(2012/06) Jun 2012


Hmm.. I did try out confinement tingkat from natal Essentials for my last m/c. Took abt 14 days, if I rem corerctly. it wasn't too bad, in fact, the food & soups are quite nice.

They asked me what I don't eat. So I specified, liver, kidney, & a few items that I don't like. Think they gave food suitable for confinemnt to replace, such as threadfin, kailan, & there's aws herbal soup which I like to drink. The food comes in disposable containers which I appreciated coz I didn't want to wash.

The portion was quite big, but only coz I was recovering & not BF-ing. If BF-ing, sure will finish every single grain of rice haha

I took non-confinemtn catering while I was on maternity for #1. Not really ideal, IMHO. Although no msg, but the food didn't look fresh. And they can't cater to your needs so much, coz can't tell them you don't ant any 'liang' veg, don't want seafood, don't want 'toxic' stuff like belachan... end up, they prob dun want your business liao haha
. And other thing to consider is, not many companies do lunch catering.


It's 24pc/pack. I didnt take note of the weight leh, sorry, coz my #1 never follows the weight stated on the pack.

But Pampers NB is supposed to be of quite big cutting vs Fitti Premium. My #1 was early, hence a bit smaller, so TMC gave me Fitti Premium rather than Pampers. Then at home, I used Huggies coz got a cheap deal then.
haha #1 hor born at 3.195kg, full month that day 4.7kg liao and 2 months already 6.6kg.. so the new born diaper think can last for 1 month+ for his case if go by weight..

but i have to dig out the record to confirm cuz we record down the size of diaper we use for him from day 1 de..
Petrina: I get what you mean. Most of the time we buy insurance, but we hope that we don't need to use it.

Felicia: Initially I also thought about the same thing as u. Coz the $100 mthly is juz death benefit. I dun need the $$ since I can work. For myself I already bought those TBD, then hospital shields + additional to cover deductibles and co-insuarance. So my main concern was hospital bill for baby cos thats the one which can come up to a significant amount. But was thinking maybe I just sign the plan (just to cover any possible pre-existing) then come 2 yrs or sth can assess whats the amount I can get back if I terminate the plan assuming baby does not have any pre-existing problems. If can get back the accumulated premium amount then can terminate and switch to other types of plan.
This was what I saw on the aviva website:

Free coverage for children:
Designed to provide comprehensive medical coverage for your family, MyShield is the only integrated Shield plan in Singapore to provide free medical coverage for your children1 (up to 20 years old at age next birthday), as long as both you and your spouse are covered under MyShield’s Plan 1 or 2. So you enjoy cost savings while your family enjoys comprehensive healthcare protection.

I'm not sure whether it starts from birth or 60 days, so will probably call them to find out more.
not sure abt jaundice. i read it briefly. have to read the whole contents to see the full coverage.
personally i believe tat i need to cover my baby from Day 1 at least something. then i won't upgrade until the child has earning power. I never buy education plans for my #1.
All savings/protection plans are for myself apart from the initial plan I buy for him.

Jul: Pampers NB promo is at NTUC? I'll ask MIL go grab tomorrow. Cause got senior citizen 2% rebate.. hehe

Felicia: My #1 also very big.. hehe. I remember he wore Drypers S from full mth onwards. but Pampers cutting abit bigger. His NB Pampers wore for about 2mths.

Michi: if u not those myth ppl, then confinement really nothing much.
as usual lor.. basic cleaning of house which can be done with simple mopping or using the microfibre paper to sweep.
then clothes throw in washing machine. just the hanging part abit tiring.
at most dun sun it. just put all your bamboos on 2 metal bars *I usually do tat in the living room* so i don't exert much strength.
then at night when hb comes home, ask him keep the clothes when it's dry.

If u can get ur MIL to deliver food daily, then catch the timing when she cook and ask her help with the laundry hanging.
When u TBF, there r no bottles to wash or sterilize. so really, to me nothing much of a change apart from having an additional attention seeking baby in the house. hehe

When I bathe, i strap baby on rocker outside my toilet. Being alone in the house is very calming. nobody nag at you... nobody disturb you or question your judgement.
Of course it's abit boring. So ard 3rd week, you may wanna bring baby all wrapped up and go downstairs for a walk to be back in the human world.

All above is based on IF you have no confinement rules.. So DIY is a pretty easy task once u get the hang of it.
based on my personal experience, those policy that comes with "investment", dun think about getting back the premium, cuz those i got for myself, premium ranges from 100 - 300 a month, and after contributing for a good 5 - 8 years, the value is about 1-2k only if i were to terminate the plan..

think hospitalization kind of shield plan makes more sense to me, although for now i don't plan to get any yet.. will get whatever i got for #1 for my #2 also lor.. haha.. which is mainly hospitalization but that's after delivery then can get..

What size diapers is Renzo wearing now? Mine wearing XXL since quite long. Really dunno where to get bigger sized diapers for him. Although XXl states 15 - dunno what kg, but somehow I think his butt is huge, so we aws get upsized very early


It theoretically starts from birth, but they will delay the approval till 1mth old - so that they can avoid paying for jaundice. my #1 is covered under that.

moi, petrina

Think the Pampers promo is till 22 Feb. At NTUC.

Is your post removed? Maybe it just didn't go through. Sometimes the forum's a bit unstable & my post tends to disappear too.
Felicia: OMG...I didn't know that. My TBD plan is under investment linked =( Wonder whats the value now.

Jul: Thanks for the info.
Jul: thanks for the info

Agree with Felicia on termination part.. if u intend to get it, u will get stuck for at least the next 10-15yrs.. if u dun intend to get any in the next 10yrs, then i'll suggest not to buy at all.

Buying insurance is a very individual decision
Different ppl have different thots. So you need to know exactly if u have spare cash. On whether it's worth it or not, i'd say if u have spare cash, the interest is definitely worth your wait when u retire. instead of staying in your bank account.
yup every plan is different, i got one prulink plan, investment link de.. that time i need to buy new house so wanted to terminate, end up the agent told me to take out the amount which i could use from the plan, which is very little, 1.7k only and i pay 100+ monthly for at least 6 years liao. but it's still slightly more than if i simply terminate the plan completely..

the reason is simple, investment = long term, so those plan supposedly breakeven point is 25 - 30 years later, now if take out, sure no value at all de..

Renzo is using XXL also and just like Sam, he has a big butt also, hahahhaa.. but i think he grew taller recently, so it fits nicely but just last month we were thinking about changing to even bigger size.. day time he uses Fitti basic, and night time use Mami Poko.. my mil bought the wrong mami poko for him this time, instead of the normal type, she bought the dunno what super dry type.. not as nice as the normal type but cutting is slightly bigger..

too bad still not potty trained lor so have to continue throwing in $$ on diapers.. haha

Mine also using Mamy Poko at night. Day time he doesn't use diapers at home, except for nap. But outside, or in sch, he uses Mamy Poko pull-ups.


Wahahaha... now then u say. I bought 6 packs leh hahaha

Nvm lah. Since it's cheap, just wear for a while. By the time he moves on to size S, I can go to my favourite Mamy Poko again.

Btw didn't you find Huggies very thick? I used that for a while, & it seems very thick. I kept worrying whether it's overheating my son's genitals coz the pee will all pool at the front & it seems so heavy & warm haha
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Disposable Diapers
Actually, which brand is good? I can't remember what brands I used in the past as DS is already 5+ years old.

Mamy Poko seems good. Has anyone tried GOO.N?</font>

For some reason, I didn't like Goon at all. The back waistband wasn't elastic, so it can leak very easily. And cause the cutting to be very big. The texture also feels very papery. Maybe it's personal.

Huggies, I find very thick. and the cutting is small.

Nvr really used Pampers.

I find Mamy Poko good. Leaks less, texture is good, the sides don't cut into the skin etc.

Drypers really sucks. The texture is very hard, cuts into my son's skin. Now he's still complaining abt Drypers, keep saying it's itchy itchy. And the tape is those plasticky type, so it's hard to grip to remove &amp; readjust. Very hard to explain lah.

Fitti Premium wasn't bad, but my son outgrew their largest size.

petpet is so-so. Find it better than Drypers, but the size also stops at XL. But at least the tape is those paper type, not plasticky type.

heehee hope this makes sense.
i like pampers. leaks depending on individual babies bah..
i esp like it as it has urine indicator. so can maximize it. hehe
mamy poko thick, so sometimes i dunno it's fulled or empty.

Jul: warm to touch maybe happened he pee then u carry him.. otherwise pee will seep into diapers then genitials won't kenna pee.

Goon is very light n durable. but most exp brand as it's from JPN.

for older babies, i like petpet as it's a alternative to Mamy Poko. similar texture n thickness other than the sticky tape vs velcro tape.
Wow.. thanks for the review again Jul! Hehe... think it's really useful for 1st time mums like myself

My boss also uses Mamy Poko. I guess I will need to try out a few to find out what baby prefers..

Petpet has improved version. Now they use the velcro tape too.

Er.. no leh. I meant that the Huggies is very thick. I find that it's thicker than Mamy Poko.

The irritating thing is, my son poo-ed all the time. No need to wait for the diaper to totally fill up. Sure got to change haha.
Wow~ pampers also so many knowledge to learn... hahaha

I bought 3 brand to try out leh; Mamy Poko, Pampers NB, Carrefour brand diaper. Hopefully my son can get use to the Carrefour brand cos' cheaper... hehehe. One of my fren say diaper any brand also ok, so long as apply diaper cream can liao, true anot ar?

Er.. dunno leh. But save on the diaper, end up keep applying diaper cream. Diaper cream also not cheap leh haha
yup agree with jul, drypers sucks big time, dunno if that's the reason why last time TMC give out drypers de.. haha no one wants to buy maybe..

Fitti basic is very good for daytime i feel, cheap and good compared to petpet, petpet is not soft enough i feel and more expensive than Fitti basic.. but i know for Fitti basic not every super market carries it..

pampers is okay but the urine indicator part hor, haha if having boys might change it too often than needed, cuz their pee all in front so very fast you feel like changing but indeed the bottom of the diaper is still dry..

Fitti premium is great i feel, last time i used to buy in bulk from them when there's sales.. worth every penny.. find it almost as good as mamy poko but overall mamy poko is still the best.. 1 piece can use overnight liao..
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks for the reviews, girls!
Hmm ... Think I will buy the Pampers NB promotion pack to try first. Hopefully, still has stock by the time I go tonight. If leak, then temporarily use Cloth Diaper or buy other brands when baby arrives, else not enough storage space liao.</font>
i dun agree with that, esp for night time, tried diff brands and still prefer mamy poko..

as for nappy cream, we used for less than 10 times only, no nappy rash for #1 cuz we wash him after every poo.. so i still rather spend a bit more on diapers..
my boy used to wear NTUC brand since age 1. cause cheaper..

Jul: haha.. the last time i used diapers was 2010.. keke
Diaper cream muz buy. whether wear exp or cheap diapers apply is safer.

Felicia: haha.. for boys quite true abt the pampers.. but i like it's material very soft. like GOON.

Hahahaha, if apply thinly maybe will cut down cost. If I see my fren, will ask her again if compare using diaper cream with cheap diaper more worth it or use expensive diaper

TMC gave Drypers meh? Did I miss out on some freebie? haha


Oic no wonder you dinno abt the 'improved' version Petpet haha


Frankyl speaking hor, I was applying diaper cream faithfully every change. Then I got fed up. Coz he poo, I change, then he poo again! End up the dipaer cream doesn't even stay on his butt for 5min sometimes. So I gave up on the cream.

For me the diaper cream was more useful after the initial crazy poo period haha
Jul, your son really pooed a lot!! Haha.. hopefully mine will control a bit :p I guess breastmilk fed babies will poo more often than those on formula?

He super chao kuan lor!

He will drink halfway, stop, poo.. so I gotta change. Then continue drinking, he will poo again. Really sickening lor!

I did wonder if he had bowel control probs haha
Ehhh... Is those inserts cheap? if buy those inserts, can put inside disposable diaper? Then at least wont waste the diaper if poo is not too much right?
Wahahaha... Jul! Maybe he just wanted to see how well mummy multi-tasks!!

If like that, I think better put baby on a potty or just put a plastic bag over his butt while feeding.. haha..

Inserts are cheap. But even though I bought a pack, I nvr bothered to use them. Think I was too pek check to think of it haha


Haha I'd like to see u lean over the potty to BF hahaha
Jul, baby could be too small for potty, that's why I said just put a plastic bag over the butt lor.. hahaha.. Although the smell may be very unpleasant during feeding.. :p
michi > nt true for my case. Agree tat huggies vry thick. I stock up so many n in the end hv to sell off cheap cos my boy has rashes wearin it, no matter wat type of cream i put or hw much.

Pru1st gift
got it for #1. Nw dont knw to gt it for #2 or nt. Btw, cn add rider so b4 thy start wk, n we pass on, the policy wil continue n no nd to pay til thy start wk.

Petrina > r u also gettin better fr the diarr? Hws ur amino fluid? Ok liao? Hope all is well for u. Btw, pru letter of guarantee was for hospital plan? Hw to gt the letter in the event of such emergency?
Jul, scotch tape won't work cos doesn't stick on skin so well.. use a cork better!
But seriously... I dunno what I would do if baby starts pooping in the middle of a feed! Haha... I think I would stop feeding and just call hubby for help! :p
Nattan: LOL!! Cork is a good idea!

Chris: thanks. I'm all recovered already. The leak was due to infection.. But it seems i have lots discharge.. Even now. At least i can differenciate the leaks. Not from fluid. Hehs

The letter is obtained upon admission by hospital. They log in and appl for letter using patient's NRIC. if ur plan is as charged and u have the extra rider, they can apply any amount. Meaning ur stay will be guaranteed up to that amount.usually they apply $10k. It's instantly approved if u r covered under that scheme.

nattan, petrina

The cork might pop out from the pressure hahaha


Aiyoh so sorry, I frogot all abt your MC for the low fluid thing. Din even ask how u were.
