(2012/05) May 2012

jul: I scare ppl laugh at me... but its good to bring with more space coz when ppl visit you with gifts, you can pack them all in... :D i think you wun overpack more than me lah... cabin should be just nice coz i use those bag kind but abit size, i still need to squeeze... but wow, u did ur brazillian wax so near to the delivery date... very good planning...

Moment: OH NO! i think they called me to tell me the results and ask me to indicate on the letter myself.. but ops, i totally forgot what the nurse say.. think my baby can endure till my next checkup to let me ask the doc... >.<

Ayana: I pack my hubby all into the same bag.. heh... but i dont have pretty and cute cabin.. so forget it.. LOL! regret not getting the ettusia's one in Jan... so cute...

Oh I saw my gynae's letter, there's a column for GBS too. Currently is blank cos I will be taking the swap next week.

Sardonyx, so how? Did you go hospital or ask your gynae what to do?

I'm sure the nurses at the hosp have seen it all haha

Not really! I did my BW at 5pm &amp; I reached TMC at 10pm. Nearly went in with a bush of hair lol

accordingly to my gynae is a sign of going to give birth.. but you don't have to admit yet cos it wont be so soon esp if is your 1st baby..

call your gynae and let him know so that he can standby as well...

So just nice full term and your bb can't wait to come out...
sardonyx: If i were you, i will see my gynae immediate to check, at least to give myself a piece of mind and hear his advice.. otherwise, rest of the day, i will not have any mood to do anything.. cos' will be paranoid for the whole time! u take care!!! update us soon!
omg sardonyx, so excited for u!!
take care of urself and keep us posted oki.

Btw mummies, when shld we start drinking coconut water? Im currently 33 weeks. Heard that from 36 weeks onwards?
Also, must be "young coconut"?
Make sure your hospital bag is ready to go. You can do it!

Thks for sharing. The nursing bra very nice!

Big Dee
Maybe try sitting up on the bed, put pillows behind you? Until gradually drowsy alredy then slowly lie down to sleep? Might help with the breathlessness and heartburn if you are upright
tute &amp; jul:

So excited for you, all the best!

Hmm... my hospital bag is only 60% packed, think I'd better get down to completing my packing this weekend.. :|
Regarding TMC bill size (premier single bedded)

For Mother Hospital charges - $3,444.41
Doctor charges:
Gynae (medisave) - $600
Gynae (non-medisave) - $200
Epi Doc (medisave) - $100
Epi Doc (non-medisave) - $300
Total Doctor charges - 1,200

Grand Total - $4,644.41

Medisave and Medishield Deduction:
Hospital Charges: -$1,400
Professional Fee: - $700

Total deduction: -$2,100

Antenatal care medisave claim submission of $650.

Hope the above is clear...
For baby package 2 days charges - $862.41

Doctor charges:
PD (medisave) - $100
PD (non-medisave) - $160
Total Doctor charges - $260

Grand Total - $$1,122.41

Medisave and Medishield Deduction:
Hospital Charges: -$800
Professional Fee: - $100

Balance after deduction: $222.41
BabyL, you discharged already ah..
Waaa so good.. when will it be my turn.. can't wait leh!
Next week will be the last working week before I go on my ML!

I'm so paranoid now cos this guy moved on his own accord to the seat behind me and he is coughing n coughing and taking medicine. I told him he shouldn't move to this seat in case virus spread to me. But think he also hack care cos that seat is good and no one can see his computer screen. zzzz
Hi BabyL:

Thanks for sharing your hospital bill despite your busy schedule

so the cash portion is Grand total - total deduction? which is $2564.41?
BabyL, thanks for sharing the bill! It is really helpful for mummies who are delivering at TMC... esp the cash payout part coz really not sure what the bill size will be like..So in total you paid about $2544.41 (mother) + $222.41 (baby)=$2766.82?

Is it really needed to drink coconut water?? I have not taken any at week 36...
Its a old wives tale tt drinking it at the last few weeks before birth, ur baby will be born clean, not so much of the white mucus tt usually covers a baby when just delivered. No scientific proof but no harm drinking i guess...
Agree with chocolateteddy, no scienctific proof. But my gyne say no harm drinking but drink once a week. Better to drink fresh coconut coz canned drinks sugar content maybe too high.

I had mine last wk when I was at wk36. I can tell u one word "shiok" n bb happy kicking away coz it's soooo
refreshing..... Heeeheee
I now start to worry whether will bb discharge together with me anot or she got to stay to do the test b4 going back. And wonder how long the drip need to be. I read up and said it better to hv the drip 4hrs b4 birth. Means if my bb will be out fast lik my 2nd boy in 3 hrs then my bb won't get the antibiotic. Haiz... Anyone can clear my doubts... Keep thinking and can't get out of my mind.. I can't concentrate in what I am doing now ;(
Ayana, yup! Discharged yesterday... =)

Geraldine, its $2,300.

Ak and littledotty, total is $2,500+ ba coz hubby paid for it. $2,300 deposit plus $200+ during checkout.

Moment, yes got that test.
they say drink the thai, young, green coconut. I'm not sure wat coconut is sold at pasar malam. I've just been drinking the can ones cos easier to get. Hahaha!
Tute: my tummy also itch sometimes but I just try to bear with it and just rubbing on it, don't really dare to scratch
Jj: hmm my blood pressure is normal .. I'm worried to have preterm labor cos of the protein in urine hope it clears by next visit..
Hospital bag : mine is about 50% packed.
Coconut: saw NTUC selling 3 for $2.99 . Is it this type of coconut ?
Thanks moment, Mrs ho, tute n jinomo fr ur advices. i thibk will try jinomo's method. anyway weather is so warm today. think will sleep better with Aircon on tonite...
Jazzlyn: could b the puppp, i read these rashes will occur during last trim n will continue n stop only after u give birth. So do not scratch them. Can go watsons buy those qv
moisturiser to apply.
Hospital bag: can anyone share marriage cert need to bring original or copy will.do? Wat do we need to pack as essentials?
Big Dee, pls bring both NRICs, marriage cert (i brought original), gynae admission letter, hospital admission letter and if u are apply CDA from OCBC (TMC got a booth), pls bring bank acct statements too. I not sure what statement coz my hub said he forgot to bring and had to go Novena Square there to endorse and collect before applying..

Oh yes, ur pre-natal receipts for claiming medisave of up to $650.
Hospital Bag :
90% packed except for camera batt still charging and toiletries. I feel tightening of tummy on and off today. Keep telling my gal in the tummy to wait for another min 10 days. Cos mummy gonna attend jie jie's party in childcare.

Coconut :
I am taking those from NTUC. Also bought the coconut jelly from the shop opp Tiong Bahru Plaza that the mummies here recommended. Very refreshing and nice.

Had done my eyebrow embroidery yesterday and taken my maternity shots today. Dun wan to take picture without eyebrows when hubby taking pic of me in labour ward. So vain ..... I am thinking if they allow me to put lipstick a not in the labour ward.

How are u feeling right now? Engorgement still there ? If we still havent have a name for baby yet, then no need bring marriage cert right ?

Dunno what to name my gal....
Kayla, am feeling better now, thanks! Yup, if not doing birth cert then dun hve to bring marriage cert. But u got to go ICA within 1-2 wks to do, quite troublesome i feel..
Hi Parents-to-be,
I have 5 unopened brand new packs of Drypers Soft (Newborn, up to 5kg) for sale.
Selling them at $30 ($6 for 1 pack).
Got them recently at baby fair but my baby has outgrown them.
Interested parties, pls pm me.
Collection can be done anywhere in Singapore, if convenient.
Thanks mommies! I was already in the delivery suite at 1pm yesterday, had an internal exam twice. Cervix was still closed, no pain and contractions yet. According to the machine that was attached on my tummy, baby's heartbeat was ok and i had contractions once in every 10 mins. I had bleeding for half day yesterday. Then I was admitted for observation and just got discharged before noon today.

As of yesterday, I was still exactly 36 weeks based on ultrasound, 37 weeks and 6 days, based on LMP. But gynae said that if I would deliver, baby's lungs are already mature.

Will I give birth soon? So scared but excited too. This is going to be our first baby. At least, I had a feel of what's inside the delivery suite. It's like a dry run before the real thing. Teehee! We had packed our hospital bag but didn't expect to deliver before 37 weeks. So when we were about to leave for the hospital yesterday, we were still cramming on what to put inside the bag at the last minute! LOL!
What an experience! False alarm? Glad for you that baby changed his/her mind and might decide to come out after wk 37 after all! Anything gynae said abt the bleeding/show?

Warehouse Sale
Mommies, just sharing, there's a warehouse sale for baby stuff next weekend up to 80% off. If you're still looking for anything to stock up last min. For me i'm still waiting for the expo baby fair end April.

link to warehouse sale flyer
How r u feeling now? Any pains? Hope everything is ok for u n bb. How much did this dry run cost u?
Looks like its vry soon for u huh? I'm 36+ weeks now n m anticipating symptoms n a mad rush to hospital. It's the first for me too and I'm so nervous!!! My bag is not 100% packed either. It's good in a way tt u had a dry run tho... Hehe...
Jinomo: Gynae said that it may be sign of early labor. So far, everything's alright with the baby, placenta, etc.

chocolateteddy: No pains yet. It costs us $575. I don't know yet when I would labor but most probably, soon!
Jimono: thanks for sharing the link!

Btw, Are you using any mattress protector of any kind on the mattress, just in case our water bag broke in the middle of the night? Where can we get them from?
Hi Sardonyx

Glad you are fine... your gynae asked you to admit when you have menses the other time? Does your gynae has his/her own clinic?

Maybe this is your first baby so you will be excited. My gynae always tell me unless your waterbag burst or your tummy is 5 mins interval pain then you admit to the hospital if not don't admit. This is your first baby it might take longer. usually more than 10hrs in labour ward..

But for me this time round 3rd one already and afraid it will be too fast for me to put the antiobiotic drip.

Did you do the GBS Test? And how is the result?

Thanks Chocolateteddy you bought the underpad how big was it.. a size of a single bed?
Can't remember the size as I'm out but it's stated on the packaging. But yes, I think it's for single bed but there's 15 pcs so the most lay more than 1 sheet?

If by reusable, u mean after its wet the no, it's not reusable. But if nvr wet then u can keep using the same till the day ur water breaks. One for bed, one for car when going hospital... 15 pcs in the pack shld be enough bah....
Dear mommies, anyone already got ready your bb name? Me and hubby had been cracking our head lately... but it just seem to be beyond our "standard" of chinese to come out a decent chinese name... Any suggestion that we can source for? I heard some went to some temple sifu but we are not sure how this is done or anyone have any experience on this?

By the way, can anyone add me to the fb? I am still not in the fb that some has mentioned here.

my email: [email protected]

I need to ask abt sleeping arrangements for the CL.
I had planned to hv CL sleep in spare room w baby &amp; I'll express bm for her to feed at night. I understand abt the milk supply thing so I wld still express at night. Thot tt if I leave feeding to her, she can take care of the rest while if I express, I can just sleep after expressing. Or she can look for me when bb needs feeding. I hv a bb monitor which can help facilitate this arrangement. The main point for this arrangement is so tt I can rest fully to take over after CL leaves.
But I'm not sure now. Also thot bb can sleep w hubby n me, n I'll bf during the night. That leaves nothing for CL to do at night.
My MIL thinks tt CL shld be in room w me n bb while hubby take spare room. I'm not really comfy sleeping in same room w a stranger. I also feel hubby shld hv this night feeding sleepless experience. I dun wanna spoil him, I want him to be a participant. I dun really wanna follow my MIL thinking as I feel there r selfish reasons for her arrangement.
I also hv difficulty sleeping n m a light sleeper. The tv usually puts me to sleep n I know this will hv to change if bb rooms w hubs n me.
I'm hoping tt bb will or eventually sleep in separate room from us, hence the 1st sleeping arrangement. Bb monitor n the spare bed in the bb's room will help of cos.
Of course, I'm only a first time mom so I can't really say which way is the best. This might sound selfish to some but I believe I shld take care of myself first while theres help, able to rest well, be comfortable n relaxed, to be able to take care of bb well.

Can u girls, experienced n new mtb, share ur thoughts, experiences n advice w me?
