummy.. haha
but for now for the sake of bb.. i will not put anything on my lips first until the go ahead from my gyane which is 2 weeks from now! i will be looking like a sick womann for the next 2 weeks..
smalleyespy - ya lor.. the more i read online the more i scare.. i think can put make up lar, but maybe have to be careful with the ingredients.. as for nail polish.. i not sure leh.. but i alreadt decided not to go for mani - pedicure for the next 9 months!
hahaha.. bingo... mine i feel everywhere growing!! hahaha.. actually wats the diverse effect of make up on face? also cos it will be absorbed into the bloodstream? ya... nail polish more extreme.. i know alot of asian mommies wont do it.. kekez..
Hello mummies!

I'm back from the gynae too! Almost panic when u/s couldn't see anything as I always have a nagging pain on the left side. Scared ectopic. Luckily v scan showed bb's heartbeat and heard it too!

Somehow this gynae like can read my mind, he said sorry mummy, no twins. Haha.

Wil's mom> we're still having the same EDD. 13 jul. But my bb is much bigger than urs. The gynae measured 7.4mm for mine leh.
Hi mummies,

Congrats to all of you! I'm happy to join u all on this journey. I'm a first-time MTB.

Just tested positive this morning. It was very surreal seeing two lines on the test kit. I had previously tested negative last sun. LMP = 14 Oct. EDD according to babycenter.com = 20 Jul. So I'm supposed to be in Week 5 now.

I've made an appt to see gynae on Monday. Wonder how you all decided on a gynae when we're supposed to be hush-hush and can't consult too many ppl? For me, I choose based on location and also good online reviews.
Welcome seoulover!

I choose my gynae by location as well. And the hospital they deliver in. Search online to see if there's one near my place that delivers in mt a and of cos had good reviews. That was how I found my gynae. Sort of trial and error, luckily first visit is a good impression.
Lady Dee> thanks n congrats on hearing bb's heartbeat! I wonder if I'll hear mine or will it be too early? For me, my hubby seems to prefer TMC. Is your gynae male or female?
Welcome seoulover!

Congrats on hearing the HB lady dee & Wii's mum!

I went to my gynea for first visit today too. Managed to see my lil'thing (2mm Bb, not including sac) via tummy and v-scan
am 6week but gynea did not attempt to let us listen to
the heartbeat. Was scheduled for another scan next sat. According to him, HB will start forming ard 6w3d or when Bb is ard 3-5mm. He say shd be slow next week.
Wil's mum/ ladydee: any idea: how fast shd the Hb be? How
slow is slow?

Re: spotting/bleeding
Gynea assured me that it is normal to have brown discharge ESP in the morning, as our uterus is expanding and especially active at night. As long as not accompanied by
cramps/ turns heavier or red, shd be safe.

Edd of lil'thing is 16July ;)
Hmm...depends on how regular ur cycle is. At 5 weeks might be too early as bb's heart develop at ard 6 weeks. My gynae is a male.
Seoulover: I choose my gynea based on reviews and recommendation. I prefer gynea that I'm comfortable with and takes time to explain ;)
I prefer female gynea but my hubby prefers a male! He thought male will be more zai when there's emergency! Haiz..MCP! Haa!!
Hope u can find ur desired gynea! And congrats on ur lil' one! I'm a first time mummy too ;)
Hi mummies... Thank for all your concern!!!
Hmm... I still feel crampy... And just now seeing abit red again... Sian! Now i super dont feel like visiting the toilet... So scary to see... Hais... Really super bring my mood down!

Lil'thing : if everything are safe.. My edd is near you!! I'm 15July!
your edd is my hb's birthday!

Welcome To join us Seoulover!
smalleyespy - like some facial products, the ingedient might not be good for the bb (might even cause birth defect and m/c) so i guess is the same for make-up ba.. are you seeing gyane earlier than me? maybe can check with your gyane.. mine another 2 weeks.. so long...
actually i alsso feel i am growing everywhere leh! need to control my diet!

Ladydee - congrats on hearing the heatbeat!!

welcome seoulover! ya for me i will look at the hospital, review and gyane that i have seen before for another issues..
Lil'thing> thanks!

Actu I booked w 2 gynae (omigod so kiasu rite) based on location but will cancel one. Dr Wendy Teo is based at amk hub (the few reviews says she's friendly). Dr Adrain Woodworth is based at sengkang (according to reviews, he's experienced but consultation v chop chop cos gt many patients). Seems like cannot get e best of both worlds, haha. But I'm likely to choose e latter cos experience is v impt I guess.
seoulover!! ur LMP is the same as mine!! so is your EDD hahahaha.. i went gynae already on thurs!! he said EDD about 21st July.. hehehehhe.. CONGRATS to u!! i found my gynae thru forums like this lor! hahaha..

LadyDee!! congrats!! finally hor!! hahaha

Bingo-- I kiasu.. went to see doc liao.. wahaha.. he is the onesaid cannot drink milk only lor..the rest can eat... and can JUMP and TRAVEL.. hahaa..
Smalleyespy> such a coincidence! But u found out abt ur preg way earlier right? I tested on 13 nov but negative so I thot it's just a case of late menses.

Travel? Are u traveling? Me too, end of the month.. Everything booked le so I won't wanna cancel man.. Hope will still be able o enjoy e trip!

Why cannot drink milk? I thot milk gives us calcium?
Will be going back to the gynae next tues. Hopefully brown discharge stopped.. Congrats to all mummies too.. Was already able to hear baby's heartbeat on the last week which was about 6 weeks 3 days..

Angelia: really need to rest more..
Thanks everyone!

Smalleyespy> yes, finally! Such a huge sigh of relief.

My gynae also say dun travel leh. But I got a flight booked months ago to visit my bro at Melbourne during Christmas. He say should be alright la but just a pre-caution. Can avoid then avoid lor.

Seoulover> pasteurized means the milk has been processed so that it is bacteria and virus free.

I told my mil the EDD and she predicted it's a girl! Haha. Different from the chart predictor. But since yesterday, I keep thinking of a girl's name. So maybe, it is a girl. Haha.
Hey girls

For those having spotting, pls rest more ok. Take ur meds regularly.

Fluffy, I feel u can call dr tham clinic and tell them ur situation and see if can go asap.

Re: make up
I heard that it is better to use mineralise products while pregnant. I have switched to mineral foundation but no change to my blusher. Didn't know can't use lip balm. I will die without lip balm.

Realised I can't tahan gg out too long nowadays. But just went to buy two nice pair of flats to wear for weddings!
Seoulover!! I just tested positive on the 12th haha.. I travelling next fri.. My trip also booked early. Shld b alright.. Just b positive n happy. That shld do the trick!!
Seoulover : Pasteurized mean the milk must be heat up kind.. No cold milk... Warm milk shouldn be a problems.. As i say in the very earlier post. Everything just moderate.. Not too little not to much.
Bingo: I visited Dr. Ben yest morning. His first ques is "you le ah? Wow" very paiseh. Mine is 5 weeks but can't hear heart beat yet, quite worry. He did not give me the jab but tablet and vit and ask me not to worry. Also for Fluffy info he says if any patient not feeling well can just walk in any day except Sat coz the nurse at recept abit "blur" according to him haha. I also asked y I dun have morning sickness then he said if i really wan he can help to make me vomit LOL ...dun worry too much it won't help ... Take care mummies...
Lady Dee.. What's yr gestation age? Mine is 6w1day written on the ultrasound paper. Foetus is abt 4mm. Wah yours is big hehe..
If by calculation from lmp, mine actually 6w4days.
Angelia: guess what?! 15july is my Pak-tor-versary with my hb! Such coincident!

Seoulover: my bestie was with Dr Adrain Woodworth, and she's okay with him. he is experienced but like u mentioned chop chop guy and man of few words.
My bestie likes..coz she thinks not much news means good news.

There's a lot of things to take note of hor. No milk, no cheese, which I thought will be alright to eat more initially.
I heard from friend shd avoid sprimp paste too, in case of skin allergy in future. Is it true?

Intend to shop for more skin care products later in the evening. Any recommendation? I only we shd avoid skin care for acne treatment coz it contain salicylic acid. Thinking of switching to Vichy or clarins.

Ladies: did ur gynea give u the scan pic? Mine didn't!
Lil'thing : wow~ nice.. Did your hb say anything? Hahaha! Hmm.. If your gynae didnt give you the scan picture. Maybe just ask from him/her? Mine usually will give unless he forget lo.. Haha!

Yes, he did when we knew we r having a July Bb. He thought will be good to give birth on 15 July. I teased him..ya!! Then can forgo ou partok-versary rite! Haha!
We have agreed to only have a good meal as celebration for partok-versary afte we got married and he wanted to save on that still! Hahaha!

Okay!!! I will ask him for one next sat. I saw he only printed one scan and clipped to my profile. Think it's for his future reference? So I don't dare to ask, haha!
