(2012/05) May 2012

Dolly: one week will hv this kind of wailing sessions once or twice. my boy is exactly the same, he can laugh and giggle with you and sudden burst out into tears the next moment. He still continue to cry even if I pick him up. Usually in the evening and before bedtime.

Liang2: Have you gone bk to work? Maybe your son is just craving for attention? I'm back at work and my helper dont talk much to my gal so basically she just face the 4 walls. Can be quite poor thing
Smak: I use manduca carrier. I choose it cos I can use it from baby 3 kg onwards. My boy would fall asleep in there when he's younger but now he's more curious and will look left n right.
I think all carrier bound to produce heat cos of the weather. The heat for the carrier is bearable.
If u dun like buckle it is not a the right one for u.
Phyllis: my diet is normal. I dont take tons of waters, think ard 2litres per d

Shawnjas: ya, I also use pigeon. V siong cos finish v fast n really quite diluted. Not sure is it becos not gd if too foamy. Was considering to change to pureen also.

My gal is 4 months and recently Dont drink that much, end uo waste my milk. Is it normal for them to reduce the number of times for milk?
FAAA: I haven gone back to the workforce, I should only be starting work again in December. I can't really bear to leave my baby, I think I will hv separation anxiety rather than the baby :p

Shawnjas: I'm using NUK bottle cleanser and I personally love it.

Mummies, any idea where to buy drool pad for carrier? My boy likes to lick the carrier strap ... Eee
ak: some babies reduce the no. of feed once they hit 3-4 months or reduce their intake. Quite normal. If u notice now they put on weight slower compared to the 1st two months.
Hello mummies.. have MIA a while.. started working 2 weeks ago and it has been rather draining.. >_<~

liang2: i am using fumbee w my manducca carrier~ ^5 my boy has also start to get fussier in the night time.. no idea why.. carry him outside of the house he will stop crying.. come back in &amp; sit down.. will wail so badly..

groundpepper: think mothercare got sell sleeping bag..

smak: i am using manducca.. so far only use a few times so think bb is still getting use to it.. my sis is also using manducca for my niece.. there are other brands like beco, ergo w quite gd reviews.. some mummies shared tt Baby slings and carriers at novena square, Level 1 opp Zhou Kitchen, have many carriers n slings for u to try. Mayb u can let ur bb try before u decide?

phyllis: How's work? very sian to go back right? for pumps, i rinse with tollyjoy detergent then soak in hot water for 1-2 min.. when bringing to work.. use lock&amp;lock to transport..
Hi all. I have been a silent reader. I have a baby gal born on 2 may 2012. I would like to check hw much milk ur babies are drinking now. I have been feeding my gal two scoops of similac with 130ml of water every 3 hrly since she is ard 3 mth old. She is a slow drinker and can take half an hr to an hr to finish tat qty. Hence veri difficult to increase the qty per feed. She will usually start fussing after taking half the qty. Is this normal?
Ah Hoon. My gal taking between 120-130ml of either BM or formula. Usually will finish in 15-20mins. If she fuss, I will put in warmer and feed her abt 15 mins later. Have you tried changing the teat? She could be ready for the next size. Just my 2 cents worth.
Hi FAAA, I have changed her teats to m size since last mth but still the same. Have even tried changing fm to S26 too. My boy nvr have this problem so am a bit worried. Tmr bringing her for vaccination. Hope she is gaining healthy weight.
Ah Hoon: My gal is taking Nan HA becos the hospital fed her this do I don't want to change. I tried many different brands for my elder boy but not suitable cos constipation so I stick to Nan Pro. From 6th months till now he is on Similac and Gain. Btw I heard that S26 is quite fatty and heaty though
Yingz, not too bad today, it's my second day at work. However due to the hectic nature of my work I need to better manage my pumping hours. Definitely miss baby but I just tell myself very soon I can head home to see him. Anyway time flies at work.

That's how I wash my pump parts too then reach home wash again and sterile. I brought a sponge brush for cleaning teats to clean the parts as well. I also use tollyjoy detergent. Hm... I'm thinking of getting another set of medela pump parts to leave at office, bringing to and froth is quite troublesome. Super heavy to lug so many things, my bag, laptop bag plus pump stuff. Not sure if it's necessary to buy another pump to leave at office. Ex to get another medela dual electric pump. Any mummies tried Avent pumps or any other brands to recommend?

Berrynaq may I know where did you get the medela micro steam bag? I just checked mums &amp; babes website they don't have this.

Rabbitz, don't be discourage press on. I'd suggest to consider trying medela calma teat, this is very close to the breast. Can adjust slowly then progress to a normal teat. Bm will only flow when bb sucks so don't have to worry about the quick flow and bb choking. I used this when he's less than 1 mth old so that he can adjust well to bottle feeding then when he's 2mths he don't want calma teat anymore then I tried avent. Now he's on no. 3.

From Today newspaper!
Ah hoon my boy is reaching 4 mths soon next wk and he's still drinking 110ml. 6 times a day. I dare not increase the amount as he's above average (6kg vs 6.9kg, 60cm vs 63cm) as of last months pd visit. Ask pd if the amount is too little for his age he said it's fine as long he's putting on weight and healthy. He finishes in 10-15 mins. I'm using medela size s for bm and avent no. 3 for fm (Similac 0-6 mths)

Could it be the feeding position? Can use a pillow to elevate bb.
Hi phyllis, talking abt feeding position. My gal also very particular. She no longer wan to carry feed. Usually will lay down on bed with elevated pillow with the cot mobile on. Sometimes even need to sling and walk her ard while feeding. But i guess may be due to distraction also cos she can finish her one am milk feed within fifteen min.
Phyllis setok: I bought another set of freestyle from WTS for $200 to be use in office, it's much easier even though freestyle is small. Cos I uses glass bottles n everyday got to bring them to n fro, laptop also! Plus handbag that's 3 bags to carry!
My gal also has funny pattern, drink almost 2-3 hourly at night and latch quite short time like 5 min? Worse is she dun sleep back n keep wriggling around. Some time got to rock her back to sleep. Siong!

My progress, just managed to fit into a XXL pants on thurs which I bought just before my 2nd pregnancy
and another pants is getting loose *phew* feeling great the whole day! Went to company checkup and still got 9.5kg more to loose before reaching my ideal weight, which is my prepregnancy weigt for #1. Looks achievable now cos I'm abt 1/3 of the program
Congratulations Dolly!! Can u share the source of WTS to buy the freestyle pump? Which glass bottles are you using? So you pump using Medela bottles to pump then pour to the glass bottles? I bought some nursing bras from FB and they enclosed some samples of nursing pads and milk bags, quality quite good
Phyllis: Same same.. need to manage my pumping hours.. esp my office got lotsa nursing mums.. we need to stick to schedule as much as we can.. if not got domino effect.. hmm i didnt use sponge brush cos at home also never use.. mostly use brush for teats n bottles only.. agree back and forth is very lechay and bulky.. i always seem to be bringing lotsa thing.. for me i not thinking to get another pump.. one thing is low supply &amp; i really dunno when i will stop.. i will of cos try it to be as long as i can.. heard before that ameda pumps are not bad..

Ah Hoon: Mine is taking 150 fm/bm per 3-5 hours depending on his mood.. my boy nowadays also fusses a lot after half the feed.. just need to be more patient.. if he dont want to drink.. i just let him play awhile before trying again.. think they are now more curious.. so once they are half full they wanna play.. i am now on avent teat 2.. thinking to change to 3 soon.. fm i am using nan pro too..

Dolly: http://www.kidzloft.com/birthday.php.. they got 50% discount during the child 1 yr old mth.. if you have friend's kid coming to 1 yr old.. can ask to tobang :p
FAAA: Need to watch out the WTS thread.. I did it everyday when I want an item, then if the seller price is right and near to you, just PM them and try to strike a deal. The local sets are usually more expensive compared to US set cos the price is higher when locally. I dun really care cos my own one is US set too
Thanks for the encouragement! My lifestyle is changing for the better too. Like eat more fruits and veggie, less chilli oil... etc

Yingzz: Thanks for the link!
FAAA: i trying to protect everything like the carrier strap, car seatbelt and I'm even thinking of the stroller seatbelt with drool pads... KS... Lol.

Yingzz: where did you get the fumble drool pad and how much is it? Is it good? I saw some pretty nice ones online fr mylittletrendsetters but it costs $25 a pair including shipping. I find it abit pricey :p

Ah Hoon: my boy is 4months 1week and he is drinking 110ml of either BM and FM, 6 feeds a day. He takes abt 10 mins to finish a bottle. Sometimes, my boy fuss too then I will try again 10mins, usually he will finish by the second attempt.
I see some of you hv already changed the teats to a bigger size one, my boy is still using the smallest one, maybe I should start changing?

I'm also thinking of increasing his milk qty as he is drinking 110ml every 2.5 to 3 hours. Im hoping to do 4 hours feed instead of 3 but he always stop at 110ml the most 120ml. He will then to hv reflex if he drinks anything more than 120ml.
liang2: i got mine from spree together w my manducca.. i think if u get from the baby slings and carrier store will also be arnd $25.. btw the store is expanding so 23 sep is their last day at novena..they yet to announce where they moving too.. chk out their FB..

you can try change the teat size.. as long as bb dont choke its ok
Hi all,

Have just joined the forum. I have a May baby girl.

Wondering whether anyone uses tommee tippee bottle?

My girl now direct latch-on for her feeds. She used to use avent bottle when she is younger, but at one point of time she refused the bottle, till now.

Thinking of trying on tommee tippee. Is it advisable?
Yoohoo! Mummies, I survived my 1st week at work. Phew! I feel like an oasis in the desert - my bm ss slowly but surely drying up. Hope I can make it to bb turns 6 mths and he needs less bm.

Bb not drinking milk - noticed it's pretty common around this age 4 mths. Guess they become curious and easily distracted when feeding. My boy likes to push teat out, turn his head etc. We swaddle him up and it helps. He will finish all his milk.

Pureen wash is cheapest at kkh. $11.50 for 2 bottles. Cleans bm (oily film) well as compared to pigeon which is mild and need to use a lot. Pigeon is good for fm bottles.

Faaa - mothercare sells the Aden + anais blankets. I am using them too. Thumbs up! So soft and large so can use as bb grows bigger. Also multipurpose - burp cloth, stroller cover, blanket, swaddle cloth, nursing cover.
I agree working mums who are bf has to carry many bags to work. I carry pigeon freezer bag and tote bag. Avent manual pump attached to 330ml size bottle, one storage cup, nursing bra, bb romper, photo, small wash cloth and extra breast pads can all be squeezed inside.

I wear normal bra with padding type and place breast pads to absorb bm in case. Feel nursing bra is soft and no padding so nipples may protude out under the work clothes. Only during pumping, use nursing bra.

The ebm flows direct into the attached bottle and once done, I will place the items back into bag and put entire freezer bag inside the freezer compartment of fridge. 10am, 2pm, 5pm do the same thing. By then, entire bottle is full and will take bag home. Reach home, transfer into storage cups and place them in the fridge.

If mummies really like to sterilize, get the pigeon portable model. I used to do that for #1 but it's really too time consuming. So for #2, I just ensure everything stays in the office freezer.

Let's persevere to give our kids the best nutrition.

friend gave medela steam bags as gifts. five bags in a box. each bag can use 20 times. i will be getting more soon. once i get contact, i will let you know.
Hi, mummies. Shashan here. I'm a silent reader here for sometimes... Keen to comments but usually stuck with my boy. I delivered my boy on 26th May this year! Nice to meet u all!

Wonder any mummies start to give yr Bb solid food at 4 months old? My boy at 4 months now, always very cranky too! Just want u to Carry and walk around! Getting difficult to pacify him, end up with tiring daddy and mummy....

I'm going to stop breast feeding soon as well as my supply drop till about 200ml per day only, no choice but to sell my medela freestyle pump. My boy hav about 100ml milk since 2 months old till now never increase volume, thought suppose to have more milk at this stage but he never.... : (
I've been trying to give my girl rice cereal everyday since she turned 4 months on 21st Sep. Tried 2 days still she's not taking yet but will continue until she wants it. Will start to give puree when I get a blender.

My girl drinks her milk very slowly due to acid reflux. She feels a lot of pain when drinking so sometimes will refuse to drink, pushing the teat out. We'll have to coax her, sometimes even force her to drink. It pains us to see her so uncomfortable but no choice, she has to drink to grow. It takes an hour or more for her to drink about 100-110ml. The only time she can drink fast, about 10min, is when dreamfeeding. While it is difficult to feed my girl, fortunately she sleeps v easily and v well, so she's been growing well. Hope she grows out of her reflux soon.

I've gone back to work for 2 weeks and expressing twice each day at work. Supply has remained the same. I use Avent dual pump at home but bought a 2nd hand single pump since it uses the same pump parts and it's more portable. At work I use the single pump together with the manual pump.
shashan: 200ml better than nothing.. my supply has always been around there too.. but i think i will continue till at least 6 mths &amp; hopefulli more
perhaps u shld check w ur PD if ok to introduce solid? 100ml per feed is ok as long as bb is gaining weight.. actually around this time more bb seems to be having milk strike rather than increasing intake..

Marilyn: Wah you still change into nursing bra? For me i find it to leychay so i just wear nursing bra.. Not bad you can pump 3 times at work.. me only twice.. btw y do you bring bb romper?
Keep me posted berrynaq.

Hi Shan Shan welcome to this thread. Your boy is older than my boy by 1 day. This is my first child, born on 27 May. Perhaps you should not pick up your boy once he starts crying, now it becomes a habit because he knows whenever he makes noise mummy or daddy will carry him. Maybe you can distract him with cot mobile, rattles, play gym? Let him cry for a few mins and just talk to him to pacify him need to firmly let him know this behavior is not ok. He's too young to understand but after a few times he'll get it.

I'm still feeding him 110ml (same quantity since 2mths) 6 times a day, 4x bm and 2x fm. My ss is low so supplementing with fm. Just started work this Th and I pump twice in office, each time yield bet 70-80ml. Hope to give him whatever I've even if it's just 1/2 times bm. I'm thinking of starting him on cereal, mix with bm soon, probably once in the afternoon.

I'd encourage you to continue pumping the bm and give whatever you can. Supplement the rest with fm. Some is better than none. Initially I used to be quite stress over the low SS as I really wanted to do total breast feeding but just don't have enough even with supplements. Now I've learnt to let go because he's growing very well (above average) so I just try my best to pump and that's good enough.
don't give yourself unduly stress.
I find the steam bags v handy. I don't use any special bottle cleaner. Just mama lemon in the office then rinse clean and steam for 1.5 min in microwave. Will steam just before expressing. Wash after pumping and store in steamer bag.
Hi, Phyllis.

Actually we didn't really carry him immediately once he cry. But coz my in laws and my mum help to take care, thus difficult to control... : (

Berrynag :
Mine is local set. Warranty till next year May but I have just sold it this morning....
Marilyn: I also went bk to work for 1 week now. Been pumping twice at work at 12 and 4pm, each time getting between 100-120ml. Once I come home I don't pump but latch on till next morning. Baby's intake has also not increased. Feeding 1 bottle FM per day. Hopefully can preserve till 6 months.

I bought the Aden + Anais swaddle blankets at Mothercare yesterday. Ordered 2 packs online but seems like the seller abscond with the money!! At first she said the bp will have to be cancelled and will refund but have not heard from her. But Mothercare has limited designs though
Phyllis: your boy is older than my girl by 1 day too. Haha. I agree with you. With my elder boy, I used to be very stressed over my supply. But now with my girl I learnt to let go. Will try to give as much BM as possible but don't feel depressed or incompetent that we are unable to total breastfeed. At least we giving whatever we can. As how Dolly encouraged me, it is another 2 more months before baby turns 6 months.

I am still trying to pump twice at work. Maybe in a couple of weeks will drop 1 pump but if time permits I will still pump 2x
Anyone heard reviews or tried bottle called comotomo? It has a large base and shaped like breast. Full silicon bottle which supposed to be soft to hold on. My baby still refuse bottle, bite NUK teat when feeding and let milk flow out. Refuse to suck or swallow. My extended ml ending soon and big headache now.
Rabbitz: my #1 dun like bottles too, he's totally off at 6 mth, he throw away pacifier too. So my nanny got to spoon feed him. But he learnt to use the straw then.

My gal dun drink in morning! Just like wat my nanny experienced, she latch ard 6 or 7am, then go wo feeding till almost noon! I tried to latch her, only latch for a few minutes! Hope my supply ok on Monday!

FAAA: yeah! 8 more weeks! Then maybe can latch at night for u ?
My TRA program also will end in 8 weeks time! Must hang on!
Anyway, one good side effects is that I used to hv running nose n cough easily, now my running heal within 3 days, guess the supplement really good
BTW, here's the breast pad which I normally use at work

It's a moulded cups so it's seamless and it's thick enough to hold a few drops of leaks, plus won't show nipple. However, I'll wear disposable during weekends cos my gal suck one side, the other side might leak
Dolly how to teach baby to use straw? My baby also refuse pacifier, I bought so many all wasted. He only willing to nibble in gum drops pacifier which is fully silicon, think he bite like teether only.

If use spoon to feed? Takes very long time? I hv weaning spoon, use that is ok?
Shashan: I'm also wondering when to start baby on solid. On one hand, I tot of doing 'exclusive bf' (supplement w 1 FM feed) for first 6 months, on the hand, I want him to try out solid as soon as he is ready.

I hoping to get some advices from Mummies here. My boy used to be able to sleep thru, at least till 6am after his dream feed which is at 10.30pm. However, he has been waking up between 2-4 am, crying for milk. I tried to give him his pacificer hoping that he will forget abt his milk but after awhile he will wake up again. He will fall back to sleep once he finishes his milk.

I dont know what causes the change, his milk intake during the day is the same but he does tend to sleep earlier though, he now sleeps at 6pm instead of 7pm. Could it be due to his change in his bedtime?
