(2012/06) Jun 2012

nattan > hmm, for me a fast meal wil most probably b beehoon soup. Jus throw everything in. :p whn i was in my ML, takin care of #1 alone. I had fish beehoon soup for lunch almost everyday. Hlp to increase milk supply n nutritious. :p oh well, i jus tot we r so near to our edd alrdy cn pamper ourselves for these few wks bah?

Haha, that's why buffet after buffet for me. So I get to eat many kind of food in one meal. ESP desserts. Been eating a lot of sweet stuff, like ice cream, bubble tea, etc.
Make me put on 5kg in 3wks.. Haha
Chris, no harm having rare treats occasionally. I also treat myself to fast food or ice cream once a week or fortnightly, but some times it's hard to keep track when you're enjoying yourself ;) Today over eat by 200cal, tomorrow overeat by another 300cal.. all adds up lo.. As it is, I also didn't expect myself to put on this much weight as I thought I would be able to stick to 12-13kg weight gain based on online estimator :p So, I need to control else my baby may become too big or after birth, I'll have a hard time losing weight...
morning mummies, woke up at 4am but couldn't get back to sleep, went to double boil birds nest soup.

audrey, if you need to do reno at home, best is you are not around, otherwise may affect bb **old wives tales**

i wish i could go for buffet but i'm having sore throat and cough again, ate too much durian cakes
gynae only gave me lozenges and flumicil, no antibiotics now at 38 weeks. have been telling bb to wait for a few more days, as i need to settle my new maid documentation.
Morning ladies! How are u all doing?

Haven't been here for a week now. Time really flies, Andreanna is now 1 week old. To all u FTM waiting to pop, I'd just like to say that being a mother is the best feeling ever! The little is so precious and words can't describe how much love I feel for her!

The lack of sleep was crazy in the beginning and it somehow made me delirious! I'm way more emo now too! Andreanna was warded twice for jaundice (at jaundice was measuring at 13 and 15 respectively)and I cried buckets both nights. I was told that 16 is considered dangerously high and 10 is the cut-off mark. Thank god it's now under control at 6.6. Hopes it doesn't go up anymore.

Bcos Andreanna chose to pop 1 mth early, MIL was unable to shift her leave earlier. Thus, I'm alone at home with her most of the time. Still manageable as I do not have to clean or cook. MIL still takes care of the cleaning and cooking before/after work. My mum and SIL tries to visit and babysit as often as possible so that I can catch up on some sleep. Hubby is already in reservist. He comes home every night and helps what he can. But he's got a few night next week that he's not allowed to book out. The missing him feeling is so intense! I have a feeling I'm going to cry then too.

Breastfeeding: I'm having problem latching Andreanna. Seems like my nipple is too short. Any of u non-FTM experienced the same problem? And because she was considered premature, she's always too sleepy to really try so usually she latches on for abt 2 mins and gives up. So I'm now expressing BM for her. Some night I let her have FM so that it last her longer. Luckily, with constant encouragement, she's drinking well at 60-70ml per feed now. I was told she needs to drink abt 90-100ml by the next appt which is in a mth. I hope she continues gaining weight healthily bcos that was 1 of the concerns my PD had with her.

I've had really good supply of BM earlier (I'm practically dripping milk all the time) when she was in the hospital and it seems to have slowed down now
Maybe it's bcos of the lack of sleep, supplements and pumping frequency. I'm trying to get it up to speed again. I don't know what the normal range but I get a total of abt 70-120ml from pumping 15mins on each side.

Weight gained: I think I might have gained the most weight for June mommines! I think I've gained abt 20kg this pregnancy. No wonder I had GD! Anyway, on a positive note, I've lost 11kg as if yesterday. Woohoo! Tummy has shrunk quite a fair bit too but still bulging and jelly-like lah. I'm sure it will be almost gone after post natal massage and wrap. But gynae told me to hold off massaging and wraps for 1 month. She says the scar currently looks good. It's just 1 fine line now. The end results will depends on how I take care of it. The less movement the better. No stomach exercises for 3 months. Gosh! I hope I can get back in shape before Hari Raya! But I feeling quite positive abt losing all the weight now that I'm already half way there ;)
hi Sel, glad to see that you and your baby girl are doing ok now, and you managed to lose most of the weight!
Do have lots of rest whenever possible. When you feel the blues, just come here and rant or talk to us ;) Re breastfeeding, can try fenugreek or drink more soups and fluids, and eat more protein. Important to relax too so that you can letdown.
Morning all!

I'm on my last day of 26 weeks.... getting ready... But haven't cleared my work nor finished handing over. Argh! Panicking!

Chris, Priscilla

Hehe I'm also eating whatever I fancy now. Confinement will be one major torture - no iced drinks, no cooling stuff like coconut, no 'rubbish' food like KFC. Really chiam ah.

And anyway, I've aws been greedy. That's why I've never been able to be slim *hiaz*


Good to hear from you. Hmm durign this period, our hormones are a bit haywire. Nothing wrong with crying a bit here & there, just take care not to sink into depression. I was much worse during my No1's confinement. I cried when Hubs left for work in the morning & cried when I see him come back at night. Cried everytime I had to feed baby. Cried for no reason all the time.
morning mummies!

chris: i have not been controlling my diet. have been eating more sweet desserts and drinks as compared to my pre-pregnancy period. haha..all the cravings.

just that nowadays appetite does not seem as good since 3rd trimester. eating small meals...if not i would feel super uncomfortable.

everyone still working today? how i wish weekend comes soon...zzz
<font color="aa00aa">vinniesellie,
It's great to hear from you. Your EBM supply is pretty good and your BM really comes in early even before discharge. To increase BM, besides drinking more fluid, another way is to power pump (do google for it) but please do NOT compromise on resting as it's very important too.

What a day! Woke up at 2.30 AM, browse facebook, internet, play Ticket To Ride iPhone apps until 5 AM, when about to sleep, my #1 woke up at 5.30 AM and cannot sleep anymore! Argh..
I also can't sleep..

Then in the office suddenly got e-mail need to replace my supervisor to do demo at 11 becoz he has fever. Can't come to office.. Huhu..
Some more got sharing session at 2-5 from the product manager whose the sustaining product I once lead the project. Hopefully won't sleep that time. huhuhu..
great to hear that you are doing well. Rest more, if you can, to increase the supply of BM.

still have time to clear your work, tell bb to stay inside longer.

Last night I felt the baby wriggling &amp; squirming like trying to dig his way out below. Scared me!

Take care of yourself too. I'm also sick now. Flu, I think. Keep getting sick this pregnancy
Yes, good to know you and ur princess are doing great.

U sick again? U better take care.

Going for my waxing later, last before I pop.
Any know any good food at Amoy street?

I had very bad bh last night. Like it comes and goes every min non stop.. Anyone experience bad bh? Is sit I going to pop? Scary...
could it be stomach upset like diarrhoea, that causes braxton hicks ?
could it be you were walking too much yesterday ? try to have more bed rest, if you can.
Priscilla, I also had bad bh the other day, and it was almost the entire day :p You're not going to pop so soon, unless your EDD is near. It's just the uterus practising contractions. Just breathe deep breaths slowly and lie down if you can, it will go away.
gd to knw i m nt the only one indulging in food. :p

sel > gd to hear fr u abt ur experience. Dont worry too much abt the emotions. I was lik tat as well. Too overwhelm by the emotions, often cryin for no reason. Happy, sad, worry, n watever also cn cry. :p lik jul mention, jus b cautious nt to let urself slip into depression. I tink ur bm supply is quite gd leh. Kp it up! Hw often do u pump? Wat pump u usin? N wat r u usin to store the milk? Oh n whic milk bottle u usin?
Is it that the more we walk, we would be more prone to early delivery?

Im going for my facial later, probably my first and only facial during this pregnancy..haha
stopped for so long.
Glad to hear most things are fine at your end.
Alot of my friends kept telling me that post natal blues will kick in the first week after delivery and we have to prepare our HBs on that so that they can be more understanding

When will your HB be back from reservist? Its tough being alone when he isn't around.

ur BM supply sounds good!! Try to rest abit more k
Sel, my right breast nipple is also shorter, that's why my baby has difficulties to latch that breast as well. It's pretty common. But SOON, it will be protruding out once you latch her often or pump often. At first when I went to Lactation Consultant, my baby (#1) can only latch 1 breast, feel full and asleep already. Then I need to come back to ask the LC tried my other breast that has shorter nipple. That's why I go to LC twice. hehe.. But I really feel it's worth the trip since after that my baby can latch well and I don't need FM at all

Going to LC is like to get more confidence in latching baby and breastfeeding

Jul, you're so slim lah! Huehehe.. Aiyo this time around really got some strange hungriness and I kept buying all those food. Yesterday evening bought 1 bread eat until finish, then go McD buy the cherry melt, then after visiting McD saw Lerk Thai sell popcorn chicken, cheap one only $2.5, so I buy again.
After that, becoz addicted to playing, missed my bus stop to home, stop at MRT and wait for hubby to walk home together, and buy Honey Green Tea with Aloe Vera from Each a Cup.
At home feel very full but still eating a proper dinner.

Then lattely I have been buying prawns for a few times this week just to satisfy my cravings. Afraid later 1 mth can't eat prawn. Hahaha.. I love PRAWNS so much!

Yeah lor, sick again. So sian. Feel like just taking the rest of the time off till delivery on MC haha

Amoy Street got a lot of ncie food! Just look for the long q


Think the more active we are, normally it does lead to earlier/easier delivery.


me slim??? U saw the right person? I bah bah one. Only look 'slim' when I preggie coz by comparison with the big tummy haha
Kadice, I think more exercise makes for easier delivery. As for earlier, I'm not sure. I'm tempted to go for another facial but lying for 90min is quite uncomfortable even though I ask for towels to support my back and I lie a bit sideways. :p
hi mummies

Just done with my lunch, having red bean soup for dessert now. I dont know why i like red bean soup nowadays haha.. Sure eat at least once a week.

My BH no pain. Just tightening and bloated feeling. Dont think is stomachache.
But i walk a lot.. I like to move around, cant stay put at one place. Therefore i decided to work till i deliver.

Just ask my hubby to put my hospital bag in my car last night. If i need to go hosp, at least i have everything.

I also hope i only pop after 4 JUNE.(my edd 11 June) My gynae will like on leave next week. If not, have to get another gynae to cover her. SIgh.
Haha I totally gave up facial when I felt so comfortable when I had one last month.

Laying on your back is one position we should avoid. But if facial does makes you feel more confident, cleaned and better. I guess it's no harm for that hour++

Sleeping on your backThis can cause problems with backaches, breathing, digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby. This is a result of your abdomen resting on your intestines and major blood vessels (the aorta and vena cava).
hi Sel,

good to hear from you
yo, feel free to air your tots here. yeah u went thru c-sec huh? so u still continue to breastfeed despite the wound?i got a fren whom delivered last month n she said almost impossible to latch on cos the wound pain. yeah i am slowly making mental preparation for myself too...yo, likely to opt for half body GA so tat can witness the first cry of my gal

yeah long time din go facial liao..anyone can recall whether TMC provide free flow of red date tea huh? quite scary cos hrd now eversince they went pte, everytin oso charged.
Hi ladies
It’s been a busy morning – haven’t had chance to check in the forum since yesterday.
Went for my checkup @ 36 weeks yesterday. Baby is now 3.2kg! Up 300g from last week’s weigh in at 2.9kg. Gynae commented that baby is going to be a big one at least 3.5kg at this rate. Was dealing with bloated feet the past few days and out of the blue, my feet are now back to normal. Weird but true. I am pretty sure baby moved lower (still not engaged) as I am feeling heavier pressure at the lower pelvis area. Not painful but just heavy feeling.
I gave up on taking buffets cos I can’t eat much at one go now. Always feeling hungry leh..but I am trying not to overeat. Sigh.
Just realized that I probably will have another 1.5 weeks at work before I take a break (prior to popping). I intend to stop like 10 days before so can rest a bit. Phew..time is ticking!! I feel like a walking time bomb. LOL!
Good to know that you are slowly getting used to motherhood. You are probably one of those lucky ones with overflowing milk supply. Hehe..keep it up yah? Drink more fluids and nutritious food and rest while you can (I know this is hard).
If you have time, do share your birth story! We didn’t have a chance to find out what happened from you yet.
Ssmilezz, 3.2kg is a good weight. My gynae estimated my baby's weight to be 3.5kg too. I don't think is too big, unless you're petite. I also cannot eat a lot at one sitting now that there's a less space.. haha.. Are you opting for c-sec? When are you taking leave? I can't wait to go on leave in mid-June... it's getting tiring carrying all this weight around...
@chris me too! My hospital bag still not packed. And. I have been feeling contractions every 3 minutes and I went to the toilet at least 5 times in the past hour? Is it time???
Chris, when is your EDD? Yours is later than mine right? I think at this stage, all of us look like we're going to pop soon, so don't care about what other people say la. Like some of my colleagues, they don't know what they are saying and just like to make comments :p
Jolene > My mum sy going to toilet often is a sign wor. Bt i think it dpd on individual. Haiz...still waiting for hubby to bring dwn the cabin bag to pack my hospital bag. :p So many things to do, yt so little time n energy. Super regret nt doing most stuffs whn I still hv energy.

nattan > ya, I m much later. End of the mth. The strangers commented tat cos thy sy my tummy super low liao. Actually I also feel tat leh.
I am starting my 36th week tomorrow - 4 more weeks (36,37,38,39)
Keep looking at my calendar and with approx 2 more gynae visits i should be doing 2 work weeks with 4 working days! if i take a week before EDD to rest ... its 3 work weeks left ... time flies!!!
Fleurfleur, same for me.. about 3 weeks left. Packed your stuff and washed the baby items already? I'm just missing the chargers, which will be placed in last. Planning to change my phone this weekend.. After that I should be ready... more or less... :p
Walking 'Time' Bomb'

I have this feeling that I'm gonna pop anytime. So tdy I've been frantically trying to clear as much work as possibel, go through my emails to try to sort them into some order so that I can do backup for my colleagues, etc. Still have a couple of pcs of work &amp; clearing of my cubicle. Argh!

I still have to charge &amp; start up new laptop. The camera &amp; chargers for that will be left to Hubs hehe

Now I just have to get my PISA!
Jul, you contacted Beautyloft already? Getting local or US one?

I have to wait for my boss to come back next week. Hopefully she is in a good mood and ok with me going off in mid June :p

I dropped her an email &amp; got her Autoreply that she's travelling till 27 May. But she also mentioned that she has stock arriving on 25 May. Guess I won't be able to get the stuff till 27th.

Haha my boss may have no choice. I'm just working towards popping. Too bad, no chance to take leave earlier to rest
Ok la.. just 3 more days only.. if she has stock on hand, you can arrange to collect immediately then that's one thing off the list.
Hmm..gynae didn’t say I need a c-sec at this point. I think my hips are big enough and baby is in good position. She was also commenting that too big maybe very tiring for me to push. But then no one really knows how labour will really progress so we shall see how things turn out.
My EDD is 18 Jun. I think I’ll prob stop work around first week of Jun? Maybe 7 Jun? See how things go by my next checkup. Cos I can really feel the baby lower now.
How about yourself? How many days in advance are u planning to rest before your EDD?
Aiyah, so many ppl keep commenting I look very big and tummy super ROUND. What am I supposed to say? Sigh just smile and say I’m going for my ML soon lor..
I have been going to the toilet so often lately too!
U also yah? My work load has been very heavy this week and likely to stay the same for next week since it’s end of the month. Feeling stressed up but no choice, just need to tong. Luckily, my boss has been very understanding. I just try to clear what I can daily and go back by 6.30pm.
jul > it mus b nervous for u, rt? Going to b a SAHM immediately after delivery? Or u will b dropping by office 1st? U getting a new set of PISA arh? I tot u hv liao?
Jul: U also contacting Beautyloft for Medela Pumps? Oh she is travelling, no wonder I kept texting her for the past few days no reply. planning to call her soon.
what model are u getting? I still cannot really decide between freestyle or pump in style..

Yeah my boss has also been understanding. But certain things like archiving, packing cubicle etc just has to be done by myself lor. Dun wanna come back after delivery to pack my dusty cubicle haha


My PISA died! So gotta get a new one. Angry!

Yup gonna be a SAHM right after popping. So machaim clearing my desk for resignation lol


I'm getting PISA. Read the reviews n it has better suction n power. I'm also used to it so no learning curve. Oh n i ordered a bunch of spare parts that'll be totally wasted if i buy freestyle

Do u need to portability for bringing to work? I'm staying at home so dun really need the light factor.
Nattan, same here...asking my gynae for leave. you? have u told ur company?

i only told them about my maternity leave, would only tell them about these 2 weeks nearer to date, say gynae feels that i need to rest. just in case they ask me to take maternity leave early. haha
Oh dear, you just remind me. i think i need to check my breast pump. Mine in storage like for 3 years already and hopefully it still in working condition.
Kadice, I've informed my office director, but haven't informed HR officially. Tomorrow will get my director to sign the HR letter. i don't think my gynae will give me leave, but I will check with him next Sat when I see him again...

hav bn askin hubby to bring out the cabin bag for me to pack my hospital bag. Til tis evenin he stil havnt tak it out. Thn 我出决躁,i ask him, " so tat day whn i gt admitted u wil pk n bring the hospital bag to the hospital hor?". Wah! Immediately the bag is out of the store rm. :p
